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Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above. * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is * made subject to such option by the copyright holder. */ package org.netbeans.modules.ruby.options; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences; import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.swing.ComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JViewport; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Document; import org.netbeans.api.editor.settings.SimpleValueNames; import org.netbeans.api.ruby.platform.RubyInstallation; import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument; import org.netbeans.modules.editor.indent.api.Reformat; import org.netbeans.modules.options.editor.spi.PreferencesCustomizer; import org.netbeans.modules.options.editor.spi.PreviewProvider; import org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport; import org.openide.util.HelpCtx; import org.openide.util.NbBundle; /** * * @author phrebejk * * @todo Add an RHTML options category, such that I can see the effects of * switching the RHTML toggles? */ public class FmtOptions { public static final String expandTabToSpaces = SimpleValueNames.EXPAND_TABS; public static final String tabSize = SimpleValueNames.TAB_SIZE; public static final String spacesPerTab = SimpleValueNames.SPACES_PER_TAB; public static final String indentSize = SimpleValueNames.INDENT_SHIFT_WIDTH; public static final String rightMargin = SimpleValueNames.TEXT_LIMIT_WIDTH; //NOI18N public static final String continuationIndentSize = "continuationIndentSize"; //NOI18N public static final String reformatComments = "reformatComments"; //NOI18N public static final String indentHtml = "indentHtml"; //NOI18N public static Preferences lastValues; static final String CODE_STYLE_PROFILE = "CodeStyle"; // NOI18N private static final String DEFAULT_PROFILE = "default"; // NOI18N static final String PROJECT_PROFILE = "project"; // NOI18N static final String usedProfile = "usedProfile"; // NOI18N private FmtOptions() {} public static int getDefaultAsInt(String key) { return Integer.parseInt(defaults.get(key)); } public static boolean getDefaultAsBoolean(String key) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(defaults.get(key)); } public static String getDefaultAsString(String key) { return defaults.get(key); } public static String getCurrentProfileId() { return DEFAULT_PROFILE; } // public static boolean getGlobalExpandTabToSpaces() { // Preferences prefs = MimeLookup.getLookup(RubyInstallation.RUBY_MIME_TYPE).lookup(Preferences.class); // return prefs.getBoolean(SimpleValueNames.EXPAND_TABS, getDefaultAsBoolean(expandTabToSpaces)); // } // // public static int getGlobalTabSize() { // Preferences prefs = MimeLookup.getLookup(RubyInstallation.RUBY_MIME_TYPE).lookup(Preferences.class); // return prefs.getInt(SimpleValueNames.TAB_SIZE, getDefaultAsInt(tabSize)); // } // // public static int getGlobalSpacesPerTab() { // Preferences prefs = MimeLookup.getLookup(RubyInstallation.RUBY_MIME_TYPE).lookup(Preferences.class); // return prefs.getInt(SimpleValueNames.SPACES_PER_TAB, getDefaultAsInt(spacesPerTab)); // } // // public static int getGlobalIndentSize() { // Preferences prefs = MimeLookup.getLookup(RubyInstallation.RUBY_MIME_TYPE).lookup(Preferences.class); // return prefs.getInt(SimpleValueNames.INDENT_SHIFT_WIDTH, -1); // } // // public static int getGlobalRightMargin() { // Preferences prefs = MimeLookup.getLookup(RubyInstallation.RUBY_MIME_TYPE).lookup(Preferences.class); // return prefs.getInt(SimpleValueNames.TEXT_LIMIT_WIDTH, getDefaultAsInt(rightMargin)); // } public static boolean isInteger(String optionID) { String value = defaults.get(optionID); try { Integer.parseInt(value); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException) { return false; } } // Private section --------------------------------------------------------- private static final String TRUE = "true"; // NOI18N private static final String FALSE = "false"; // NOI18N private static Map<String,String> defaults; static { createDefaults(); } private static void createDefaults() { String defaultValues[][] = { { expandTabToSpaces, TRUE}, //NOI18N { tabSize, "2"}, //NOI18N { spacesPerTab, "2"}, //NOI18N { indentSize, "2"}, //NOI18N { continuationIndentSize, "2"}, //NOI18N { rightMargin, "120"}, //NOI18N { reformatComments, FALSE }, //NOI18N { indentHtml, TRUE }, //NOI18N }; defaults = new HashMap<String,String>(); for (java.lang.String[] strings : defaultValues) { defaults.put(strings[0], strings[1]); } } // Support section --------------------------------------------------------- public static class CategorySupport implements ActionListener, DocumentListener, PreviewProvider, PreferencesCustomizer { public static final String OPTION_ID = "org.netbeans.modules.ruby.options.FormatingOptions.ID"; private static final int LOAD = 0; private static final int STORE = 1; private static final int ADD_LISTENERS = 2; // private static final ComboItem bracePlacement[] = new ComboItem[] { // new ComboItem( BracePlacement.SAME_LINE.name(), "LBL_bp_SAME_LINE" ), // NOI18N // new ComboItem( BracePlacement.NEW_LINE.name(), "LBL_bp_NEW_LINE" ), // NOI18N // new ComboItem( BracePlacement.NEW_LINE_HALF_INDENTED.name(), "LBL_bp_NEW_LINE_HALF_INDENTED" ), // NOI18N // new ComboItem( BracePlacement.NEW_LINE_INDENTED.name(), "LBL_bp_NEW_LINE_INDENTED" ) // NOI18N // }; // private static final ComboItem bracesGeneration[] = new ComboItem[] { // new ComboItem( BracesGenerationStyle.GENERATE.name(), "LBL_bg_GENERATE" ), // NOI18N // new ComboItem( BracesGenerationStyle.LEAVE_ALONE.name(), "LBL_bg_LEAVE_ALONE" ), // NOI18N // new ComboItem( BracesGenerationStyle.ELIMINATE.name(), "LBL_bg_ELIMINATE" ) // NOI18N // }; // // private static final ComboItem wrap[] = new ComboItem[] { // new ComboItem( WrapStyle.WRAP_ALWAYS.name(), "LBL_wrp_WRAP_ALWAYS" ), // NOI18N // new ComboItem( WrapStyle.WRAP_IF_LONG.name(), "LBL_wrp_WRAP_IF_LONG" ), // NOI18N // new ComboItem( WrapStyle.WRAP_NEVER.name(), "LBL_wrp_WRAP_NEVER" ) // NOI18N // }; private final String previewText; // private String forcedOptions[][]; // private boolean changed = false; // private boolean loaded = false; private final String id; protected final JPanel panel; private final List<JComponent> components = new LinkedList<JComponent>(); private JEditorPane previewPane; private final Preferences preferences; private final Preferences previewPrefs; protected CategorySupport(Preferences preferences, String id, JPanel panel, String previewText, String[]... forcedOptions) { this.preferences = preferences; this.id = id; this.panel = panel; this.previewText = previewText != null ? previewText : NbBundle.getMessage(FmtOptions.class, "SAMPLE_Default"); //NOI18N // Scan the panel for its components scan(panel, components); // Initialize the preview preferences Preferences forcedPrefs = new PreviewPreferences(); for (String[] option : forcedOptions) { forcedPrefs.put( option[0], option[1]); } this.previewPrefs = new ProxyPreferences(preferences, forcedPrefs); // Load and hook up all the components loadFrom(preferences); addListeners(); } protected void addListeners() { scan(ADD_LISTENERS, null); } protected void loadFrom(Preferences preferences) { // loaded = true; scan(LOAD, preferences); // loaded = false; } // // public void applyChanges() { // storeTo(preferences); // } // protected void storeTo(Preferences p) { scan(STORE, p); } protected void notifyChanged() { // if (loaded) // return; storeTo(preferences); refreshPreview(); } // ActionListener implementation --------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { notifyChanged(); } // DocumentListener implementation ------------------------------------- public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { notifyChanged(); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { notifyChanged(); } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { notifyChanged(); } // PreviewProvider methods ----------------------------------------------------- public JComponent getPreviewComponent() { if (previewPane == null) { previewPane = new JEditorPane(); previewPane.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(NbBundle.getMessage(FmtOptions.class, "AN_Preview")); //NOI18N previewPane.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(NbBundle.getMessage(FmtOptions.class, "AD_Preview")); //NOI18N previewPane.putClientProperty("HighlightsLayerIncludes", "^org\\.netbeans\\.modules\\.editor\\.lib2\\.highlighting\\.SyntaxHighlighting$"); //NOI18N previewPane.setEditorKit(CloneableEditorSupport.getEditorKit(RubyInstallation.RUBY_MIME_TYPE)); previewPane.setEditable(false); } return previewPane; } public void refreshPreview() { JEditorPane jep = (JEditorPane) getPreviewComponent(); try { int rm = previewPrefs.getInt(rightMargin, getDefaultAsInt(rightMargin)); jep.putClientProperty("TextLimitLine", rm); //NOI18N } catch( NumberFormatException e ) { // Ignore it } int rm = 30; try { rm = previewPrefs.getInt(rightMargin, getDefaultAsInt(rightMargin)); // Estimate text line in preview pane JComponent pc = previewPane; if (previewPane.getParent() instanceof JViewport) { pc = (JViewport)previewPane.getParent(); } Font font = pc.getFont(); FontMetrics metrics = pc.getFontMetrics(font); int cw = metrics.charWidth('x'); if (cw > 0) { int nrm = pc.getWidth() / cw; if (nrm > 3) { rm = nrm-2; } } //pane.putClientProperty("TextLimitLine", rm); // NOI18N } catch( NumberFormatException e ) { // Ignore it } jep.setIgnoreRepaint(true); jep.setText(previewText); final Document doc = jep.getDocument(); final Reformat formatter = Reformat.get(doc); formatter.lock(); try { ((BaseDocument) doc).runAtomic(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { // The formatter is automatically going to use the previewPrefs. formatter.reformat(0, doc.getLength()); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { // ignore } } }); } finally { formatter.unlock(); } jep.setIgnoreRepaint(false); jep.scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle(0,0,10,10) ); jep.repaint(100); } // PreferencesCustomizer implementation -------------------------------- public JComponent getComponent() { return panel; } public String getDisplayName() { return panel.getName(); } public String getId() { return id; } public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() { return null; } // PreferencesCustomizer.Factory implementation ------------------------ public static final class Factory implements PreferencesCustomizer.Factory { private final String id; private final Class<? extends JPanel> panelClass; private final String previewText; private final String[][] forcedOptions; public Factory(String id, Class<? extends JPanel> panelClass, String previewText, String[]... forcedOptions) { this.id = id; this.panelClass = panelClass; this.previewText = previewText; this.forcedOptions = forcedOptions; } public PreferencesCustomizer create(Preferences preferences) { try { return new CategorySupport(preferences, id, panelClass.newInstance(), previewText, forcedOptions); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } } // End of CategorySupport.Factory class // Private methods ----------------------------------------------------- private void performOperation(int operation, JComponent jc, String optionID, Preferences p) { switch(operation) { case LOAD: loadData(jc, optionID, p); break; case STORE: storeData(jc, optionID, p); break; case ADD_LISTENERS: addListener(jc); break; } } private void scan(int what, Preferences p ) { for (JComponent jc : components) { Object o = jc.getClientProperty(OPTION_ID); if (o instanceof String) { performOperation(what, jc, (String)o, p); } else if (o instanceof String[]) { for(String oid : (String[])o) { performOperation(what, jc, oid, p); } } } } private void scan(Container container, List<JComponent> components) { for (Component c : container.getComponents()) { if (c instanceof JComponent) { JComponent jc = (JComponent)c; Object o = jc.getClientProperty(OPTION_ID); if (o instanceof String || o instanceof String[]) components.add(jc); } if (c instanceof Container) scan((Container)c, components); } } /** Very smart method which tries to set the values in the components correctly */ private void loadData( JComponent jc, String optionID, Preferences node ) { if ( jc instanceof JTextField ) { JTextField field = (JTextField)jc; field.setText( node.get(optionID, getDefaultAsString(optionID)) ); } else if ( jc instanceof JCheckBox ) { JCheckBox checkBox = (JCheckBox)jc; boolean df = getDefaultAsBoolean(optionID); checkBox.setSelected( node.getBoolean(optionID, df)); } else if ( jc instanceof JComboBox) { JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)jc; String value = node.get(optionID, getDefaultAsString(optionID) ); ComboBoxModel model = createModel(value); cb.setModel(model); ComboItem item = whichItem(value, model); cb.setSelectedItem(item); } } private void storeData( JComponent jc, String optionID, Preferences node ) { if ( jc instanceof JTextField ) { JTextField field = (JTextField)jc; String text = field.getText(); // XXX test for numbers if ( isInteger(optionID) ) { try { int i = Integer.parseInt(text); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return; } } // XXX: watch out, tabSize, spacesPerTab, indentSize and expandTabToSpaces // fall back on getGlopalXXX() values and not getDefaultAsXXX value, // which is why we must not remove them. Proper solution would be to // store formatting preferences to MimeLookup and not use NbPreferences. // The problem currently is that MimeLookup based Preferences do not support subnodes. if (!optionID.equals(tabSize) && !optionID.equals(spacesPerTab) && !optionID.equals(indentSize) && getDefaultAsString(optionID).equals(text) ) { node.remove(optionID); } else { node.put(optionID, text); } } else if ( jc instanceof JCheckBox ) { JCheckBox checkBox = (JCheckBox)jc; if (!optionID.equals(expandTabToSpaces) && getDefaultAsBoolean(optionID) == checkBox.isSelected()) node.remove(optionID); else node.putBoolean(optionID, checkBox.isSelected()); } else if ( jc instanceof JComboBox) { JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)jc; // Logger.global.info( cb.getSelectedItem() + " " + optionID); String value = ((ComboItem) cb.getSelectedItem()).value; if (getDefaultAsString(optionID).equals(value)) node.remove(optionID); else node.put(optionID,value); } } private void addListener( JComponent jc ) { if ( jc instanceof JTextField ) { JTextField field = (JTextField)jc; field.addActionListener(this); field.getDocument().addDocumentListener(this); } else if ( jc instanceof JCheckBox ) { JCheckBox checkBox = (JCheckBox)jc; checkBox.addActionListener(this); } else if ( jc instanceof JComboBox) { JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)jc; cb.addActionListener(this); } } private ComboBoxModel createModel( String value ) { // // is it braces placement? // for (ComboItem comboItem : bracePlacement) { // if ( value.equals( comboItem.value) ) { // return new DefaultComboBoxModel( bracePlacement ); // } // } // // // is it braces generation? // for (ComboItem comboItem : bracesGeneration) { // if ( value.equals( comboItem.value) ) { // return new DefaultComboBoxModel( bracesGeneration ); // } // } // // // is it wrap // for (ComboItem comboItem : wrap) { // if ( value.equals( comboItem.value) ) { // return new DefaultComboBoxModel( wrap ); // } // } return null; } private static ComboItem whichItem(String value, ComboBoxModel model) { for (int i = 0; i < model.getSize(); i++) { ComboItem item = (ComboItem)model.getElementAt(i); if ( value.equals(item.value)) { return item; } } return null; } private static class ComboItem { String value; String displayName; public ComboItem(String value, String key) { this.value = value; this.displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(FmtOptions.class, key); } @Override public String toString() { return displayName; } } } public static class PreviewPreferences extends AbstractPreferences { private Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public PreviewPreferences() { super(null, ""); // NOI18N } protected void putSpi(String key, String value) { map.put(key, value); } protected String getSpi(String key) { return (String)map.get(key); } protected void removeSpi(String key) { map.remove(key); } protected void removeNodeSpi() throws BackingStoreException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected String[] keysSpi() throws BackingStoreException { String array[] = new String[map.keySet().size()]; return map.keySet().toArray( array ); } protected String[] childrenNamesSpi() throws BackingStoreException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected AbstractPreferences childSpi(String name) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected void syncSpi() throws BackingStoreException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected void flushSpi() throws BackingStoreException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } } // read-only, no subnodes public static final class ProxyPreferences extends AbstractPreferences { private final Preferences[] delegates; public ProxyPreferences(Preferences... delegates) { super(null, ""); // NOI18N this.delegates = delegates; } protected void putSpi(String key, String value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected String getSpi(String key) { for(Preferences p : delegates) { String value = p.get(key, null); if (value != null) { return value; } } return null; } protected void removeSpi(String key) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected void removeNodeSpi() throws BackingStoreException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected String[] keysSpi() throws BackingStoreException { Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); for(Preferences p : delegates) { keys.addAll(Arrays.asList(p.keys())); } return keys.toArray(new String[ keys.size() ]); } protected String[] childrenNamesSpi() throws BackingStoreException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected AbstractPreferences childSpi(String name) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected void syncSpi() throws BackingStoreException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } protected void flushSpi() throws BackingStoreException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } } // End of ProxyPreferences class }