/* * Copyright 2013 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.buffer; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import io.netty.util.ByteProcessor; import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil; import org.junit.Test; public class ByteProcessorTest { @Test public void testForward() { final ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.copiedBuffer("abc\r\n\ndef\r\rghi\n\njkl\0\0mno \t\tx", CharsetUtil.ISO_8859_1); final int length = buf.readableBytes(); assertEquals(3, buf.forEachByte(0, length, ByteProcessor.FIND_CRLF)); assertEquals(6, buf.forEachByte(3, length - 3, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_CRLF)); assertEquals(9, buf.forEachByte(6, length - 6, ByteProcessor.FIND_CR)); assertEquals(11, buf.forEachByte(9, length - 9, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_CR)); assertEquals(14, buf.forEachByte(11, length - 11, ByteProcessor.FIND_LF)); assertEquals(16, buf.forEachByte(14, length - 14, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_LF)); assertEquals(19, buf.forEachByte(16, length - 16, ByteProcessor.FIND_NUL)); assertEquals(21, buf.forEachByte(19, length - 19, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_NUL)); assertEquals(24, buf.forEachByte(21, length - 21, ByteProcessor.FIND_LINEAR_WHITESPACE)); assertEquals(28, buf.forEachByte(24, length - 24, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_LINEAR_WHITESPACE)); assertEquals(-1, buf.forEachByte(28, length - 28, ByteProcessor.FIND_LINEAR_WHITESPACE)); buf.release(); } @Test public void testBackward() { final ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.copiedBuffer("abc\r\n\ndef\r\rghi\n\njkl\0\0mno \t\tx", CharsetUtil.ISO_8859_1); final int length = buf.readableBytes(); assertEquals(27, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, length, ByteProcessor.FIND_LINEAR_WHITESPACE)); assertEquals(23, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 28, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_LINEAR_WHITESPACE)); assertEquals(20, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 24, ByteProcessor.FIND_NUL)); assertEquals(18, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 21, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_NUL)); assertEquals(15, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 19, ByteProcessor.FIND_LF)); assertEquals(13, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 16, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_LF)); assertEquals(10, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 14, ByteProcessor.FIND_CR)); assertEquals(8, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 11, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_CR)); assertEquals(5, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 9, ByteProcessor.FIND_CRLF)); assertEquals(2, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 6, ByteProcessor.FIND_NON_CRLF)); assertEquals(-1, buf.forEachByteDesc(0, 3, ByteProcessor.FIND_CRLF)); buf.release(); } }