package ; /* Please see the license information in the header below. */ /* NGramJ - n-gram based text classification Copyright (C) 2001- Frank S. Nestel (frank at This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program (lesser.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import java.text.DecimalFormat ; import; /** * Commandline interface that runs a ngram analysis over submitted text, * results can be used for automatic language identification. * * @author Frank S. Nestel * @author $Author: nestefan $ * @version $Revision: 2 $ $Date: 2006-03-27 23:00:21 +0200 (Mo, 27 Mrz 2006) $ $Author: nestefan $ */ public class RunNGram { public static final int CREATE = 1 ; public static final int SIMILARITY = 2 ; public static final int SCORE = 3 ; public static final int LANG = 4 ; public static final int TEST = 5 ; public static final int LANG2 = 6 ; public static final int LANG2B = 7 ; public static final int CHECK = 8 ; public static final int PROFILES = 9 ; public final static DecimalFormat DF = new DecimalFormat( "0.000" ) ; public final static DecimalFormat DFE = new DecimalFormat( "0.0E0" ) ; private static void usage( PrintStream out ) { out.println( "Usage: RunNGram commandset" ) ; out.println( " [-create profilename(out) textfile [encoding]]" ) ; out.println( " or [-similarity metricName textfile1 textfile2 [encoding]]" ) ; out.println( " or [-score metricName profile-name textfile [encoding]]" ) ; out.println( " or [-lang metricName textfile [encoding]]" ) ; out.println( " or [-test ]" ) ; out.println( " or [-lang2 textfile [encoding]]" ) ; out.println( " or [-lang2b textfile [encoding]]" ) ; out.println( " or [-check textlistFile]" ) ; out.println( " or [-profiles metricName profile1 profile2]" ) ; System.exit( 42 ) ; } public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception { int command = 0 ; if ( args.length == 0 ) { usage( System.out ) ; } for ( int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++ ) { String profilename = "" ; String profilename2 = "" ; String textfile = "" ; String filename2 = "" ; String metricName = null ; NGramMetric metric = null ; String encoding = "" ; if ( "-c".equals( args[ i ] ) || "-create".equals( args[ i ] ) ) { command = CREATE ; profilename = args[ ++i ] ; textfile = args[ ++i ] ; } else if ( "-i".equals( args[ i ] ) || "-similarity".equals( args[ i ] ) ) { command = SIMILARITY ; metricName = args[ ++i ] ; metric = (NGramMetric)Class.forName( metricName ).newInstance() ; textfile = args[ ++i ] ; filename2 = args[ ++i ] ; } else if ( "-s".equals( args[ i ] ) || args[ i ].equals( "-score" ) ) { command = SCORE ; metricName = args[ ++i ] ; metric = (NGramMetric)Class.forName( metricName ).newInstance() ; profilename = args[ ++i ] ; textfile = args[ ++i ] ; } else if ( "-p".equals( args[ i ] ) || "-profiles".equals( args[ i ] ) ) { command = PROFILES ; metricName = args[ ++i ] ; metric = (NGramMetric)Class.forName( metricName ).newInstance() ; profilename = args[ ++i ] ; profilename2 = args[ ++i ] ; } else if ( "-l".equals( args[ i ] ) || "-lang".equals( args[ i ] ) ) { command = LANG ; metricName = args[ ++i ] ; metric = (NGramMetric)Class.forName( metricName ).newInstance() ; textfile = args[ ++i ] ; } else if ( "-l2".equals( args[ i ] ) || "-lang2".equals( args[ i ] ) ) { command = LANG2 ; textfile = args[ ++i ] ; } else if ( "-l2b".equals( args[ i ] ) || "-lang2b".equals( args[ i ] ) ) { command = LANG2B ; textfile = args[ ++i ] ; } else if ( "-x".equals( args[ i ] ) || "-check".equals( args[ i ] ) ) { command = CHECK ; textfile = args[ ++i ] ; } else if ( "-t".equals( args[ i ] ) || "-test".equals( args[ i ] ) ) { command = TEST ; } else { usage( System.err ) ; } if ( i + 1 < args.length && args[ i ].charAt( 0 ) != '-' ) { encoding = args[ ++i ] ; } else { encoding = "iso-8859-1" ; } if ( command == TEST ) { NGramProfiles npi = new NGramProfiles() ; ; } else if ( command == LANG2 || command == LANG2B ) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; NGramProfiles nps = new NGramProfiles() ; NGramProfiles.Ranker ranker = nps.getRanker() ; ranker.account( createReader( textfile , encoding ) ) ; NGramProfiles.RankResult res = ranker.getRankResult() ; long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; printRankResult( "speed" , res , t2 - t1 ) ; if ( command == LANG2B ) { t1 = t2 ; ranker.reset() ; ranker.account( createReader( textfile , encoding ) ) ; res = ranker.getRankResult() ; t2 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; printRankResult( "speed" , res , t2 - t1 ) ; } } else if ( command == CHECK ) { NGramProfiles npi = new NGramProfiles() ; NGramProfiles.Ranker ranker = npi.getRanker() ; File fi = new File( textfile ) ; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( fi ) ) ; String line ; while ( ( line = br.readLine() ) != null ) { line = line.trim() ; if ( line.charAt( 0 ) == '#' ) { continue ; } String[] ss = line.split( ";" ) ; long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; ranker.reset() ; ranker.account( createReader( ss[ 0 ] , ss[ 1 ] ) ) ; long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; NGramProfiles.RankResult res = ranker.getRankResult() ; printRankResult( ss[ 0 ] , res , t2 - t1 ) ; } } else if ( command == PROFILES ) { FileInputStream fis ; File f2 = new File( profilename ) ; fis = new FileInputStream( f2 ) ; NGramProfileImpl comp1 = new NGramProfileImpl( profilename ) ; comp1.load( fis ) ; File f3 = new File( profilename2 ) ; fis = new FileInputStream( f3 ) ; NGramProfileImpl comp2 = new NGramProfileImpl( profilename2 ) ; comp2.load( fis ) ; System.out.println( "diff(" + profilename + ":" + profilename2 + ")=" + DFE.format( metric.diff( comp1 , comp2 ) ) ) ; } else { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; NGramProfileImpl newProf = create( textfile , encoding ) ; long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; switch ( command ) { case CREATE : String fname = profilename + "." + NGramProfile.NGRAM_PROFILE_EXTENSION ; File f = new File( fname ) ; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( f ) ; fos ) ; System.out.println( "new profile '" + fname + "' was created." ) ; break ; case SIMILARITY : NGramProfile newProf2 = create( filename2 , encoding ) ; System.out.println( "Difference is " + DFE.format( metric.diff( newProf , newProf2 ) ) ) ; break ; case SCORE : File f2 = new File( profilename + "." + NGramProfile.NGRAM_PROFILE_EXTENSION ) ; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( f2 ) ; NGramProfileImpl compare = new NGramProfileImpl( profilename ) ; compare.load( fis ) ; System.out.println( "Score (" + profilename + ") is " + DFE.format( metric.diff( compare , newProf ) ) ) ; break ; case LANG : NGramProfiles nps = new NGramProfiles() ; // Set restrict = nps.getAllNGrams(); long dt1 = t2 - t1 ; t1 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; NGramProfiles.RankResult res = nps.rank( metric , newProf ) ; t2 = System.currentTimeMillis() ; int ppos = metricName.lastIndexOf( "." ) ; printRankResult( metricName.substring( ppos + 1 ) + "(" + dt1 + ")" , res , t2 - t1 ) ; break ; } } } } public static Reader createReader( String textfile , String encoding ) throws IOException { return new UnicodeReader( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( textfile ) ) , encoding ) ; } public static void printRankResult( String msg , NGramProfiles.RankResult res , long dt ) { System.out.println( msg + ": " + res.getName( 0 ) + ":" + DF.format( res.getScore( 0 ) ) + " " + res.getName( 1 ) + ":" + DF.format( res.getScore( 1 ) ) + " " + res.getName( 2 ) + ":" + DF.format( res.getScore( 2 ) ) + " .. " + res.getName( -1 ) + ":" + DF.format( res.getScore( -1 ) ) + " |" + DFE.format( res.getScore( 1 ) / res.getScore( 0 ) ) + " |" + DFE.format( res.getScore( -1 ) / res.getScore( 0 ) ) + " dt=" + dt ) ; } public static NGramProfileImpl create( String textfile , String encoding ) throws IOException { File f = new File( textfile ) ; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( f ) ; NGramProfileImpl prof = NGramProfileImpl.createProfile( textfile , fis , encoding ) ; fis.close() ; return prof ; } }