package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.KeywordAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.WhitespaceAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.pattern.PatternTokenizer; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.AqpAdsabsQueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.AqpQueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.AqpTestAbstractCase; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.aqp.config.AqpAdsabsQueryConfigHandler; import org.apache.lucene.sandbox.queries.SlowFuzzyQuery; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TestAqpAdsabs extends AqpTestAbstractCase { public void setUp() throws Exception { setGrammarName("ADS"); super.setUp(); } public AqpQueryParser getParser() throws Exception { //AqpQueryParser qp = AqpAdsabsQueryParser.init(getGrammarName()); AqpAdsabsQueryConfigHandler config = new AqpAdsabsQueryConfigHandler(); config.set(AqpAdsabsQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.SOLR_READY, false); AqpSyntaxParser parser = new AqpSyntaxParserLoadableImpl().initializeGrammar(grammarName); AqpAdsabsNodeProcessorPipeline processor = new AqpAdsabsNodeProcessorPipeline(config); AqpAdsabsQueryTreeBuilder builder = new AqpAdsabsQueryTreeBuilder(); AqpQueryParser qp = new AqpAdsabsQueryParser(config, parser, processor, builder); for (Entry<String, String> e: parserArgs.entrySet()) { qp.setNamedParameter(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } qp.setDebug(this.debugParser); return qp; } public void testAnalyzers() throws Exception { Analyzer pa = new Analyzer() { @Override protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) { PatternTokenizer filter; filter = new PatternTokenizer(Pattern.compile("\\|"), -1); return new TokenStreamComponents(filter); } }; assertQueryEquals("\"term germ\"~2", null, "\"term germ\"~2"); assertQueryEquals("\"this\" AND that", null, "+this +that", BooleanQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"this\"", null, "this"); assertQueryEquals("word:\"this \"", pa, "word:this "); assertQueryEquals("\"this \" ", pa, "this "); assertQueryEquals("\" this \"", pa, " this "); } public void testAuthorField() throws Exception { // note: nothing too much exciting here - the real tests must be done with the // ADS author query, and for that we will need solr unittests - so for now, just basic stuff WhitespaceAnalyzer wsa = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); assertQueryEquals("author:\"A Einstein\"", null, "author:\"a einstein\"", PhraseQuery.class); // probably, this should construct a different query (a phrase perhaps) assertQueryEquals("=author:\"A Einstein\"", null, "author:A Einstein", TermQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("author:\"M. J. Kurtz\" author:\"G. Eichhorn\" 2004", wsa, "+author:\"M. J. Kurtz\" +author:\"G. Eichhorn\" +2004"); assertQueryEquals("author:\"M. J. Kurtz\" =author:\"G. Eichhorn\" 2004", null, "+author:\"m j kurtz\" +author:G. Eichhorn"); assertQueryEquals("author:\"huchra, j\"", wsa, "author:\"huchra, j\""); assertQueryEquals("author:\"huchra, j\"", null, "author:\"huchra j\""); assertQueryEquals("=author:\"huchra, j\"", wsa, "author:huchra, j", TermQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("author:\"huchra, j.*\"", wsa, "author:huchra, j*", PrefixQuery.class); } public void testAcronyms() throws Exception { assertQueryEquals("\"dark matter\" -LHC", null, "+\"dark matter\" -lhc"); } /** * OK, done 17Apr * */ public void testIdentifiers() throws Exception { WhitespaceAnalyzer wsa = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); Query q = null; assertQueryEquals("arXiv:1012.5859", wsa, "arxiv:1012.5859"); assertQueryEquals("xfield:10.1086/345794", wsa, "xfield:10.1086/345794"); assertQueryEquals("xfield:doi:10.1086/345794", wsa, "xfield:10.1086/345794"); assertQueryEquals("arXiv:astro-ph/0601223", wsa, "arxiv:astro-ph/0601223"); q = assertQueryEquals("xfield:arXiv:0711.2886", wsa, "xfield:0711.2886"); assertQueryEquals("foo AND bar AND 2003AJ....125..525J", wsa, "+foo +bar +2003aj....125..525j"); assertQueryEquals("2003AJ….125..525J", wsa, "2003aj....125..525j"); assertQueryEquals("one x:doi:word/word doi:word/123", wsa, "+one +x:word/word +doi:word/123"); assertQueryEquals("doi:hey/156-8569", wsa, "doi:hey/156-8569"); q = assertQueryEquals("doi:10.1000/182", wsa, "doi:10.1000/182"); // pretend we are sending bibcode (this should be handled as a normal token) assertQueryEquals("200xAJ....125..525J", wsa, "200xAJ....125..525J"); } /** * OK, Apr19 * */ public void testDateRanges() throws Exception { WhitespaceAnalyzer wsa = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); assertQueryEquals("intitle:\"QSO\" 1995-2000", null, "+intitle:qso +date:[1995 TO 2000]"); assertQueryEquals("2011-2012", null, "date:[2011 TO 2012]"); assertQueryEquals("xf:2011-2012", null, "xf:[2011 TO 2012]"); assertQueryEquals("one 2009-2012", null, "+one +date:[2009 TO 2012]"); assertQueryEquals("notdate 09-12", wsa, "+notdate +09-12"); assertQueryEquals("notdate 09-2012", wsa, "+notdate +09-2012"); //TODO - also test that warning messages were generated //TODO - throw syntax error? //TODO - lucene4.0 shows \* but it also has * when the value is null, the TermRanqeQueryNodeBuilder may be wrong assertQueryEquals("2011-", null, "date:[2011 TO \\*]"); assertQueryEquals("-2011", null, "date:[\\* TO 2011]"); assertQueryEquals("-2009", null, "date:[\\* TO 2009]"); assertQueryEquals("2009-", null, "date:[2009 TO \\*]"); assertQueryEquals("year:2000-", null, "year:[2000 TO \\*]"); assertQueryEquals("2000-", null, "date:[2000 TO \\*]"); // i don't think we should try to guess this as a date assertQueryEquals("2011", null, "MatchNoDocsQuery(\"\")"); assertQueryEquals("2011", wsa, "2011"); } /** * OK, 17Apr * */ public void testRanges() throws Exception { WhitespaceAnalyzer wsa = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); assertQueryEquals("[20020101 TO 20030101]", null, "[20020101 TO 20030101]"); assertQueryEquals("[20020101 TO 20030101]^0.5", null, "([20020101 TO 20030101])^0.5"); assertQueryNodeException("[20020101 TO 20030101]^0.5~"); assertQueryNodeException("[20020101 TO 20030101]^0.5~"); assertQueryEquals("title:[20020101 TO 20030101]", null, "title:[20020101 TO 20030101]"); assertQueryEquals("title:[20020101 TO 20030101]^0.5", null, "(title:[20020101 TO 20030101])^0.5"); assertQueryNodeException("title:[20020101 TO 20030101]^0.5~"); assertQueryNodeException("title:[20020101 TO 20030101]^0.5~"); assertQueryEquals("[* TO 20030101]", null, "[\\* TO 20030101]"); assertQueryEquals("[20020101 TO *]^0.5", null, "([20020101 TO \\*])^0.5"); assertQueryNodeException("[* 20030101]^0.5~"); assertQueryNodeException("[20020101 *]^0.5~"); assertQueryEquals("[this TO that]", null, "[this TO that]"); assertQueryEquals("[this that]", null, "[this TO that]"); assertQueryEquals("[this TO *]", null, "[this TO \\*]"); assertQueryEquals("[this]", null, "[this TO \\*]"); assertQueryEquals("[* this]", null, "[\\* TO this]"); assertQueryEquals("[* TO this]", null, "[\\* TO this]"); assertQueryEquals("[\"this\" TO \"that*\"]", null, "[this TO that*]"); // TODO: verify this is correct (this phrase is not a phrase inside a range query) assertQueryEquals("[\"this phrase\" TO \"that phrase*\"]", null, "[this phrase TO that phrase*]"); assertQueryEquals("[\"#$%^&\" TO \"&*()\"]", wsa, "[#$%^& TO &*()]"); assertQueryEquals("+a:[this TO that]", null, "a:[this TO that]"); assertQueryEquals("+a:[ this TO that ]", null, "a:[this TO that]"); assertQueryEquals("year:[2000 TO *]", null, "year:[2000 TO \\*]"); } public void testModifiers() throws Exception { WhitespaceAnalyzer wsa = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); assertQueryEquals("jakarta^4 apache", null, "+(jakarta)^4.0 +apache"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\"^4 \"Apache Lucene\"", null, "+(\"jakarta apache\")^4.0 +\"apache lucene\""); assertQueryEquals("this +(that thus)^7", null, "+this +(+that +thus)^7.0"); assertQueryEquals("this (+(that)^7)", null, "+this +(that)^7.0"); assertQueryEquals("roam~", null, "roam~2", FuzzyQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("roam~0.8", null, "roam~0.8", SlowFuzzyQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("roam~0.899999999", null, "roam~0.9"); assertQueryEquals("roam^", null, "(roam)^1.0"); assertQueryEquals("roam^0.8", null, "(roam)^0.8"); assertQueryEquals("roam^0.899999999", null, "(roam)^0.9"); assertQueryEquals("roam^8", null, "(roam)^8.0"); // this should fail assertQueryNodeException("roam^~"); assertQueryEquals("roam^0.8~", null, "(roam~2)^0.8"); assertQueryEquals("roam^0.899999999~0.5", null, "(roam~0.5)^0.9"); // should this fail? assertQueryEquals("roam~^", null, "(roam~2)^1.0"); assertQueryEquals("roam~0.8^", null, "(roam~0.8)^1.0"); assertQueryEquals("roam~0.899999999^0.5", null, "(roam~0.9)^0.5"); // with wsa analyzer the 5 is retained as a token assertQueryEquals("this^ 5", wsa, "+(this)^1.0 +5"); // with standard tokenizer, it goes away assertQueryEquals("this^ 5", null, "(this)^1.0"); assertQueryEquals("this^0. 5", wsa, "+this +5"); assertQueryEquals("/this^0. 5/", wsa, "/this^0. 5/"); assertQueryEquals("this^0.4 5", wsa, "+(this)^0.4 +5"); assertQueryEquals("this^5~ 9", null, "(this~2)^5.0"); assertQueryEquals("this^5~ 9", wsa, "+(this~2)^5.0 +9"); assertQueryEquals("9999", wsa, "9999"); assertQueryEquals("9999.1", wsa, "9999.1"); assertQueryEquals("0.9999", wsa, "0.9999"); assertQueryEquals("00000000.9999", wsa, "00000000.9999"); // tilda used for phrases has a different meaning (it is not a fuzzy paramater) // but a proximity operator, thus it can be >= 1.0 assertQueryEquals("\"weak lensing\"~", null, "\"weak lensing\"~2"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\"~10", null, "\"jakarta apache\"~10"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\"^10", null, "(\"jakarta apache\")^10.0"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\"~10^", null, "(\"jakarta apache\"~10)^1.0"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\"^10~", null, "(\"jakarta apache\"~2)^10.0"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\"~10^0.6", null, "(\"jakarta apache\"~10)^0.6"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\"^10~0.6", null, "(\"jakarta apache\")^10.0"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\"^10~2.4", null, "(\"jakarta apache\"~2)^10.0"); // switching-off analysis for individual tokens: // this is an example of how complex the query parsing can be, and impossible // without a powerful builder (this would just be unthinkable with the standard // lucene parser and impossible with the invenio parser) assertQueryEquals("#5", null, "MatchNoDocsQuery(\"\")"); assertQueryEquals("#(request synonyms 5)", null, "+request +synonyms"); assertQueryEquals("this and (one #5)", null, "+this +(+one)"); assertQueryEquals("this and (one #5)", wsa, "+this +(+one +5)"); assertQueryEquals("=5", null, "5"); assertQueryEquals("=(request synonyms 5)", null, "+request +synonyms +5"); assertQueryEquals("this and (one =5)", null, "+this +(+one +5)"); assertQueryEquals("this and (one =5)", wsa, "+this +(+one +5)"); } public void testExceptions() throws Exception { assertQueryNodeException("this (+(((+(that))))"); assertQueryNodeException("this (++(((+(that)))))"); assertQueryNodeException("this (+(((+(that))))"); assertQueryNodeException("this (++(((+(that)))))"); //assertQueryNodeException("escape:(\\+\\-\\&\\&\\|\\|\\!\\(\\)\\{\\}\\[\\]\\^\\\"\\~\\*\\?\\:\\\\)"); assertQueryNodeException("[]"); assertQueryNodeException("+field:"); assertQueryNodeException("="); assertQueryNodeException("one ^\"author phrase\""); // this parses well, shall we consider it mistake? //assertQueryNodeException("one ^\"author phrase\"$"); assertQueryNodeException("this =and that"); assertQueryNodeException("(doi:tricky:01235)"); } public void testWildCards() throws Exception { Query q = null; q = assertQueryEquals("te?t", null, "te?t", WildcardQuery.class); q = assertQueryEquals("test*", null, "test*", WildcardQuery.class); assertEquals(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_REWRITE, ((MultiTermQuery) q).getRewriteMethod()); q = assertQueryEquals("test?", null, "test?", WildcardQuery.class); assertEquals(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_REWRITE, ((MultiTermQuery) q).getRewriteMethod()); assertQueryEquals("te*t", null, "te*t", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("*te*t", null, "*te*t", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("*te*t*", null, "*te*t*", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("?te*t?", null, "?te*t?", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("te?t", null, "te?t", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("te??t", null, "te??t", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryNodeException("te*?t"); assertQueryNodeException("te?*t"); // as I am discovering, there is no such a thing as a quoted wildcard // query, it just turns into a regular wildcard query, well... assertQueryEquals("\"te*t phrase\"", null, "te*t phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"test* phrase\"", null, "test* phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"te*t phrase\"", null, "te*t phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"*te*t phrase\"", null, "*te*t phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"*te*t* phrase\"", null, "*te*t* phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"?te*t? phrase\"", null, "?te*t? phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"te?t phrase\"", null, "te?t phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"te??t phrase\"", null, "te??t phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"te*?t phrase\"", null, "te*?t phrase", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("*", null, "*:*", MatchAllDocsQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("*:*", null, "*:*", MatchAllDocsQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("?", null, "?", WildcardQuery.class); // XXX: in fact, in the WildcardQuery, even escaped start \* will become * // so it is not possible to search for words that contain * as a literal // character, to have it differently, WildcardTermEnum class would have // to think of skipping \* and \? q = assertQueryEquals("*t\\*a", null, "*t*a", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("*t*a\\*", null, "*t*a*", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("*t*a\\?", null, "*t*a?", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("*t*\\a", null, "*t*a", WildcardQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("title:*", null, "title:*", PrefixQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("doi:*", null, "doi:*", PrefixQuery.class); } public void testEscaped() throws Exception { WhitespaceAnalyzer wsa = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); assertQueryEquals("\\(1\\+1\\)\\:2", wsa, "(1+1):2", TermQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("th\\*is", wsa, "th*is", TermQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("a\\\\\\\\+b", wsa, "a\\\\+b", TermQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("a\\u0062c", wsa, "abc", TermQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\\*t", wsa, "*t", TermQuery.class); } /** * TODO: x NEAR/2 y * x:four -field:(-one +two x:three) * "\"func(*) AND that\"" (should not be analyzed; AND becomes and) * */ public void testBasics() throws Exception{ WhitespaceAnalyzer wsa = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); KeywordAnalyzer kwa = new KeywordAnalyzer(); assertQueryEquals("keyword:\"planets and satellites\"", wsa, "keyword:\"planets and satellites\"", PhraseQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("full:*", null, "full:*", PrefixQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("weak lensing", null, "+weak +lensing"); assertQueryEquals("+contact +binaries -eclipsing", null, "+contact +binaries -eclipsing"); assertQueryEquals("+contact +foo:binaries -eclipsing", null, "+contact +foo:binaries -eclipsing"); assertQueryEquals("intitle:\"yellow symbiotic\"", null, "intitle:\"yellow symbiotic\""); assertQueryEquals("\"galactic rotation\"", null, "\"galactic rotation\"", PhraseQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("title:\"X x\" AND text:go title:\"x y\" AND A", null, "+title:\"x x\" +text:go +title:\"x y\" +a"); assertQueryEquals("title:\"X x\" OR text:go title:\"x y\" OR A", null, "+(title:\"x x\" text:go) +(title:\"x y\" a)"); assertQueryEquals("title:X Y Z", null, "+title:x +y +z"); assertQueryEquals("title:(X Y Z)", null, "+title:x +title:y +title:z"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\" OR jakarta", null, "\"jakarta apache\" jakarta"); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\" AND \"Apache Lucene\"", null, "+\"jakarta apache\" +\"apache lucene\""); assertQueryEquals("\"jakarta apache\" NOT \"Apache Lucene\"", null, "+\"jakarta apache\" -\"apache lucene\""); assertQueryEquals("(jakarta OR apache) AND website", null, "+(jakarta apache) +website"); assertQueryEquals("weak NEAR lensing", null, "spanNear([weak, lensing], 5, true)"); assertQueryEquals("weka NEAR2 lensing", null, "spanNear([weka, lensing], 2, true)"); assertQueryEquals("a -b", null, "+a -b"); assertQueryEquals("a +b", null, "+a +b"); assertQueryEquals("A–b", null, "+a +b"); // em dash is not an operator assertQueryEquals("A + b", null, "+a +b"); assertQueryEquals("+jakarta lucene", null, "+jakarta +lucene"); assertQueryEquals("+jakarta OR lucene", null, "+jakarta lucene"); //setDebug(true); assertQueryEquals("this (that)", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("this ((that))", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("(this) ((((((that))))))", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("(this) (that)", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("this +(that)", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("this OR +(that)", null, "this +that"); assertQueryEquals("this ((((+(that)))))", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("this (+(((+(that)))))", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("this +((((+(that)))))", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("this +(+((((that)))))", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("(this that)", null, "+this +that"); assertQueryEquals("(foo:this that)", null, "+foo:this +that"); assertQueryEquals("title:(+return +\"pink panther\")", null, "+title:return +title:\"pink panther\""); assertQueryEquals("field:(one two three)", null, "+one +two +three"); assertQueryEquals("field:(one OR two OR three)", null, "one two three"); assertQueryEquals("fieldx:(one +two -three)", null, "+fieldx:one +fieldx:two -fieldx:three"); assertQueryEquals("+field:(-one +two three)", null, "-one +two +three"); assertQueryEquals("-field:(-one +two three)", null, "-one +two +three"); assertQueryEquals("+field:(-one +two three) x:four", null, "+(-one +two +three) +x:four"); assertQueryEquals("x:four -field:(-one +two three)", null, "+x:four -(-one +two +three)"); //TODO: the last x: field is overwritten, a bug, a feature? assertQueryEquals("x:four -foo:(-one +two x:three)", null, "+x:four -(-foo:one +foo:two +foo:three)"); //XXX: I know about this bug, but having no time to fix, higher priorities... assertQueryEquals("x:four -foo:(-one two x:three)", null, "+x:four -(-foo:one +foo:two +foo:three)"); assertQueryEquals("x:a -f:(-b c x:z)", null, "+x:a -(-f:b +f:c +f:z)"); assertQueryEquals("a test:(one)", null, "+a +test:one"); assertQueryEquals("a test:(a)", null, "+a +test:a"); assertQueryEquals("test:(one)", null, "test:one"); assertQueryEquals("field: (one)", null, "one"); assertQueryEquals("field:( one )", null, "one"); assertQueryEquals("+value", null, "value"); assertQueryEquals("-value", null, "value"); //? should we allow - at the beginning? assertQueryEquals("m:(a b c)", null, "+m:a +m:b +m:c"); assertQueryEquals("+m:(a b c)", null, "+m:a +m:b +m:c"); assertQueryEquals("+m:(a b c) +x:d", null, "+(+m:a +m:b +m:c) +x:d"); assertQueryEquals("+m:(a b c) x:d", null, "+(+m:a +m:b +m:c) +x:d"); assertQueryEquals("+m:(a b c) OR x:d", null, "+(+m:a +m:b +m:c) x:d"); assertQueryEquals("+m:(a b c) -x:d", null, "+(+m:a +m:b +m:c) -x:d"); assertQueryEquals("+x:d +m:(a b c)", null, "+x:d +(+m:a +m:b +m:c)"); assertQueryEquals("x:d +m:(a b c)", null, "+x:d +(+m:a +m:b +m:c)"); assertQueryEquals("x:d OR +m:(a b c)", null, "x:d +(+m:a +m:b +m:c)"); assertQueryEquals("-x:d +m:(a b c)", null, "-x:d +(+m:a +m:b +m:c)"); assertQueryEquals("+x:d +m:(a b c) +y:e", null, "+x:d +(+m:a +m:b +m:c) +y:e"); assertQueryEquals("x:d +m:(a b c) y:e", null, "+x:d +(+m:a +m:b +m:c) +y:e"); assertQueryEquals("x:d OR +m:(a b c) OR y:e", null, "x:d +(+m:a +m:b +m:c) y:e"); assertQueryEquals("-x:d +m:(a b c) -y:e", null, "-x:d +(+m:a +m:b +m:c) -y:e"); assertQueryEquals("+m:(a OR b OR c) x:d", null, "+(m:a m:b m:c) +x:d"); assertQueryEquals("m:(+a b c)", null, "+m:a +m:b +m:c"); assertQueryEquals("m:(+a b OR c)", null, "+m:a +(m:b m:c)"); assertQueryEquals("m:(-a +b c)^0.6", null, "(-m:a +m:b +m:c)^0.6"); assertQueryEquals("m:(a b c or d)", null, "+m:a +m:b +(m:c m:d)"); assertQueryEquals("m:(a b c OR d)", null, "+m:a +m:b +(m:c m:d)"); assertQueryEquals("m:(a b c AND d)", null, "+m:a +m:b +(+m:c +m:d)"); assertQueryEquals("m:(a b c OR d NOT e)", null, "+m:a +m:b +(m:c (+m:d -m:e))"); assertQueryEquals("m:(a b NEAR c)", null, "+m:a +spanNear([m:b, m:c], 5, true)"); assertQueryEquals("m:(a b NEAR c d AND e)", null, "+m:a +spanNear([m:b, m:c], 5, true) +(+m:d +m:e)"); assertQueryEquals("-m:(a b NEAR c d AND e)", null, "+m:a +spanNear([m:b, m:c], 5, true) +(+m:d +m:e)"); //? should we allow - at the beginning? assertQueryEquals("m:(a b NEAR2 c)", null, "+m:a +spanNear([m:b, m:c], 2, true)"); assertQueryEquals("m:(a b NEAR3 c d AND e)", null, "+m:a +spanNear([m:b, m:c], 3, true) +(+m:d +m:e)"); assertQueryEquals("-m:(a b NEAR4 c d AND e)", null, "+m:a +spanNear([m:b, m:c], 4, true) +(+m:d +m:e)"); assertQueryNodeException("m:(a b NEAR7 c)"); // by default, only range 1-5 is allowed (in configuration) assertQueryEquals("author:(muench-nashrallah)", wsa, "author:muench-nashrallah"); assertQueryEquals("\"dark matter\" OR (dark matter -LHC)", null, "\"dark matter\" (+dark +matter -lhc)"); assertQueryEquals("this999", wsa, "this999"); assertQueryEquals("this0.9", wsa, "this0.9"); assertQueryEquals("\"a \\\"b c\\\" d\"", wsa, "\"a \"b c\" d\"", PhraseQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"a \\\"b c\\\" d\"", wsa, "\"a \"b c\" d\"", PhraseQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("\"a \\+b c d\"", wsa, "\"a +b c d\""); assertQueryEquals("\"+() AND that\"", wsa, "\"+() AND that\""); assertQueryEquals("\"func(a) AND that\"", wsa, "\"func(a) AND that\""); // TODO: something funny happens with quoted-truncated (it is analyzed) //assertQueryEquals("\"func(*) AND that\"", wsa, "\"func(*) AND that\""); assertQueryEquals("CO2+", wsa, "CO2+", TermQuery.class); } public void _testMultiToken() throws Exception{ KeywordAnalyzer a = new KeywordAnalyzer(); //setDebug(true); assertQueryEquals("weak lensing", null, "weak lensing"); assertQueryEquals("all:weak lensing", null, "all:weak lensing"); assertQueryEquals("weak all:lensing", null, "weak all:lensing"); // the grammar parses this as: A B D -E (which is actually correct) assertQueryEquals("A B (D -E)", null, "A B (D -E)"); assertQueryEquals("A B +(D -E)", null, "A B (D -E)"); assertQueryEquals("weak lensing", null, "+weak lensing"); assertQueryEquals("weak lensing", null, "+weak lensing"); assertQueryEquals("weak lensing", null, "+weak lensing"); } public void testRegex() throws Exception{ WhitespaceAnalyzer wsa = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); assertQueryEquals("/foo$/", wsa, "/foo$/", RegexpQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("keyword:/foo$/", wsa, "keyword:/foo$/", RegexpQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("keyword:/^foo$/", wsa, "keyword:/^foo$/", RegexpQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("keyword:/^foo$/ AND \"foo bar\"", wsa, "+keyword:/^foo$/ +\"foo bar\"", BooleanQuery.class); } public void testDelimiters() throws Exception { KeywordAnalyzer wsa = new KeywordAnalyzer(); assertQueryEquals("What , happens,with commas ,,", null, "+what +happens +with +commas", BooleanQuery.class); // this instructs parser to concatenate unfielded values parserArgs.put("aqp.unfielded.tokens.strategy", "join"); assertQueryEquals("What , happens,with commas ,,", null, "+what +happens +with +commas", BooleanQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("What ; happens;with semicolons ;;", null, "+what +happens +with +semicolons", BooleanQuery.class); // now using different analyzer assertQueryEquals("What , happens,with commas ,,", wsa, "What , happens,with commas ,,", TermQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("What ; happens;with semicolons ;;", wsa, "What ; happens;with semicolons ;;", TermQuery.class); // deactivate joining parserArgs.clear(); assertQueryEquals("What , happens,with commas ,,", null, "+what +happens +with +commas", BooleanQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("What ; happens;with semicolons ;;", null, "+what +happens +with +semicolons", BooleanQuery.class); // now using different analyzer assertQueryEquals("What , happens,with commas ,,", wsa, "+What +happens +with +commas", BooleanQuery.class); assertQueryEquals("What ; happens;with semicolons ;;", wsa, "+What +happens +with +semicolons", BooleanQuery.class); } public void testMultipleTokenConcatenation() throws Exception { KeywordAnalyzer kwa = new KeywordAnalyzer(); // this should be concatenated into one phrase parserArgs.put("aqp.unfielded.tokens.strategy", "join"); parserArgs.put("", "phrase"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A)", null, "foo:a"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A -B)", null, "+foo:a -foo:b"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A B D E)", null, "+foo:a +foo:b +foo:d +foo:e"); // but this is fielded assertQueryEquals("A B D E", null, "\"a b d e\""); assertQueryEquals("+A B D E", null, "\"a b d e\""); assertQueryEquals("A +B D E", null, "+a +\"b d e\""); assertQueryEquals("+(A B D E)", null, "\"a b d e\""); //setDebug(true); assertQueryEquals("=(A B D E)", null, "+A +B +D +E"); // '=' modifier makes it reject concatenation assertQueryEquals("+foo:z +A B D E", null, "+foo:z +\"a b d e\""); assertQueryEquals("+A B D E +foo:z", null, "+\"a b d e\" +foo:z"); // this should add new phrase parserArgs.put("aqp.unfielded.tokens.strategy", "add"); parserArgs.put("", "phrase"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A)", null, "foo:a"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A -B)", null, "+foo:a -foo:b"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A B D E)", null, "+foo:a +foo:b +foo:d +foo:e"); // fielded assertQueryEquals("A B D E", null, "(+a +b +d +e) \"a b d e\""); assertQueryEquals("+A B D E", null, "(+a +b +d +e) \"a b d e\""); assertQueryEquals("A +B D E", null, "+a +((+b +d +e) \"b d e\")"); assertQueryEquals("+foo:z +A B D E", null, "+foo:z +((+a +b +d +e) \"a b d e\")"); assertQueryEquals("+A B D E +foo:z", null, "+((+a +b +d +e) \"a b d e\") +foo:z"); // this should add new token (which will be analyzed by analyzer and can produce st different) parserArgs.put("aqp.unfielded.tokens.strategy", "add"); parserArgs.put("", "normal"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A)", null, "foo:a"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A -B)", null, "+foo:a -foo:b"); assertQueryEquals("foo:(A B D E)", kwa, "+foo:A +foo:B +foo:D +foo:E"); // fielded assertQueryEquals("A B D E", kwa, "(+A +B +D +E) A B D E"); assertQueryEquals("+A B D E", kwa, "(+A +B +D +E) A B D E"); assertQueryEquals("A +B D E", kwa, "+A +((+B +D +E) B D E)"); assertQueryEquals("+foo:z +A B D E", null, "+foo:z +((+a +b +d +e) (+a +b +d +e))"); assertQueryEquals("+A B D E +foo:z", null, "+((+a +b +d +e) (+a +b +d +e)) +foo:z"); parserArgs.put("aqp.unfielded.tokens.strategy", "add"); parserArgs.put("", "phrase"); assertQueryEquals("author:(huchra)", null, "author:huchra"); // without field specific logic, we don't understand this as elements of the same name assertQueryEquals("author:(huchra, j)", null, "+author:huchra +author:j"); assertQueryEquals("author:(kurtz; -eichhorn, g)", kwa, "+author:kurtz -author:eichhorn +author:g"); assertQueryEquals("author:(kurtz; -\"eichhorn, g\")", null, "+author:kurtz -author:\"eichhorn g\""); // here the stakes are higher - we don't understand that the next value // is not author parserArgs.put("aqp.unfielded.tokens.strategy", "add"); parserArgs.put("", "phrase"); assertQueryEquals("author:huchra nasa", null, "(+author:huchra +nasa) author:\"huchra nasa\""); assertQueryEquals("author:accomazzi property:refereed apj", null, "+author:accomazzi +((+property:refereed +apj) property:\"refereed apj\")"); // this is the best what we can do - it is similar to the strategy // above, only that in SOLR the values can be analyzed properly by edismax // in this test, lucene cant handle it well... parserArgs.put("aqp.unfielded.tokens.strategy", "multiply"); parserArgs.put("", "phrase"); assertQueryEquals("author:huchra nasa", kwa, "author:huchra nasa author:\"huchra nasa\""); assertQueryEquals("author:accomazzi property:refereed apj", kwa, "+author:accomazzi +(property:refereed apj property:\"refereed apj\")"); } public static junit.framework.Test suite() { return new junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter(TestAqpAdsabs.class); } }