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Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above. * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is * made subject to such option by the copyright holder. */ package org.netbeans.modules.ruby; import java.util.List; import org.netbeans.api.ruby.platform.RubyInstallation; import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument; import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities; import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil; /** * * @todo Test partial reformatting (indentation in the middle of a file, newline computation in the middle of a file) * @todo Partial test: Make sure I don't reformat the line AFTER the newline insertion when I hit newline! * * @author Tor Norbye */ public class RubyFormatterTest extends RubyTestBase { public RubyFormatterTest(String testName) { super(testName); } private void reformatFileContents(String file) throws Exception { reformatFileContents(file, new IndentPrefs(2, 2)); } // Used to test arbitrary source trees //public void testReformatSourceTree() { // List<FileObject> files = new ArrayList<FileObject>(); // // // Used to test random source trees // File f = new File("/Users/tor/Desktop/facets-1.8.54"); // NOI18N // FileObject root = FileUtil.toFileObject(f); // addAllRubyFiles(root, files); // reformatAll(files); //} private void addAllRubyFiles(FileObject file, List<FileObject> files) { if (file.isFolder()) { for (FileObject c : file.getChildren()) { addAllRubyFiles(c, files); } } else if (file.getMIMEType().equals(RubyInstallation.RUBY_MIME_TYPE)) { files.add(file); } } public void testReformatAll() { // Find ruby files List<FileObject> files = findJRubyRubyFiles(); assertTrue(files.size() > 0); reformatAll(files); } private boolean skip(FileObject fo, String name, String parentName) { if (fo.getName().equals(name) && (parentName == null || fo.getParent().getNameExt().equals(parentName))) { System.err.println("SKIPPING known bad file " + fo.getNameExt()); return true; } return false; } private void reformatAll(List<FileObject> files) { IndentPrefs preferences = new IndentPrefs(2, 2); RubyFormatter formatter = getFormatter(preferences); int fileCount = files.size(); int count = 0; // indent each one for (FileObject fo : files) { count++; // This file is okay and shouldn't end in column 0 if (fo.getNameExt().equals("mvm_subvm.rb")) continue; if (fo.getName().equals("sample_02") || fo.getName().equals("sample_03")) { System.err.println("Can't properly format sample_02.rb yet - it's unusual" + fo.getNameExt()); continue; } if (skip(fo, "deprecation", "active_support")) continue; // triggers #134931, in rails 2.3.2 the file has a 'def class' method if (skip(fo, "registry", null)) continue; if (skip(fo, "delegating_attributes", null)) continue; if (skip(fo, "indexer", "rubygems")) continue; // bug #182494 if (skip(fo, "date", "1.9")) continue; // Unknown if (skip(fo, "include", "rdoc")) continue; // Unknown if (skip(fo, "mathn", "1.9")) continue; // bug #182761 if (skip(fo, "rational", "1.9")) continue; // bug #182761 if (skip(fo, "action_controller_dispatcher", "dispatcher")) continue; // bug #108889 if (skip(fo, "parse_f95", "parsers")) continue; // bug #108889 if (skip(fo, "httputils", "webrick")) continue; // Tested by RubyLexerTest#testDefRegexp // When erubis is installed: if (fo.getNameExt().equals("test-enhancers.rb") || fo.getNameExt().equals("test-erubis.rb")) { System.err.println("SKIPPING " + fo.getNameExt() + " - the lexing of data after __END__ doesn't seem to work"); continue; } System.err.println("Formatting file " + count + "/" + files.size() + " : " + FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(fo)); // check that we end up at indentation level 0 BaseDocument doc = getDocument(fo); try { format(doc, formatter, 0, doc.getLength(), true); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Exception processing " + FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(fo)); fail(ex.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // Make sure that we end up on column 0, as all balanced Ruby files typically do // (check for special exceptions, e.g. formatted strings and whatnot) try { int offset = doc.getLength(); while (offset > 0) { offset = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, offset); if (Utilities.isRowEmpty(doc, offset) || Utilities.isRowWhite(doc, offset)) { offset = offset - 1; continue; } int indentation = Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(doc, offset) - offset; if (indentation != 0) { // Make sure the file actually compiles - we might be picking up some testfiles in the // JRuby tree which don't actually pass if (AstUtilities.getRoot(fo) == null) { System.err.println("WARNING - invalid formatting for " + FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(fo) + " " + "but it also doesn't parse with JRuby so ignoring"); break; } } assertEquals("Failed formatting file " + count + "/" + fileCount + " \n" + fo.getNameExt() + "\n: Last line not at 0 indentation in " + FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(fo) + " indent=" + indentation + " line=" + doc.getText(offset, Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, offset) - offset), getExpectedIndentation(fo), indentation); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.toString()); } // Also try re-lexing buffer incrementally and make sure it makes sense! (and handle bracket completion stuff) } } private static int getExpectedIndentation(FileObject fo) { String path = fo.getPath(); if (path.endsWith("actionpack-2.3.2/test/abstract_unit.rb") || // last uses a ternary operator path.endsWith("1.8/rbconfig/datadir.rb") || // last line isliteral string via '\' on previous line path.endsWith("linecache-0.46-java/test/data/class1.rb")) { return 2; } return 0; } public void testFormatApe() throws Exception { // Check that the given source files reformat EXACTLY as specified reformatFileContents("testfiles/ape.rb"); } public void testFormatMephisto1() throws Exception { reformatFileContents("testfiles/mephisto-site.rb"); } public void testFormatMephisto2() throws Exception { reformatFileContents("testfiles/mephisto_controller.rb"); } public void testFormatMephisto3() throws Exception { reformatFileContents("testfiles/mephisto-articles-controller.rb"); } public void testFormat110332() throws Exception { // Check that the given source files reformat EXACTLY as specified reformatFileContents("testfiles/percent-expressions.rb"); } public void testFormatDate() throws Exception { // Check that the given source files reformat EXACTLY as specified reformatFileContents("testfiles/date.rb"); } public void testFormatResolv() throws Exception { // Check that the given source files reformat EXACTLY as specified reformatFileContents("testfiles/resolv.rb"); } public void testFormatBegin() throws Exception { // Test for http://scripting.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=112259 // Check that the given source files reformat EXACTLY as specified reformatFileContents("testfiles/begin.rb"); } public void testFormatPostgres() throws Exception { // Check that the given source files reformat EXACTLY as specified reformatFileContents("testfiles/postgresql_adapter.rb"); } public void testLineContinuationAsgn() throws Exception { format("x =\n1", "x =\n 1", null); } // Separate setting for line continuations not yet supported //public void testLineContinuation2() throws Exception { // format("x =\n1", // "x =\n 1", new IndentPrefs(2,4)); //} // //public void testLineContinuation3() throws Exception { // format("x =\n1\ny = 5", // "x =\n 1\ny = 5", new IndentPrefs(2,4)); //} public void testLineContinuation4() throws Exception { format("def foo\nfoo\nif true\nx\nend\nend", "def foo\n foo\n if true\n x\n end\nend", null); } public void testLineContinuation5() throws Exception { format("def foo\nfoo\nif true\nx\nend\nend", "def foo\n foo\n if true\n x\n end\nend", new IndentPrefs(4, 4)); } // Trigger lexer bug! //public void testLineContinuationBackslash() throws Exception { // format("x\\\n= 1", // "x\\\n = 1", new IndentPrefs(2,4)); //} public void testLineContinuationComma() throws Exception { format("render foo,\nbar\nbaz", "render foo,\n bar\nbaz", null); } public void testQuestionmarkIndent1() throws Exception { format("j = t ?\n1 : 0\nx = 1", "j = t ?\n 1 : 0\nx = 1", null); } public void testQuestionmarkIndent2() throws Exception { format("j = t ?\n1 :\n0\nx = 1", "j = t ?\n 1 :\n 0\nx = 1", null); } public void testCommaIndent() throws Exception { insertNewline("puts foo,^", "puts foo,\n ^", null); } public void testQuestionmarkIndent3() throws Exception { insertNewline("j = t ?^", "j = t ?\n ^", null); } public void testBackslashIndent() throws Exception { insertNewline("puts foo\\^", "puts foo\\\n ^", null); } public void testDotIndent() throws Exception { insertNewline("puts foo.^", "puts foo.\n ^", null); } public void testLineContinuationParens() throws Exception { format("foo(1,2\n3,4)\nx", "foo(1,2\n 3,4)\nx", null); } public void testLiterals() throws Exception { format("def foo\n x = %q-foo\nbar-", "def foo\n x = %q-foo\nbar-", null); } public void testLiterals2() throws Exception { insertNewline("def foo\n=begin\nfoo^\n=end\nend", "def foo\n=begin\nfoo\n^\n=end\nend", null); } public void testLiterals3() throws Exception { insertNewline("def foo\nx = '\nfoo^\n'\nend", "def foo\nx = '\nfoo\n^\n'\nend", null); } public void testLineContinuationAlias() throws Exception { format("foo ==\ntrue", "foo ==\n true", null); format("alias foo ==\ntrue", "alias foo ==\ntrue", null); // Different hangingindent not yet supported in the UI //format("def ==\ntrue", // "def ==\n true", new IndentPrefs(2,4)); } public void testBrackets() throws Exception { format("x = [[5]\n]\ny", "x = [[5]\n]\ny", null); } public void testBrackets2() throws Exception { format("x = [\n[5]\n]\ny", "x = [\n [5]\n]\ny", null); // Different hangingindent not yet supported in the UI //format("x = [\n[5]\n]\ny", // "x = [\n [5]\n]\ny", new IndentPrefs(2,4)); } public void testIndent1() throws Exception { insertNewline("x = [^[5]\n]\ny", "x = [\n ^[5]\n]\ny", null); } public void testIndent2() throws Exception { insertNewline("x = ^", "x = \n ^", null); //insertNewline("x = ^", "x = \n ^", new IndentPrefs(2,4)); insertNewline("x = ^ ", "x = \n ^", null); } public void testIndent3() throws Exception { insertNewline(" def foo^", " def foo\n ^\n end", null); } public void testIndentCurlyBraces() throws Exception { insertNewline("{^}", "{\n ^\n}", null); } public void testIndentCurlyBraces2() throws Exception { insertNewline("{ ^}", "{ \n ^\n}", null); } public void testHeredoc1() throws Exception { format("def foo\n s = <<EOS\n stuff\nEOS\nend", "def foo\n s = <<EOS\n stuff\nEOS\nend", null); } public void testHeredoc2() throws Exception { format("def foo\n s = <<-EOS\n stuff\nEOS\nend", "def foo\n s = <<-EOS\n stuff\n EOS\nend", null); } public void testHeredoc3() throws Exception { format("def foo\n s = <<EOS\nstuff\n foo\nbar\nEOS\n end", "def foo\n s = <<EOS\nstuff\n foo\nbar\nEOS\nend", null); } public void testHeredoc4() throws Exception { format("def foo\n s = <<-EOS\nstuff\n foo\nbar\nEOS\n end", "def foo\n s = <<-EOS\nstuff\n foo\nbar\n EOS\nend", null); } public void testArrayDecl() throws Exception { format("@foo = [\n'bar',\n'bar2',\n'bar3'\n]", "@foo = [\n 'bar',\n 'bar2',\n 'bar3'\n]", null); } public void testHashDecl() throws Exception { String unformatted = "@foo = {\n" + "'bar' => :foo,\n" + "'bar2' => :bar,\n" + "'bar3' => :baz\n" + "}"; String formatted = "@foo = {\n" + " 'bar' => :foo,\n" + " 'bar2' => :bar,\n" + " 'bar3' => :baz\n" + "}"; format(unformatted, formatted, null); } public void testParenCommaList() throws Exception { String unformatted = "foo(\nx,\ny,\nz\n)"; String formatted = "foo(\n" + " x,\n" + " y,\n" + " z\n" + ")"; format(unformatted, formatted, null); } public void testDocumentRange1() throws Exception { format(" def foo\n%<%foo%>%\n end\n", " def foo\n foo\n end\n", null); format("def foo\nfoo\nend\n", "def foo\n foo\nend\n", null); } public void testDocumentRange2() throws Exception { format("def foo\n if true\n %<%xxx%>%\n end\nend\n", "def foo\n if true\n xxx\n end\nend\n", null); } public void testDocumentRange3() throws Exception { format("class Foo\n def bar\n end\n\n\n%<%def test\nhello\nend%>%\nend\n", "class Foo\n def bar\n end\n\n\n def test\n hello\n end\nend\n", null); } public void testPercentWIndent110983a() throws Exception { insertNewline( "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %w[a b c]^\n blah", "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %w[a b c]\n ^\n blah", null); } public void testPercentWIndent110983b() throws Exception { insertNewline( "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %w,a b c,^\n blah", "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %w,a b c,\n ^\n blah", null); } public void testPercentWIndent110983c() throws Exception { insertNewline( "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %w/a/^\n blah", "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %w/a/\n ^\n blah", null); } public void testPercentWIndent110983d() throws Exception { insertNewline( "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %W[a b c]^\n blah", "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %W[a b c]\n ^\n blah", null); } public void testPercentWIndent110983e() throws Exception { insertNewline( "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %Q[a b c]^\n blah", "class Apple\n def foo\n snark %Q[a b c]\n ^\n blah", null); } public void testEof() throws Exception { format("def foo\n if true\n %<%xxx%>%\n end\nend\n", "def foo\n if true\n xxx\n end\nend\n", null); format("x\n", "x\n", null); } }