package org.openiot.lsm.manager; /** * Copyright (c) 2011-2014, OpenIoT * * This file is part of OpenIoT. * * OpenIoT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * OpenIoT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with OpenIoT. If not, see <>. * * Contact: OpenIoT mailto: */ /** * * @author Hoan Nguyen Mau Quoc * */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex; import org.jasig.cas.authentication.Authentication; import org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.Service; import; import org.jasig.cas.ticket.ExpirationPolicy; import org.openiot.commons.util.PropertyManagement; import org.openiot.lsm.beans.Observation; import org.openiot.lsm.beans.Place; import org.openiot.lsm.beans.Sensor; import org.openiot.lsm.pooling.ConnectionManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openiot.lsm.utils.DateUtil; import org.openiot.lsm.utils.VirtuosoConstantUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.util.SerializationUtils; /** * @author Hoan Nguyen Mau Quoc * */ public class SensorManager { private String dataGraph; private String metaGraph; final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SensorManager.class); static PropertyManagement propertyManagement = new PropertyManagement(); public SensorManager() { if (ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool() == null) ConnectionManager.init(); } public SensorManager(String metaGraph, String dataGraph) { if (ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool() == null) ConnectionManager.init(); this.dataGraph = dataGraph; this.metaGraph = metaGraph; } public String getDataGraph() { return dataGraph; } public void setDataGraph(String dataGraph) { this.dataGraph = dataGraph; } public String getMetaGraph() { return metaGraph; } public void setMetaGraph(String metaGraph) { this.metaGraph = metaGraph; } public void runSpatialIndex() { Connection conn = null; String sql = "DB.DBA.RDF_GEO_FILL()"; try {"run spatial index function"); conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); boolean i = ps.execute(sql); if (i)"create spatial index successfully"); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(ps); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Spatial index functino returns error", e); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } } public void insertTriplesToGraph(String graphName, String triples) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null; try {"insert triples into graph " + graphName);"triples:\n" + triples); conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); String sql = "sparql insert into graph <" + graphName + ">{" + triples + "}"; PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); boolean i = ps.execute(sql);"Insert triples to graph " + graphName + " successfully"); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(ps); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace();"Fail to insert triples into graph " + graphName, e); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } } public void clearGraph(String graphName) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null; try {"Check allowed graphs to be deleted"); // if(!VirtuosoConstantUtil.authorizedGraphs.contains(graphName)){ //"You do not have right to delete this graph "+graphName); // return; // } conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection();"Start clearing graph " + graphName); String sql = "sparql clear graph <" + graphName + ">"; PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); boolean i = ps.execute(sql);"Remove triples of graph " + graphName); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(ps); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Fail to clear graph", e); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } } public void deleteTriples(String graphName, String triples) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null; try {"Check allowed graphs to be deleted"); // if(!VirtuosoConstantUtil.authorizedGraphs.contains(graphName)){ //"You do not have right to delete this graph "+graphName); // return; // } conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); String sql = "sparql delete from <" + graphName + "> {" + triples + "}";"Start deleting triples ");"executing query:\n" + sql); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); boolean i = ps.execute(sql); System.out.println("Remove triples of graph " + graphName); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(ps); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Fail to delete triples", e); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } } public void deleteAllReadings(String graphURL, String sensorURL) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null;"Check allowed graphs to be deleted"); String sql = "sparql delete from <"+graphURL+"> {?s ?p ?o} "+ "where{ "+ "{ "+ "?observation <> <"+sensorURL+">."+ "?s <> ?observation."+ "?s ?p ?o."+ "}"+ "union{ "+ "?s <> <"+sensorURL+">."+ "?s ?p ?o."+ "}"+ "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection();"execute query:" + sql); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);"executing query:\n" + sql); ps.executeQuery();"All triples were deleted"); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(ps); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("fail to execute query " + sql, e); e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } } public void deleteAllReadings(String sensorURL, String dateOperator, Date fromTime, Date toTime) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String sql = ""; Connection conn = null;"Check allowed graphs to be deleted"); if(toTime!=null){ sql = "sparql delete from <"+ dataGraph+"> {?s ?p ?o} "+ "where{ "+ "{ {"+ "?observation <> <"+sensorURL+">."+ "?observation <> ?time."+ "filter( ?time "+dateOperator+" \""+DateUtil.date2StandardString(fromTime)+"\"^^xsd:dateTime && "+ "?time <= \""+DateUtil.date2StandardString(toTime)+"\"^^xsd:dateTime)."+ "}"+ "?s <> ?observation."+ "?s ?p ?o."+ "}"+ "union{ "+ "?s <> <"+sensorURL+">."+ "?s ?p ?o."+ "}"+ "}"; }else{ sql = "sparql delete from <"+ dataGraph+"> {?s ?p ?o} "+ "where{ "+ "{ {"+ "?observation <> <"+sensorURL+">."+ "?observation <> ?time."+ "filter( ?time "+dateOperator+" \""+DateUtil.date2StandardString(fromTime)+"\"^^xsd:dateTime)."+ "}"+ "?s <> ?observation."+ "?s ?p ?o."+ "}"+ "union{ "+ "?s <> <"+sensorURL+">."+ "?s ?p ?o."+ "}"+ "}"; } try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);"executing query:" + sql); ps.executeQuery();"All triples were deleted"); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(ps); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace();"fail to execute query:" + sql, e); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } } public void updateGraph(String graphURL, String updatePatterns, String deletePatterns) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public ArrayList<List> getAllSensorsHasLatLongWithSpatialCriteria(String spatialOperator, double lng, double lat, double distance) { ArrayList<List> lst = new ArrayList<List>(3); List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> l2 = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Double> l3 = new ArrayList<Double>(); Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql select distinct(?sensor) ?city ?country <bif:st_distance>(?geo,<bif:st_point>("+ lng+","+lat+")) as ?distance "+ " from <"+ metaGraph +"> " + "where {"+ "?sensor <> ?type."+ "?type <> <>."+ "?sensor <"+ VirtuosoConstantUtil.sensorHasPlacePrefix+"> ?place. "+ "?place <> ?cityId."+ "?cityId <> ?city."+ "?place <> ?counId."+ "?counId <> ?country."+ "?place geo:geometry ?geo."+ "filter (<bif:"+ spatialOperator +">(?geo,<bif:st_point>("+ lng+","+lat+"),"+distance+"))." + "} order by ?distance"; try { if (conn.isClosed()) conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);"executing query:" + sql); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { l1.add(rs.getString(1)); l2.add(rs.getString(2) + ", " + rs.getString(3)); l3.add(rs.getDouble(4)); } lst.add(l1); lst.add(l2); lst.add(l3); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(ps); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) {"fail to execute query:" + sql, e); // e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return lst; } // **********************sensor table***************************/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Sensor getSpecificSensorWithPlaceId(String placeId) { Sensor sensor = null; Connection conn = null; PlaceManager placeManager = new PlaceManager(metaGraph,dataGraph); String sql = "sparql select ?sensor ?sensorType ?author ?place "+ " from <"+ metaGraph +"> \n" + "where{ "+ "?sensor <> ?type."+ "?type <> <>."+ "?sensor <> ?author."+ "?sensor <> <"+placeId+">."+ "?sensor <> ?sensorType."+ // "?typeId <> ?sensorType."+ // "?sensor <> ?sourceType."+ "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { sensor = new Sensor(); sensor.setId(rs.getString("sensor")); sensor.setAuthor(rs.getString("author")); sensor.setSensorType(rs.getString("sensorType")); // sensor.setSourceType(rs.getString("sourceType")); Place place = placeManager.getPlaceWithPlaceId(placeId); sensor.setPlace(place); sensor.setProperties(getObservesListOfSensor(rs.getString("sensor"))); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return sensor; } public Sensor getSpecificSensorWithSensorId(String id) { Sensor sensor = null; Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql select ?name ?sensorType ?author ?place "+ " from <"+ metaGraph +"> \n" + "where{ "+ "<"+id+"> <> ?sensorType."+ "?sensorType <> <>."+ "<"+id+"> <> ?author."+ "<"+id+"> <> ?place."+ "<"+id+"> <> ?name."+ "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); PlaceManager placeManager = new PlaceManager(metaGraph, dataGraph); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { sensor = new Sensor(); sensor.setId(id); sensor.setAuthor(rs.getString("author")); sensor.setSensorType(rs.getString("sensorType")); sensor.setName(rs.getString("name")); Place place = placeManager.getPlaceWithPlaceId(rs.getString("place")); sensor.setPlace(place); sensor.setProperties(getObservesListOfSensor(id)); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return sensor; } public Sensor getSpecificSensorWithLatLng(double lat, double lng) { Sensor sensor = null; Connection conn = null; // String sql = "sparql select ?sensor ?source ?sourceType ?place "+ String sql = "sparql select ?sensor ?sensorType ?author ?place "+ " from <"+ metaGraph +"> \n" + "where{ "+ "?sensor <> ?sensorType."+ "?sensorType <> <>."+ "?sensor <> ?author."+ "?sensor <> ?place."+ "?place <> "+lat+";" + "<> "+lng+"." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); PlaceManager placeManager = new PlaceManager(metaGraph, dataGraph); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { sensor = new Sensor(); sensor.setId(rs.getString("sensor")); sensor.setAuthor(rs.getString("author")); sensor.setSensorType(rs.getString("sensorType")); Place place = placeManager.getPlaceWithPlaceId(rs.getString("place")); sensor.setPlace(place); sensor.setProperties(getObservesListOfSensor(rs.getString("sensor"))); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return sensor; } public HashMap<String, String> getObservesListOfSensor(String sensorId) { HashMap<String, String> lstPro = new HashMap<>(); Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql select ?obs ?type" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + sensorId + "> <> ?obs." + "?obs rdf:type ?type." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { lstPro.put(rs.getString("type"), rs.getString("obs")); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return lstPro; } // **********************observation table***************************/ public Observation getNewestObservationForOneSensor(String sensorId) { Observation observation = null; Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql select ?obs ?time ?foi" + " from <" + dataGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "?obs <> <" + sensorId + ">." + "?obs <> ?time." + "?obs <> ?foi." + "}order by desc(?time) limit 1"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { observation = new Observation(); observation.setId(rs.getString(1)); observation.setSensor(sensorId); observation.setTimes(DateUtil.string2Date(rs.getString(2), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")); observation.setFeatureOfInterest(rs.getString(3)); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return observation; } public List<String> getObservationsWithTimeCriteria(String sensorId, String dateOperator, Date fromTime, Date toTime) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String sql; Connection conn = null; if (toTime != null) { sql = "sparql select ?obs" + " from <" + dataGraph + "> " + "where{ " + "?obs <> <" + sensorId + ">." + "?obs <> ?time." + "filter (?time " + dateOperator + " \"" + DateUtil.date2StandardString(fromTime) + "\"^^xsd:dateTime" + " && ?time <= \"" + DateUtil.date2StandardString(toTime) + "\"^^xsd:dateTime)" + "}"; } else { sql = "sparql select ?obs" + " from <" + dataGraph + "> " + "where{ " + "?obs <> <" + sensorId + ">." + "?obs <> ?time." + "filter (?time " + dateOperator + " \"" + DateUtil.date2StandardString(fromTime) + "\"^^xsd:dateTime)" + "}"; } List<String> observations = new ArrayList<String>(); try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { observations.add(rs.getString(1)); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return observations; } public List<Observation> getObservationsForOneSensor(String sensorId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub List<Observation> observations = new ArrayList<Observation>(); Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql select ?obs ?time ?foi" + " from <" + dataGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "?obs <> <" + sensorId + ">." + "?obs <> ?time." + "?obs <> ?foi." + "}order by desc(?time)"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { Observation observation = new Observation(); observation.setId(rs.getString(1)); observation.setSensor(sensorId); observation.setTimes(DateUtil.string2Date(rs.getString(2), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")); observation.setFeatureOfInterest(rs.getString(3)); observations.add(observation); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return observations; } public List<String> getObservationsForNonSpatialCriteria(String sensorId, String timeOper, String dateTime, String readingType, String oper, String value) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Date date = DateUtil.standardString2Date(dateTime); Connection conn = null; String sql; if(timeOper.equals("latest")){ if(value!=null){ sql= "sparql select ?obs"+ " from <"+ dataGraph +"> \n" + "where{ "+ "?obs <> <"+sensorId+">."+ "?sign <> ?obs."+ "?sign rdf:type ?type." + "?sign <> ?value."+ "?sign <> ?time."+ " filter regex(?type,'"+readingType+"','i')"+ " filter (?value" + oper + value +")" + "}order by desc(?time) limit 1"; }else{ sql= "sparql select ?obs"+ " from <"+ dataGraph +"> \n" + "where{ "+ "?obs <> <"+sensorId+">."+ "?obs <> ?time."+ "}order by desc(?time) limit 1"; } }else{ if(value!=null){ sql= "sparql select ?obs"+ " from <"+ dataGraph +"> \n" + "where{ "+ "?obs <> <"+sensorId+">."+ "?sign <> ?obs."+ "?sign rdf:type ?type." + "?sign <> ?value."+ "?sign <> ?time."+ " filter regex(?type,'"+readingType+"','i')"+ " filter (?value" + oper + value +" && ?time "+timeOper+" \""+dateTime+"\"^^xsd:dateTime)" + "}"; }else{ sql= "sparql select ?obs"+ " from <"+ dataGraph +"> \n" + "where{ "+ "?obs <> <"+sensorId+">."+ "?sign <> ?obs."+ "?sign rdf:type ?type." + "?sign <> ?value."+ "?sign <> ?time."+ " filter regex(?type,'"+readingType+"','i')"+ " filter (?time "+timeOper+" \""+dateTime+"\"^^xsd:dateTime)" + "}"; } } List<String> observations = new ArrayList<String>(); try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { observations.add(rs.getString(1)); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return observations; } public List<ArrayList> getReadingDataOfObservation(String observationId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub List<ArrayList> list = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql select ?type ?value ?uni ?name "+ " from <"+ dataGraph+"> "+ "where{ "+ "?sign <> <"+observationId+">."+ "?sign rdf:type ?type." + "?sign <> ?value."+ "OPTIONAL{?sign <> ?unit.}" + "OPTIONAL{?sign <> ?name.}"+ "}"; try{ conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>(); arr.add(rs.getString("type")); arr.add(rs.getString("value")); arr.add(rs.getString("uni")); arr.add(rs.getString("name")); list.add(arr); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return list; } public Sensor getSpecificSensorWithObservationId(String obsId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Sensor sensor = null; Connection conn = null; PlaceManager placeManager = new PlaceManager(metaGraph,dataGraph); String sql = "sparql select ?sensor ?author ?sensorType ?place "+ " from <"+ metaGraph +"> " + "where{ "+ "{select ?sensor from <"+dataGraph +"> " + " where{ <"+obsId+"> <> ?sensor.}"+ "}"+ "?sensor <> <>."+ "?sensor <> ?author."+ "?sensor <> ?place."+ "?sensor rdf:type ?sensorType."+ // "?typeId <> ?sensorType."+ // "?sensor <> ?sourceType."+ "}"; try{ conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { sensor = new Sensor(); sensor.setId(rs.getString("sensor")); sensor.setAuthor(rs.getString("author")); sensor.setSensorType(rs.getString("sensorType")); // sensor.setSourceType(rs.getString("sourceType")); Place place = placeManager.getPlaceWithPlaceId(rs.getString("place")); sensor.setPlace(place); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return sensor; } public ArrayList getSensorHistoricalData(String sensorURL, Date fromTime) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null; LinkedHashMap<String, String> reading = new LinkedHashMap<>(); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList<>(); String query = "sparql select ?s ?type ?name ?value ?time "+ " from <"+ dataGraph +"> " + "where{ "+ "{ "+ "select ?observation where "+ "{ "+ "?observation <> <"+sensorURL+">. "+ "?observation <> ?time. "+ "filter( ?time >\""+DateUtil.date2StandardString(fromTime)+"\"^^xsd:dateTime).} "+ "} "+ "?s <> ?observation. "+ "?s <> ?type. "+ "?s <> ?value."+ "?s <> ?time. "+ "OPTIONAL{?s <> ?name.}"+ "}"; try{ conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); String sign = "";"executing query:\n" + query); if (st.execute(query)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { reading = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (rs.getString("name") == null) sign = rs.getString("type"); else sign = rs.getString("name"); reading.put("property", sign.substring(sign.lastIndexOf("#") + 1)); reading.put("value", rs.getString("value")); reading.put("time", rs.getString("time")); arr.add(reading); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } // return json; return arr; } public void sensorDelete(String graphURL, String sensorURL) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql DELETE from <" + graphURL + ">{" + "<" + sensorURL + "> ?p ?o.}" + "where{<" + sensorURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting sensor " + sensorURL + "\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } } /** * ********************************************************************************************* * ****************** security and privacy functionalities */ public Role getRoleById(String roleId) { Connection conn = null; Role role = null; String roleURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.RolePrefix + roleId; if (roleId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.RolePrefix)) { roleURL = roleId; roleId = roleId.substring(roleId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql select ?des" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + roleURL + "> <> <>." + "OPTIONAL{<" + roleURL + "> <> ?des.}" + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"get Role by Id\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { role = Role.fromRoleIdStr(roleId); role.setDescription(rs.getString("des")); List<Permission> permissions = getPermissionsForRole(roleURL); if (permissions != null) role.setPermissions(permissions); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return role; } public boolean deleteRoleById(String roleId) { Connection conn = null; String roleURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.RolePrefix + roleId; if (roleId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.RolePrefix)) { roleURL = roleId; roleId = roleId.substring(roleId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {" + "<" + roleURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where {\n" + "<" + roleURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + roleURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { // delete permission list for Role // deletePermissionsForRole(roleURL); // delete role from users deleteRoleFromUsers(roleURL); // delete Role conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting role by id \n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public List<Permission> getPermissionsForRole(String roleURL) { Connection conn = null; List<Permission> permissions = null; String sql = "sparql select ?per" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + roleURL + "> <> ?per." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"get permissions for role\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); permissions = new ArrayList<Permission>(); while ( { Permission permission = getPermissionById(rs.getString("per")); if (!permissions.contains(permission)) { permissions.add(permission); } } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return permissions; } // public boolean deletePermissionsForRole(String roleURL){ // Connection conn = null; // String sql = "sparql delete from <"+ metaGraph +"> {?right ?p ?o.} " + // " where {\n"+ // "?right <> <>."+ // "?right <> <"+roleURL+">."+ // "?right ?p ?o."+ // "}"; // try{ // conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); // Statement st = conn.createStatement(); // st.execute(sql); // ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); // ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); // }catch(Exception e){ // e.printStackTrace(); // ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); // return false; // } // return true; // } public boolean deleteRoleFromUsers(String roleURL) { Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {?userId <> <" + roleURL + ">.} " + " where {\n" + "?userId <> <>." + "?userId <> <" + roleURL + ">." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting role from user \n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public Permission getPermissionById(String perId) { Connection conn = null; Permission per = null; String perPrefix = VirtuosoConstantUtil.PermissionPrefix; String perURL = perPrefix + perId; if (perId.contains(perPrefix)) { perURL = perId; perId = perId.substring(perId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql select ?des" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + perURL + "> <> <>." + "OPTIONAL{<" + perURL + "> <> ?des.}" + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"get permission by id\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { per = Permission.fromPermissionIdStr(perId); per.setDescription(rs.getString("des")); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } return per; } /** * Deletes permission from the corresponding roles and then deletes the permission. * * @param perId * @return */ public boolean deletePermissionById(String perId) { Connection conn = null; String perPrefix = VirtuosoConstantUtil.PermissionPrefix; String perURL = perPrefix + perId; if (perId.contains(perPrefix)) { perURL = perId; perId = perId.substring(perId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {" + "<" + perURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where {\n" + "<" + perURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + perURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { // detete permission from the corresponding roles deletePermissionFromRoles(perId); // delete permission conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting permission by id \n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public boolean deletePermissionFromRoles(String perId) { String perPrefix = VirtuosoConstantUtil.PermissionPrefix; String perURL = perPrefix + perId; Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {?roleId <> <" + perURL + ">} " + " where {\n" + "?roleId <> <>." + "?roleId <> <" + perURL + ">" + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting permission from roles\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public boolean deletePermissionFromRole(String roleId, String perId) { String perURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.PermissionPrefix + perId; if (perId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.PermissionPrefix)) { perURL = perId; } String roleURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.RolePrefix + roleId; if (roleId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.RolePrefix)) { roleURL = roleId; } Connection conn = null; String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {<" + roleURL + "> <> <" + perURL + ">} "; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting permission from role\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public getOAuthUserById(String userId) { Connection conn = null; user = null; String userURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.OAuthUserPrefix + userId; if (userId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.OAuthUserPrefix)) { userURL = userId; userId = userId.substring(userId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql select ?nick ?mbox ?pass ?role" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + userURL + "> <> <>." + "OPTIONAL{<" + userURL + "> <> ?nick.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + userURL + "> <> ?mbox.}" + "<" + userURL + "> <> ?pass.}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting OAuthUser by id \n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); if ( { user = new; user.setUsername(userId); user.setEmail(rs.getString("mbox")); user.setPassword(rs.getString("pass")); user.setName(rs.getString("nick")); List<Role> roles = getUserRoles(userId); if (roles != null) user.setRoles(roles); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return user; } public List<Role> getUserRoles(String userId) { Connection conn = null; List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>(); String userURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.OAuthUserPrefix + userId; if (userId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.OAuthUserPrefix)) { userURL = userId; userId = userId.substring(userId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql select ?roleId " + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "?roleId <> <>." + "<" + userURL + "> <> ?roleId." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting user's roles\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { Role role = getRoleById(rs.getString("roleId")); roles.add(role); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return roles; } public boolean deleteOAuthUserById(String userId) { Connection conn = null; String userURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.OAuthUserPrefix + userId; if (userId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.OAuthUserPrefix)) { userURL = userId; userId = userId.substring(userId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {" + "<" + userURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where {\n" + "<" + userURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + userURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting user by id \n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public LSMRegisteredServiceImpl getServiceById(String serviceId) { Connection conn = null; LSMRegisteredServiceImpl service = null; String serviceURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.CloudServicePrefix + serviceId; if (serviceId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.CloudServicePrefix)) { serviceURL = serviceId; serviceId = serviceId.substring(serviceId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql select ?name ?des ?access ?status ?order ?att_status ?sso ?theme ?nameAtt ?addId ?attId" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + serviceURL + "> <> <>." + "OPTIONAL{<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?name.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?des.}" + "<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?access." + "<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?status." + "<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?order." + "<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?att_status." + "<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?sso." + "OPTIONAL{<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?theme.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?nameAtt.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?addId.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + serviceURL + "> <> ?attId.}" + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting service by id \n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { service = new LSMRegisteredServiceImpl(); service.setId(Long.parseLong(serviceId)); service.setDescription(rs.getString("des")); service.setName(rs.getString("name")); service.setEvaluationOrder(rs.getInt("order")); service.setServiceId(rs.getString("addId")); service.setUsernameAttribute(rs.getString("nameAtt")); service.setTheme(rs.getString("theme")); service.setServiceId(rs.getString("addId")); if (rs.getString("access") != null && rs.getString("access").contains("")) service.setAnonymousAccess(true); else service.setAnonymousAccess(false); if (rs.getString("status") != null && rs.getString("status").contains("")) service.setEnabled(true); else service.setEnabled(false); if (rs.getString("att_status") != null && rs.getString("att_status").contains("")) service.setIgnoreAttributes(false); else service.setIgnoreAttributes(true); if (rs.getString("sso") != null && rs.getString("sso").contains("")) service.setSsoEnabled(true); else service.setSsoEnabled(false); service.setAllowedAttributes(getAllowedAttributesForService(serviceId)); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return service; } public boolean deleteServiceById(String serviceId) { Connection conn = null; String serviceURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.CloudServicePrefix + serviceId; if (serviceId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.CloudServicePrefix)) { serviceURL = serviceId; serviceId = serviceId.substring(serviceId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {" + "<" + serviceURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where{ " + "<" + serviceURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + serviceURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { deleteAllowedAttributesForService(serviceURL); conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting service by id \n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public List<String> getAllowedAttributesForService(String serviceId) { Connection conn = null; String serviceURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.CloudServicePrefix + serviceId; if (serviceId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.CloudServicePrefix)) { serviceURL = serviceId; serviceId = serviceId.substring(serviceId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } List<String> atts = new ArrayList<String>(); String sql = "sparql select distinct ?attName" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "?att <> <>.\n" + "?att <> <" + serviceURL + ">." + "?att <> ?attName." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting allowed attributes for service\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { if (!atts.contains(rs.getString("attName"))) atts.add(rs.getString("attName")); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return atts; } public boolean deleteAllowedAttributesForService(String serviceId) { Connection conn = null; String serviceURL = VirtuosoConstantUtil.CloudServicePrefix + serviceId; if (serviceId.contains(VirtuosoConstantUtil.CloudServicePrefix)) { serviceURL = serviceId; serviceId = serviceId.substring(serviceId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {?att ?p ?o.} \n" + "where{ " + "?att <> <>.\n" + "?att <> <" + serviceURL + ">." + "?att ?p ?o." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting allowed attributes for service\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public LSMTicketGrantingTicketImpl getTicketSchedulerById(String sche_Id) { Connection conn = null; LSMTicketGrantingTicketImpl sche = null; String prefix = propertyManagement.getOpeniotResourceNamespace(); String schedulerURL = prefix + sche_Id; if (sche_Id.contains(prefix)) { schedulerURL = sche_Id; sche_Id = sche_Id.substring(sche_Id.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql select ?timeUsed ?creationTime ?lastTimeUsed ?preUsed ?grant ?auth ?exp ?ser ?expired" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + schedulerURL + "> <> <>." + "OPTIONAL{<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?timeUsed.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?creationTime.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?lastTimeUsed.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?preUsed.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?grant.}" + "<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?auth." + "<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?exp." + "<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?ser." + "<" + schedulerURL + "> <> ?expired." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting tiket scheduler by id\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { sche = new LSMTicketGrantingTicketImpl(); sche.setId(sche_Id); sche.setCountOfUses(rs.getInt("timeUsed")); sche.setCreationTime(DateUtil.string2Date(rs.getString("creationTime"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").getTime()); sche.setLastTimeUsed(DateUtil.string2Date(rs.getString("lastTimeUsed"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").getTime()); sche.setPreviousLastTimeUsed(DateUtil.string2Date(rs.getString("preUsed"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").getTime()); sche.setAuthentication((Authentication) SerializationUtils.deserialize(Hex.decode(rs.getString("auth")))); sche.setExpirationPolicy((ExpirationPolicy) SerializationUtils.deserialize(Hex.decode(rs.getString("exp")))); sche.setServices((HashMap<String, Service>) SerializationUtils.deserialize(Hex.decode(rs.getString("ser")))); if (rs.getString("grant") != null) { sche.setTicketGrantingTicket(getTicketSchedulerById(rs.getString("grant"))); } if (rs.getString("expired") != null && rs.getString("expired").contains("")) sche.setExpired(true); else sche.setExpired(false); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return sche; } public boolean deleteTicketSchedulerById(String sche_Id) { Connection conn = null; String prefix = propertyManagement.getOpeniotResourceNamespace(); String schedulerURL = prefix + sche_Id; if (sche_Id.contains(prefix)) { schedulerURL = sche_Id; sche_Id = sche_Id.substring(sche_Id.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {<" + schedulerURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where{ " + "<" + schedulerURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + schedulerURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting tiket scheduler by id\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public LSMServiceTicketImpl getTicketById(String ticketId) { Connection conn = null; LSMServiceTicketImpl ticket = null; String prefix = propertyManagement.getOpeniotResourceNamespace(); String ticketURL = prefix + ticketId; if (ticketId.contains(prefix)) { ticketURL = ticketId; ticketId = ticketId.substring(ticketId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql select ?timeUsed ?creationTime ?lastTimeUsed ?preUsed ?grant ?ser ?exp ?login " + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + ticketURL + "> <> <>." + "OPTIONAL{<" + ticketURL + "> <> ?timeUsed.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + ticketURL + "> <> ?creationTime.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + ticketURL + "> <> ?lastTimeUsed.}" + "OPTIONAL{<" + ticketURL + "> <> ?preUsed.}" + "<" + ticketURL + "> <> ?grant." + "<" + ticketURL + "> <> ?ser." + "<" + ticketURL + "> <> ?exp." + "<" + ticketURL + "> <> ?login." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting tiket by id\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( { ticket = new LSMServiceTicketImpl(); ticket.setId(ticketId); ticket.setCountOfUses(rs.getInt("timeUsed")); ticket.setCreationTime(DateUtil.string2Date(rs.getString("creationTime"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").getTime()); ticket.setLastTimeUsed(DateUtil.string2Date(rs.getString("lastTimeUsed"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").getTime()); ticket.setPreviousLastTimeUsed(DateUtil.string2Date(rs.getString("preUsed"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").getTime()); ticket.setExpirationPolicy((ExpirationPolicy) SerializationUtils.deserialize(Hex.decode(rs.getString("exp")))); ticket.setTicketGrantingTicket(getTicketSchedulerById(rs.getString("grant"))); ticket.setService((Service) SerializationUtils.deserialize(Hex.decode(rs.getString("ser")))); if (rs.getString("login") != null && rs.getString("login").contains("")) ticket.setFromNewLogin(true); else ticket.setFromNewLogin(false); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return ticket; } public boolean deleteTicketById(String ticketId) { Connection conn = null; String prefix = propertyManagement.getOpeniotResourceNamespace(); String ticketURL = prefix + ticketId; if (ticketId.contains(prefix)) { ticketURL = ticketId; ticketId = ticketId.substring(ticketId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {<" + ticketURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where{ " + "<" + ticketURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + ticketURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"deleting tiket by id\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public List<LSMServiceTicketImpl> getAllServiceTicketsOfTicketGrantingTicket(String grantId) { Connection conn = null; String prefix = propertyManagement.getOpeniotResourceNamespace(); String grantURL = prefix + grantId; if (grantId.contains(prefix)) { grantURL = grantId; grantId = grantId.substring(grantId.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } List<LSMServiceTicketImpl> ticketList = null; String sql = "sparql select ?ticket" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "?ticket <> <>." + "?ticket <> " + "<" + grantURL + ">. \n" + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting all service tiket\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); ticketList = new ArrayList<LSMServiceTicketImpl>(); while ( { LSMServiceTicketImpl t = getTicketById(rs.getString("ticket")); ticketList.add(t); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return ticketList; } /** * Returns the list of all LSMTicketGrantingTicketImpls * * @return */ public List<LSMTicketGrantingTicketImpl> getAllTicketGrantingTickets() { Connection conn = null; List<LSMTicketGrantingTicketImpl> grantList = null; String sql = "sparql select ?tic_grant" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "?tic_grant <> <>." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting all tiket granting ticket\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); grantList = new ArrayList<LSMTicketGrantingTicketImpl>(); while ( { LSMTicketGrantingTicketImpl t = getTicketSchedulerById(rs.getString("tic_grant")); grantList.add(t); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return grantList; } /** * Returns the list of all LSMServiceTicketImpls * * @return */ public List<LSMServiceTicketImpl> getAllServiceTickets() { Connection conn = null; List<LSMServiceTicketImpl> ticketList = null; String sql = "sparql select ?ticket" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "?ticket <> <>." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting all service tikets\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); ticketList = new ArrayList<LSMServiceTicketImpl>(); while ( { LSMServiceTicketImpl t = getTicketById(rs.getString("ticket")); ticketList.add(t); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return ticketList; } /** * Retrieves all LSMRegisteredServiceImpls * * @return */ public List<RegisteredService> getAllRegisteredServices() { Connection conn = null; List<RegisteredService> serviceList = null; String sql = "sparql select ?service" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "?service <> <>." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement();"getting all registered services\n");"executing query:\n" + sql); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); serviceList = new ArrayList<RegisteredService>(); while ( { LSMRegisteredServiceImpl t = getServiceById(rs.getString("service")); serviceList.add(t); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return serviceList; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean deleteOSDSpecById(String osdSpecId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null; String prefix = propertyManagement.getOpeniotResourceNamespace(); String osdSpecURL = prefix + osdSpecId; if (osdSpecId.contains(prefix)) { osdSpecURL = osdSpecId; } List<String> oamos = getAllOAMOsOfOSDSpec(osdSpecId); for (int i = 0; i < oamos.size(); i++) { deleteOSMOById(oamos.get(i)); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {<" + osdSpecURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where{ " + "<" + osdSpecURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + osdSpecURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute(sql); sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {?s ?p <" + osdSpecURL + ">.} \n" + "where{ " + "?s ?p <" + osdSpecURL + ">." + "}"; st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public boolean deleteOAMOById(String oamoId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null; String prefix = propertyManagement.getOpeniotResourceNamespace(); String oamoURL = prefix + oamoId; if (oamoId.contains(prefix)) { oamoURL = oamoId; } List<String> osmos = getAllOSMOsOfOAMO(oamoId); for (int i = 0; i < osmos.size(); i++) { deleteOSMOById(osmos.get(i)); } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {<" + oamoURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where{ " + "<" + oamoURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + oamoURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute(sql); sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {?s ?p <" + oamoURL + ">.} \n" + "where{ " + "?s ?p <" + oamoURL + ">." + "}"; st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public boolean deleteOSMOById(String osmoId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection conn = null; String prefix = propertyManagement.getOpeniotResourceNamespace(); String osmoURL = prefix + osmoId; if (osmoId.contains(prefix)) { osmoURL = osmoId; } String sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {<" + osmoURL + "> ?p ?o.} \n" + "where{ " + "<" + osmoURL + "> <> <>." + "<" + osmoURL + "> ?p ?o." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute(sql); sql = "sparql delete from <" + metaGraph + "> {?s ?p <" + osmoURL + ">.} \n" + "where{ " + "?s ?p <" + osmoURL + ">." + "}"; st.execute(sql); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return false; } return true; } public List<String> getAllOSMOsOfOAMO(String oamoID) { Connection conn = null; List<String> oasmList = null; String sql = "sparql select ?osmo" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + oamoID + "> <> ?osmo." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); oasmList = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { String osmoId = rs.getString("osmo"); oasmList.add(osmoId); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return oasmList; } public List<String> getAllOAMOsOfOSDSpec(String osdspecID) { Connection conn = null; List<String> oasmList = null; String sql = "sparql select ?oamo" + " from <" + metaGraph + "> \n" + "where{ " + "<" + osdspecID + "> <> ?oamo." + "}"; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnectionPool().getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); if (st.execute(sql)) { ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); oasmList = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { String osmoId = rs.getString("oamo"); oasmList.add(osmoId); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(rs); } ConnectionManager.attemptClose(st); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConnectionManager.attemptClose(conn); return null; } return oasmList; } public boolean createDefaultUserServices(Long userId, String urlPrefix, String graphName) { String defaultWebServicesProp = propertyManagement.getProperty("security.demoWebappServices", ""); String[] defaultServices = defaultWebServicesProp.split("\\]"); if (defaultServices.length > 0) { while (urlPrefix.endsWith("/")) urlPrefix = urlPrefix.substring(0, urlPrefix.lastIndexOf(".")); String serviceEnding = "/callback?client_name=CasOAuthWrapperClient"; List<RegisteredService> allServices = getAllRegisteredServices(); long serviceId = -1; for (RegisteredService rs : allServices) if (serviceId < rs.getId()) serviceId = rs.getId(); for (String defaultService : defaultServices) { defaultService = defaultService.substring(1); // removing [ String[] serviceInfo = defaultService.split("\\s*:\\s*"); // webapp name:key:secret:displayname if (serviceInfo.length == 4) { String fullURL = urlPrefix + "/" + serviceInfo[0] + serviceEnding; logger.debug("Full URL for service is {}. The service webapp name is {}.", fullURL, serviceInfo[0]); boolean exists = false; for (RegisteredService service : allServices) if (fullURL.equals(service.getServiceId())) { exists = true; break; } if (!exists) { LSMRegisteredServiceImpl service = new LSMRegisteredServiceImpl(); serviceId += 1; service.setId(serviceId); service.setName(serviceInfo[1] + "-" + serviceId); service.setDescription(serviceInfo[2]); service.setServiceId(fullURL); service.setTheme(serviceInfo[3]); service.setEnabled(true); service.setSsoEnabled(true); service.setAllowedToProxy(true); service.setAnonymousAccess(false); service.setIgnoreAttributes(true); service.setEvaluationOrder(0); String triples = TriplesDataRetriever.registeredServiceToRDF(service); insertTriplesToGraph(graphName, triples); } } else { logger.warn("Default service info is not correct. The correct format is: [webapp name:key:secret:display name]"); } } return true; } return false; } }