package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PayloadAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionIncrementAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TypeAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource; /* * Inspect the query form and decide whether we should generate the ADS * fail-safe query additions. If the author search is: * * "Kurtz, Michael" * * then the old records can be simply under * * "Kurtz, M" * "Kurtz," * * This filter expects NORMALIZED form of the author name. * */ public final class AuthorCreateQueryVariationsFilter extends TokenFilter { private final String tokenType; private final PayloadAttribute payloadAtt = addAttribute(PayloadAttribute.class); private final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); private final PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt = addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class); private final TypeAttribute typeAtt = addAttribute(TypeAttribute.class); private boolean lookAtPayloadForOrigAuthor; private int maxNumberOfNames = 6; // safety precaution, we are pretty efficient but one should be careful... private boolean plainSurname; private int createVariations; private boolean addWildcards; private boolean shortenMultiname; public AuthorCreateQueryVariationsFilter(TokenStream input, String tokenType, boolean surname, int variate, boolean addWildcards, boolean shortenMultiname, boolean lookAtPayloadForOrigAuthor) { super(input); this.variationStack = new Stack<String>(); this.createVariations = variate; this.plainSurname = surname; this.tokenType = tokenType; this.addWildcards = addWildcards; this.shortenMultiname = shortenMultiname; this.lookAtPayloadForOrigAuthor = lookAtPayloadForOrigAuthor; } private Stack<String> variationStack; private AttributeSource.State current; private String origAuthorName = null; @Override public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException { if (this.variationStack.size() > 0) { String syn = this.variationStack.remove(0); this.restoreState(this.current); this.termAtt.setEmpty(); this.termAtt.append(syn); this.posIncrAtt.setPositionIncrement(0); this.typeAtt.setType(AuthorUtils.AUTHOR_QUERY_VARIANT); //System.out.println("var:" + termAtt.toString()); return true; } if (!input.incrementToken()) return false; // sort of hack, we want to know what the original input was // but it can't be done otherwise because the SynonynFilter // is resetting all attributes!!! This will work only for the // first author in the token list, but since we use the filter // only for the query, it should be fine if (origAuthorName==null) origAuthorName=termAtt.toString(); if ((tokenType==null || typeAtt.type().equals(tokenType)) && this.genVariations()) { this.current = this.captureState(); } //System.out.println("var:" + termAtt.toString()); return true; } private boolean genVariations() { String authorName = termAtt.toString(); if (lookAtPayloadForOrigAuthor && payloadAtt.getPayload() != null) { origAuthorName = payloadAtt.getPayload().utf8ToString(); } if (!authorName.contains(",")) return false; if (authorName.endsWith(",") && addWildcards) { variationStack.push(authorName + " *"); return true; } String[] parts = null; String[] origParts = null; if (authorName.contains(",")) { String[] authorParts = authorName.split(",\\s*", 2); String[] origAuthorParts = origAuthorName.split(",\\s*", 2); if (authorParts.length > 1) { String[] nameParts = authorParts[1].split(" ", maxNumberOfNames-1 ); String[] origNameParts = origAuthorParts[1].split(" ", maxNumberOfNames-1 ); parts = new String[nameParts.length+1]; parts[0] = authorParts[0] + ","; for (int i=1;i<nameParts.length+1;i++) { parts[i] = nameParts[i-1]; } origParts = new String[origNameParts.length+1]; origParts[0] = origAuthorParts[0] + ","; for (int i=1;i<origNameParts.length+1;i++) { origParts[i] = origNameParts[i-1]; } } else { parts = authorParts; origParts = origAuthorParts; } } else { parts = authorName.split(" ", maxNumberOfNames ); origParts = origAuthorName.split(" ", maxNumberOfNames ); } // this is an important indicator that influences how the wildcard variant // is generated (if there is only acronym in the input, we do prefix search, // if there is more than 2 characters, we append a space - ie. "kurtz, mi *" // as opposed to "kurtz, m*" boolean lastPartWasAcronym = origParts[origParts.length-1].length() == 1; if (createVariations > 0 && parts.length >= createVariations) { List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i=1;i<parts.length;i++) { if (parts[i].length()>1) ids.add(i); } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); if (ids.size()>0) { // number of to-be-shortened name parts int[] idx = new int[ids.size()]; for (int i=0;i<idx.length;i++) { idx[i] = ids.get(i); } List<int[]> combinations = comb(idx); for (int[] comb: combinations) { String[] newParts = Arrays.copyOf(parts, parts.length); for (int x: comb) { newParts[x] = parts[x].substring(0,1); } output = new StringBuilder(); boolean notFirst = false; for (int i=0;i<newParts.length;i++) { if (notFirst) output.append(" "); output.append(newParts[i]); notFirst=true; } if (lastPartWasAcronym) { if (addWildcards) { variationStack.push(output.toString() + "*"); // prefix search } else { variationStack.push(output.toString()); } } else { if (addWildcards) { variationStack.push(output.toString()); variationStack.push(output.toString() + " *"); } else { variationStack.push(output.toString()); } } } } else { if (addWildcards) { variationStack.push(authorName + (lastPartWasAcronym ? "*" : " *")); } } } if (shortenMultiname && parts.length > 2) { variationStack.push(parts[0] + " " + parts[1]); if (parts[1].length()>1) { variationStack.push(parts[0] + " " + parts[1].substring(0,1)); } } if (plainSurname) variationStack.push(parts[0]); return variationStack.size() > 0; } @Override public void reset() throws IOException { super.reset(); variationStack.clear(); current = null; origAuthorName=null; } private List<int[]> comb(int... items) { ArrayList<int[]> comb = new ArrayList<int[]>(); Arrays.sort(items); for (int k = 1; k <= items.length; k++) { kcomb(items, 0, k, new int[k], comb); } return comb; } public void kcomb(int[] items, int n, int k, int[] arr, List<int[]> comb) { if (k == 0) { comb.add(Arrays.copyOf(arr, arr.length)); } else { for (int i = n; i <= items.length - k; i++) { arr[arr.length - k] = items[i]; kcomb(items, i + 1, k - 1, arr, comb); } } } }