package org.openiot.scheduler.core.utils.lsmpa.entities; /** * Copyright (c) 2011-2014, OpenIoT * * This file is part of OpenIoT. * * OpenIoT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * OpenIoT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with OpenIoT. If not, see <>. * * Contact: OpenIoT mailto: */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import org.openiot.commons.util.PropertyManagement; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException; import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.openiot.lsm.schema.LSMSchema; import org.openiot.lsm.server.LSMTripleStore; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntProperty; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.XSD; //import com.lsm.testschema.model.Widget.Type; public class WidgetAttributes { public static class Queries { public static ArrayList<WidgetAttributes> parseService(TupleQueryResult qres) { ArrayList<WidgetAttributes> widgetAttrList = new ArrayList<WidgetAttributes>(); try { while (qres.hasNext()) { BindingSet b =; Set names = b.getBindingNames(); WidgetAttributes widgetAttr = new WidgetAttributes(); for (Object n : names) { if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("widgetAttrID")) { String str = (b.getValue((String) n) == null) ? null : b.getValue((String) n) .stringValue(); widgetAttr.setId(str); logger.debug("widgetattr id: " + widgetAttr.getId() + " "); } else if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("widgetAttrName")) { String str = (b.getValue((String) n) == null) ? null : b.getValue((String) n) .stringValue(); widgetAttr.setName(str); logger.debug("widgetAttrName: " + widgetAttr.getName() + " "); } else if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("widgetAttrDesc")) { String str = (b.getValue((String) n) == null) ? null : b.getValue((String) n) .stringValue(); widgetAttr.setDescription(str); logger.debug("widgetAttrDesc: " + widgetAttr.getDescription() + " "); } else if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("widgetAttrOf")) { String str = (b.getValue((String) n) == null) ? null : b.getValue((String) n) .stringValue(); WidgetPresentation wPre = new WidgetPresentation(); wPre.setId(str); widgetAttr.setWidgetPre(wPre); logger.debug("widgetAttrDesc: " + wPre.getId() + " "); } } widgetAttrList.add(widgetAttr); }// while return widgetAttrList; } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private static String getNamespaceDeclarations() { StringBuilder declarations = new StringBuilder(); declarations.append("PREFIX : <" + "" + "> \n"); // declarations.append("PREFIX spt: <" + // "" + "> \n"); declarations.append("PREFIX rdf: <" + RDF.getURI() + "> \n");// declarations.append("PREFIX rdfs: <" + RDFS.getURI() + "> \n");// declarations.append("PREFIX xsd: <" + XSD.getURI() + "> \n"); // declarations.append("PREFIX owl: <" + OWL.getURI() + "> \n"); // declarations.append("PREFIX ssn: <" + // "" + "> \n"); // declarations.append("PREFIX dul: <" + // "" + // "> \n"); // declarations.append("PREFIX oiot: <" + // "" + "> \n"); // declarations.append("base oiot: <" + // "" + "> \n"); declarations.append("\n"); return declarations.toString(); } public static String selectWidgetAttrAll(String graph) { StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(); update.append(getNamespaceDeclarations()); String str = ("SELECT ?widgetAttrID ?widgetAttrName ?widgetAttrDesc ?widgetAttrOf from <" + graph + "> " + "WHERE " + "{" + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrOf . " + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrDesc . " + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrName . " + "?widgetAttrID rdf:type <> ." + "}"); update.append(str); return update.toString(); } public static String selectWidgetAttrByName(String graph,String widgetAttrName) { StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(); update.append(getNamespaceDeclarations()); String str = ("SELECT ?widgetAttrID ?widgetAttrName ?widgetAttrDesc ?widgetAttrOf from <" + graph + "> " + "WHERE " + "{" + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrOf . " + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrDesc . " + "?widgetAttrID <> ?name FILTER regex(?name, \"" + widgetAttrName + "\" ) . " + "?widgetAttrID rdf:type <> ." + "}"); update.append(str); return update.toString(); } public static String selectWidgetAttrByDescription(String graph,String desc) { StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(); update.append(getNamespaceDeclarations()); String str = ("SELECT ?widgetAttrID ?widgetAttrName ?widgetAttrDesc ?widgetAttrOf from <" + graph + "> " + "WHERE " + "{" + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrOf . " + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrName . " + "?widgetAttrID <> ?desc FILTER regex(?desc, \"" + desc + "\" ) . " + "?widgetAttrID rdf:type <> ." + "}"); update.append(str); return update.toString(); } public static String selectWidgetAttrByWidgetPre(String graph,WidgetPresentation widgetPre)// query // returns // list // of // widgets { StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(); update.append(getNamespaceDeclarations()); String str = ("SELECT ?widgetAttrID ?widgetAttrName ?widgetAttrDesc ?widgetAttrOf from <" + graph + "> " + "WHERE " + "{" + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrOf . " + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrDesc . " + "?widgetAttrID <> ?widgetAttrName . " + "?widgetAttrID <> <" + widgetPre.getId() + "> . " + "}"); update.append(str); return update.toString(); } }// class final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WidgetAttributes.class); private LSMSchema myOnt; private LSMSchema ontInstance; private String graph; private LSMTripleStore lsmStore; private Individual widgetAttrClassIdv; private OntClass ontClsWidgetAttrClass; private OntProperty ontPwidgetAttrName; private OntProperty ontPwidgetAttrDescription; private OntProperty ontPwidgetAttrOf; private String id; private String description; private String name; private WidgetPresentation widgetPres; // constructor public WidgetAttributes() { } public WidgetAttributes(LSMSchema myOnt, LSMSchema ontInstance, String graph, LSMTripleStore lsmStore) { this.myOnt = myOnt; this.ontInstance = ontInstance; this.graph = graph; this.lsmStore = lsmStore; initOnt_WidgetAttr(); // createClassIdv(); } public WidgetAttributes(String classIdvURL, LSMSchema myOnt, LSMSchema ontInstance, String graph, LSMTripleStore lsmStore) { this.myOnt = myOnt; this.ontInstance = ontInstance; this.graph = graph; this.lsmStore = lsmStore; id = classIdvURL; initOnt_WidgetAttr(); // createClassIdv(); } private void initOnt_WidgetAttr() { ontClsWidgetAttrClass = myOnt.createClass(""); ontPwidgetAttrDescription = myOnt .createProperty(""); ontPwidgetAttrName = myOnt.createProperty(""); ontPwidgetAttrOf = myOnt.createProperty(""); } public void createClassIdv() { if (id == null) widgetAttrClassIdv = ontInstance.createIndividual(ontClsWidgetAttrClass); else widgetAttrClassIdv = ontInstance.createIndividual(id, ontClsWidgetAttrClass); } // public void createOnt_Widget() // { // if(description!=null) // widgetAttrClassIdv.setPropertyValue(ontPwidgetAttrDescription, // ontInstance.getBase().createTypedLiteral(description)); // if(name!=null) // widgetAttrClassIdv.setPropertyValue(ontPwidgetAttrName, // ontInstance.getBase().createTypedLiteral(name)); // // widgetAttrClassIdv.addProperty(ontPwidgetAttrOf, // widgetPres.getClassIndividual()); // } public void createPdesc() throws NullPointerException { if (description != null) widgetAttrClassIdv.setPropertyValue(ontPwidgetAttrDescription, ontInstance.getBase() .createTypedLiteral(description)); else throw new NullPointerException("mandatory attribute:description is null"); } public void createPname() throws NullPointerException { if (name != null) widgetAttrClassIdv.setPropertyValue(ontPwidgetAttrName, ontInstance.getBase().createTypedLiteral(name)); else throw new NullPointerException("mandatory attribute:name is null"); } public void createPWidgetAttrOf() throws NullPointerException { if (widgetPres != null) widgetAttrClassIdv.addProperty(ontPwidgetAttrOf, widgetPres.getClassIndividual()); else throw new NullPointerException("Cannot create Widget Presentation attribute: null reference"); } // // public LSMSchema getOnt() { return myOnt; } public LSMSchema getOntInstance() { return ontInstance; } public Individual getClassIndividual() { return widgetAttrClassIdv; } // // public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public WidgetPresentation getWidgetPres() { return widgetPres; } public void setWidgetPre(WidgetPresentation widgetPres) { this.widgetPres = widgetPres; } }// class