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Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2008 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above. * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is * made subject to such option by the copyright holder. */ package org.netbeans.modules.ruby.debugger; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import org.netbeans.api.debugger.ActionsManager; import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerEngine; import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManager; import org.netbeans.api.ruby.platform.RubyPlatform; import org.netbeans.api.ruby.platform.RubyPlatformManager; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.debugger.breakpoints.RubyLineBreakpoint; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.debugger.breakpoints.RubyBreakpointManager; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.platform.execution.RubyExecutionDescriptor; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.platform.spi.RubyDebuggerImplementation; import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil; import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor; public final class RubyDebuggerTest extends TestBase { private static final boolean VERBOSE = true; public RubyDebuggerTest(final String name) { super(name, VERBOSE); } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { clearWorkDir(); super.setUp(); watchStepping = false; } @Override protected boolean runInEQ() { return false; } public void testBasics() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "puts 'aaa'", "puts 'bbb'", "puts 'ccc'", "puts 'ddd'", "puts 'eee'", }; Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 2, 4); doContinue(); // 2 -> 4 doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); // 4 -> 5 doContinue(); // finish waitFor(p); } public void testAttach() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "sleep 0.01", "sleep 0.01", "sleep 0.01", "sleep 0.01"}; File testF = createScript(testContent); FileObject testFO = FileUtil.toFileObject(testF); addBreakpoint(testFO, 2); addBreakpoint(testFO, 3); RubyPlatform platform = getTestConfiguredPlatform(); int port = 12345; Process process = startDebuggerProcess(testF, port, platform); RubyDebugger debugger = new RubyDebugger(); debugger.attach("localhost", port, 6); waitForSuspension(); doContinue(); // 2 -> 3 doContinue(); // 3 -> finish waitFor(process); } public void testStepInto() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "def a", " puts 'aaa'", "end", "a", "puts 'end'" }; Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 4); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_INTO); // 4 -> 2 doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); // 2 -> 5 doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); // 5 -> finish waitFor(p); } public void testStepOut() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "def a", " puts 'a'", " puts 'aa'", " puts 'aaa'", " puts 'aaaa'", "end", "a", "puts 'end'" }; Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 2); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); // 2 -> 3 doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OUT); // 3 -> 8 doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); // 8 -> finish waitFor(p); } public void testSimpleLoop() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "1.upto(3) {", " puts 'aaa'", " puts 'bbb'", " puts 'ccc'", "}", }; File testF = createScript(testContent); FileObject testFO = FileUtil.toFileObject(testF); addBreakpoint(testFO, 2); RubyLineBreakpoint bp4 = addBreakpoint(testFO, 4); Process p = startDebugging(testF); doContinue(); // 2 -> 4 doContinue(); // 4 -> 2 RubyBreakpointManager.removeBreakpoint(bp4); doContinue(); // 2 -> 2 doContinue(); // 2 -> finish waitFor(p); } public void testSpaceAndSemicolonsInPath() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "1.upto(3) {", " puts 'aaa'", " puts 'bbb'", " puts 'ccc'", "}", }; File testF = createScript(testContent, "path spaces semi:colon.rb"); FileObject testFO = FileUtil.toFileObject(testF); addBreakpoint(testFO, 2); RubyLineBreakpoint bp4 = addBreakpoint(testFO, 4); Process p = startDebugging(testF); doContinue(); // 2 -> 4 doContinue(); // 4 -> 2 RubyBreakpointManager.removeBreakpoint(bp4); doContinue(); // 2 -> 2 doContinue(); // 2 -> finish waitFor(p); } // public void testScriptArgumentsNoticed() throws Exception { // String[] scriptArgs = { "--used-languages", "Ruby and Java" }; // String[] testContent = { // "exit 1 if ARGV.size != 2", // "puts 'OK'" // }; // Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 2); // Thread.sleep(3000); // TODO: do not depend on timing (use e.g. RubyDebugEventListener) // doContinue(); // 2 -> finish // waitFor(p); // } public void testBreakpointsRemovingFirst() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "3.times do", // 1 " b=10", // 2 " b=11", // 3 "end" // 4 }; File testF = createScript(testContent); FileObject testFO = FileUtil.toFileObject(testF); RubyLineBreakpoint bp2 = addBreakpoint(testFO, 2); addBreakpoint(testFO, 3); Process p = startDebugging(testF); doContinue(); // 2 -> 3 doContinue(); // 3 -> 2 RubyBreakpointManager.removeBreakpoint(bp2); doContinue(); // 2 -> 3 doContinue(); // 3 -> 3 doContinue(); // 3 -> finish waitFor(p); } public void testBreakpointsUpdating() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "4.times do", // 1 " b=10", // 2 " b=11", // 3 "end" // 4 }; File testF = createScript(testContent); FileObject testFO = FileUtil.toFileObject(testF); RubyLineBreakpoint bp2 = addBreakpoint(testFO, 2); addBreakpoint(testFO, 3); Process p = startDebugging(testF); doContinue(); // 2 -> 3 doContinue(); // 3 -> 2 bp2.disable(); doContinue(); // 2 -> 3 doContinue(); // 3 -> 3 bp2.enable(); doContinue(); // 3 -> 2 doContinue(); // 2 -> 3 doContinue(); // 3 -> finish waitFor(p); } public void testFinish() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "sleep 0.1", // 1 "sleep 0.1", // 2 }; Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 2); Thread.sleep(3000); // TODO: rather wait for appropriate event doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_KILL); waitFor(p); } public void testFinish2() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "Thread.start() { puts 'hello from new thread' }", "puts 'main thread'" }; Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 1); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_KILL); waitFor(p); } // XXX: check and enable // public void testFinishWhenSpawnedThreadIsSuspended() throws Exception { // String[] testContent = { // "Thread.start do", // " puts '1'", // "end" // }; // Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 2); // Thread.sleep(3000); // TODO: rather wait for appropriate event // doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_KILL); // waitFor(p); // } public void testActionsFlood() throws Exception { // classic debugger only String[] testContent = { "20.times do", " sleep 0.001", "end" }; Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 2); while ((getEngineManager()) != null) { Thread.sleep(10); RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() { public void run() { DebuggerEngine engine = getEngineManager(); if (engine != null) { ActionsManager actionManager = engine.getActionsManager(); actionManager.doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); } } }); } waitFor(p); } public void testDoNotStepIntoTheEval() throws Exception { // issue #106115 String[] testContent = { "module A", " module_eval(\"def A.a; sleep 0.01\\n sleep 0.01; end\")", "end", "A.a", "sleep 0.01", "sleep 0.01" }; Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 4); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_INTO); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_INTO); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_INTO); waitFor(p); } // public void testDoNotStepIntoNonResolvedPath() throws Exception { // issue #106115 // switchToJRuby(); // String[] testContent = { // "require 'java'", // "import 'java.util.TreeSet'", // "t = TreeSet.new", // "t.add 1", // "t.add 2" // }; // Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 3); // doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_INTO); // doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_INTO); // doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_INTO); // waitFor(p); // } public void testCheckAndTuneSettings() throws IOException { RubyPlatform jruby = getSafeJRuby(); RubyExecutionDescriptor descriptor = new RubyExecutionDescriptor(jruby); // DialogDisplayerImpl.createDialog() assertion would fail if dialog is shown assertTrue("default setting OK with JRuby", RubyDebugger.checkAndTuneSettings(descriptor)); assertFalse("does not have fast debugger", jruby.hasFastDebuggerInstalled()); installFakeFastRubyDebugger(jruby); assertTrue("succeed when fast debugger available", RubyDebugger.checkAndTuneSettings(descriptor)); } public void testCheckAndTuneSettingsForJRubyAndRails() throws IOException { RubyPlatform jruby = RubyPlatformManager.getDefaultPlatform(); RubyExecutionDescriptor descriptor = new RubyExecutionDescriptor(jruby); descriptor.fastDebugRequired(true); // simulate Rails assertTrue("default setting OK with JRuby and Rails", RubyDebugger.checkAndTuneSettings(descriptor)); } public void testRubiniusDebugging() throws IOException { RubyPlatform rubinius = setUpRubinius(); RubyExecutionDescriptor descriptor = new RubyExecutionDescriptor(rubinius); // DialogDisplayerImpl.createDialog() assertion would fail if dialog is shown RubyDebuggerImplementation rdi = new RubyDebugger(); rdi.describeProcess(descriptor); assertFalse("Rubinius debuggin is not supported yet", rdi.prepare()); assertFalse("Rubinius debuggin is not supported yet", RubyDebugger.checkAndTuneSettings(descriptor)); } public void testSteppingThroughImportStatement() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "require 'java'", "import 'java.lang.System'", "s = System", }; Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 2); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); doAction(ActionsManager.ACTION_STEP_OVER); waitFor(p); } public void testJVMArguments() throws Exception { String[] testContent = { "require 'java'", "import 'java.lang.System'", "s = System", }; setJVMArgs("-Xmx1024m"); Process p = startDebugging(testContent, 2); doContinue(); waitFor(p); } private DebuggerEngine getEngineManager() { return DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().getCurrentEngine(); } }