package org.openiot.scheduler.core.api.impl.DiscoverSensors.method2; /** * Copyright (c) 2011-2014, OpenIoT * * This file is part of OpenIoT. * * OpenIoT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * OpenIoT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with OpenIoT. If not, see <>. * * Contact: OpenIoT mailto: */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.openiot.commons.sensortypes.model.MeasurementCapability; import org.openiot.commons.sensortypes.model.SensorType; import org.openiot.commons.sensortypes.model.SensorTypes; import org.openiot.commons.sensortypes.model.Unit; import org.openiot.commons.util.PropertyManagement; import org.openiot.scheduler.core.api.impl.DiscoverSensors.SensorTypeMetaData; import org.openiot.scheduler.core.test.SensorTypesPopulation; import org.openiot.scheduler.core.utils.lsmpa.entities.Service; import org.openiot.scheduler.core.utils.lsmpa.entities.User; import org.openiot.scheduler.core.utils.sparql.SesameSPARQLClient; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException; import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.XSD; /** * * @author Stavros Petris (spet) e-mail: * @author Nikos Kefalakis (nkef) e-mail: */ public class DiscoverSensorsImpl { private static class Queries { public static ArrayList<SensorTypeData> parseSensorTypeInArea(TupleQueryResult qres) { ArrayList<SensorTypeData> sensorTypeDataList = new ArrayList<SensorTypeData>(); try { while (qres.hasNext()) { BindingSet b =; Set names = b.getBindingNames(); SensorTypeData sensorTypeData = new SensorTypeData(); for (Object n : names) { if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("sensLabelType")) { String str = (b.getValue((String) n) == null) ? null : b.getValue((String) n) .stringValue(); sensorTypeData.setLabel(str); System.out.print("sensor label: " + sensorTypeData.getLabel() + " "); } else if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("type")) { String str = (b.getValue((String) n) == null) ? null : b.getValue((String) n) .stringValue(); sensorTypeData.setID(str); System.out.print("unit : " + sensorTypeData.getID() + " "); } } sensorTypeDataList.add(sensorTypeData); }// while return sensorTypeDataList; } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static ArrayList<SensorTypeMetaData> parseSensorMetaData(TupleQueryResult qres) { ArrayList<SensorTypeMetaData> metaDataList = new ArrayList<SensorTypeMetaData>(); try { while (qres.hasNext()) { BindingSet b =; Set names = b.getBindingNames(); SensorTypeMetaData metaData = new SensorTypeMetaData(); for (Object n : names) { if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("measurement")) { String str = (b.getValue((String) n) == null) ? null : b.getValue((String) n) .stringValue(); metaData.setMeasuredVal(str); System.out.print("measurement : " + str + " "); } else if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("unit")) { String str = (b.getValue((String) n) == null) ? null : b.getValue((String) n) .stringValue(); metaData.setUnit(str); System.out.print("unit : " + str + " "); } } metaDataList.add(metaData); }// while return metaDataList; } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static String parseSensorTypeMeasurementDataType(TupleQueryResult qres) { try { String sensorTypeMeasurementDataType = null; while (qres.hasNext()) { BindingSet b =; Set names = b.getBindingNames(); for (Object n : names) { if (((String) n).equalsIgnoreCase("value")) { String st = b.getValue((String) n).toString(); String[] split = st.split("#"); sensorTypeMeasurementDataType = (split[1].substring(0, split[1].length() - 1)); System.out.print("datadtype : " + sensorTypeMeasurementDataType + " "); } } }// while return sensorTypeMeasurementDataType; } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static String getSensTypeInArea(String lsmMetaGraph,double longitude, double latitude, float radius) { StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(); // String str = ("select distinct(?sensLabelType) ?type " + "from <" + lsmMetaGraph + "> " // + "WHERE " // + "{" // + "?type <> ?sensLabelType." // + "?sensorId <> ?type." // + "?sensorId <> ?p." // + "?p geo:geometry ?geo." // + "filter (<bif:st_intersects>(?geo,<bif:st_point>("+ longitude + "," + latitude + ")," + radius + "))." // + "}"); String str = ("select distinct(?type) " + "from <" + lsmMetaGraph + "> " + "WHERE " + "{" // + "?type <> ?sensLabelType." + "?sensorId <> ?type." + "?sensorId <> ?p." + "?p geo:geometry ?geo." + "filter (<bif:st_intersects>(?geo,<bif:st_point>("+ longitude + "," + latitude + ")," + radius + "))." + "}"); update.append(str); return update.toString(); } public static String getMeasumerementAndUnitOfSensorTypeInArea(String lsmMetaGraph,double longitude, double latitude,float radius, String sensorType) { StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(); // String str = ("SELECT ?measurement ?unit " // + "WHERE " // + "{" // + "?prob <> ?measurement. " // + "?prob <> ?unit." // + "?prob <> ?obs." // + "?obs <> ?sensorId." // // + "{" // + "select ?sensorId " + "from <" + lsmMetaGraph + "> " // + "WHERE " // + "{" // + "?type <> '" + sensorType + "' ." // + "?sensorId <> ?type. " // + "FILTER EXISTS {?sensorId <> ?p. }" // + "?p geo:geometry ?geo. " + "filter (<bif:st_intersects>(?geo,<bif:st_point>("+ longitude + "," + latitude + ")," + radius + ")). " // + "}" // + "}" // // + "}group by (?measurement) "); String str = ("SELECT ?measurement ?unit " + "WHERE " + "{" + "?prob <> ?measurement. " + "?prob <> ?unit." + "?prob <> ?obs." + "?obs <> ?sensorId." + "{" + "select ?sensorId " + "from <" + lsmMetaGraph + "> " + "WHERE " + "{" + "<" + sensorType + "> <> <>." + "?sensorId <> <" + sensorType + "> ." + "FILTER EXISTS {?sensorId <> ?p. }" + "?p geo:geometry ?geo. " + "filter (<bif:st_intersects>(?geo,<bif:st_point>("+ longitude + "," + latitude + ")," + radius + ")). " + "}" + "}" + "}group by (?measurement) "); update.append(str); return update.toString(); } public static String getMeasumerementDataTypeOfSensorTypeInArea(String lsmMetaGraph,double longitude, double latitude, float radius, String sensorType, String measurement, String unit) { StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder(); // String str = ("SELECT ?value " // + "WHERE " // + "{" // + "?prob <> ?value . " // + "?prob <> '" + measurement + "' . " // + "?prob <> '"+ unit + "' ." // + "?prob <> ?obs." // + "?obs <> ?sensorId." // // + "{" // + "select ?sensorId " // + "from <" + lsmMetaGraph + "> " // + "WHERE " // + "{" // + "?type <> '" + sensorType + "' ." // + "?sensorId <> ?type. " // + "FILTER EXISTS {?sensorId <> ?p. }" // + "?p geo:geometry ?geo. " // + "filter (<bif:st_intersects>(?geo,<bif:st_point>("+ longitude + "," + latitude + ")," + radius + ")). " // + "}" // + "}" // + "}limit 1 "); String str = ("SELECT ?value " + "WHERE " + "{" + "?prob <> ?value . " + "?prob <> '" + measurement + "' . " + "?prob <> '"+ unit + "' ." + "?prob <> ?obs." + "?obs <> ?sensorId." + "{" + "select ?sensorId " + "from <" + lsmMetaGraph + "> " + "WHERE " + "{" + "<" + sensorType + "> <> <>." + "?sensorId <> <" + sensorType + ">." + "FILTER EXISTS {?sensorId <> ?p. }" + "?p geo:geometry ?geo. " + "filter (<bif:st_intersects>(?geo,<bif:st_point>("+ longitude + "," + latitude + ")," + radius + ")). " + "}" + "}" + "}limit 1 "); update.append(str); return update.toString(); } } final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiscoverSensorsImpl.class); private String lsmMetaGraph = ""; // private String userID; private double longitude; private double latitude; private float radius; private SensorTypes sensorTypes = null; public DiscoverSensorsImpl(String userID, double longitude, double latitude, float radius) { PropertyManagement propertyManagement = new PropertyManagement(); lsmMetaGraph = propertyManagement.getSchedulerLsmMetaGraph(); this.userID = userID; this.longitude = longitude; this.latitude = latitude; this.radius = radius; logger.debug("Recieved Parameters: " + "userID=" + userID + ", longitude=" + longitude + ", latitude=" + latitude + ", radius=" + radius); discoversensors(); } /** * @return Returns the SensorTypes, within the given area defined by the * lon,lat and rad parameters */ public SensorTypes getSensorTypes() { return sensorTypes; } // helper methods private void discoversensors() { sensorTypes = new SensorTypes(); SesameSPARQLClient sparqlCl = null; try { sparqlCl = new SesameSPARQLClient(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Init sparql repository error. Returning an empty SensorTypes object. ", e); return; } TupleQueryResult qres = sparqlCl.sparqlToQResult(Queries.getSensTypeInArea(lsmMetaGraph,longitude, latitude,radius)); List<SensorTypeData> sensorTypesList = Queries.parseSensorTypeInArea(qres); for (int i = 0; i < sensorTypesList.size(); i++) { SensorType sensorType = new SensorType(); sensorType.setId(sensorTypesList.get(i).getID()); sensorType.setName(sensorTypesList.get(i).getLabel()); qres = sparqlCl.sparqlToQResult(Queries.getMeasumerementAndUnitOfSensorTypeInArea(lsmMetaGraph,longitude,latitude, radius, sensorTypesList.get(i).getLabel())); List<SensorTypeMetaData> sensorTypeMetaDataList = Queries.parseSensorMetaData(qres); for (int j = 0; j < sensorTypeMetaDataList.size(); j++) { MeasurementCapability mc = new MeasurementCapability(); mc.setType(sensorTypeMetaDataList.get(j).getMeasuredVal()); Unit unit = new Unit(); unit.setName(sensorTypeMetaDataList.get(j).getUnit()); qres = sparqlCl.sparqlToQResult(Queries.getMeasumerementDataTypeOfSensorTypeInArea(lsmMetaGraph,longitude,latitude, radius, sensorTypesList.get(i).getLabel(), mc.getType(), unit.getName())); String dataType = Queries.parseSensorTypeMeasurementDataType(qres); unit.setType(dataType); mc.getUnit().add(unit); sensorType.getMeasurementCapability().add(mc); } sensorTypes.getSensorType().add(sensorType); }// for } }// class