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If applicable, add the following below the * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * Portions Copyrighted 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ package org.netbeans.modules.ruby.hints; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import org.jrubyparser.ast.IArgumentNode; import org.jrubyparser.ast.Node; import org.jrubyparser.ast.NodeType; import org.jrubyparser.SourcePosition; import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token; import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenId; import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence; import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument; import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.EditList; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Hint; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.HintFix; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.HintSeverity; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.OffsetRange; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.PreviewableFix; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.RuleContext; import org.netbeans.modules.csl.spi.ParserResult; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.AstPath; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.AstUtilities; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.RubyUtils; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.hints.infrastructure.RubyAstRule; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.hints.infrastructure.RubyRuleContext; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.lexer.LexUtilities; import org.netbeans.modules.ruby.lexer.RubyTokenId; import org.openide.util.Exceptions; import org.openide.util.NbBundle; /** * Offer to convert a {}-style block into do-end, or vice versa * * @author Tor Norbye */ public class ConvertBlockType extends RubyAstRule { public ConvertBlockType() { } public boolean appliesTo(RuleContext context) { ParserResult info = context.parserResult; // Skip for RHTML files for now - isn't implemented properly return RubyUtils.getFileObject(info).getMIMEType().equals("text/x-ruby"); } public Set<NodeType> getKinds() { return Collections.singleton(NodeType.ITERNODE); } public void run(RubyRuleContext context, List<Hint> result) { Node node = context.node; ParserResult info = context.parserResult; int caretOffset = context.caretOffset; BaseDocument doc = context.doc; assert (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.ITERNODE); try { int astOffset = node.getPosition().getStartOffset(); int lexOffset = LexUtilities.getLexerOffset(info, astOffset); if (lexOffset == -1 || lexOffset > doc.getLength() - 1) { return; } // Limit the hint to the -opening- line of the block boolean caretOnStart = true; final int beginRowEnd = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, lexOffset); final int caretRowEnd = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, caretOffset); boolean caretLine = beginRowEnd == caretRowEnd; int endLexOffset = -1; if (!caretLine) { // ...or the -ending- line of the block int endAstOffset = node.getPosition().getEndOffset(); endLexOffset = LexUtilities.getLexerOffset(info, endAstOffset); if (endLexOffset == -1) { return; } int endRowEnd = endLexOffset; if (endRowEnd < doc.getLength()) { endRowEnd = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, endLexOffset); } caretLine = endRowEnd == caretRowEnd; if (!caretLine) { return; } if (endRowEnd != beginRowEnd) { caretOnStart = false; } } Token<? extends RubyTokenId> token = LexUtilities.getToken(doc, lexOffset); if (token == null) { return; } TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.LBRACE || id == RubyTokenId.DO) { OffsetRange range; if (caretOnStart) { range = new OffsetRange(lexOffset, lexOffset + token.length()); } else { assert endLexOffset != -1; int len = (id == RubyTokenId.LBRACE) ? 1 : 3; // }=1, end=3 range = new OffsetRange(endLexOffset-len, endLexOffset); } List<HintFix> fixList = new ArrayList<HintFix>(1); boolean convertFromBrace = id == RubyTokenId.LBRACE; int endOffset = node.getPosition().getEndOffset(); if (endOffset > doc.getLength()) { endOffset = doc.getLength(); } // See if we should offer to collapse String text = doc.getText(lexOffset, endOffset - lexOffset); int nonspaceChars = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { nonspaceChars++; } } int startColumn = lexOffset - Utilities.getRowStart(doc, lexOffset); // Not yet exposed from the Ruby module //int rightMargin = org.netbeans.modules.ruby.options.CodeStyle.getDefault(null).getRightMargin(); // #119151: This should be available for a lot of hints that don't neatly fit. // So only suppress it for -really- large blocks. int rightMargin = 350; boolean offerCollapse = rightMargin > startColumn + nonspaceChars; // TODO - in an RHTML page, make sure there are no "gaps" (non Ruby code) between the do and the end, // since we can't handle those for collapse // TODO boolean sameLine = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, lexOffset) == Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, endOffset); if (sameLine && convertFromBrace) { fixList.add(new ConvertTypeFix(context, node, convertFromBrace, !convertFromBrace, true, false)); } else if (!sameLine && !convertFromBrace && offerCollapse) { fixList.add(new ConvertTypeFix(context, node, convertFromBrace, !convertFromBrace, false, true)); } // else: Should I let you expand a single line do-end to a multiline {}, or vice versa? Naeh, // they can do this in two steps; it's not common fixList.add(new ConvertTypeFix(context, node, convertFromBrace, !convertFromBrace, false, false)); if (sameLine || (!sameLine && offerCollapse)) { fixList.add(new ConvertTypeFix(context, node, false, false, sameLine, !sameLine)); } Hint desc = new Hint(this, getDisplayName(), RubyUtils.getFileObject(info), range, fixList, 500); result.add(desc); } } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } public String getId() { return "Convert_Blocktype"; // NOI18N } public String getDisplayName() { return NbBundle.getMessage(ConvertBlockType.class, "ConvertBlockType"); } public String getDescription() { return NbBundle.getMessage(ConvertBlockType.class, "ConvertBlockTypeDesc"); } public boolean getDefaultEnabled() { return true; } public HintSeverity getDefaultSeverity() { return HintSeverity.CURRENT_LINE_WARNING; } public JComponent getCustomizer(Preferences node) { return null; } public boolean showInTasklist() { return false; } private static class ConvertTypeFix implements PreviewableFix { private final RubyRuleContext context; private final boolean convertToDo; private final boolean convertToBrace; private final Node node; private final boolean expand; private final boolean collapse; ConvertTypeFix(RubyRuleContext context, Node node, boolean convertToDo, boolean convertToBrace, boolean expand, boolean collapse) { this.context = context; this.node = node; this.convertToDo = convertToDo; this.convertToBrace = convertToBrace; this.expand = expand; this.collapse = collapse; } public String getDescription() { String key; if (convertToDo) { if (expand) { key = "ConvertBraceToDoMulti"; // NOI18N } else if (collapse) { key = "ConvertBraceToDoSingle"; // NOI18N } else { key = "ConvertBraceToDo"; // NOI18N } } else if (convertToBrace) { if (expand) { key = "ConvertDoToBraceMulti"; // NOI18N } else if (collapse) { key = "ConvertDoToBraceSingle"; // NOI18N } else { key = "ConvertDoToBrace"; // NOI18N } } else { if (expand) { key = "ChangeBlockToMulti"; // NOI18N } else { assert collapse; key = "ChangeBlockToSingle"; // NOI18N } } return NbBundle.getMessage(ConvertBlockType.class, key); } public boolean canPreview() { return true; } public void implement() throws Exception { getEditList().apply(); } public EditList getEditList() throws Exception { BaseDocument doc = context.doc; EditList edits = new EditList(doc); SourcePosition pos = node.getPosition(); int startOffset = pos.getStartOffset(); int originalEnd = pos.getEndOffset(); int endOffset; if (convertToDo) { endOffset = originalEnd - 1; } else if (convertToBrace) { endOffset = originalEnd - 3; } else { endOffset = originalEnd; } if (startOffset > doc.getLength() - 1 || endOffset > doc.getLength()) { return edits; } if (convertToDo) { if (doc.getText(startOffset, 1).charAt(0) == '{' && doc.getText(endOffset, 1).charAt(0) == '}') { String end; if (endOffset > 0 && !Character.isWhitespace(doc.getText(endOffset - 1, 1).charAt(0))) { end = " end"; // NOI18N } else { end = "end"; // NOI18N } edits.replace(endOffset, 1, end, false, 0); // NOI18N boolean spaceBefore = true; boolean spaceAfter = true; if (startOffset > 0) { String s = doc.getText(startOffset - 1, 3); spaceBefore = Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(0)); spaceAfter = Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(2)); } String insert = "do"; if (!spaceAfter) { insert = insert + " "; } if (!spaceBefore) { insert = " " + insert; } edits.replace(startOffset, 1, insert, false, 1); // NOI18N if (expand) { expand(edits, doc, node, startOffset, originalEnd); } else if (collapse) { collapse(edits, doc, node, startOffset, originalEnd); } } } else if (convertToBrace) { if (doc.getText(startOffset, 2).equals("do") && endOffset <= doc.getLength() - 3 && // NOI18N doc.getText(endOffset, 3).equals("end")) { // NOI18N // TODO - make sure there is whitespace next to these tokens!!! // They are optional around {} but not around do/end! AstPath path = new AstPath(AstUtilities.getRoot(context.parserResult), node); assert path.leaf() == node; boolean parenIsNecessary = isArgParenNecessary(path, doc); edits.replace(endOffset, 3, "}", false, 0); // NOI18N edits.replace(startOffset, 2, "{", false, 0); // NOI18N if (parenIsNecessary) { // Insert parentheses assert AstUtilities.isCall(path.leafParent()); OffsetRange range = AstUtilities.getCallRange(path.leafParent()); int insertPos = range.getEnd(); // Check if I should remove a space; e.g. replace "foo arg" with "foo(arg" if (Character.isWhitespace(doc.getText(insertPos, 1).charAt(0))) { edits.replace(insertPos, 1, "(", false, 1); // NOI18N } else { edits.replace(insertPos, 0, "(", false, 1); // NOI18N } // Insert ) edits.replace(startOffset-1, 0, ")", false, 2); // NOI18N if (!Character.isWhitespace(doc.getText(startOffset-1, 1).charAt(0))) { edits.replace(startOffset-1, 0, " ", false, 3); // NOI18N } } if (expand) { expand(edits, doc, node, startOffset, originalEnd); } else if (collapse) { collapse(edits, doc, node, startOffset, originalEnd); } } } else { assert collapse || expand; if (expand) { expand(edits, doc, node, startOffset, endOffset); } else { collapse(edits, doc, node, startOffset, endOffset); } } return edits; } /** JRuby sometimes has wrong AST offsets. For example, for * this IterNode * sort{|a1, a2| a1[0].id2name <=> a2[0].id2name} * the NewlineNode inside the iter will be here: a1^[0] instead of ^a1[0]. * To work around this problem, look at the left most children of a NewlineNode * and find the TRUE starting range of the newline node. * @todo File JRuby issue */ private int findRealStart(Node node) { int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while (true) { int start = node.getPosition().getStartOffset(); if (start < min) { min = start; } List<Node> list = node.childNodes(); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { node = list.get(0); } else { return min; } } } private void findLineBreaks(Node node, Set<Integer> offsets) { if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.NEWLINENODE) { // Doesn't work, need above workaround //int start = node.getPosition().getStartOffset(); int start = findRealStart(node); offsets.add(start); } List<Node> list = node.childNodes(); for (Node child : list) { if (child.isInvisible()) { continue; } if (child.getNodeType() == NodeType.EVSTRNODE) { // Don't linebreak inside a #{} expression continue; } findLineBreaks(child, offsets); } } /** NOTE - document should be under atomic lock when this is called */ private void expand(EditList edits, BaseDocument doc, Node node, int startOffset, int endOffset) { assert endOffset <= doc.getLength(); // Look through the document and find the statement separators (;); // at these locations I'll replace the ; with a newline and then // apply a formatter Set<Integer> offsetSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); findLineBreaks(node, offsetSet); // Add in ; replacements TokenSequence<? extends RubyTokenId> ts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, endOffset); if (ts != null) { // Traverse sequence in reverse order such that my offset list is in decreasing order ts.move(endOffset); while (ts.movePrevious() && ts.offset() > startOffset) { Token<? extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.IDENTIFIER && ";".equals(token.text().toString())) { // NOI18N //offsetSet.add(ts.offset()); } else if (id == RubyTokenId.END || id == RubyTokenId.RBRACE) { offsetSet.add(ts.offset()); } } } List<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<Integer>(offsetSet); Collections.sort(offsets); // Ensure that we go in high to lower order such that I edit the // document from bottom to top (so offsets don't have to be adjusted // to account for our own edits along the way) Collections.reverse(offsets); if (offsets.size() > 0) { // TODO: Create a ModificationResult here and process it // The following is the WRONG way to do it... // I've gotta use a ModificationResult instead! try { // Process offsets from back to front such that I can // modify the document without worrying that the other offsets // need to be adjusted int prev = -1; int added = 0; for (int offset : offsets) { // We might get some dupes since we add offsets from both // the AST newline nodes and semicolons discovered in the lexical token hierarchy if (offset == prev) { continue; } prev = offset; // Back up over any whitespace int whitespaces = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 5 && offset-i > 0; i++) { char c = doc.getText(offset-i, 1).charAt(0); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { whitespaces++; } else { break; } } if (whitespaces > 0) { edits.replace(offset-whitespaces, whitespaces, "\n", false, 4); // NOI18N } else { edits.replace(offset, 0, "\n", false, 4); // NOI18N } added++; } // Remove trailing semicolons for (int offset : offsets) { char c = doc.getText(offset-1, 1).charAt(0); if (c == ';') { edits.replace(offset-1, 1, null, false, 5); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { c = doc.getText(offset-2, 1).charAt(0); if (c == ';') { edits.replace(offset-2, 1, null, false, 5); } } } int newEnd = endOffset + added; // Remove trailing whitespace // TODO } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble); } } edits.setFormatAll(true); } private void collapse(EditList edits, BaseDocument doc, Node node, int startOffset, int endOffset) { assert endOffset <= doc.getLength(); // Look through the document and find the statement separators (;); // at these locations I'll replace the ; with a newline and then // apply a formatter Set<Integer> offsetSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); findLineBreaks(node, offsetSet); Token<? extends TokenId> t = LexUtilities.getToken(doc, startOffset); TokenId tid = t.id(); assert tid == RubyTokenId.LBRACE || tid == RubyTokenId.DO; boolean isDoBlock = tid == RubyTokenId.DO; // Add in ; replacements TokenSequence<? extends RubyTokenId> ts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, endOffset); if (ts != null) { // Traverse sequence in reverse order such that my offset list is in decreasing order ts.move(endOffset); while (ts.movePrevious() && ts.offset() > startOffset) { Token<? extends RubyTokenId> token = ts.token(); TokenId id = token.id(); if (id == RubyTokenId.END || id == RubyTokenId.RBRACE) { offsetSet.add(ts.offset()); } } } List<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<Integer>(offsetSet); Collections.sort(offsets); // Ensure that we go in high to lower order such that I edit the // document from bottom to top (so offsets don't have to be adjusted // to account for our own edits along the way) //Collections.reverse(offsets); if (offsets.size() > 0) { // TODO: Create a ModificationResult here and process it // The following is the WRONG way to do it... // I've gotta use a ModificationResult instead! try { // Process offsets from back to front such that I can // modify the document without worrying that the other offsets // need to be adjusted int prev = -1; //int posDelta; // Amount to add to offsets to account for our for (int i = offsets.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int offset = offsets.get(i); // We might get some dupes since we add offsets from both // the AST newline nodes and semicolons discovered in the lexical token hierarchy if (offset == prev) { continue; } prev = offset; int prevOffset = i > 0 ? offsets.get(i - 1) : 0; int segmentOffset = offset; // TODO - use an editor-finder which can do this efficiently // See also DocumentUtilities.getText() which can do it efficiently int s = segmentOffset; while (s > prevOffset) { s--; char c = doc.getText(s, 1).charAt(0); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { segmentOffset = s; } else { break; } } int segmentLength = offset - segmentOffset; s = offset - 1; while (s < doc.getLength()) { s++; char c = doc.getText(s, 1).charAt(0); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { segmentLength++; } else { break; } } // Collapse all whitespace around this offset and replace with a single "; " char prevChar = '?'; if (segmentOffset > 0) { prevChar = doc.getText(segmentOffset-1, 1).charAt(0); } if (prevChar == '|' || (isDoBlock && (segmentOffset <= startOffset + 3) || (!isDoBlock && (segmentOffset <= startOffset + 1)))) { edits.replace(segmentOffset, segmentLength, " ", false, 4); } else { // Don't insert semicolons before "end" or around parens in "if (true)" etc. boolean skipSemicolon = false; //if (segmentOffset > 0) { // Token tkr = LexUtilities.getToken(doc, segmentOffset-1); // if (tkr != null && tkr.id() == RubyTokenId.RPAREN) { // skipSemicolon = true; // } //} TokenSequence<? extends TokenId> rts = LexUtilities.getRubyTokenSequence(doc, segmentOffset); rts.move(segmentOffset); while (rts.moveNext()) { Token tk = rts.token(); TokenId tkid = tk.id(); if (tkid == RubyTokenId.END || tkid == RubyTokenId.RBRACE || tkid == RubyTokenId.LPAREN) { skipSemicolon = true; break; } else if (tkid != RubyTokenId.WHITESPACE) { break; } } if (skipSemicolon) { edits.replace(segmentOffset, segmentLength, " ", false, 4); } else { edits.replace(segmentOffset, segmentLength, "; ", false, 4); } } } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble); } } edits.setFormatAll(true); } /** Determine whether parentheses are necessary around the call * corresponding to a block call. * For example, in * <pre> * b.create_menu :name => 'default_menu' do |d| ... * </pre> * parens are necessary if you want to switch to a brace block. */ private boolean isArgParenNecessary(AstPath path, BaseDocument doc) throws BadLocationException { // Look at the surrounding CallNode and see if it has arguments. // If so, see if it has parens. If not, return true. assert path.leaf().getNodeType() == NodeType.ITERNODE; Node n = path.leafParent(); if (n != null && AstUtilities.isCall(n) && n instanceof IArgumentNode && ((IArgumentNode)n).getArgsNode() != null) { // Yes, call has args - check parens int end = node.getPosition().getStartOffset(); // Start of do/{ - end of args for (int i = end-1; i >= 0 && i < doc.getLength(); i--) { // XXX Use a more performant document content iterator! char c = doc.getText(i, 1).charAt(0); if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { continue; } if (c == ')') { return false; } else { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isSafe() { // Different precedence rules apply for do and {} return !convertToBrace && !convertToDo; } public boolean isInteractive() { return false; } } }