/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.multiselect; import java.util.Date; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Table; @Entity @Table(name = "T_FACT_WORK_ASGNMT") public class FactWorkAssignment { @Id @Column(name = "CLNT_OBJ_ID") private String orgOID; @Column(name = "rec_eff_strt_dt") private Date effStartDt; @Column(name = "rec_eff_end_dt") private Date effEndDt; @Column(name = "rec_eff_strt_day_ky") private Long effectiveStartDate; @Column(name = "rec_eff_end_day_ky") private Long effectiveEndDate; @Column(name = "pers_ky") private Long personKey; @Column(name = "pers_obj_id") private String personObjId; @Column(name = "prmry_work_asgnmt_ind") private int primary; @Column(name = "empl_cnt") private int employeeCount; @Column(name = "work_asgnmt_stus_cd") private String statusCode; @Column(name="WORK_ASGNMT_STUS_DSC") private String statusDesc; @Column(name="WORK_ASGNMT_NBR") private String workAssgnmntNbr; @Column(name = "work_loc_ky") private Long workLocationKey; @Column(name = "hr_orgn_ky") private Long hrOrgKey; @Column(name = "PAYRL_ORGN_KY") private Long payrollOrgKey; @Column(name = "job_ky") private Long jobKey; @Column(name = "PERS_PRFL_ATTR_KY") private Long personProfileKey; @Column(name = "mngr_ky") private Long managerKey; @Column(name = "PAY_GRP_KY") private Long paygroupKey; @Column(name = "SAL_PLAN_KY") private Long salPlanKey; @Column(name = "COMPA_RT") private Double compaRt; @Column(name="CLK_NBR") private String clockNumber; @Column(name="DATA_CNTL_NBR") private String dataCntrlNumber; @Column(name="SEC_CLR_CD") private String secClrCd; @Column(name = "CUR_REC_IND") private boolean currentRecord; public Long getSalPlanKey() { return salPlanKey; } public void setSalPlanKey(Long salPlanKey) { this.salPlanKey = salPlanKey; } public Long getManagerKey() { return managerKey; } public void setManagerKey(Long managerKey) { this.managerKey = managerKey; } public Long getPersonProfileKey() { return personProfileKey; } public void setPersonProfileKey(Long personProfileKey) { this.personProfileKey = personProfileKey; } public int getPrimary() { return primary; } public void setPrimary(int primary) { this.primary = primary; } public int getEmployeeCount() { return employeeCount; } public void setEmployeeCount(int employeeCount) { this.employeeCount = employeeCount; } public String getStatusCode() { return statusCode; } public void setStatusCode(String statusCode) { this.statusCode = statusCode; } public String getStatusDesc() { return statusDesc; } public void setStatusDesc(String statusDesc) { this.statusDesc = statusDesc; } public Long getWorkLocationKey() { return workLocationKey; } public void setWorkLocationKey(Long workLocationKey) { this.workLocationKey = workLocationKey; } public Long getHrOrgKey() { return hrOrgKey; } public void setHrOrgKey(Long hrOrgKey) { this.hrOrgKey = hrOrgKey; } public Long getJobKey() { return jobKey; } public void setJobKey(Long jobKey) { this.jobKey = jobKey; } public Long getPayrollOrgKey() { return payrollOrgKey; } public void setPayrollOrgKey(Long payrollOrgKey) { this.payrollOrgKey = payrollOrgKey; } public Double getCompaRt() { return compaRt; } public void setCompaRt(Double compaRt) { this.compaRt = compaRt; } public Long getPaygroupKey() { return paygroupKey; } public void setPaygroupKey(Long paygroupKey) { this.paygroupKey = paygroupKey; } public String getClockNumber() { return clockNumber; } public void setClockNumber(String clockNumber) { this.clockNumber = clockNumber; } public String getDataCntrlNumber() { return dataCntrlNumber; } public void setDataCntrlNumber(String dataCntrlNumber) { this.dataCntrlNumber = dataCntrlNumber; } public String getSecClrCd() { return secClrCd; } public void setSecClrCd(String secClrCd) { this.secClrCd = secClrCd; } public boolean isCurrentRecord() { return currentRecord; } public void setCurrentRecord(boolean currentRecord) { this.currentRecord = currentRecord; } public String getWorkAssgnmntNbr() { return workAssgnmntNbr; } public void setWorkAssgnmntNbr(String workAssgnmntNbr) { this.workAssgnmntNbr = workAssgnmntNbr; } public String getOrgOID() { return orgOID; } public void setOrgOID(String orgOID) { this.orgOID = orgOID; } public Long getEffectiveStartDate() { return effectiveStartDate; } public void setEffectiveStartDate(Long effectiveStartDate) { this.effectiveStartDate = effectiveStartDate; } public Long getEffectiveEndDate() { return effectiveEndDate; } public void setEffectiveEndDate(Long effectiveEndDate) { this.effectiveEndDate = effectiveEndDate; } public Long getPersonKey() { return personKey; } public void setPersonKey(Long personKey) { this.personKey = personKey; } public String getPersonObjId() { return personObjId; } public void setPersonObjId(String personObjId) { this.personObjId = personObjId; } public Date getEffStartDt() { return effStartDt; } public void setEffStartDt(Date effStartDt) { this.effStartDt = effStartDt; } public Date getEffEndDt() { return effEndDt; } public void setEffEndDt(Date effEndDt) { this.effEndDt = effEndDt; } }