package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.DataModel; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.FileSource; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.Model; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.minuteProject.utils.FunctionUtils; import org.apache.ddlutils.Platform; import org.apache.ddlutils.PlatformFactory; import; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.cloudscape.CloudscapePlatform; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.db2.Db2Platform; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.h2.H2Platform; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.hsqldb.HsqlDbPlatform; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.mssql.MSSqlPlatform; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.mysql.MySqlPlatform; import; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.postgresql.PostgreSqlPlatform; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.sapdb.SapDbPlatform; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.sqlite.Sqlite3Platform; import org.apache.ddlutils.platform.sybase.SybasePlatform; import net.sf.minuteProject.configuration.bean.enumeration.DATABASEenum; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Inspired by DDLUtils Database class * Represents the database model, ie. the tables in the database. It also * contains the corresponding dyna classes for creating dyna beans for the * objects stored in the tables. * * @author Florian Adler */ public class DatabaseDDLUtils implements Database { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseDDLUtils.class); private org.apache.ddlutils.model.Database database; private DATABASEenum type; private List<Table> tables; private List<View> views; private DataModel dataModel; private List<Table> entities; private List<Function> functions; public DatabaseDDLUtils(org.apache.ddlutils.model.Database database) { this.database = database; } public DatabaseDDLUtils(DataModel dataModel) { this.dataModel = dataModel; loadDatabase(dataModel); if (dataModel.getModel().hasFunctionModel()){ loadFunction(dataModel); } } private void loadFunction (DataModel dataModel) { functions = FunctionUtils.getFunctions(dataModel, this); } public Database loadDatabase(DataModel dataModel) { /*if (isDatabaseOnFile(dataModel)) database = new DatabaseIO().read(getFileSourceName(dataModel)); else {*/ Platform platform = PlatformFactory.createNewPlatformInstance(dataModel.getBasicDataSource()); platform.getModelReader().setDefaultSchemaPattern(dataModel.getSchema()); setType(platform); database = platform.readModelFromDatabase("TEST"); writeDatabase(database, dataModel); //} return this; } private boolean isDatabaseOnFile(DataModel dataModel) { String filename = getFileSourceName(dataModel); if (filename!= null) { File file = new File (filename); if (file.exists()) return true; } return false; } private void writeDatabase (org.apache.ddlutils.model.Database database, DataModel dataModel) { String filename = getFileSourceName(dataModel); if (filename!= null) new DatabaseIO().write(database, filename); } private String getFileSourceName(DataModel dataModel) { FileSource fileSource = dataModel.getFileSource(); Model model = dataModel.getModel(); String filename = null; String filedir = null; String version = dataModel.getModel().getVersion(); String defaultName = model.getName(); if (version==null) defaultName = defaultName+"-"+version; if (fileSource!=null) { filename = fileSource.getName(); filedir = fileSource.getDir(); new File (filedir.toString()).mkdirs(); if (filename!=null) filename = filedir+"/"+filename+".xml"; else { filename = filedir+"/"+defaultName+".xml"; } } return filename; } /** * Returns the name of this database model. * * @return The name */ public String getName() { return database.getName(); } /** * Sets the name of this database model. * * @param name The name */ public void setName(String name) { database.setName(name); } /** * Returns the version of this database model. * * @return The version */ public String getVersion() { return database.getVersion(); } /** * Sets the version of this database model. * * @param version The version */ public void setVersion(String version) { database.setVersion(version); } /** * Returns the method for generating primary key values. * * @return The method */ public String getIdMethod() { return database.getIdMethod(); } /** * Sets the method for generating primary key values. Note that this * value is ignored by DdlUtils and only for compatibility with Torque. * * @param idMethod The method */ public void setIdMethod(String idMethod) { database.setIdMethod(idMethod); } /** * Returns the number of tables in this model. * * @return The number of tables public int getTableCount() { return database.getTableCount(); } */ /** * Returns the tables in this model. * * @return The tables */ public Table[] getTables() { if (tables == null) { tables = new ArrayList<Table>(); //for (int i = 0; i < database.getTableCount(); i++) { /*for (int i = 0; i < getTableCount(); i++) { Table table = new TableDDLUtils (database.getTable(i)); tables.add(table); }*/ org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table tablez[] = database.getTables(); for (int i = 0; i < tablez.length; i++) { if (tablez[i].getType().equals("TABLE") || tablez[i].getType().equals("ALIAS") ) { Table table = new TableDDLUtils (tablez[i]); tables.add(table); } } } return (Table[])tables.toArray(new Table[tables.size()]); } /** * Returns the table at the specified position. * * @param idx The index of the table * @return The table */ public Table getTable(int idx) { return (Table)tables.get(idx); } /** * Adds a table. * * @param table The table to add */ public void addTable(Table table) { if (table != null) { tables.add(table); } } /** * Adds a table at the specified position. * * @param idx The index where to insert the table * @param table The table to add */ public void addTable(int idx, Table table) { if (table != null) { tables.add(idx, table); } } /** * Adds the given tables. * * @param tables The tables to add */ public void addTables(Collection tables) { database.addTables(tables); } /** * Removes the given table. * * @param table The table to remove */ public void removeTable(Table table) { if (table != null) { tables.remove(table); } } /** * Removes the indicated table. * * @param idx The index of the table to remove */ public void removeTable(int idx) { tables.remove(idx); } /** * Finds the table with the specified name, using case insensitive matching. * Note that this method is not called getTable to avoid introspection * problems. * * @param name The name of the table to find * @return The table or <code>null</code> if there is no such table */ public Table findTable(String name) { return findTable(name, false); } /** * Finds the table with the specified name, using case insensitive matching. * Note that this method is not called getTable) to avoid introspection * problems. * * @param name The name of the table to find * @param caseSensitive Whether case matters for the names * @return The table or <code>null</code> if there is no such table */ public Table findTable(String name, boolean caseSensitive) { return new TableDDLUtils (database.findTable(name, caseSensitive)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return database.clone(); }*/ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { return database.equals(obj); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int hashCode() { return database.hashCode(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String toString() { return database.toString(); } /** * Returns a verbose string representation of this database. * * @return The string representation */ public String toVerboseString() { return database.toVerboseString(); } public DataModel getDataModel() { return dataModel; } /** * get the type (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Mysql ...) of the database * @return String */ public DATABASEenum getType() { return type; } /** * get the type (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Mysql ...) of the database * @return String */ private void setType(DATABASEenum type) { this.type = type; } private void setType(Platform platform) { if (platform instanceof Db2Platform) setType(DATABASEenum.DB2); else if (platform instanceof Oracle8Platform) setType(DATABASEenum.ORACLE); else if (platform instanceof MySqlPlatform) setType(DATABASEenum.MYSQL); else if (platform instanceof SybasePlatform) setType(DATABASEenum.SYBASE); else if (platform instanceof PostgreSqlPlatform) setType(DATABASEenum.POSTGRESQL); else if (platform instanceof MSSqlPlatform) setType(DATABASEenum.MSSQL); else if (platform instanceof HsqlDbPlatform) setType(DATABASEenum.HSQLDB); else if (platform instanceof SapDbPlatform) setType(DATABASEenum.SAPDB); else if (platform instanceof CloudscapePlatform) setType(DATABASEenum.CLOUDSCAPE); else if (platform instanceof Sqlite3Platform) setType(DATABASEenum.SQLITE); else if (platform instanceof H2Platform) setType(DATABASEenum.H2); } public void addView(View view) { if (views == null) { views = new ArrayList<View>(); } views.add(view); } public View[] getViews() { if (views == null) { views = new ArrayList<View>(); org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table tablez[] = database.getTables(); for (int i = 0; i < tablez.length; i++) { if (tablez[i].getType().equals("VIEW")) { View view = new ViewDDLUtils (tablez[i]); addView(view); } } } return (View[])views.toArray(new View[views.size()]); } /** * Returns the number of tables in this model. * * @return The number of tables */ public int getTableCount() { org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table tables[] = database.getTables(); int j=0; for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { if (tables[i].getType().equals("TABLE")) j++; } return j; } public int getViewCount() { org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table tables[] = database.getTables(); int j=0; for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { if (tables[i].getType().equals("TABLE")) j++; } return j; } public Table[] getEntities() { if (entities == null) { entities = new ArrayList<Table>(); if (tables!=null) entities.addAll(tables); if (views!=null) entities.addAll(views); } return (Table[])entities.toArray(new Table[entities.size()]); } public List<Function> getFunctionArray() { if (functions==null) functions = new ArrayList<Function>(); return functions; } public Function[] getFunctions() { return (Function[]) getFunctionArray().toArray(new Function[getFunctionArray().size()]); } @Override public View addView(Table table) { View view = null; table.setType(Table.VIEW); org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table tablez[] = database.getTables(); for (int i = 0; i < tablez.length; i++) { if (tablez[i].getName().equals(table.getName())) { tablez[i].setType(Table.VIEW); view = new ViewDDLUtils (tablez[i]); //TODO remove form tables //tables.add(table); //addView(view); tables.remove(table); moveToView (tablez[i]); return view; } } return view; } private void moveToView (org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table table) { org.apache.ddlutils.model.Table tablez[] = database.getTables(); for (int i = 0; i < tablez.length; i++) { if (tablez[i].getName().equals(table.getName())) { tablez[i].setType(Table.VIEW); return; } } } }