package net.sf.minuteProject.console.panel; import static net.sf.minuteProject.console.utils.UIUtils.createLabel; import static net.sf.minuteProject.console.utils.UIUtils.createTextAreaScroll; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class CommonPanel extends JPanel { private JPanel panel; private JLabel limitationsL, conventionsL; private JScrollPane limitationsJSP, conventionsJSP; public static final String limitations = "limitations"; public static final String conventions = "conventions"; public CommonPanel(JPanel panel) { super(); this.panel = panel; } public void fillCommonPanel () { limitationsL = createLabel(limitations); panel.add(limitationsL, "skip"); limitationsJSP = createTextAreaScroll(getLimitations(), 10, 40, true, false); panel.add(limitationsJSP, "span, growx"); conventionsL = createLabel(conventions); panel.add(conventionsL, "skip"); conventionsJSP = createTextAreaScroll(getConventions(), 10, 40, true, false); panel.add(conventionsJSP, "span, growx"); } private String getConventions() { return "When generating for ORM framework the following conventions are applied:\n"+ "- Tables without primary key are excluded from the generation;\n"+ "- Views are enriched with a virtual primary key: the first field serves as primary key.\n\n" // +"When using sequence the sequence name is the concatenation of the table name and _SEQ." ; } private String getLimitations() { return "The console application has no enrichment of the data model capabilities such as provided by the classical 'configuration' way.\n\n"+ "When generating for ORM framework the following limitations are applied:\n"+ "- All entities (tables/views) are on the same schema;\n"+ "- Every table must have a primary key;\n"+ "- Composite primary keys are supported only for many-to-many tables;\n"+ "- Composite foreign keys are not supported.\n"+ "" ; } }