package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.WhitespaceAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.QueryNodeException; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.StandardQueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.config.StandardQueryConfigHandler.Operator; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.AqpQueryParser; import; import; /** * This test case is a copy of the core Lucene query parser test, it was adapted * to use new QueryParserHelper instead of the old query parser. * * Tests QueryParser. */ public class TestAqpSLGSimple extends AqpTestAbstractCase { private boolean verbose = true; private int originalMaxClauses; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); originalMaxClauses = BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount(); setGrammarName("StandardLuceneGrammar"); } public void testBooleanQuery() throws Exception { WhitespaceAnalyzer analyzer = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); AqpQueryParser qp = getParser(analyzer); StandardQueryParser sp = (StandardQueryParser) getParser(analyzer, true); // DEFAULT OPERATOR IS AND qp.setDefaultOperator(Operator.AND); sp.setDefaultOperator(Operator.AND); // test the clause rewriting/optimization Query q = qp.parse("a -(-(+(-(x)^0.6))^0.2)^0.3", ""); assertQueryMatch(qp, "a -(-(+(-(x)^0.6))^0.2)^0.3", "", "+a -(x)^0.3"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "-(-(+(-(x)^0.6))^0.2)^0.3", "", "(x)^0.3"); // not // minus, // because // that is // not // allowed assertQueryMatch(qp, "-(-(+(-(x)^0.6))^0.2)^", "", "(x)^1.0"); // because defualt // boost is 1.0f assertQueryMatch(qp, "-(-(+(-(x)^))^0.2)^0.1", "", "(x)^0.1"); // because // defualt // boost is // 1.0f Query qa = sp.parse("kahnn-strauss", "x"); Query qb = qp.parse("kahnn-strauss", "x"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "kahnn-strauss", "x", qa.toString()); qa = sp.parse("a \\\"b \\\"c d", "x"); qb = qp.parse("a \\\"b \\\"c d", "x"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "a \\\"b \\\"c d", "x", qa.toString()); qa = sp.parse("\"a \\\"b c\\\" d\"", "x"); qb = qp.parse("\"a \\\"b c\\\" d\"", "x"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "\"a \\\"b c\\\" d\"", "x", qa.toString()); assertQueryMatch(qp, "+(-(-(-(x)^0.6))^0.2)^", "field", "(field:x)^1.0"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "+(-(-(-(x)^0.6))^0.2)^0.5", "field", "(field:x)^0.5"); // the first element will be positive, because the negative X NOT Y // is currently implemented that way (the first must return something) // TODO: this should be: // "((+field:a +field:b)^0.8) -((+field:x +field:y)^0.2)" assertQueryMatch(qp, "(+(-(a b)))^0.8 OR -(x y)^0.2", "field", "+(+field:a +field:b)^0.8 -(+field:x +field:y)^0.2"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "(+(-(a b)))^0.8 AND -(x y)^0.2", "field", "+(+field:a +field:b)^0.8 -(+field:x +field:y)^0.2"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "(+(-(a b)))^0.8 -(x y)", "field", "+(+field:a +field:b)^0.8 -(+field:x +field:y)"); // or does -(x y) have different semantics? ... -field:x -field:y // +((-(+field:a +field:b))^0.8) -field:x -field:y assertQueryMatch(qp, "+((+(-(a b)))^0.8)^0.7 OR -(x y)^0.2", "field", "+(+field:a +field:b)^0.7 -(+field:x +field:y)^0.2"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "+title:(dog cat)", "field", "+title:dog +title:cat"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "title:(+dog -cat)", "field", "+title:dog -title:cat"); qp.setAllowLeadingWildcard(true); assertQueryMatch(qp, "\\*", "field", "field:*"); qp.setAllowLeadingWildcard(false); assertQueryMatch(qp, "term~", "field", "field:term~2"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "term~1", "field", "field:term~1"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "term~2", "field", "field:term~2"); qp.setAllowSlowFuzzy(true); assertQueryMatch(qp, "term~", "field", "field:term~0.5"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "term~0.1", "field", "field:term~0.1"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "term~0.2", "field", "field:term~0.2"); qp.setAllowSlowFuzzy(false); assertQueryMatch(qp, "something", "field", "field:something"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "x:something", "field", "x:something"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "x:\"something else\"", "field", "x:\"something else\""); assertQueryMatch(qp, "x:\"someth*\"", "field", "x:someth*"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "x:\"someth?ng\"", "field", "x:someth?ng"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "A AND B C AND D", "field", "+field:A +field:B +field:C +field:D"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "A AND B C AND D OR E", "field", "+(+field:A +field:B) +((+field:C +field:D) field:E)"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one OR +two", "f", "f:one +f:two"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one OR two NOT three", "field", "field:one (+field:two -field:three)"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one OR (two AND three) NOT four", "field", "field:one (+(+field:two +field:three) -field:four)"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "-one -two", "field", "-field:one -field:two"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "x:one NOT y:two -three^0.5", "field", "+(+x:one -y:two) -(field:three)^0.5"); qp.setAllowSlowFuzzy(true); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one NOT two -three~0.2", "field", "+(+field:one -field:two) -field:three~0.2"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one NOT two NOT three~0.2", "field", "+field:one -field:two -field:three~0.2"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one two^0.5 three~0.2", "field", "+field:one +(field:two)^0.5 +field:three~0.2"); qp.setAllowSlowFuzzy(false); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one NOT two -three~0.2", "field", "+(+field:one -field:two) -field:three~2"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one NOT two NOT three~0.2", "field", "+field:one -field:two -field:three~2"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one two^0.5 three~0.2", "field", "+field:one +(field:two)^0.5 +field:three~2"); q = qp.parse("one (two three)^0.8", "field"); // I know where the problem is: builder does not have access // to the config, so that when a default operator is changed // *after* the parser was instantiated, the builder behaves // the old way(s) -- this is a bigger problem, and I didn't // want to change the flex parser API // patch is in LUCENE-5014, I'll uncomment it here just to // not have to change the BooleanQueryNodeBuilder class //((QueryTreeBuilder) qp.getQueryBuilder()).setBuilder(BooleanQueryNode.class, new BooleanQueryNodeBuilder(BooleanClause.Occur.MUST)); //qa = qp.parse("one (two three)^0.8", "field"); //assertQueryMatch(qp, "one (two three)^0.8", "field", // "+field:one +((+field:two +field:three)^0.8)"); //assertQueryMatch(qp, "one (x:two three)^0.8", "field", // "+field:one +((+x:two +field:three)^0.8)"); // TODO: the original value was -((+one:two +one:three)^0.8) // but that is not a valid Lucene query (or is it?) assertQueryMatch(qp, "-one:(two three)^0.8", "field", "(+one:two +one:three)^0.8"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "one:(two three)^0.8", "field", "(+one:two +one:three)^0.8"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "+one:(two three)^0.8", "field", "(+one:two +one:three)^0.8"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "[one TO five]", "field", "field:[one TO five]"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "z:[one TO five]", "field", "z:[one TO five]"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "{one TO five}", "field", "field:{one TO five}"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "z:{one TO five}", "field", "z:{one TO five}"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "z:{\"one\" TO \"five\"}", "field", "z:{one TO five}"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "z:{one TO *}", "field", "z:{one TO *}"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "this +(that)", "field", "+field:this +field:that"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "(this) (that)", "field", "+field:this +field:that"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "this ((((+(that))))) ", "field", "+field:this +field:that"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "this (+(that)^0.7)", "field", "+field:this +(field:that)^0.7"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "this (+(that thus)^0.7)", "field", "+field:this +(+field:that +field:thus)^0.7"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "this (-(+(that thus))^0.7)", "field", "+field:this -(+field:that +field:thus)^0.7"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "this (+(-(+(-(that thus))^0.1))^0.3)", "field", "+field:this +(+field:that +field:thus)^0.3"); BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(2); try { qp = getParser(new WhitespaceAnalyzer()); qp.parse("one two three", "field"); fail("ParseException expected due to too many boolean clauses"); } catch (QueryNodeException expected) { // too many boolean clauses, so ParseException is expected } assertQueryMatch(qp, "*:*", "field", "*:*"); qp.setAllowLeadingWildcard(true); assertQueryMatch(qp, "*", "field", "field:*"); assertQueryMatch(qp, "field:*", "field", "field:*"); } }