package; import; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext; import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues; import; /** * Finds papers that are cited by our search. And then adjusts the score so that * papers with most value from the cited_read_boost field are up * */ public class SecondOrderCollectorOperatorExpertsCiting extends AbstractSecondOrderCollector { Set<String> fieldsToLoad; protected String referenceField; protected String[] uniqueIdField; protected String boostField; private SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> cache; private LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> boostCache; private int hashCode; public SecondOrderCollectorOperatorExpertsCiting( SolrCacheWrapper<CitationLRUCache<Object, Integer>> cache, LuceneCacheWrapper<NumericDocValues> boostWrapper) { super(); assert cache != null; this.cache = cache; this.boostCache = boostWrapper; setFinalValueType(FinalValueType.AGRESTI_COULL); } @Override public void collect(int doc) throws IOException { // find references froum our doc int[] references = cache.getLuceneDocIds(doc+docBase); if (references == null) { return; } //Document document = reader.document(doc, fieldsToLoad); float s = 0.5f; // lucene score doesn't make sense for us; /* // naive implementation (probably slow) // IndexableField bf = document.getField(boostField); if (bf != null) { s = s + (s * bf.numericValue().floatValue()); } else { // penalize docs without boost s = s * 0.8f; } */ //if (bf==null) throw new IOException("Every document must have field: " + boostField); // TODO: we must find the proper values for this, that means to compute the statistics // (find the local minimas, maximas) for this function; this is just guessing.... float bc = 0.0f; if ((bc = boostCache.getFloat(doc+docBase)) > 0.0f) { s = s + bc; } //s = s / (vals.length + 100); // this would contribute only a part of the score to each citation for (int docid: references) { if (docid > 0) { //System.out.println("expert: doc=" + (doc+docBase) + "(score:" + s + ") adding=" + docid + " (score:" + (s + boostCache[docid]) + ")" + " freq=" + references.length) ; hits.add(new CollectorDoc(docid, s + boostCache.getFloat(docid), -1, 1)); } } } @Override public void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { this.docBase = context.docBase; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(cache=" + cache.toString() + ", boost=" + boostCache.toString() + ")"; } /** Returns a hash code value for this object. */ public int hashCode() { if (hashCode == 0) { hashCode = computeHashCode(); assert hashCode != 0; } assert hashCode == computeHashCode(); return hashCode; } private int computeHashCode() { if (boostField != null) return 1301081 ^ boostField.hashCode() ^ cache.hashCode(); return 1301081 ^ cache.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean needsScores() { return true; } }