package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.AsyncTask; import org.openiot.cupus.artefact.Announcement; import org.openiot.cupus.artefact.Publication; import org.openiot.cupus.artefact.Subscription; import org.openiot.cupus.artefact.TripletAnnouncement; import org.openiot.cupus.artefact.TripletSubscription; import org.openiot.cupus.message.Message; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; /** * Created by Marko on 6.6.2014.. */ public abstract class MobileBrokerOutgoingTCP extends AbstractMobileBroker { /** * Socket for sending messages (subscriptions and connect/disconnect/etc.) * to the Broker */ protected Socket sendingSocket = null; protected ObjectOutputStream sendingOut = null; protected AnnouncementListener announcementListener; protected Set<String> distinctSubscriptionAttributes = new HashSet<String>(); public MobileBrokerOutgoingTCP(String myName, String myBrokerIP, int myBrokerPort, Context context){ super(myName,myBrokerIP,myBrokerPort,context); } public MobileBrokerOutgoingTCP(File configFile, Context context){ super(configFile,context); } /** * Used for connecting mobile broker to broker */ @Override public void connect() { new EstablishConnection().execute(); } /** * For terminating the connection... closes to outSocket and sets everything * to null */ @Override public void terminateConnection() { new TerminateConnection().execute(); } @Override public void setAnnouncementListener(AnnouncementListener announcementListener) { this.announcementListener = announcementListener; } /** * Used for sending messages to broker * * @param sendMsg message to be sent */ @Override protected void sendMessage(Message sendMsg) { new SendMessage(sendMsg).execute(); } /** * AsyncTask for establishing connection in both ways */ public class EstablishConnection extends AsyncTask { @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object[] objects) { startOutgoingConnection(); startIncomingConnection(); processCollectedWhileDisconnected(); return null; } } /** * AsyncTask for terminating both way connections */ private class TerminateConnection extends AsyncTask { @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object[] objects) { terminateOutgoingConnectionInBackground(); terminateIncomingConnectionInBackground(); MobileBrokerOutgoingTCP.this.connected = false; return null; } } /** * AsyncTask for sending message to server */ private class SendMessage extends AsyncTask { private Message message; public SendMessage(Message sendMsg) { this.message = sendMsg; } @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object[] objects) { sendMessageInBackGround(message); return null; } } /** * For establishing connection from user to server */ private void startOutgoingConnection(){ if (connected) { String message = "Connect request received while being connected. Ignored."; log.writeToLog(message); return; } try { sendingSocket = new Socket(this.myBrokerIP, this.myBrokerPort); this.myPort = sendingSocket.getLocalPort(); sendingOut = new ObjectOutputStream(sendingSocket.getOutputStream()); sendingOut.flush(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { String message = "Connecting failed - Unknown Broker Host or Port: " + ex; log.writeToLog(message); try { sendingSocket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } sendingSocket = null; sendingOut = null; return; } catch (IOException ex) { String message = "Failed to open stream to the Broker: " + ex; log.writeToLog(message); try { sendingSocket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } sendingSocket = null; sendingOut = null; return; } } /** * For establishing back connection from server to user */ protected abstract void startIncomingConnection(); /** * Processing collected data while been disconnected from server */ private void processCollectedWhileDisconnected(){ //processing subscriptions, publications and announcements that were added while disconnected... Iterator<Subscription> iteratorSub = outboxSubs.iterator(); while (iteratorSub.hasNext()) { subscribe(; iteratorSub.remove(); } Iterator<Publication> iteratorPublication = outboxPubs.iterator(); while (iteratorPublication.hasNext()) { publish(; iteratorPublication.remove(); } Iterator<Announcement> iteratorAnn = outboxAnnouncements.iterator(); while (iteratorAnn.hasNext()) { announce(; iteratorAnn.remove(); } } /** * Send msg to server * @param sendMsg */ protected void sendMessageInBackGround(Message sendMsg) { try { sendingOut.writeObject(sendMsg); sendingOut.flush(); } catch (Exception e1) { log.error("Message " + sendMsg + " not sent. Disconnecting because of connection problems."); e1.printStackTrace(); terminateConnection(); } } /** * Terminate outgoing connection */ private void terminateOutgoingConnectionInBackground(){ try { sendingSocket.shutdownInput(); sendingSocket.shutdownOutput(); sendingSocket.close(); //the receiving socket will be closed from the server side } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sendingSocket = null; sendingOut = null; } /** * Terminate incoming connection */ protected abstract void terminateIncomingConnectionInBackground(); /** * Used for handling notifications about new publications * * @param publication New Publication */ public void notify(Publication publication, boolean unpublish) { synchronized (publicationListMutex) { if (!unpublish) { publicationList.add(publication); } else { publicationList.remove(publication); } } if (!unpublish) { log.writeToLog("Received a publication from broker (" + publication.getId() + ")"); notificationListener.notify(getId(), myName, publication); } else { log.writeToLog("Received an unpublication from broker (" + publication.getId() + ")"); } } /** * Used for handling new subscriptions from the broker * * @param subscription New Subscription */ public void announcement(Subscription subscription, boolean unsubscribe) { synchronized (subscriptionListMutex) { if (!unsubscribe) { TripletSubscription tripletSubscription = (TripletSubscription) subscription; if (!distinctSubscriptionAttributes.containsAll(tripletSubscription.attributes())) { distinctSubscriptionAttributes.addAll(tripletSubscription.attributes()); boolean sendSubscriptions = false; for(Announcement announcement : activeAnnouncements) { TripletAnnouncement tripletAnnouncement = (TripletAnnouncement) announcement; if (tripletAnnouncement.coversSubscription(tripletSubscription)) { sendSubscriptions = true; } } if (sendSubscriptions) { announcementListener.announcement(tripletSubscription.attributes(), unsubscribe); } } brokerSubs.add(subscription); log.writeToLog("Received subscription from broker (" + subscription + ")"); } else { brokerSubs.remove(subscription); TripletSubscription tripletSubscription = (TripletSubscription) subscription; distinctSubscriptionAttributes.removeAll(tripletSubscription.attributes()); announcementListener.announcement(tripletSubscription.attributes(), unsubscribe); log.writeToLog("Received unsubscription from broker (" + subscription.getId() + ")"); } } } }