package net.sf.minuteProject.plugin.openxava; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.Package; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.Template; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.enrichment.Action; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.enrichment.SemanticReference; import; import; import; import net.sf.minuteProject.plugin.format.I18nUtils; import net.sf.minuteProject.utils.ColumnUtils; import net.sf.minuteProject.utils.FormatUtils; import net.sf.minuteProject.utils.ReferenceUtils; import net.sf.minuteProject.utils.TableUtils; import net.sf.minuteProject.utils.code.RestrictedCodeUtils; import net.sf.minuteProject.utils.enrichment.SemanticReferenceUtils; import; public class OpenXavaUtils { public static String getHelpDirectory () { return "xava/help/"; } public static String getHelpFileExtension () { return "jsp"; } public static List<String> getTabAll (Table table) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.addAll(getTabDefaultProperties(table)); list.addAll(getParentSemanticReference(table)); return list; } public static List<String> getTabSimple (Table table) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.addAll(getTabDefaultProperties(table)); return list; } public static List<String> getTabWithRef (Table table) { return getTabAll(table); } public static boolean hasTabAll (Table table) { return (getTabAll(table).isEmpty())?false:true; } public static boolean hasTabSimple (Table table) { return (getTabSimple(table).isEmpty())?false:true; } public static boolean hasTabWithRef (Table table) { return (getTabWithRef(table).isEmpty())?false:true; } private static List<String> getTabDefaultProperties (Table table) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column column : table.getPrimaryKeyColumns()) { if (ColumnUtils.isNaturalPk(column)) { list.add(JavaUtils.getJavaVariableNaming(FormatUtils.getJavaNameVariable(column.getAlias()))); } } for (Column column : table.getAttributes()) { if (!column.isLob()) list.add(JavaUtils.getJavaVariableNaming(FormatUtils.getJavaNameVariable(column.getAlias()))); } return list; } public static List<String> getParentSemanticReference (Table table) { return getParentSemanticReference(table, null, true); } public static List<String> getParentSemanticReferenceEntityVariable (Table table) { return getParentSemanticReference(table, null, false); } public static List<String> getParentSemanticReference (Table table, Reference removeReference, boolean addChunk) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Reference reference : table.getParents()) { if (!ReferenceUtils.isSimilarReference(reference, removeReference)) { Table parent = reference.getForeignTable(); if (TableUtils.hasSemanticReference(parent)) { SemanticReference sr = reference.getForeignTable().getSemanticReference(); for (String chunk : sr.getSemanticReferenceBeanPath()) { String c = FormatUtils.getJavaNameVariable(reference.getLocalColumn().getAlias()); if (addChunk) c = c+"."+convertChunkToAlias(chunk, parent); list.add(c); //break; // only the first is added } } } } return list; } private static String convertChunkToAlias(String chunk, Table table) { Column column = ColumnUtils.getColumn(table, chunk); return FormatUtils.getJavaNameVariable(column.getAlias()); } public static boolean hasDescriptionList (Table table) { if (TableUtils.hasSemanticReference(table) && (TableUtils.isReferenceDataContentType(table) || TableUtils.isPseudoStaticDataContentType(table))) return true; return false; } public static String getPackageName(Package pack) { return I18nUtils.getPackageName(pack); } public static List<String> getListProperties (Reference reference) { boolean hasSemRef = false; List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Table linkTable = reference.getForeignTable(); Table childTable = reference.getLocalTable(); List<String> relativeChildSR = getParentChildRelativeSemanticReference(reference, linkTable); if (SemanticReferenceUtils.hasSemanticReference(childTable)) { list.addAll(getSemanticRefProperties(childTable)); hasSemRef = true; } if (!relativeChildSR.isEmpty()) { if (!hasSemRef) list.addAll(getTabDefaultProperties(linkTable));//todo change by reference instead of default list.addAll(relativeChildSR); } return list; } private static List<String> getSemanticRefProperties(Table childTable) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); SemanticReference sr = childTable.getSemanticReference(); for (String chunk : sr.getSemanticReferenceBeanPath()) { list.add(convertChunkToAlias(chunk, childTable)); } return null; } private static List<String> getParentChildRelativeSemanticReference( Reference reference, Table linkTable) { return getParentSemanticReference (linkTable, reference, true); } public static String getColumnDescription(Column column) { return I18nUtils.getColumnDescription(column); } public static String getActionClassName (Action action) { if (action!=null) return RestrictedCodeUtils.convertToValidJava(action.getName()); return "action_must_be_set"; } public static String getControllerName (Table table) { return FormatUtils.getJavaName(table.getAlias())+"Controller"; } public static String getModuleUrlRelativeViaParameter (String application, String module) { return "home.jsp?application="+application+"&module="+module; } public static String getModuleUrlAbsoluteViaSlash (String application, String module) { return "/"+application+"/MenuModules/"+module; } public static String getModuleUrl (String application, String module) { return getModuleUrlRelativeViaParameter(application, module); // return getModuleUrlAbsoluteViaSlash(application, module); } public static String getStereotype (Column column) { if (ColumnUtils.hasStereotype(column)) return getStereotype (column.getStereotype().getStereotype()); return null; } // MONEY, DINERO // PHOTO, IMAGEN, FOTO, IMAGE // MEMO, TEXT_AREA, TEXTO_GRANDE // LABEL, ETIQUETA // BOLD_LABEL, ETIQUETA_NEGRITA // TIME, HORA // DATETIME, FECHAHORA // IMAGES_GALLERY, GALERIA_IMAGENES (setup instructions) // ZEROS_FILLED, RELLENADO_CON_CEROS // HTML_TEXT, TEXTO_HTML (text with editable format) // IMAGE_LABEL, ETIQUETA_IMAGEN (image depending on property content) // EMAIL // TELEPHONE, TELEFONO // WEBURL // IP // ISBN // CREDIT_CARD, TARJETA_CREDITO // EMAIL_LIST, LISTA_EMAIL // DOCUMENT_LIBRARY, LIBRERIA_DOCUMENTOS (new in v4m6, it only works inside Liferay) // PASSWORD, CONTRASENA (new in v4.1) private static String getStereotype(String stereotype) { String s = stereotype.toLowerCase(); if (s.equals("url")) return "WEBURL"; if (s.equals("currency")) return "MONEY"; if (s.equals("image")) return "IMAGE"; if (s.equals("text-area")) return "TEXT_AREA"; if (s.equals("text-html")) return "HTML_TEXT"; if (s.equals("email")) return "EMAIL"; if (s.equals("phone")) return "TELEPHONE"; if (s.equals("password")) return "PASSWORD"; return null; } /** * @param table * @return */ public static String getMainView (Table table) { // get main view // link semantic reference (content type) in short version // self semantic reference // matrix // mandatory param should appear // overflow in tab // text-html in tab return ""; } }