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Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2008 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above. * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is * made subject to such option by the copyright holder. */ package org.netbeans.modules.ruby.lexer; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Document; import org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.CheckForNull; import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token; import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenHierarchy; import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenId; import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence; import org.netbeans.api.ruby.platform.RubyInstallation; import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument; import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.OffsetRange; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.spi.GsfUtilities; import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.api.Source; import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.Parser; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.RubyParseResult; import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil; import org.openide.loaders.DataObject; import org.openide.util.Exceptions; /** * Utilities associated with lexing or analyzing the document at the * lexical level, unlike AstUtilities which is contains utilities * to analyze parsed information about a document. * * @author Tor Norbye */ public class LexUtilities { /** Tokens that match a corresponding END statement. Even though while, unless etc. * can be statement modifiers, those luckily have different token ids so are not a problem * here. */ private static final Set<TokenId> END_PAIRS = new HashSet<TokenId>(); /** * Tokens that should cause indentation of the next line. This is true for all {@link #END_PAIRS}, * but also includes tokens like "else" that are not themselves matched with end but also contribute * structure for indentation. * */ private static final Set<TokenId> INDENT_WORDS = new HashSet<TokenId>(); static { END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.BEGIN); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.FOR); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.CLASS); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.DEF); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.DO); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.WHILE); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.IF); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.CLASS); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.MODULE); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.CASE); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.LOOP); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.UNTIL); END_PAIRS.add(RubyTokenId.UNLESS); INDENT_WORDS.addAll(END_PAIRS); // Add words that are not matched themselves with an "end", // but which also provide block structure to indented content // (usually part of a multi-keyword structure such as if-then-elsif-else-end // where only the "if" is considered an end-pair.) INDENT_WORDS.add(RubyTokenId.ELSE); INDENT_WORDS.add(RubyTokenId.ELSIF); INDENT_WORDS.add(RubyTokenId.ENSURE); INDENT_WORDS.add(RubyTokenId.WHEN); INDENT_WORDS.add(RubyTokenId.RESCUE); // XXX What about BEGIN{} and END{} ? } private LexUtilities() { } @CheckForNull public static BaseDocument getDocument(RubyParseResult result, boolean forceOpen) { if (result != null) { Source source = result.getSnapshot().getSource(); return GsfUtilities.getDocument(source.getFileObject(), forceOpen); } return null; } public static int getLexerOffset(Parser.Result result, int astOffset) { return result.getSnapshot().getOriginalOffset(astOffset); } public static OffsetRange getLexerOffsets(Parser.Result result, OffsetRange astRange) { int rangeStart = astRange.getStart(); int start = result.getSnapshot().getOriginalOffset(rangeStart); if (start == rangeStart) { return astRange; } else if (start == -1) { return OffsetRange.NONE; } else { // Assumes the translated range maintains size return new OffsetRange(start, start + astRange.getLength()); } } /** Find the ruby token sequence (in case it's embedded in something else at the top level */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> getRubyTokenSequence(BaseDocument doc, int offset) { TokenHierarchy<Document> th = TokenHierarchy.get((Document)doc); return getRubyTokenSequence(th, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static TokenSequence<? extends RubyTokenId> findRhtmlDelimited(TokenSequence t, int offset) { String mimeType = t.language().mimeType(); if (mimeType.equals(RubyInstallation.RHTML_MIME_TYPE) || mimeType.equals(RubyInstallation.YAML_MIME_TYPE)) { t.move(offset); if (t.moveNext() && t.token() != null && "ruby-delimiter".equals(t.token().id().primaryCategory())) { // NOI18N // It's a delimiter - move ahead and see if we find it if (t.moveNext() && t.token() != null && "ruby".equals(t.token().id().primaryCategory())) { // NOI18N TokenSequence<?> ets = t.embedded(); if (ets != null) { return (TokenSequence<? extends RubyTokenId>)ets; } } } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> getRubyTokenSequence(TokenHierarchy<Document> th, int offset) { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = th.tokenSequence(RubyTokenId.language()); if (ts == null) { // Possibly an embedding scenario such as an RHTML file // First try with backward bias true List<TokenSequence<?>> list = th.embeddedTokenSequences(offset, true); for (TokenSequence t : list) { if (t.language() == RubyTokenId.language()) { ts = t; break; } else { TokenSequence<? extends RubyTokenId> ets = findRhtmlDelimited(t, offset); if (ets != null) { return ets; } } } if (ts == null) { list = th.embeddedTokenSequences(offset, false); for (TokenSequence t : list) { if (t.language() == RubyTokenId.language()) { ts = t; break; } else { TokenSequence<? extends RubyTokenId> ets = findRhtmlDelimited(t, offset); if (ets != null) { return ets; } } } } } return ts; } public static TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> getPositionedSequence(BaseDocument doc, int offset) { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = getRubyTokenSequence(doc, offset); if (ts != null) { try { ts.move(offset); } catch (AssertionError e) { DataObject dobj = (DataObject)doc.getProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty); if (dobj != null) { Exceptions.attachMessage(e, FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(dobj.getPrimaryFile())); } throw e; } if (!ts.moveNext() && !ts.movePrevious()) { return null; } return ts; } return null; } public static Token<?extends RubyTokenId> getToken(BaseDocument doc, int offset) { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = getPositionedSequence(doc, offset); if (ts != null) { return ts.token(); } return null; } public static char getTokenChar(BaseDocument doc, int offset) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = getToken(doc, offset); if (token != null) { String text = token.text().toString(); if (text.length() > 0) { // Usually true, but I could have gotten EOF right? return text.charAt(0); } } return 0; } /** Search forwards in the token sequence until a token of type <code>down</code> is found */ public static OffsetRange findHeredocEnd(TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts, Token<?extends RubyTokenId> startToken) { // Look for the end of the given heredoc String text = startToken.text().toString(); assert text.startsWith("<<"); text = text.substring(2); if (text.startsWith("-")) { text = text.substring(1); } if ((text.startsWith("\"") && text.endsWith("\"")) || (text.startsWith("'") && text.endsWith("'"))) { text = text.substring(0, text.length()-2); } String textn = text+"\n"; while (ts.moveNext()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.STRING_END || id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_END) { String t = token.text().toString(); if (text.equals(t) || textn.equals(t)) { return new OffsetRange(ts.offset(), ts.offset() + token.length()); } } } return OffsetRange.NONE; } /** Search forwards in the token sequence until a token of type <code>down</code> is found */ public static OffsetRange findHeredocBegin(TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts, Token<?extends RubyTokenId> endToken) { // Look for the end of the given heredoc String text = endToken.text().toString(); if (text.endsWith("\n")) { text = text.substring(0, text.length()-1); } String textQuotes = "\"" + text + "\""; String textSQuotes = "'" + text + "'"; while (ts.movePrevious()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.STRING_BEGIN || id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_BEGIN) { String t = token.text().toString(); String marker = null; if (t.startsWith("<<-")) { marker = t.substring(3); } else if (t.startsWith("<<")) { marker = t.substring(2); } if (marker != null && (text.equals(marker) || textQuotes.equals(marker) || textSQuotes.equals(marker))) { return new OffsetRange(ts.offset(), ts.offset() + token.length()); } } } return OffsetRange.NONE; } /** Search forwards in the token sequence until a token of type <code>down</code> is found */ public static OffsetRange findFwd(BaseDocument doc, TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts, TokenId up, TokenId down) { int balance = 0; while (ts.moveNext()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == up) { balance++; } else if (id == down) { if (balance == 0) { return new OffsetRange(ts.offset(), ts.offset() + token.length()); } balance--; } } return OffsetRange.NONE; } /** Search backwards in the token sequence until a token of type <code>up</code> is found */ public static OffsetRange findBwd(BaseDocument doc, TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts, TokenId up, TokenId down) { int balance = 0; while (ts.movePrevious()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == up) { if (balance == 0) { return new OffsetRange(ts.offset(), ts.offset() + token.length()); } balance++; } else if (id == down) { balance--; } } return OffsetRange.NONE; } /** Find the token that begins a block terminated by "end". This is a token * in the END_PAIRS array. Walk backwards and find the corresponding token. * It does not use indentation for clues since this could be wrong and be * precisely the reason why the user is using pair matching to see what's wrong. */ public static OffsetRange findBegin(BaseDocument doc, TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts) { int balance = 0; while (ts.movePrevious()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (isBeginToken(id, doc, ts)) { // No matching dot for "do" used in conditionals etc.)) { if (balance == 0) { return new OffsetRange(ts.offset(), ts.offset() + token.length()); } balance--; } else if (id == RubyTokenId.END) { balance++; } } return OffsetRange.NONE; } public static OffsetRange findEnd(BaseDocument doc, TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts) { int balance = 0; while (ts.moveNext()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (isBeginToken(id, doc, ts)) { balance--; } else if (id == RubyTokenId.END) { if (balance == 0) { return new OffsetRange(ts.offset(), ts.offset() + token.length()); } balance++; } } return OffsetRange.NONE; } /** Determine whether "do" is an indent-token (e.g. matches an end) or if * it's simply a separator in while,until,for expressions) */ public static boolean isEndmatchingDo(BaseDocument doc, int offset) { // In the following case, do is dominant: // expression.do // whatever // end // // However, not here: // while true do // whatever // end // // In the second case, the end matches the while, but in the first case // the end matches the do // Look at the first token of the current line try { int first = Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(doc, offset); if (first != -1) { Token<? extends RubyTokenId> token = getToken(doc, first); if (token != null) { TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.WHILE || id == RubyTokenId.UNTIL || id == RubyTokenId.FOR) { return false; } } } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { // do nothing - see #154991 } return true; } /** * Return true iff the given token is a token that should be matched * with a corresponding "end" token, such as "begin", "def", "module", * etc. */ public static boolean isBeginToken(TokenId id, BaseDocument doc, int offset) { if (id == RubyTokenId.DO) { return isEndmatchingDo(doc, offset); } return END_PAIRS.contains(id); } /** * Return true iff the given token is a token that should be matched * with a corresponding "end" token, such as "begin", "def", "module", * etc. */ public static boolean isBeginToken(TokenId id, BaseDocument doc, TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts) { if (id == RubyTokenId.DO) { return isEndmatchingDo(doc, ts.offset()); } return END_PAIRS.contains(id); } /** * Return true iff the given token is a token that indents its content, * such as the various begin tokens as well as "else", "when", etc. */ public static boolean isIndentToken(TokenId id) { return INDENT_WORDS.contains(id); } /** Compute the balance of begin/end tokens on the line. * @param doc the document * @param offset The offset somewhere on the line * @param upToOffset If true, only compute the line balance up to the given offset (inclusive), * and if false compute the balance for the whole line */ public static int getBeginEndLineBalance(BaseDocument doc, int offset, boolean upToOffset) { try { int begin = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, offset); int end = upToOffset ? offset : Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, offset); TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, begin); if (ts == null) { return 0; } ts.move(begin); if (!ts.moveNext()) { return 0; } int balance = 0; do { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (isBeginToken(id, doc, ts)) { balance++; } else if (id == RubyTokenId.END) { balance--; } } while (ts.moveNext() && (ts.offset() <= end)); return balance; } catch (BadLocationException ble) { return 0; } } /** Compute the balance of begin/end tokens on the line */ public static int getLineBalance(BaseDocument doc, int offset, TokenId up, TokenId down) { try { int begin = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, offset); int end = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, offset); TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, begin); if (ts == null) { return 0; } ts.move(begin); if (!ts.moveNext()) { return 0; } int balance = 0; do { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == up) { balance++; } else if (id == down) { balance--; } } while (ts.moveNext() && (ts.offset() <= end)); return balance; } catch (BadLocationException ble) { return 0; } } /** * The same as braceBalance but generalized to any pair of matching * tokens. * @param open the token that increses the count * @param close the token that decreses the count */ public static int getTokenBalance(BaseDocument doc, TokenId open, TokenId close, int offset) throws BadLocationException { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, 0); if (ts == null) { return 0; } // XXX Why 0? Why not offset? ts.moveIndex(0); if (!ts.moveNext()) { return 0; } int balance = 0; do { Token t = ts.token(); if (t.id() == open) { balance++; } else if (t.id() == close) { balance--; } } while (ts.moveNext()); return balance; } /** * Return true iff the line for the given offset is a Ruby comment line. * This will return false for lines that contain comments (even when the * offset is within the comment portion) but also contain code. */ public static boolean isCommentOnlyLine(BaseDocument doc, int offset) throws BadLocationException { int begin = Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(doc, offset); if (begin == -1) { return false; // whitespace only } if (begin == doc.getLength()) { return false; } return doc.getText(begin, 1).equals("#"); } /** * Return the string at the given position, or null if none */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String getStringAt(int caretOffset, TokenHierarchy<Document> th) { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = getRubyTokenSequence(th, caretOffset); if (ts == null) { return null; } ts.move(caretOffset); if (!ts.moveNext() && !ts.movePrevious()) { return null; } if (ts.offset() == caretOffset) { // We're looking at the offset to the RIGHT of the caret // and here I care about what's on the left if (!ts.movePrevious()) { return null; } } Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); if (token != null) { TokenId id = token.id(); // We're within a String that has embedded Ruby. Drop into the // embedded language and see if we're within a literal string there. if (id == RubyTokenId.EMBEDDED_RUBY) { ts = (TokenSequence)ts.embedded(); assert ts != null; ts.move(caretOffset); if (!ts.moveNext() && !ts.movePrevious()) { return null; } token = ts.token(); id = token.id(); } String string = null; // Skip over embedded Ruby segments and literal strings until you find the beginning int segments = 0; while ((id == RubyTokenId.ERROR) || (id == RubyTokenId.STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.EMBEDDED_RUBY)) { string = token.text().toString(); segments++; if (!ts.movePrevious()) { return null; } token = ts.token(); id = token.id(); } if ((id == RubyTokenId.STRING_BEGIN) || (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_BEGIN)) { if (segments == 1) { return string; } else { // Build up the String from the sequence StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (ts.moveNext()) { token = ts.token(); id = token.id(); if ((id == RubyTokenId.ERROR) || (id == RubyTokenId.STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.EMBEDDED_RUBY)) { sb.append(token.text()); } else { break; } } return sb.toString(); } } } return null; } /** * Check if the caret is inside a literal string that is associated with * a require statement. * * @return The offset of the beginning of the require string, or -1 * if the offset is not inside a require string. */ public static int getRequireStringOffset(int caretOffset, TokenHierarchy<Document> th) { TokenEvaluator evaluator = new TokenEvaluator() { @Override boolean next() { return false; } @Override boolean handled() { return true; } @Override int returnValue() { if (this.token.id() == RubyTokenId.IDENTIFIER) { String text = token.text().toString(); if (text.equals("require") || text.equals("load")) { return start; } else { return -1; } } return -1; } }; return getStringOffset(caretOffset, th, evaluator); } /** * Check if the caret is inside a literal string that is associated with * a :class or :class_name symbol. * * @return The offset of the beginning of the class name string, or -1 * if the offset is not inside a class name string. */ public static int getClassNameStringOffset(int caretOffset, TokenHierarchy<Document> th) { TokenEvaluator evaluator = new TokenEvaluator() { @Override boolean next() { return token.id() == RubyTokenId.NONUNARY_OP; } @Override boolean handled() { return true; } @Override int returnValue() { if (this.token.id() == RubyTokenId.TYPE_SYMBOL) { String text = token.text().toString(); if (text.equals("class") || text.equals("class_name")) { return start; } else { return -1; } } return -1; } }; return getStringOffset(caretOffset, th, evaluator); } private static int getStringOffset(int caretOffset, TokenHierarchy<Document> th, TokenEvaluator evaluator) { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = getRubyTokenSequence(th, caretOffset); if (ts == null) { return -1; } ts.move(caretOffset); if (!ts.moveNext() && !ts.movePrevious()) { return -1; } if (ts.offset() == caretOffset) { // We're looking at the offset to the RIGHT of the caret // and here I care about what's on the left if (!ts.movePrevious()) { return -1; } } Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); if (token != null) { TokenId id = token.id(); // Skip over embedded Ruby segments and literal strings until you find the beginning while ((id == RubyTokenId.ERROR) || (id == RubyTokenId.STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.EMBEDDED_RUBY)) { if (!ts.movePrevious()) { return -1; } token = ts.token(); id = token.id(); } int stringStart = ts.offset() + token.length(); evaluator.setStart(stringStart); if ((id == RubyTokenId.STRING_BEGIN) || (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_BEGIN)) { // Completion of literal strings within require calls while (ts.movePrevious()) { token = ts.token(); id = token.id(); if ((id == RubyTokenId.WHITESPACE) || (id == RubyTokenId.LPAREN) || (id == RubyTokenId.STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL)) { continue; } evaluator.setToken(token); if (evaluator.next()) { continue; } if (evaluator.handled()) { return evaluator.returnValue(); } } } } return -1; } private static abstract class TokenEvaluator { protected Token token; protected int start; void setToken(Token token) { this.token = token; } void setStart(int start) { this.start = start; } abstract boolean next(); abstract boolean handled(); abstract int returnValue(); } public static int getSingleQuotedStringOffset(int caretOffset, TokenHierarchy<Document> th) { return getLiteralStringOffset(caretOffset, th, RubyTokenId.STRING_BEGIN); } public static int getDoubleQuotedStringOffset(int caretOffset, TokenHierarchy<Document> th) { return getLiteralStringOffset(caretOffset, th, RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_BEGIN); } public static int getRegexpOffset(int caretOffset, TokenHierarchy<Document> th) { return getLiteralStringOffset(caretOffset, th, RubyTokenId.REGEXP_BEGIN); } /** * Determine if the caret is inside a literal string, and if so, return its starting * offset. Return -1 otherwise. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static int getLiteralStringOffset(int caretOffset, TokenHierarchy<Document> th, RubyTokenId begin) { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = getRubyTokenSequence(th, caretOffset); if (ts == null) { return -1; } ts.move(caretOffset); if (!ts.moveNext() && !ts.movePrevious()) { return -1; } if (ts.offset() == caretOffset) { // We're looking at the offset to the RIGHT of the caret // and here I care about what's on the left if (!ts.movePrevious()) { return -1; } } Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); if (token != null) { TokenId id = token.id(); // We're within a String that has embedded Ruby. Drop into the // embedded language and see if we're within a literal string there. if (id == RubyTokenId.EMBEDDED_RUBY) { ts = (TokenSequence)ts.embedded(); assert ts != null; ts.move(caretOffset); if (!ts.moveNext() && !ts.movePrevious()) { return -1; } token = ts.token(); id = token.id(); } // Skip over embedded Ruby segments and literal strings until you find the beginning while ((id == RubyTokenId.ERROR) || (id == RubyTokenId.STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.REGEXP_LITERAL) || (id == RubyTokenId.EMBEDDED_RUBY)) { if (!ts.movePrevious()) { return -1; } token = ts.token(); id = token.id(); } if (id == begin) { if (!ts.moveNext()) { return -1; } return ts.offset(); } } return -1; } public static boolean isInsideQuotedString(BaseDocument doc, int offset) { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, offset); if (ts == null) { return false; } ts.move(offset); if (ts.moveNext()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL || id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_END) { return true; } } if (ts.movePrevious()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL || id == RubyTokenId.QUOTED_STRING_BEGIN) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isInsideRegexp(BaseDocument doc, int offset) { TokenSequence<?extends RubyTokenId> ts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, offset); if (ts == null) { return false; } ts.move(offset); if (ts.moveNext()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.REGEXP_LITERAL || id == RubyTokenId.REGEXP_END) { return true; } } if (ts.movePrevious()) { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.REGEXP_LITERAL || id == RubyTokenId.REGEXP_BEGIN) { return true; } } return false; } public static OffsetRange getCommentBlock(BaseDocument doc, int caretOffset) { // Check if the caret is within a comment, and if so insert a new // leaf "node" which contains the comment line and then comment block try { Token<?extends RubyTokenId> token = LexUtilities.getToken(doc, caretOffset); if ((token != null) && (token.id() == RubyTokenId.LINE_COMMENT)) { // First add a range for the current line int begin = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, caretOffset); int end = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, caretOffset); if (LexUtilities.isCommentOnlyLine(doc, caretOffset)) { while (begin > 0) { int newBegin = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, begin - 1); if ((newBegin < 0) || !LexUtilities.isCommentOnlyLine(doc, newBegin)) { begin = Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(doc, begin); break; } begin = newBegin; } int length = doc.getLength(); while (true) { int newEnd = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, end + 1); if ((newEnd >= length) || !LexUtilities.isCommentOnlyLine(doc, newEnd)) { end = Utilities.getRowLastNonWhite(doc, end)+1; break; } end = newEnd; } if (begin < end) { return new OffsetRange(begin, end); } } else { // It's just a line comment next to some code TokenHierarchy<Document> th = TokenHierarchy.get((Document)doc); int offset = token.offset(th); return new OffsetRange(offset, offset + token.length()); } } else if (token != null && token.id() == RubyTokenId.DOCUMENTATION) { // Select the whole token block TokenHierarchy<BaseDocument> th = TokenHierarchy.get(doc); int begin = token.offset(th); int end = begin + token.length(); return new OffsetRange(begin, end); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { // do nothing - see #154991; } return OffsetRange.NONE; } /** * Back up to the first space character prior to the given offset - as long as * it's on the same line! If there's only leading whitespace on the line up * to the lex offset, return the offset itself */ public static int findSpaceBegin(BaseDocument doc, int lexOffset) { TokenSequence ts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, lexOffset); if (ts == null) { return lexOffset; } boolean allowPrevLine = false; int lineStart; try { lineStart = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, Math.min(lexOffset, doc.getLength())); int prevLast = lineStart-1; if (lineStart > 0) { prevLast = Utilities.getRowLastNonWhite(doc, lineStart-1); if (prevLast != -1) { char c = doc.getText(prevLast, 1).charAt(0); if (c == ',') { // Arglist continuation? // TODO : check lexing allowPrevLine = true; } } } if (!allowPrevLine) { int firstNonWhite = Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(doc, lineStart); if (lexOffset <= firstNonWhite || firstNonWhite == -1) { return lexOffset; } } else { // Make lineStart so small that Math.max won't cause any problems int firstNonWhite = Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(doc, lineStart); if (prevLast >= 0 && (lexOffset <= firstNonWhite || firstNonWhite == -1)) { return prevLast+1; } lineStart = 0; } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { return lexOffset; } ts.move(lexOffset); if (ts.moveNext()) { if (lexOffset > ts.offset()) { // We're in the middle of a token return Math.max((ts.token().id() == RubyTokenId.WHITESPACE) ? ts.offset() : lexOffset, lineStart); } while (ts.movePrevious()) { Token token = ts.token(); if (token.id() != RubyTokenId.WHITESPACE) { return Math.max(ts.offset() + token.length(), lineStart); } } } return lexOffset; } /** * Get the rdoc documentation associated with the given node in the given document. * The node must have position information that matches the source in the document. */ public static OffsetRange findRDocRange(BaseDocument baseDoc, int methodBegin) { int begin = methodBegin; try { if (methodBegin >= baseDoc.getLength()) { return OffsetRange.NONE; } // Search to previous lines, locate comments. Once we have a non-whitespace line that isn't // a comment, we're done int offset = Utilities.getRowStart(baseDoc, methodBegin); offset--; // Skip empty and whitespace lines while (offset >= 0) { // Find beginning of line offset = Utilities.getRowStart(baseDoc, offset); if (!Utilities.isRowEmpty(baseDoc, offset) && !Utilities.isRowWhite(baseDoc, offset)) { break; } offset--; } if (offset < 0) { return OffsetRange.NONE; } while (offset >= 0) { // Find beginning of line offset = Utilities.getRowStart(baseDoc, offset); if (Utilities.isRowEmpty(baseDoc, offset) || Utilities.isRowWhite(baseDoc, offset)) { // Empty lines not allowed within an rdoc break; } // This is a comment line we should include int lineBegin = Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(baseDoc, offset); int lineEnd = Utilities.getRowLastNonWhite(baseDoc, offset) + 1; String line = baseDoc.getText(lineBegin, lineEnd - lineBegin); // Tolerate "public", "private" and "protected" here -- // Test::Unit::Assertions likes to put these in front of each // method. if (line.startsWith("#")) { begin = lineBegin; } else if (line.startsWith("=end") && (lineBegin == Utilities.getRowStart(baseDoc, offset))) { // It could be a =begin,=end document - see scanf.rb in Ruby lib for example. Treat this differently. int docBegin = findInlineDocStart(baseDoc, offset); if (docBegin != -1) { begin = docBegin; } else { return OffsetRange.NONE; } } else if (line.equals("public") || line.equals("private") || line.equals("protected")) { // NOI18N // Skip newlines back up to the comment offset--; while (offset >= 0) { // Find beginning of line offset = Utilities.getRowStart(baseDoc, offset); if (!Utilities.isRowEmpty(baseDoc, offset) && !Utilities.isRowWhite(baseDoc, offset)) { break; } offset--; } continue; } else { // No longer in a comment break; } // Previous line offset--; } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { // do nothing - see #154991 } if (methodBegin > begin) { return new OffsetRange(begin, methodBegin); } else { return OffsetRange.NONE; } } private static int findInlineDocStart(BaseDocument baseDoc, int offset) throws BadLocationException { // offset points to a line containing =end // Skip the =end list offset = Utilities.getRowStart(baseDoc, offset); offset--; // Search backwards in the document for the =begin (if any) and add all lines in reverse // order in between. while (offset >= 0) { // Find beginning of line offset = Utilities.getRowStart(baseDoc, offset); // This is a comment line we should include int lineBegin = offset; int lineEnd = Utilities.getRowEnd(baseDoc, offset); String line = baseDoc.getText(lineBegin, lineEnd - lineBegin); if (line.startsWith("=begin")) { // We're done! return lineBegin; } // Previous line offset--; } return -1; } }