package net.sf.minuteProject.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.Package; import; import; import; import; import; public class ComponentUtils { public static List<Component> getComponent (Table table) { //for each column Hashtable<String, Component> components = composeComponentList(table); return complementComponentListWithRelationship(components); //return new ArrayList<Component>(components.values()); } private static Hashtable<String, Component> composeComponentList (Table table) { Package pack = copyPackage(table); Hashtable<String, Component> components = new Hashtable<String, Component>(); for (Column column : table.getColumns()) { String key = getComponentBeanPath(table.getName(), column.getName()); String fullPath = getComponentBeanPropertyPath(table.getName(), column.getName()); Component component = components.get(key); if (component==null) { // to set in create New component component = new ComponentDDLUtils(); component.setPath(key); component.setName(getBeforeLastInPathElement(fullPath)); //Package pack = table.getPackage(); //pack.setName(pack.getName()+StringUtils.lowerCase(FormatUtils.getJavaName(table.getName()))); component.setPackage(pack); component.setTable (table); } column.setName(getLastInPathElement(fullPath)); component.addColumn(column); components.put(key, component); } return components; } //TODO put in packageUtils private static Package copyPackage (Table table) { Package pack = new Package(); Package packOrig = table.getPackage(); String formatAlias = StringUtils.lowerCase(FormatUtils.getJavaName(table.getAlias())); pack.setName(packOrig.getName()+"."+formatAlias); pack.setBusinessPackage(packOrig.getBusinessPackage()); return pack; } private static List<Component> complementComponentListWithRelationship(Hashtable<String, Component> input) { input = setAllParentComponent(input); input = getSetAllParentChildRelationship(input); return new ArrayList<Component>(input.values()); } private static Hashtable<String, Component> setAllParentComponent (Hashtable<String, Component> input) { // foreach component get beanpath Hashtable<String, Component> output = new Hashtable<String, Component>(input); for (Component component : input.values()) { String path = component.getPath(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"."); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < st.countTokens(); i++) { String componentName = (String)st.nextToken(); sb.append(componentName); String currentPath = sb.toString(); Component component2 = (Component)input.get(currentPath); if (component2==null) { component2 = createNewComponent(componentName,currentPath, component); output.put(currentPath, component2); } } if (st.hasMoreElements()) sb.append("."); } return output; } private static Component createNewComponent(String componentName, String path, Component component) { Component componentNew = new ComponentDDLUtils(); componentNew.setPath(path); componentNew.setName(componentName); //Table table = component.getTable(); Package pack = component.getPackage(); //pack.setName(pack.getName()+StringUtils.lowerCase(FormatUtils.getJavaName(table.getName()))); componentNew.setPackage(pack); componentNew.setTable(component.getTable()); return componentNew; } private static Hashtable<String, Component> getSetAllParentChildRelationship (Hashtable<String, Component> input) { for (Component component : input.values()) { String path = component.getPath(); String upPath = getPathBeforeLastInPathElement(path); Component parent = (Component)input.get(upPath); if (!upPath.equals("")) { if (parent==null) { System.out.println("Error in composition of the component tree"); } else { component.setParent(parent); parent.addChild(component); } } } return input; } private static String getComponentBeanPath(String root, String name) { return getComponentBeanPath(getComponentBeanPropertyPath(root, name)); } private static String getComponentBeanPath (String beanPropertyPath) { return getPathBeforeLastInPathElement(beanPropertyPath); } private static String getComponentBeanPropertyPath(String root, String name) { return getComponentFullPath(root, name); } private static String getComponentFullPath(String root, String name) { return FormatUtils.getJavaName(root)+"."+getComponentPath(name); } private static String getComponentPath(String name) { //get component then field StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name,"__"); boolean first=false; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { if (first==false) first = true; else result.append("."); result.append (FormatUtils.getJavaName(st.nextToken())); } return result.toString(); } private static String getElementInPathAtPosixFromEnd(String path, int posix) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"."); int cpt = st.countTokens(); // if (cpt==1) // return root; int i = cpt-posix; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { st.nextToken(); } return (String)st.nextToken(); } private static String getLastInPathElement(String path) { // StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"."); // int cpt = st.countTokens(); //// if (cpt==1) //// return root; // int i = cpt-1; // for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { // st.nextToken(); // } return getElementInPathAtPosixFromEnd(path,1); } private static String getBeforeLastInPathElement(String path) { return getElementInPathAtPosixFromEnd(path,2); // StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"."); // int cpt = st.countTokens(); //// if (cpt==1) //// return root; // int i = cpt-2; // for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { // st.nextToken(); // } // return (String)st.nextToken(); } private static String getPathBeforeLastInPathElement (String path) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"."); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int cpt = st.countTokens(); // if (cpt==1) // return root; int i = cpt-1; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { String token = st.nextToken(); sb.append(token); if (j!=i-1) sb.append("."); } return sb.toString(); // String last = getLastInPathElement(path); // path = StringUtils.substringBefore(path, last); // return } }