package; /* Please see the license information at the end of this file. */ import*; import java.util.*; import; /** Grabs output from a stream and stores the output in a list of text lines. * * <p> * StreamGrabber asynchronously retrieves the output from an * existing input stream in a thread, and stores the output as an ArrayList * of Strings. StreamGrabber is useful for retrieving the * output from multiple streams simultaneously. For example, * StreamGrabber is used by ExecUtils.ExecAndWait to retrieve * standard output and standard error from an executed program. * You provide the existing input stream and character encoding of the * input stream when creating the StreamGrabber. * </p> */ public class StreamGrabber extends Thread { /** Input stream to read. */ protected InputStream inputStream = null; /** Encoding for input stream. Default is utf-8. */ protected String encoding = "utf-8"; /** ArrayList of text lines read from stream. */ protected List<String> textLinesList = ListFactory.createNewList(); /** Exception which occurred during grabber execution. Null if none. */ protected Exception exception = null; /** Create a stream grabber. * * @param inputStream The stream whose lines * should be retrieved. */ public StreamGrabber( InputStream inputStream ) { this.inputStream = inputStream; } /** Create a stream grabber with specified character encoding. * * @param inputStream The stream whose lines * should be retrieved. * * @param encoding Character encoding for stream. */ public StreamGrabber( InputStream inputStream , String encoding ) { this.inputStream = inputStream; this.encoding = encoding; } /** Run the stream grabber thread. */ public void run() { BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; try { // Create input stream reader for // specified stream. UnicodeReader inputStreamReader = new UnicodeReader( inputStream , encoding ); // Wrap reader with a buffered reader // so we can read lines. bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( inputStreamReader ); // While the input stream still has // text lines, read and store them // in an array list. String line = null; while ( ( line = bufferedReader.readLine() ) != null ) { textLinesList.add( line ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { this.exception = e; } finally { // Close reader when there are no // more text lines to read. try { bufferedReader.close(); } catch ( Exception ignored ) { } } } /** Get stored exception, if any. * * @return Stored exception if any occurred during grabber execution. */ public Exception getException() { return exception; } /** Get store text lines from the stream. * * @return Output text lines stored as an ArrayList of String. */ public List<String> getGrabbedTextLines() { return textLinesList; } }