package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.AbstractConfiguration; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.Template; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.enrichment.Action; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.enrichment.SemanticReference; import; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.enrichment.rule.Constraint; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.minuteProject.utils.ColumnUtils; /** * @author Florian Adler * */ public abstract class TableAbstract extends AbstractConfiguration implements Table{ private Table table; // private String alias; private Reference [] distinctChildrenRef; private SemanticReference semanticReference; private String contentType; private boolean isLinkEntity, isSearchable; private EntitySecuredAccess entitySecuredAccess; private List<List<Column>> fieldGroupsList; private List<FieldGroup> fieldGroups; private List<Action> actions; private List<Constraint> constraints; private Boolean hasVersion; public TableAbstract () { } public TableAbstract (Table table) { setTable (table); this.setAlias(table.getAlias()); this.setProperties(table.getProperties()); this.setContentType(table.getContentType()); this.setSemanticReference(table.getSemanticReference()); this.setLinkEntity(table.isLinkEntity()); this.setFieldGroups(table.getFieldGroups()); this.setActions(table.getActions()); this.setSearchable(table.isSearchable()); this.setComment(table.getComment()); this.setDescription(table.getDescription()); this.setDatabase(table.getDatabase()); this.setConstraints(table.getConstraints()); } public String getName () { return table.getName(); } public net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.Package getPackage() { return table.getPackage(); } public void setPackage(net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.Package pack) { this.table.setPackage(pack); } public Database getDatabase() { return table.getDatabase(); } public void setDatabase(Database database) { this.table.setDatabase(database); } public Table getTable() { return table; } public void setTable(Table table) { this.table = table; } public Column findColumn(String name) { return table.findColumn(name); } public Column findColumn(String name, boolean caseSensitive) { return table.findColumn(name, caseSensitive); } public Index findIndex(String name) { return table.findIndex(name); } public Index findIndex(String name, boolean caseSensitive) { return table.findIndex(name, caseSensitive); } public String getCatalog() { return table.getCatalog(); } public int getColumnCount() { return table.getColumnCount(); } public Column[] getColumns() { return table.getColumns(); } /** * Returns the column at the specified position. * * @param idx The column index * @return The column at this position */ public Column getColumn(int idx) { return table.getColumn(idx); } public ForeignKey getForeignKey(int idx) { return table.getForeignKey(idx); } public int getForeignKeyCount() { return table.getForeignKeyCount(); } public ForeignKey[] getForeignKeys() { return table.getForeignKeys(); } public Index getIndex(int idx) { return table.getIndex(idx); } public int getIndexCount() { return table.getIndexCount(); } public Index[] getIndices() { return table.getIndices(); } public Index[] getNonUniqueIndices() { return table.getNonUniqueIndices(); } public Column[] getPrimaryKeyColumns() { return table.getPrimaryKeyColumns(); } public String getSchema() { return table.getSchema(); } public Index[] getUniqueIndices() { return table.getNonUniqueIndices(); } public boolean hasPrimaryKey() { return table.hasPrimaryKey(); } public String getTechnicalPackage(Template template) { net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.Package p = getPackage(); if(p==null) return "ERROR_PACKAGE_IS_NULL"; return p.getTechnicalPackage(template); } public Column[] getNoPrimaryKeyNoForeignKeyColumns() { return table.getNoPrimaryKeyNoForeignKeyColumns(); } public String toVerboseString() { return table.toVerboseString(); } public String getType() { return table.getType(); } public Column [] getAttributes () { return getColumns(); } /** * Get the array of parents * @return Reference */ public Reference [] getParents() { return table.getParents(); } /** * Get the associated children * @return Reference */ public Reference [] getChildren() { return table.getChildren(); } /** * Indicates if it is a many to many table * A table is many to many if it contains 2 columns only and those colums are Foreign keys. * @return boolean */ public boolean isManyToMany() { return (getPrimaryKeyColumns().length == 2) && (getParents().length == 2) && (getColumnCount()==2); } public boolean equals (Object object) { if (!(object instanceof Table)) return false; return this.getName().equals(((Table)object).getName()); } public boolean isManyToManyRecursive() { if (isManyToMany()) { Reference [] parents = getParents(); return parents[0].getForeignTableName().equals(parents[1].getForeignTableName()); } return false; } public Reference [] getDistinctChildrenType() { if (distinctChildrenRef==null) distinctChildrenRef = getDistinctChildrenTypeArray(); return distinctChildrenRef; } public Reference [] getDistinctChildrenTypeArray() { List<Reference> distinctTypes = new ArrayList<Reference>(); Reference[] references = getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < references.length; i++) { boolean toAdd = true; for (Reference reference : distinctTypes) { if ( reference.getForeignTableName().equals(references[i].getForeignTableName()) && reference.getLocalTableName().equals(references[i].getLocalTableName()) ) { toAdd = false; break; } } if (toAdd) distinctTypes.add(references[i]); } return (Reference []) distinctTypes.toArray(new Reference[distinctTypes.size()]); } public void setFieldGroups(List<FieldGroup> fieldGroups) { this.fieldGroups = fieldGroups; } public List<List<Column>> getFieldGroupsList () { //TODO add order with Hashtable if (fieldGroupsList==null) { fieldGroupsList = new ArrayList<List<Column>>(); List<Column> cols = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (Column column : getColumns()) { if (!contains(cols, column)) { List<Column> columnsFromFieldGroup = getColumnsFromFieldGroup(column); fieldGroupsList.add(columnsFromFieldGroup); // add group column in cols cols.addAll(columnsFromFieldGroup); } } } return fieldGroupsList; } private boolean contains(List<Column> cols, Column column) { for (Column col : cols) { if (col.getName().equals(column.getName())) return true; } return false; } private List<Column> getColumnsFromFieldGroup(Column column) { List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (FieldGroup fieldGroup : getFieldGroups()) { if (fieldGroupContainsColumn(fieldGroup, column)) { return convertFieldGroup(fieldGroup); } } columns.add(column); return columns; } private List<Column> convertFieldGroup(FieldGroup fieldGroup) { List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (String element : fieldGroup.getFieldList()) { Column column = ColumnUtils.getColumn(table, element); if (column!=null) columns.add(column); } return columns; } private boolean fieldGroupContainsColumn(FieldGroup fieldGroup, Column column) { for (String element : fieldGroup.getFieldList()) { if (element.equals(column.getName())) { return true; } } return false; } public String getContentType() { return contentType; } public void setContentType(String contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; } public SemanticReference getSemanticReference() { return semanticReference; } public void setSemanticReference(SemanticReference semanticReference) { this.semanticReference = semanticReference; } public boolean isLinkEntity() { return isLinkEntity; } public void setLinkEntity(boolean isLinkEntity) { this.isLinkEntity = isLinkEntity; } public boolean hasVersion() { if (hasVersion==null) hasVersion = getHasVersion(); return hasVersion; } private Boolean getHasVersion() { for(Column column : getColumns()) { if (column.isVersion()) return true; } return false; } public boolean hasAttribute () { return (getAttributes()!=null && getAttributes().length > 0)?true:false; } public EntitySecuredAccess getEntitySecuredAccess() { return entitySecuredAccess; } public void setEntitySecuredAccess(EntitySecuredAccess entitySecuredAccess) { this.entitySecuredAccess = entitySecuredAccess; } public List<FieldGroup> getFieldGroups() { if (fieldGroups==null) fieldGroups = new ArrayList<FieldGroup>(); return fieldGroups; } public void addFieldGroup (FieldGroup fieldGroup) { getFieldGroups().add(fieldGroup); } public List<Action> getActions() { if (actions==null) actions = new ArrayList<Action>(); return actions; } public void addAction (Action action) { getActions().add(action); } public void setActions(List<Action> actions) { this.actions = actions; } public boolean isSearchable() { return isSearchable; } public void setSearchable(boolean isSearchable) { this.isSearchable = isSearchable; } public List<Constraint> getConstraints() { return constraints; } public void setConstraints(List<Constraint> constraints) { this.constraints = constraints; } }