package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.system.Property; import net.sf.minuteProject.loader.implicitstructure.node.Line; import net.sf.minuteProject.loader.implicitstructure.node.Lines; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class FileUtils { private enum ModificationType { ADDED, UPDATED }; public static String getAbsoluteDir(String relDir, String defDir, String targetDir) { if (relDir == null) relDir = defDir; return FileUtils.getAbsolutePathFromPath(relDir, targetDir); } public static String getFileFullPathFromFileInRootClassPath( String filePathInClassPath) { URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResource(filePathInClassPath); if (url == null) return filePathInClassPath;// "RESOURCE NOT IN THE PATH"; else { try { return new File(url.toURI()).getAbsolutePath(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return filePathInClassPath; } } } public static String getAbsolutePathFromPath(String inputPathInFile, String inputPathFromFile) { String inputAbsolutePath = getAbsolutePathFromPath(inputPathInFile); if (inputAbsolutePath != null) return inputAbsolutePath; return getAbsolutePathFromPath(resolvePath(inputPathFromFile, inputPathInFile)); } public static String getAbsolutePathFromPath(String inputPathInFile) { if (inputPathInFile != null) { File file = new File(inputPathInFile); if (file.exists()) try { return file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } return null; } public static String getRoot() { return getFileFullPathFromFileInRootClassPath("."); } public static String getFileFullPathFromFileInClassPath( String filePathInClassPath) { return getFileFullPathFromFileInRootClassPath(filePathInClassPath); } public static String getFileFullPath(String dir, String filename) { return getFileFullPath(null, dir, filename); } public static String getFileFullPath(String triggerFileInClassPath, String dir, String filename) { String rootPath; if (dir != null) return rootPath = dir; else { if (triggerFileInClassPath == null) rootPath = getRoot(); else { String context = getFileFullPathFromFileInClassPath(triggerFileInClassPath); rootPath = stripFileName(context); } } return resolvePath(rootPath, filename); } private static String getMinuteProjectHome() { return System.getenv("MP_HOME"); } public static String stripFileName(String filename) { // return getAbsolutePathFromPath(filename); filename = StringUtils.replace(filename, "\\", "/"); int i = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(filename, "/"); // int i = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(filename, "/"); return StringUtils.substring(filename, 0, i); } public static String stripRelativePath(String filename) { int i = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(filename, "\\"); return StringUtils.substring(filename, i); } public static String resolvePath(String root, String relativePath) { return root + "/" + relativePath; } public static Map<String, String> getAddedArea(File file) { Map<String, String> areas = new HashMap<String, String>(); String strLine; try { // Open the file that is the first // command line parameter FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(file); // Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); // skip first line // strLine = br.readLine(); boolean isWithinAddedArea = false; String key = null; StringBuffer sb = null; int cpt = 0; // Read File Line By Line while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { // Print the content on the console if (artifactIsNotPartOfTheGeneration(strLine)) { areas = new HashMap<String, String>(); areas.put(MP_MANAGED_STOP_GENERATING, MP_MANAGED_STOP_GENERATING); return areas; } if (!isWithinAddedArea) { cpt = 0; if (isBeginning(strLine)) { isWithinAddedArea = true; key = getKey(strLine); if (key != null) sb = new StringBuffer(); } } else { if (isEnding(strLine)) { isWithinAddedArea = false; if (key != null && sb.length() > 0) { // sb.append(strLine+"\n"); // sb.append(strLine); areas.put(key, sb.toString()); } key = null; } } if (isWithinAddedArea) { cpt++; if (strLine != null && sb != null) { if (cpt > 1) { if (cpt > 2) // prepend CRLF from third line on sb.append("\n"); // first line not taken since directive start with // second sb.append(strLine); } } } } // Close the input stream in.close(); } catch (Exception e) {// Catch exception if any e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Error in retrieving updatable areas: " + e.getMessage()); } return areas; } private static boolean artifactIsNotPartOfTheGeneration(String strLine) { return StringUtils.contains(strLine, MP_MANAGED_STOP_GENERATING); } private static String getKey(String strLine) { // if (isMpManagedAdded(strLine)) return StringUtils.substringBetween(strLine, MP_MANAGED_REFERENCE_MARKER, MP_MANAGED_REFERENCE_MARKER); // else {//isMpManagedUpdatable // StringUtils. // } } private static boolean isMpManagedAdded(String strLine) { return StringUtils.contains(strLine, MP_MANAGED_ADDED_AREA_BEGINNING); } private static boolean isEnding(String strLine) { return contains(strLine, MP_MANAGED_ADDED_AREA_ENDING) || contains(strLine, MP_MANAGED_UPDATABLE_ENDING); } private static boolean isBeginning(String strLine) { return contains(strLine, MP_MANAGED_ADDED_AREA_BEGINNING) || contains(strLine, MP_MANAGED_UPDATABLE_BEGINNING_ENABLE); } private static boolean contains(String strLine, String search) { return StringUtils.contains(strLine, search); } public String readFirstLine(File file) { String strLine = ""; if (file.exists()) { try { // Open the file that is the first // command line parameter FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(file); // Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(in)); strLine = br.readLine(); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) {// Catch exception if any System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } return strLine; } private Lines parseLines(File file, String separator, List<Property> properties) { Lines lines = new Lines(); String strLine; try { // Open the file that is the first // command line parameter FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(file); // Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); // skip first line strLine = br.readLine(); // Read File Line By Line while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { // Print the content on the console lines.addLine(parseLine(strLine, separator, properties)); // System.out.println (strLine); } // Close the input stream in.close(); } catch (Exception e) {// Catch exception if any System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); } return lines; } private Line parseLine(String strLine, String separator, List<Property> properties) { Line line = new Line(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strLine, separator); int size = properties.size(); int i = 0; while (st.hasMoreElements()) { if (i < size) { String token = st.nextToken(); Property prop = properties.get(i); Property property = new Property(); property.setName(prop.getName()); property.setValue(token); line.addProperty(property); i++; } } return line; } public Lines getLines(File file, String separator) { // Lines lines = new Lines(); String definition = readFirstLine(file); List<Property> properties = getProperties(definition, separator); // lines.addLine(line); return parseLines(file, separator, properties); } private List<Property> getProperties(String definition, String separator) { List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(definition, separator); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { String token = st.nextToken(); Property property = new Property(); property.setName(token); properties.add(property); } return properties; } }