package; /* Please see the license information at the end of this file. */ /** Provides methods for generating random numbers from a variety * of statistical distributions. * * <p> * The Mersenne Twister algorithm is used to generate the uniform * random numbers used by all methods in this class. The Mersenne * Twister method provides an efficient portable means of generating * random numbers with a long period of 2<sup>19937</sup>-1. * This class uses an implementation of Mesenne Twister written * by Luc Maisonobe. * </p> */ public class RandomVariable { /** Initialize Mersenne Twister generator. */ private static MersenneTwister rnd = new MersenneTwister(); /** Generate a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1. * * @return A double between 0 and 1. * * <p> * To use a different base random number generator, all you need to do * is override this method in a subclass. * </p> */ public static double rand() { return rnd.nextDouble(); } /** Generate a random integer within a specific range. * * @param min Minimum value for the random integer. * @param max Maximum value for the random integer. * * @return An integer between min and max. */ public static int randInt( int min , int max ) { return min + new Double( Math.floor( ( max - min + 1 ) * rand() ) ).intValue(); } /** Generate a random number from a beta random variable. * * @param a First parameter of the Beta random variable. * @param b Second parameter of the Beta random variable. * * @return Beta distributed random number. */ public static double beta( double a , double b ) { double x; double y; do { x = Math.pow( rand() , 1.0D / a ); y = Math.pow( rand() , 1.0D / b ); } while ( ( x + y ) > 1.0D ); return x / ( x + y ); } /** Generate a random boolean value from a binomial random variable. * * @param p Probability for binomial. * * @return true or false. */ public static boolean binomial( double p ) { return ( rand() < p ); } /** Generate a random integer value from a binomial random variable. * * @param p Probability for binomial. * * @return 0 or 1. */ public static int binomialInteger( double p ) { return ( rand() < p ) ? 0 : 1; } /** Generate a random number from a Cauchy random variable. * * @param median Median of the Weibull random variable * @param stddev Second parameter of the Cauchy random variable. * * @return Cauchy distributed random number. */ public static double cauchy( double median , double stddev ) { return stddev * Math.tan( Math.PI * ( rand() - 0.5D ) ) + median; } /** Generate a random number from a chisquare random variable. * * @param df Degrees of freedom of the chisquare random variable. * * @return Random number. * * <p> * We compute the random chisquare value as the sum of "df" random normal * deviates squared. * </p> */ public static double chisquare( int df ) { double result = 0.0D; for ( int i = 0; i < df; i++ ) { double norm = normal( 0 , 1 ); result += norm * norm; } return result; } /** Generate a random number from a discrete random variable. * * @param values Discrete values. * @param pValues Probability of each value. * * @return Random number. */ public static double dirac( double[] values , double[] pValues ) { double[] cumulativePDF = new double[ values.length ]; // Compute cumulative probability distribution. cumulativePDF[ 0 ] = pValues[ 0 ]; for ( int i = 1 ; i < values.length ; i++ ) { cumulativePDF[ i ] = cumulativePDF[ i - 1 ] + pValues[ i ]; } double random = rand(); double result = 0; // Seleect discrete value corresponding // to matching position in cumulative PDF. for ( int i = 0 ; i < values.length - 1 ; i++ ) { if ( ( random > cumulativePDF[ i ] ) && ( random < cumulativePDF[ i + 1 ] ) ) { result = values[ i ]; } } return result; } /** Generate a random number from an exponential random variable. * * @param lambda Parameter of the exponential random variable. * * @return Exponentially distributed random number. * * <p> * The mean of the exponential distribution is 1/lambda and * the variance is 1/lambda^2 . * </p> */ public static double exponential( double lambda ) { return -1.0D / lambda * Math.log( rand() ); } /** Generate a random number from a gamma distributed random variable. * * @param alpha First parameter of gamma distribution. * @param beta Second parameter of gamma distribution. * * @return Gamma distributed random number. */ public static double gamma( double alpha , double beta ) { if ( alpha < 1.0D ) { double b = ( Math.E + alpha ) / Math.E; double y; double p; do { do { double u1 = rand(); p = b * u1; if ( p > 1 ) { break; } y = Math.pow( p , 1.0D / alpha ); double u2 = rand(); if ( u2 <= Math.exp( -y ) ) { return beta * y; } } while ( true ); y = -Math.log( ( beta - p ) / alpha ); double u2 = rand(); if ( u2 <= Math.pow( y , alpha - 1 ) ) { return beta * y; } } while ( true ); } else { double a = 1.0D / Math.sqrt( 2.0D * alpha - 1.0D ); double b = alpha - Math.log( 4.0 ); double q = alpha + 1.0D / a; double theta = 4.5D; double d = 1.0D + Math.log( theta ); do { double u1 = rand(); double u2 = rand(); double v = a * Math.log( u1 / ( 1.0D - u2 ) ); double y = alpha * Math.exp( v ); double z = u1 * u1 * u2; double w = b + q * v + y; if ( ( ( w + d - theta * z ) >= 0.0D ) && ( w >= Math.log( z ) ) ) { return beta * y; } } while ( true ); } } /** Generate a random value from a geometric random variable. * * @param p Probability for geometric random variable. * * @return Geometrically distributed random value. */ public static int geometric( double p ) { return (int)Math.floor( Math.log( rand() ) / Math.log( 1.0D - p ) ); } /** Generate a random number from a lognormal random variable. * * @param mean Mean of the normal random variable. * @param stddev Standard deviation of the normal random variable. * * @return A lognormally distributed random number. */ public static double logNormal( double mean , double stddev ) { return mean + stddev * Math.cos( 2.0D * Math.PI * rand() ) * Math.sqrt( -2.0 * Math.log( rand() ) ); } /** Generate a random value from a negative binomial variable. * * @param s * @param p Probability for negative binomial random variable. * * @return Random value from negative binomial distribution. */ public static int negativebinomial( int s , double p ) { int result = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < s ; i++ ) { result += geometric( p ); } return result; } /** Generate a random number from a Gaussian (Normal) random variable. * * @param mean Mean of the random variable. * @param stddev Standard deviation of the random variable. * * @return Random number from normal distribution. */ public static double normal( double mean , double stddev ) { return mean + stddev * rand(); } /** Generate a random number from a poisson random variable. * * @param lambda Parameter of the exponential random variable. * * @return Random number from Poisson distribution. */ public static int poisson( double lambda ) { double a = Math.exp( -lambda ); double b = 1.0D; int i = 0; do { b *= rand(); if ( b < a ) { return i; } i++; } while ( true ); } /** Generate a random number from a symmetric triangular random variable. * * @param min Minimum value of the random variable. * @param max Maximum value of the random variable. * * @return Symmetric triangular distributed random variable. */ public static double triangular( double min , double max ) { return min / 2.0D + ( max - min ) * rand() / 2.0D + min / 2.0D + ( max - min ) * rand() / 2.0D; } /** Generate a random number from a non-symmetric triangular random variable. * * @param min Minimum value of the random variable. * @param median Value of the random variable which has maximum density. * @param max Maximum value of the random variable. * * @return Nonsymmetric triangular random variable. */ public static double triangular( double min , double median , double max ) { double y = rand(); return ( y < ( ( median - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ) ? ( min + Math.sqrt( y * ( max - min ) * ( median - min ) ) ) : ( max - Math.sqrt( ( 1.0D - y ) * ( max - min ) * ( max - median ) ) ); } /** Generate a random number from a uniform random variable. * * @param min Mininum value for the random variable. * @param max Maximum value for the random variable. * * @return A random double between min and max. */ public static double uniform( double min , double max ) { return min + ( max - min ) * rand(); } /** Generate a random number from a Weibull random variable. * * @param eta First parameter of the Weibull random variable. * @param beta Second parameter of the Weibull random variable. * * @return Weibull distributed random number. */ public static double weibull( double eta , double beta ) { return Math.pow( -Math.log( 1.0D - rand() ), 1.0D / beta ) / eta; } } /* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 by Northwestern University. All rights reserved. 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