package org.adsabs.solr; /* * This class is used only by tests, it follows the setup of the schema.xml * */ public final class AdsConfig { public static class F { public static String ID = "id"; public static String BIBCODE = "bibcode"; public static String DEF_FIELD = "all"; public static String RECID = "recid"; public static String AUTHOR = "author"; // a field using type='ads_text' public static String TYPE_ADS_TEXT = "title"; public static String[] TYPE_ADS_TEXT_FIELDS = new String[]{"title", "alternate_title", "abstract"}; public static String TYPE_NORMALIZED_TEXT_ASCII = "keyword"; public static String[] TYPE_NORMALIZED_TEXT_ASCII_FIELDS = new String[]{"pub", "keyword_norm"}; public static String TYPE_NORMALIZED_STRING_ASCII = "bibcode"; public static String[] TYPE_NORMALIZED_STRING_ASCII_FIELDS = new String[]{"bibcode", "citation", "volume", "issue", "lang", "issn", "isbn", "property", "database", "data", "bibgroup", "vizier"}; public static String[] TYPE_DATE_FIELDS = new String[]{"date"}; public static String[] TYPE_AUTHOR_FIELDS = new String[]{"author", "first_author"}; }; // defType query parser public static String DEF_TYPE = "aqp"; }