package clientdata; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import org.apache.mina.core.buffer.IoBuffer; public class IffFile { /** * * Reads in a client file, and uses the given interpreter to interpret the data. * See {@link VisitorInterface} * * @param file the file to read * @param i the interpreter to use */ public static void readFile(String file, VisitorInterface i) { IoBuffer buffer; try { File input = new File(file); input.setReadable(true); input.setWritable(true); fis = new; buffer = IoBuffer.allocate(fis.available(), false); buffer.setAutoExpand(true); buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int count =; while(count != -1) { buffer.put(buf, 0, count); count =; } buffer.flip(); parseIffStructure(buffer, i, 0, file); fis.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("!File not found: " + file.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("!IO Error: " + file.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static int getNameLength(byte[] data) { int count = 0; for(byte b : data) { if(!((b >= 'A' && b <= 'Z') || (b >= '0' && b <= '9') || b == ' ')) { break; } else { count++; } } if(count < 4) { return 0; } else if(count < 8) { return 4; } else { return 8; } } private static boolean childIsData(IoBuffer buf) { byte[] nameBuf = new byte[8]; int length; if(buf.remaining() >= 8) { buf.mark(); buf.get(nameBuf); buf.reset(); length = getNameLength(nameBuf); } else { length = 0; } return length == 0; } private static boolean isFolderNode(String name) { if(name.startsWith("FORM") || name.endsWith("FORM")) return true; return false; } private static void parseIffStructure(IoBuffer buf, VisitorInterface i, int depth, String fileName) throws Exception { byte[] nameBuf = new byte[8]; //Get the length of the Name int length; if(buf.remaining() >= 8) { buf.mark(); buf.get(nameBuf); buf.reset(); length = getNameLength(nameBuf); } else { length = 0; } String name = buf.getString(length, Charset.forName("US-ASCII").newDecoder()); int size = Integer.reverseBytes(buf.getInt()); if(size > buf.remaining()) { if(name.length() > 0) System.out.println("Bad client file: " + fileName + " remaining buffer size: " + buf.remaining() + " parsed size: " + size + " parsed Name: " + name); return; } if(size < 0) return; if(!isFolderNode(name)) { IoBuffer dataBuf = buf.getSlice(size); dataBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); i.parseData(name, dataBuf, depth, size); } else { i.notifyFolder(name, depth); IoBuffer folderBuffer = buf.getSlice(size); folderBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); while(folderBuffer.remaining() > 0) { parseIffStructure(folderBuffer, i, depth+1, name); } } } }