package utils.scene.quadtree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; public class QuadNode<T> { private Set<QuadLeaf<T>> leafs; private AtomicBoolean hasChildren = new AtomicBoolean(false); private QuadNode<T> NW = null; private QuadNode<T> NE = null; private QuadNode<T> SE = null; private QuadNode<T> SW = null; private final Box bounds; private AtomicBoolean lock = new AtomicBoolean(false); private int maxElementsPerNode; private QuadTree<T> tree; public QuadNode(float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY, int maxElementsPerNode, QuadTree<T> tree) { this.bounds = new Box(minX, minY, maxX, maxY); setLeafs(new HashSet<QuadLeaf<T>>(maxElementsPerNode)); setMaxElementsPerNode(maxElementsPerNode); setTree(tree); } public boolean put(QuadLeaf<T> leaf) { QuadNode<T> node = getChild(leaf.x, leaf.y); if (hasChildren.get() && node != null) return node.put(leaf); if(contains(leaf.value)) return false; while(!lock()) { // spinlock } try { if (leafs.size() < maxElementsPerNode && leafs.add(leaf)) { leaf.node = this; return true; } else if(leafs.contains(leaf)) return false; /*if (this.leaf.x == leaf.x && this.leaf.y == leaf.y) { boolean changed = false; for (T value : leaf.values) { if (!this.leaf.values.contains(value)) { changed = this.leaf.values.add(value) || changed; } } return changed; }*/ this.divide(); return getChild(leaf.x, leaf.y).put(leaf); } finally { unlock(); } } public boolean put(float x, float y, T value) { return put(new QuadLeaf<T>(x, y, value, this)); } public boolean remove(float x, float y, T value) { QuadNode<T> node = getChild(x, y); if (hasChildren.get() && value != null && node != null) return node.remove(x, y, value); while(!lock()) { } try { QuadLeaf<T> leaf = getLeafByValue(value); if (value != null && leaf != null) { return leafs.remove(leaf); } } finally { unlock(); } return false; } public QuadLeaf<T> getLeafByValue(T value) { return -> l.value == value).findFirst().orElse(null); } public boolean update(float x, float y, T value) { QuadNode<T> node = getChild(x, y); if (hasChildren.get() && value != null && node != null) return node.update(x, y, value); boolean removed = false; while(!lock()) { } try { QuadLeaf<T> leaf = getLeafByValue(value); if(leaf == null) return false; // if we're still in this node just change the leafs position if(bounds.contains(x, y)) { leaf.x = x; leaf.y = y; return true; // else we need to remove the leaf from this node and do a new search for the position from the root node } else { removed = true; leafs.remove(leaf); } } finally { unlock(); } if(removed) { return tree.put(x, y, value); } return false; } public Box getBounds() { return this.bounds; } public void clear() { if (hasChildren.get()) { this.NW.clear(); this.NE.clear(); this.SE.clear(); this.SW.clear(); this.NW = null; this.NE = null; this.SE = null; this.SW = null; this.hasChildren.set(false); } else { this.leafs.clear(); } } public T get(float x, float y, AbstractFloat bestDistance) { if (hasChildren.get()) { T closest = null; QuadNode<T> bestChild = this.getChild(x, y); if (bestChild != null) { closest = bestChild.get(x, y, bestDistance); } if (bestChild != this.NW && this.NW.bounds.calcDist(x, y) < bestDistance.value) { T value = this.NW.get(x, y, bestDistance); if (value != null) { closest = value; } } if (bestChild != this.NE && this.NE.bounds.calcDist(x, y) < bestDistance.value) { T value = this.NE.get(x, y, bestDistance); if (value != null) { closest = value; } } if (bestChild != this.SE && this.SE.bounds.calcDist(x, y) < bestDistance.value) { T value = this.SE.get(x, y, bestDistance); if (value != null) { closest = value; } } if (bestChild != this.SW && this.SW.bounds.calcDist(x, y) < bestDistance.value) { T value = this.SW.get(x, y, bestDistance); if (value != null) { closest = value; } } return closest; } if (leafs.size() > 0) { while(!lock()) { } try { T bestValue = null; for(QuadLeaf<T> leaf : leafs) { T value = leaf.value; float distance = (float) Math.sqrt( (leaf.x - x) * (leaf.x - x) + (leaf.y - y) * (leaf.y - y)); if (distance < bestDistance.value) { bestDistance.value = distance; bestValue = value; } } return bestValue; } finally { unlock(); } } return null; } public ArrayList<T> get(float x, float y, float maxDistance, ArrayList<T> values) { if (hasChildren.get()) { if (this.NW.bounds.calcDist(x, y) <= maxDistance) { this.NW.get(x, y, maxDistance, values); } if (this.NE.bounds.calcDist(x, y) <= maxDistance) { this.NE.get(x, y, maxDistance, values); } if (this.SE.bounds.calcDist(x, y) <= maxDistance) { this.SE.get(x, y, maxDistance, values); } if (this.SW.bounds.calcDist(x, y) <= maxDistance) { this.SW.get(x, y, maxDistance, values); } return values; } if (this.leafs.size() > 0) { while(!lock()) { } try { for(QuadLeaf<T> leaf : leafs) { float distance = (leaf.x - x) * (leaf.x - x) + (leaf.y - y) * (leaf.y - y); if (distance <= maxDistance * maxDistance) { values.add(leaf.value); } } } finally { unlock(); } } return values; } /*public ArrayList<T> get(Box bounds, ArrayList<T> values) { if (this.hasChildren) { if (this.NW.bounds.intersects(bounds)) { this.NW.get(bounds, values); } if (this.NE.bounds.intersects(bounds)) { this.NE.get(bounds, values); } if (this.SE.bounds.intersects(bounds)) { this.SE.get(bounds, values); } if (this.SW.bounds.intersects(bounds)) { this.SW.get(bounds, values); } return values; } if (this.leaf != null && this.leaf.values.size() > 0 && bounds.contains(this.leaf.x, this.leaf.y)) { values.addAll(this.leaf.values); } return values; }*/ /*public int execute(Box globalBounds, QuadTree.Executor<T> executor) { int count = 0; if (this.hasChildren) { if (this.NW.bounds.intersects(globalBounds)) { count += this.NW.execute(globalBounds, executor); } if (this.NE.bounds.intersects(globalBounds)) { count += this.NE.execute(globalBounds, executor); } if (this.SE.bounds.intersects(globalBounds)) { count += this.SE.execute(globalBounds, executor); } if (this.SW.bounds.intersects(globalBounds)) { count += this.SW.execute(globalBounds, executor); } return count; } if (this.leaf != null && this.leaf.values.size() > 0 && globalBounds.contains(this.leaf.x, this.leaf.y)) { count += this.leaf.values.size(); for (T object : this.leaf.values) executor.execute(this.leaf.x, this.leaf.y, object); } return count; }*/ private void divide() { hasChildren.compareAndSet(false, true); this.NW = new QuadNode<T>(this.bounds.minX, this.bounds.centreY, this.bounds.centreX, this.bounds.maxY, maxElementsPerNode, tree); this.NE = new QuadNode<T>(this.bounds.centreX, this.bounds.centreY, this.bounds.maxX, this.bounds.maxY, maxElementsPerNode, tree); this.SE = new QuadNode<T>(this.bounds.centreX, this.bounds.minY, this.bounds.maxX, this.bounds.centreY, maxElementsPerNode, tree); this.SW = new QuadNode<T>(this.bounds.minX, this.bounds.minY, this.bounds.centreX, this.bounds.centreY, maxElementsPerNode, tree); if (this.leafs.size() > 0) { for(QuadLeaf<T> leaf : leafs) getChild(leaf.x, leaf.y).put(leaf); leafs.clear(); } } private QuadNode<T> getChild(float x, float y) { if (hasChildren.get()) { if (x < this.bounds.centreX) { if (y < this.bounds.centreY) return this.SW; return this.NW; } if (y < this.bounds.centreY) return this.SE; return this.NE; } return null; } public QuadLeaf<T> firstLeaf() { if (hasChildren.get()) { QuadLeaf<T> leaf = this.SW.firstLeaf(); if (leaf == null) { leaf = this.NW.firstLeaf(); } if (leaf == null) { leaf = this.SE.firstLeaf(); } if (leaf == null) { leaf = this.NE.firstLeaf(); } return leaf; } QuadLeaf<T> leaf = null; while(!lock()) { } try { for(QuadLeaf<T> leaf2 : leafs) { leaf = leaf2; break; } } finally { unlock(); } return leaf; } public boolean nextLeaf(QuadLeaf<T> currentLeaf, AbstractLeaf<T> nextLeaf) { if (hasChildren.get()) { boolean found = false; if (currentLeaf.x <= this.bounds.centreX && currentLeaf.y <= this.bounds.centreY) { found = this.SW.nextLeaf(currentLeaf, nextLeaf); if (found) { if (nextLeaf.value == null) { nextLeaf.value = this.NW.firstLeaf(); } if (nextLeaf.value == null) { nextLeaf.value = this.SE.firstLeaf(); } if (nextLeaf.value == null) { nextLeaf.value = this.NE.firstLeaf(); } return true; } } if (currentLeaf.x <= this.bounds.centreX && currentLeaf.y >= this.bounds.centreY) { found = this.NW.nextLeaf(currentLeaf, nextLeaf); if (found) { if (nextLeaf.value == null) { nextLeaf.value = this.SE.firstLeaf(); } if (nextLeaf.value == null) { nextLeaf.value = this.NE.firstLeaf(); } return true; } } if (currentLeaf.x >= this.bounds.centreX && currentLeaf.y <= this.bounds.centreY) { found = this.SE.nextLeaf(currentLeaf, nextLeaf); if (found) { if (nextLeaf.value == null) { nextLeaf.value = this.NE.firstLeaf(); } return true; } } if (currentLeaf.x >= this.bounds.centreX && currentLeaf.y >= this.bounds.centreY) { return this.NE.nextLeaf(currentLeaf, nextLeaf); } return false; } return leafs.contains(currentLeaf); } public QuadLeaf<T> nextLeaf(QuadLeaf<T> currentLeaf) { AbstractLeaf<T> nextLeaf = new AbstractLeaf<T>(null); nextLeaf(currentLeaf, nextLeaf); return nextLeaf.value; } public boolean lock() { return lock.compareAndSet(false, true); } public boolean unlock() { return lock.compareAndSet(true, false); } public boolean contains(T value) { if(hasChildren.get()) { if(NW != null && NW.contains(value)) return true; if(NE != null && NE.contains(value)) return true; if(SW != null && SW.contains(value)) return true; if(SE != null && SE.contains(value)) return true; return false; } else { while(!lock()) { } try { for(QuadLeaf<T> leaf : leafs) { if(leaf.value == value) return true; } } finally { unlock(); } return false; } } public Set<QuadLeaf<T>> getLeafs() { return leafs; } public void setLeafs(Set<QuadLeaf<T>> leafs) { this.leafs = leafs; } public int getMaxElementsPerNode() { return maxElementsPerNode; } public void setMaxElementsPerNode(int maxElementsPerNode) { this.maxElementsPerNode = maxElementsPerNode; } public QuadTree<T> getTree() { return tree; } public void setTree(QuadTree<T> tree) { this.tree = tree; } }