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Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2008 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above. * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is * made subject to such option by the copyright holder. */ package org.netbeans.modules.ruby.debugger; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.io.File; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManager; import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManagerAdapter; import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManagerListener; import org.netbeans.api.debugger.Session; import org.netbeans.api.extexecution.print.LineConvertors.FileLocator; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.debugger.RubySession.State; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.debugger.model.CallSite; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.debugger.ui.CallStackAnnotation; import org.netbeans.spi.debugger.SessionProvider; import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil; import org.openide.text.Line; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebugEventListener; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerException; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyDebugTarget; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyThreadInfo; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyFrame; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyThread; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyValue; import org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyVariable; public final class RubySession { public static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RubySession.class.getName()); /** * Used by the NetBeans META-INF tree to identify the language type session * directory. */ private final static String RUBY_SESSION = "RubySession"; // NOI18N static boolean TEST; private final RubyThreadInfo[] EMPTY_THREAD_INFOS = new RubyThreadInfo[0]; private final RubyFrame[] EMPTY_FRAMES = new RubyFrame[0]; private final RubyVariable[] EMPTY_VARIABLES = new RubyVariable[0]; private Session session; private final RubyDebuggerProxy proxy; private RubyDebuggerActionProvider actionProvider; private final FileLocator fileLocator; private RubyThread activeThread; private RubyFrame selectedFrame; private final DebuggerManagerListener sessionListener; private State state; // package-private for tests only File runningToFile; int runningToLine; public enum State { STARTING, RUNNING, STOPPED }; RubySession(final RubyDebuggerProxy proxy, final FileLocator fileLocator) { this.proxy = proxy; this.fileLocator = fileLocator; this.sessionListener = new RubySessionListener(); this.state = State.STARTING; this.runningToLine = -1; DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().addDebuggerListener( DebuggerManager.PROP_CURRENT_SESSION, sessionListener); } public void setSession(final Session session) { this.session = session; } void setActionProvider(RubyDebuggerActionProvider actionProvider) { this.actionProvider = actionProvider; } RubyDebuggerActionProvider getActionProvider() { return actionProvider; } public State getState() { return state; } void resume() { beforeProceed(); activeThread.resume(); EditorUtil.unmarkCurrent(); state = State.RUNNING; } void stepInto() { try { beforeProceed(); if (!activeThread.canStepInto()) { return; } activeThread.stepInto(forceNewLine()); state = State.RUNNING; } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot step into: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } void stepOver() { try { stepOver(forceNewLine()); } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot step over: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } void stepOver(boolean forceNewLine) { try { beforeProceed(); if (!activeThread.canStepOver()) { return; } activeThread.stepOver(forceNewLine); state = State.RUNNING; } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot step voer: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } void stepReturn() { try { beforeProceed(); activeThread.stepReturn(); state = State.RUNNING; } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot step return: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } void runToCursor() { File file; int line; if (TEST) { file = runningToFile; line = runningToLine; } else { assert runningToFile == null : "runningToFile is not set"; beforeProceed(); Line eLine = EditorUtil.getCurrentLine(); if (eLine == null) { return; } FileObject fo = eLine.getLookup().lookup(FileObject.class); if (fo == null) { return; } if (!Util.isRubySource(fo)) { return; } file = FileUtil.toFile(fo); line = eLine.getLineNumber() + 1; } if (file != null) { try { runningToFile = file; runningToLine = line; activeThread.runTo(file.getAbsolutePath(), line); state = State.RUNNING; } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot run to cursor: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } } boolean isRunningTo(final File f, final int line) { assert f != null : "isRunningTo is not passed null File arg"; return f.equals(runningToFile) && line == runningToLine; } void finish(final RubyDebugEventListener listener, final boolean terminate) { CallStackAnnotation.clearAnnotations(); DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().removeDebuggerListener(sessionListener); proxy.removeRubyDebugEventListener(listener); if (terminate) { proxy.finish(true); } } String getName() { return getDebuggeePath() + " (localhost:" + proxy.getDebugTarget().getPort() + ')'; // NOI18N } private String getDebuggeePath() { RubyDebugTarget debugTarget = proxy.getDebugTarget(); String debuggee = debugTarget.getDebuggedFile(); if (debuggee == null) { return "[Remotely attached]"; } File debuggeeF = new File(debuggee); String path; if (debuggeeF.isAbsolute()) { path = debuggeeF.getAbsolutePath(); } else { path = new File(debugTarget.getBaseDir(), debugTarget.getDebuggedFile()).getAbsolutePath(); } return path; } /** * Returns latest known threads for this session. */ public RubyThreadInfo[] getThreadInfos() { try { return proxy.isReady() ? proxy.readThreadInfo() : EMPTY_THREAD_INFOS; } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { logIfNotFinished("Cannot read threads from a live proxy" , e); return EMPTY_THREAD_INFOS; } } /** * Returns latest known frames for this session. */ public RubyFrame[] getFrames() { try { return isSessionSuspended() ? activeThread.getFrames() : EMPTY_FRAMES; } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { logIfNotFinished("Cannot read frames from a live proxy" , e); return EMPTY_FRAMES; } } /** * Return top stack frame for the currently suspended thread. * * @return stack frame instance or <code>null</code> if there is not any * suspended thread at the time */ private RubyFrame getTopFrame() throws RubyDebuggerException { return isSessionSuspended() ? activeThread.getTopFrame() : null; } /** * Selected frame is used for evaluating variables in Local Variables view * or expressions in Watches view. */ public void selectFrame(final RubyFrame frame) { this.selectedFrame = frame; } private RubyFrame getSelectedFrame() { try { return selectedFrame == null ? getTopFrame() : selectedFrame; } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { logIfNotFinished("Unable to read top stack frame" , e); return null; } } public boolean isSelectedFrame(final RubyFrame frame) { return frame.equals(getSelectedFrame()); } public RubyVariable[] getGlobalVariables() { try { return isSessionSuspended() ? proxy.readGlobalVariables() : EMPTY_VARIABLES; } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { logIfNotFinished("Cannot read global variables from a live proxy" , e); return EMPTY_VARIABLES; } } /** * Returns latest known variables for this session. */ public RubyVariable[] getVariables() { try { RubyFrame frame = getSelectedFrame(); return frame == null ? EMPTY_VARIABLES : frame.getVariables(); } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { logIfNotFinished("Cannot read variables from a live proxy", e); return EMPTY_VARIABLES; } } public RubyVariable[] getChildren(RubyVariable parent) { try { RubyValue val = parent.getValue(); return val == null ? EMPTY_VARIABLES : val.getVariables(); } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { logIfNotFinished("Cannot read variables from a live proxy", e); return EMPTY_VARIABLES; } } public RubyVariable inspectExpression(final String expression) { try { RubyFrame frame = getSelectedFrame(); return frame == null ? null : frame.inspectExpression(expression); } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { LOGGER.finer("Unable to inspect expression [" + expression + ']'); // NOI18N return null; } } void suspend(final RubyThread thread, final ContextProviderWrapper contextProvider) { state = State.STOPPED; runningToFile = null; runningToLine = -1; switchThread(thread, contextProvider); } void switchThread(final RubyThread thread, final ContextProviderWrapper contextProvider) { if (thread.isSuspended()) { activeThread = thread; try { RubyFrame frame = getTopFrame(); if (frame == null) { return; } DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().setCurrentSession(session); EditorUtil.markCurrent(resolveAbsolutePath(frame.getFile()), frame.getLine() - 1); annotateCallStack(thread); if (contextProvider != null) { contextProvider.fireModelChanges(); } } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot switch thread" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } else { LOGGER.finer("Cannot switch to thread which is not suspended [" + thread + "]"); } } public void switchThread(final int threadID, final ContextProviderWrapper contextProvider) { RubyThread thread = proxy.getDebugTarget().getThreadById(threadID); if (thread != null) { switchThread(thread, contextProvider); } } public boolean isActiveThread(int id) { return activeThread != null && activeThread.getId() == id; } /** Package-private for tests only. */ public boolean isSessionSuspended() { return activeThread != null && activeThread.isSuspended(); } public String resolveAbsolutePath(final String path) { if (new File(path).isAbsolute()) { return path; } String result = null; FileObject fo = fileLocator.find(path); if (fo != null) { File file = FileUtil.toFile(fo); if (file != null && file.isFile()) { result = file.getAbsolutePath(); } } if (result == null) { LOGGER.finer("Cannot resolve absolute path for: \"" + path + '"'); // NOI18N } return result; } public boolean isSuspended(final RubyThreadInfo ti) { RubyThread thread = proxy.getDebugTarget().getThreadById(ti.getId()); if (thread != null) { return thread.isSuspended(); } else { LOGGER.warning("There is no thread for: " + ti); return false; // 'default' } } private void annotateCallStack(final RubyThread thread) { if (TEST) return; try { RubyFrame[] frames = thread.getFrames(); assert frames.length > 0 : "thread has >0 frames"; CallSite[] callSites = new CallSite[frames.length - 1]; // minus first frame for (int i = 1; i < frames.length; i++) { RubyFrame frame = frames[i]; final CallSite site = new CallSite(resolveAbsolutePath(frame.getFile()), frame.getLine() - 1); callSites[i - 1] = site; } CallStackAnnotation.annotate(callSites); } catch (RubyDebuggerException e) { logIfNotFinished("Cannot annotated current call stack. Unable to read frames from a live proxy" , e); } } private void refresh() { if (isSessionSuspended()) { switchThread(activeThread, null); } } private void beforeProceed() { selectFrame(null); CallStackAnnotation.clearAnnotations(); } /** * ERB generates several instructions for a single line of template code. So * this method returns <code>true</code> for the ERB templates. */ private boolean forceNewLine() throws RubyDebuggerException { RubyFrame frame = activeThread.getTopFrame(); assert frame != null; String path = frame.getFile(); File f = FileUtil.normalizeFile(new File(path)); FileObject fo = f.isAbsolute() ? FileUtil.toFileObject(f) : fileLocator.find(path); return fo == null ? false : Util.isERBSource(fo); } /** Package-private for Unit tests only. */ RubyDebuggerProxy getProxy() { return proxy; } private void logIfNotFinished(final String message, final RubyDebuggerException e) { if (proxy.isReady()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, message + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } SessionProvider createSessionProvider() { return new SessionProvider() { public String getSessionName() { return RubySession.this.getName(); } public String getLocationName() { return "localhost"; // NOI18N } public String getTypeID() { return RUBY_SESSION; } public Object[] getServices() { return new Object[] {}; }; }; } private static class RubySessionListener extends DebuggerManagerAdapter { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { Session currentSession = DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().getCurrentSession(); if (currentSession != null && RubyDebuggerEngineProvider.RUBY_LANGUAGE.equals(currentSession.getCurrentLanguage())) { RubySession rubySession = Util.getCurrentSession(); if (rubySession != null) { rubySession.refresh(); } } } } }