package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.WhitespaceAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext; import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.queries.mlt.MoreLikeThisQuery; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.NestedParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.config.AqpAdsabsQueryConfigHandler; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.config.AqpRequestParams; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.parser.AqpSubqueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.parser.AqpSubqueryParserFull; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.QueryNodeException; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.config.QueryConfigHandler; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes.QueryNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.params.MultiMapSolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest; import org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType; import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema; import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrRequestParsers; import org.apache.solr.uninverting.UninvertingReader; /** * I know this is confusing. This is called in the building phase, * by that time all the parsing was already done. All the parsers * here return a QUERY * * @see AqpFunctionQueryBuilderProvider */ public class AqpAdsabsSubQueryProvider implements AqpFunctionQueryBuilderProvider { public static Map<String, AqpSubqueryParser> parsers = new HashMap<String, AqpSubqueryParser>(); //TODO: make configurable static String[] citationSearchIdField = new String[]{"bibcode", "alternate_bibcode"}; static String citationSearchRefField = "reference"; private static LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> getLuceneCache(FunctionQParser fp, String fieldname) throws SyntaxError { LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> cacheWrapper; SchemaField field = fp.getReq().getSchema().getField(fieldname); try { cacheWrapper = LuceneCacheWrapper.getFloatCache( "cite_read_boost", UninvertingReader.Type.SORTED_SET_FLOAT, fp.getReq().getSearcher().getSlowAtomicReader()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError("Naughty, naughty server error", e); } return cacheWrapper; } static { /* @api.doc * * def lucene(query): * """ * Default Lucene query parser * """ */ parsers.put(LuceneQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), LuceneQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); /** * comment XXX */ parsers.put(OldLuceneQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), OldLuceneQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(FunctionQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), FunctionQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(PrefixQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), PrefixQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(BoostQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), BoostQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(DisMaxQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), DisMaxQParserPlugin.NAME); return simplify(q.getQuery()); } }); parsers.put(ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin.NAME); return simplify(q.getQuery()); } }); parsers.put(FieldQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), FieldQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(RawQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { String qstr = fp.getString(); if (!qstr.substring(0,2).equals("{!")) { throw new SyntaxError( "Raw query parser requires you to specify local params, eg: raw({!f=field}"+fp.getString()+")"); } QParser q = fp.subQuery(qstr, RawQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(NestedQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), NestedQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(FunctionRangeQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), FunctionRangeQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(SpatialFilterQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), SpatialFilterQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put(SpatialBoxQParserPlugin.NAME, new AqpSubqueryParser() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), SpatialBoxQParserPlugin.NAME); return q.getQuery(); } }); /* @api.doc * * def trending(query): * """ * Finds the 200 most interesting papers first, then uses * this initial set to collect *all* readers of these papers * and then finds other docs these readers read. * * Technical note: we are using modified MoreLikeThis * functionality, with the following parameters: * * - setMinTermFrequency(0) * - setMinDocFreq(2) * - setMaxQueryTerms(200) * - setBoost(2.0f) * - setPercentTermsToMatch(0.0f) * * @since * * """ * return "trending(%s)" % query */ // coreads(Q) - what people read: MoreLikeThese(topn(200,classic_relevance(Q))) parsers.put("trending", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser aqp = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), "aqp"); Query innerQuery = aqp.parse(); SolrQueryRequest req = fp.getReq(); SolrIndexSearcher searcher = req.getSearcher(); // find the 200 most interesting papers and collect their readers SecondOrderQuery discoverMostReadQ = new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorTopN(200)); discoverMostReadQ.getcollector().setFinalValueType(FinalValueType.ABS_COUNT); final StringBuilder readers = new StringBuilder(); final HashSet<String> fieldsToLoad = new HashSet<String>(); final String fieldName = "reader"; fieldsToLoad.add(fieldName); try {, new SimpleCollector() { private Document d; private LeafReader reader; private boolean firstPassed = false; @Override public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException { //pass } @Override public void collect(int doc) throws IOException { d = reader.document(doc, fieldsToLoad); for (String val: d.getValues(fieldName)) { if (firstPassed) readers.append(" "); readers.append(val); firstPassed = true; } } @Override public void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { this.reader = context.reader(); } @Override public boolean needsScores() { return true; } }); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError(e.getMessage(), e); } MoreLikeThisQuery mlt = new MoreLikeThisQuery(readers.toString(), new String[] {fieldName}, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), fieldName); // configurable params mlt.setMinTermFrequency(0); mlt.setMinDocFreq(2); mlt.setMaxQueryTerms(200); mlt.setPercentTermsToMatch(0.0f); //try { // Query q = mlt.rewrite(req.getSearcher().getIndexReader()); // System.out.println(q); //} catch (IOException e) { //} return new BoostQuery(mlt, 2.0f); } }); /* @api.doc * * def pos(query, start, end=None): * """ * Positional search; returns only documents that * are in the given position (range). * * Example: * * ```pos(author:accomazzi, 1)``` finds the papers * where 'accomazzi' is the first author * * ```pos(author:accomazzi, 1, 1)``` finds the papers * where 'accomazzi' is the only author * * ```pos(author:accomazzi, 1, 5)``` finds the papers * where 'accomazzi' is listed as 1st-5th author * * Technical note: * * This query will work only for indexes that contain * positional information, such as: title, author. It * will not work for other indexes, such as bibcode, * keyword. Though we'll still allow you to query * them (even if it is useless). * * * Syntax note: * * The old ADS Classic syntax was: ```^accomazzi$``` * where ```^``` means *first* and ```$``` means *last*. * ADS Classic cannot search for position ranges, but * the new system cannot search for the last (yet). It * is low priority now. * * @since * * """ * return "pos(%s, %s, %s)" % (query, start, end or start) */ parsers.put("pos", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { @Override public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query query = fp.parseNestedQuery(); int start = fp.parseInt(); int end = start; if (fp.hasMoreArguments()) { end = fp.parseInt(); } if (fp.hasMoreArguments()) { throw new NestedParseException("Wrong number of arguments"); } assert start > 0; assert start <= end; SpanConverter converter = new SpanConverter(); converter.setWrapNonConvertible(true); // a field can have a different positionIncrementGap int positionIncrementGap = 1; if (fp.getReq() != null) { IndexSchema schema = fp.getReq().getSchema(); SchemaField field = schema.getFieldOrNull(query.toString().split(":")[0]); if (field != null) { FieldType fType = field.getType(); //if (!fType.isMultiValued()) { // throw new SyntaxError("The positional search doesn't make sense for: " + query); //} positionIncrementGap = fType.getIndexAnalyzer().getPositionIncrementGap(field.getName()); if (positionIncrementGap == 0) positionIncrementGap = 1; } } SpanQuery spanQuery; try { spanQuery = converter.getSpanQuery(new SpanConverterContainer(query, 1, true)); } catch (QueryNodeException e) { SyntaxError ex = new SyntaxError(e.getMessage(), e); ex.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace()); throw ex; } return new SpanPositionRangeQuery(spanQuery, (start-1)*positionIncrementGap , end*positionIncrementGap); //lucene counts from zeroes } }); /* @api.doc * * def classic_relevance(query, ratio=0.5): * """ * Toy-implementation of the ADS Classic relevance score * algorithm. You can wrap any query and obtain the * hits sorted in the ADS Classic ways (sort of) * * Technical note: * * This is inefficient and not to be used in production. * We apply the **boost factor** that was computed beforehand * by ADS Classic to each document that matches. (We are not * scoring docs that are not selected by Lucene). * The boost factor is inside ```cite_read_boost``` field - * we'll use cache to retrieve these values fast, * but it is still inefficient * * * ADS Classic score is implemented as: * * ```new_score = (0.5 * norm(lucene_score)) + (0.5 * cite_read_boost)``` * * where: * * norm(LS) = normalized score (in this case it will be a Lucene * score, normalized to be in the range 1-0, where * 1 = the first, best hit; LS/MaximumLuceneScore * * cite_read_boost = the document boosts are combination of * normalized reads and cites: * ```cite_read_boost = log(1 + cites + norm_reads)``` * * where: * * ```norm_reads``` are normalized values for * reads over the past two years * * * * @experimental * @synonym cr() * @since * @since - added parameter to configure ratio * * """ * return "classic_relevance(%s, %0.2f)" % (query,ratio) */ parsers.put("classic_relevance", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); float ratio = 0.5f; if (fp.hasMoreArguments()) { ratio = fp.parseFloat(); } if (ratio < 0 || ratio > 1.0f) { throw new SyntaxError("The ratio must be in the range 0.0-1.0"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> citationsWrapper = new SolrCacheWrapper.CitationsCache( (CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>) fp.getReq().getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache")); LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> boostWrapper = getLuceneCache(fp, "cite_read_boost"); return new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorAdsClassicScoringFormula(citationsWrapper, boostWrapper, ratio)); } }); parsers.put("cr", parsers.get("classic_relevance")); /* @api.doc * * def topn(max, query, spec=None): * """ * Limit results to the best top N (by their ranking or sort order) * * @param max * - integer, how many results should be considered * @param query * - query object * @param spec * - str, can be either 'relevance' or * sort specification in the SOLR format * * Example: * * ```topn(200, title:hubble)``` returns only the * first 200 papers based on the relevancy score * * ```topn(200, citations(title:hubble), citation_count desc)``` * returns only the * first 200 papers, but because the results are * sorted by number of citations, you will get the first * 200 most cited papers * * * Technical note: * * We do not impose limit of hits that you can return with * this operator. But you must be aware that the query is * going to be slower than normal queries. * * @since * """ * return "topn(%s, %s, '%s')" % (int(max), query, spec or 'score') * */ parsers.put("topn", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { int topN = -1; try { topN = fp.parseInt(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxError("The function signature is topn(int, query, [sort order]). Error: " + e.getMessage()); } if (topN < 1) { //|| topN > 50000 - previously, i was limiting the fields throw new SyntaxError("Hmmm, the first argument of your operator must be a positive number."); } QParser eqp = fp.subQuery(fp.parseId(), "aqp"); Query innerQuery = eqp.getQuery(); if (innerQuery == null) { throw new SyntaxError("This query is empty: " + eqp.getString()); } String sortOrRank = "score"; if (fp.hasMoreArguments()) { sortOrRank = fp.parseId(); } sortOrRank = sortOrRank.toLowerCase(); if (sortOrRank.contains("\"") || sortOrRank.contains("\'")) { sortOrRank = sortOrRank.substring(1, sortOrRank.length()-1); } if (sortOrRank.equals("score")) { return new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorTopN(topN)); } else { SortSpec sortSpec = SortSpecParsing.parseSortSpec(sortOrRank, fp.getReq()); SolrIndexSearcher searcher = fp.getReq().getSearcher(); TopFieldCollector collector; try { collector = TopFieldCollector.create(searcher.weightSort(sortSpec.getSort()), topN, false, true, true); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError("I am sorry, you can't use " + sortOrRank + " for topn() sorting. Reason: " + e.getMessage()); } return new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorTopN(sortOrRank, topN, collector)); } } }); /* @api.doc * * def citations(query): * """ * Finds set of papers that have **P** in their reference list * * 'P' is the set of papers that will be selected by the query * * Example: * * ```citations(title:hubble)``` returns papers (potentionally * hundreds of thousands!) that are citing papers P * * * ```citations(citations(author:huchra))``` returns papers * (potentionally millions!) that are citing papers that * are citing papers written by 'huchra' * * * Technical note: * * We have optimized this query so that it works well with * millions of hits. But don't expect miracles. 0.5M hits * takes few hundred milliseconds; 2M hits will take seconds * (but less than 10s, since that is the speed the old desktop * did it) * * * @since * """ * return "citations(%s)" % (query,) * */ parsers.put("citations", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> citationsWrapper = new SolrCacheWrapper.CitationsCache( (CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>) fp.getReq().getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache")); return new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorCitedBy(citationsWrapper), false); } }); /* @api.doc * * def references(query): * """ * Finds set of papers that **are** in the references list of **P** * * 'P' is the set of papers that will be selected by the query * * Example: * * ```references(title:hubble)``` returns papers (potentionally * few hundred) that are **cited by** papers that have 'hubble' * in their title * * * ```references(author:huchra)``` returns papers * that your favorite author cites * * * Technical note: * * The same caveats as citations() * * * @since * """ * return "references(%s)" % (query,) * */ parsers.put("references", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> referencesWrapper = new SolrCacheWrapper.ReferencesCache( (CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>) fp.getReq().getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache")); return new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorCitesRAM(referencesWrapper), false); } }); /* @api.doc * * def joincitations(query): * """ * Equivalent of citations() but implemented using lucene block-join * * * @experimental * @access devel * @since * """ * return "joincitations(%s)" % (query,) */ parsers.put("joincitations", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); SolrQueryRequest req = fp.getReq(); try { // XXX: not sure if i can use several fields: citationSearchIdField return JoinUtil.createJoinQuery("bibcode", false, "reference", innerQuery, req.getSearcher(), ScoreMode.Avg); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError(e.getMessage()); } } }); /* @api.doc * * def joinreferences(query): * """ * Equivalent of references() but implemented using lucene block-join * * * @experimental * @access devel * @since * """ * return "joinreferences(%s)" % (query,) * */ parsers.put("joinreferences", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); SolrQueryRequest req = fp.getReq(); try { return JoinUtil.createJoinQuery("reference", true, "bibcode", innerQuery, req.getSearcher(), ScoreMode.None); // will not work properly iff mode=Avg|Max } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError(e.getMessage()); } } }); /* @api.doc * * def useful(query): * """ * What experts are citing; this mimics the ADS Classic implementation * ```references(topn(200, classic_relevance(Q)))``` * * In other words, this will first find papers using the inner query, * it will re-score them using the ADS classic ranking formula, * then selects 200 top papers. And then get **references from** these * 200 papers. * * @experimental * @since * """ * return "useful(%s)" % (query,) * */ parsers.put("useful", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { // this function values can be analyzed public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> referencesWrapper = new SolrCacheWrapper.ReferencesCache( (CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>) fp.getReq().getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache")); LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> boostWrapper = getLuceneCache(fp, "cite_read_boost"); SecondOrderQuery outerQuery = new SecondOrderQuery( // references new SecondOrderQuery( // topn new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, // classic_relevance new SecondOrderCollectorAdsClassicScoringFormula(referencesWrapper, boostWrapper)), new SecondOrderCollectorTopN(200)), new SecondOrderCollectorCitesRAM(referencesWrapper)); outerQuery.getcollector().setFinalValueType(FinalValueType.ABS_COUNT_NORM); return outerQuery; }; }); /* @api.doc * * def useful2(query): * """ * What experts are citing; original implementation of useful() * -- using special collector * * Technical details: * * This function will add the cite_read_boost factor (from the * 1st order set) to the score (of the 2nd order result set). * If no boost factor is available, doc will be penalized by * having its score lowered by 20% * * @access devel * @experimental * @since * """ * return "useful2(%s)" % (query,) * */ parsers.put("useful2", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { // this function values can be analyzed public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> citationsWrapper = new SolrCacheWrapper.CitationsCache( (CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>) fp.getReq().getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache")); //TODO: make configurable the name of the field LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> boostWrapper = getLuceneCache(fp, "cite_read_boost"); return new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorOperatorExpertsCiting(citationsWrapper, boostWrapper)); } }); /* @api.doc * * def reviews(query): * """ * What is cited by experts; this mimics the ADS Classic implementation * is: ```citations(topn(200, classic_relevance(Q)))``` * * In other words, this will first find papers using the query, * it will re-score them using the ADS classic ranking formula, * then selects 200 top papers. And then get **citations for** these * 200 papers. * * @experimental * @since * """ * return "reviews(%s)" % (query,) * */ parsers.put("reviews", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { // this function values can be analyzed public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> citationsWrapper = new SolrCacheWrapper.CitationsCache( (CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>) fp.getReq().getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache")); LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> boostWrapper = getLuceneCache(fp, "cite_read_boost"); SecondOrderQuery outerQuery = new SecondOrderQuery( // citations new SecondOrderQuery( // topn new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, // classic_relevance new SecondOrderCollectorAdsClassicScoringFormula(citationsWrapper, boostWrapper)), new SecondOrderCollectorTopN(200)), new SecondOrderCollectorCitedBy(citationsWrapper)); outerQuery.getcollector().setFinalValueType(FinalValueType.ABS_COUNT); return outerQuery; }; }); /* @api.doc * * def instructive(query): * """ * The synonym of @see reviews * """ * return reviews(query) */ parsers.put("instructive", parsers.get("reviews")); // original impl of reviews() = find papers that cite the most cited papers parsers.put("reviews2", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { // this function values can be analyzed public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> citationsWrapper = new SolrCacheWrapper.CitationsCache( (CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>) fp.getReq().getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache")); LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> boostWrapper = getLuceneCache(fp, "cite_read_boost"); return new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorCitingTheMostCited(citationsWrapper, boostWrapper)); } }); parsers.put("citis", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { Query innerQuery = fp.parseNestedQuery(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> citationsWrapper = new SolrCacheWrapper.CitationsCache( (CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>) fp.getReq().getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache")); return new SecondOrderQuery(innerQuery, new SecondOrderCollectorCites(citationsWrapper, new String[] {citationSearchRefField}), false); } }); parsers.put("aqp", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), "aqp"); return q.getQuery(); } }); parsers.put("adismax", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { QParser q = fp.subQuery(fp.getString(), "adismax"); return simplify(q.getQuery()); } }); parsers.put("edismax_nonanalyzed", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { // used for nodes that were already analyzed public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { final String original = fp.getString(); QParser ep = fp.subQuery("xxx", "adismax"); Query q = ep.getQuery(); QParser fakeParser = new QParser(original, null, null, null) { @Override public Query parse() throws SyntaxError { String[] parts = getString().split(":"); return new TermQuery(new Term(parts[0], original)); } }; return simplify(reParse(q, fakeParser, TermQuery.class)); } }); parsers.put("edismax_combined_aqp", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { // will decide whether new aqp() parse is needed public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { final String original = fp.getString(); QParser eqp = fp.subQuery(original, "adismax"); Query q = eqp.getQuery(); return simplify(q); } protected Query swimDeep(DisjunctionMaxQuery query) throws SyntaxError { List<Query> parts = query.getDisjuncts(); for (int i=0;i<parts.size();i++) { Query oldQ = parts.get(i); String field = null; if (oldQ instanceof TermQuery) { field = toBeAnalyzedAgain(((TermQuery) oldQ)); } else if(oldQ instanceof BooleanQuery) { List<BooleanClause>clauses = ((BooleanQuery) oldQ).clauses(); if (clauses.size()>0) { Query firstQuery = clauses.get(0).getQuery(); if (firstQuery instanceof TermQuery) { field = toBeAnalyzedAgain(((TermQuery) firstQuery)); } } } if (field!=null) { parts.set(i, reAnalyze(field, getParser().getString(), oldQ.getClass().isInstance(BoostQuery.class) ? ((BoostQuery)oldQ).getBoost() : null)); } else { parts.set(i, swimDeep(oldQ)); } } return query; } private String toBeAnalyzedAgain(TermQuery q) { //String f = q.getTerm().field(); //if (f.equals("author")) { // return "author"; //} return null; //return f; // always re-analyze } private Query reAnalyze(String field, String value, Float boost) throws SyntaxError { QParser fParser = getParser(); System.out.println(field+ ":"+fParser.getString() + "|value=" + value); QParser aqp = fParser.subQuery(field+ ":"+fParser.getString(), "aqp"); Query q = aqp.getQuery(); if (boost != null && boost != 1.0f) { q = new BoostQuery(q, boost); } return q; } }); parsers.put("edismax_always_aqp", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { // will use edismax to create top query, but the rest is done by aqp public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { final String original = fp.getString(); QParser eqp = fp.subQuery("xxx", "adismax"); fp.setString(original); Query q = eqp.getQuery(); return simplify(reParse(q, fp, (Class<?>)null)); } protected Query swimDeep(DisjunctionMaxQuery query) throws SyntaxError { List<Query> parts = query.getDisjuncts(); for (int i=0;i<parts.size();i++) { Query oldQ = parts.get(i); String field = null; if (oldQ instanceof TermQuery) { field = ((TermQuery)oldQ).getTerm().field(); } else if(oldQ instanceof BooleanQuery) { List<BooleanClause>clauses = ((BooleanQuery) oldQ).clauses(); if (clauses.size()>0) { Query firstQuery = clauses.get(0).getQuery(); if (firstQuery instanceof TermQuery) { field = ((TermQuery) firstQuery).getTerm().field(); } } } if (field!=null) { parts.set(i, reAnalyze(field, getParser().getString(), oldQ.getClass().isInstance(BoostQuery.class) ? ((BoostQuery)oldQ).getBoost() : null)); } else { parts.set(i, swimDeep(oldQ)); } } return query; } private Query reAnalyze(String field, String value, Float boost) throws SyntaxError { QParser fParser = getParser(); QParser aqp = fParser.subQuery(field+ ":"+fParser.getString(), "aqp"); Query q = aqp.getQuery(); if (boost != null && boost != 1.0f) { q = new BoostQuery(q, boost); } return q; } }); parsers.put("tweak", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { String configuration = fp.parseId(); Query q = fp.parseNestedQuery(); MultiMapSolrParams params = SolrRequestParsers.parseQueryString(configuration); if (params.get("collector_final_value", null) != null) { String cfv = params.get("collector_final_value", "avg"); if (q instanceof SecondOrderQuery) { SecondOrderCollector collector = ((SecondOrderQuery) q).getcollector(); try { collector.setFinalValueType(SecondOrderCollector.FinalValueType.valueOf(cfv)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new SyntaxError("Wrong parameter: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } return q; } }); // helper method; SOLR is not warming up caches when index is opened first time // so we have to do it ourselves parsers.put("warm_cache", new AqpSubqueryParserFull() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Query parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError { final SolrQueryRequest req = fp.getReq(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final CitationLRUCache cache = (CitationLRUCache) req.getSearcher().getCache("citations-cache"); if (!cache.isWarmingOrWarmed()) { cache.warm(req.getSearcher(), cache); } return new MatchNoDocsQuery(); } }); }; /** * comment ZZZZZ */ public AqpFunctionQueryBuilder getBuilder(String funcName, QueryNode node, QueryConfigHandler config) throws QueryNodeException { AqpSubqueryParser provider = parsers.get(funcName); if (provider == null) return null; AqpRequestParams reqAttr = config.get(AqpAdsabsQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.SOLR_REQUEST); SolrQueryRequest req = reqAttr.getRequest(); if (req == null) return null; SolrParams localParams = reqAttr.getLocalParams(); if (localParams == null) { localParams = new ModifiableSolrParams(); } else { localParams = new ModifiableSolrParams(localParams); } if (localParams.get(QueryParsing.DEFTYPE, null) == null) { ((ModifiableSolrParams) localParams).set(QueryParsing.DEFTYPE, "aqp"); } AqpFunctionQParser parser = new AqpFunctionQParser("", localParams, reqAttr.getParams(), req); return new AqpSubQueryTreeBuilder(provider, parser); } /* private void getSpan(QueryNode node, Integer[] span) { List<QueryNode> children = node.getChildren(); swimDeep(children.get(0), span); swimDeep(children.get(children.size()-1), span); } private void swimDeep(QueryNode node, Integer[] span) { if (node instanceof AqpANTLRNode) { int i = ((AqpANTLRNode) node).getTokenStart(); int j = ((AqpANTLRNode) node).getTokenEnd(); if(j>i) { if (i != -1 && i < span[0]) { span[0] = i; } if (j != -1 && j > span[1]) { span[1] = j; } } } if (!node.isLeaf()) { for (QueryNode child: node.getChildren()) { swimDeep(child, span); } } } */ }