package org.liquibase.maven.plugins; import; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import liquibase.Liquibase; import liquibase.database.Database; import liquibase.diff.output.DiffOutputControl; import liquibase.diff.output.StandardObjectChangeFilter; import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException; import liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException; import liquibase.integration.commandline.CommandLineUtils; import liquibase.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; /** * Generates SQL that marks all unapplied changes as applied. * * @author Marcello Teodori * @goal generateChangeLog * @since 2.0.6 */ public class LiquibaseGenerateChangeLogMojo extends AbstractLiquibaseMojo { /** * List of diff types to include in Change Log expressed as a comma separated list from: tables, views, columns, indexes, foreignkeys, primarykeys, uniqueconstraints, data. * If this is null then the default types will be: tables, views, columns, indexes, foreignkeys, primarykeys, uniqueconstraints * * @parameter expression="${liquibase.diffTypes}" */ private String diffTypes; /** * Directory where insert statement csv files will be kept. * * @parameter expression="${liquibase.dataDir}" */ private String dataDir; /** * The author to be specified for Change Sets in the generated Change Log. * * @parameter expression="${liquibase.changeSetAuthor}" */ private String changeSetAuthor; /** * are required. If no context is specified then ALL contexts will be executed. * @parameter expression="${liquibase.contexts}" default-value="" */ protected String contexts; /** * The execution context to be used for Change Sets in the generated Change Log, which can be "," separated if multiple contexts. * * @parameter expression="${liquibase.changeSetContext}" */ private String changeSetContext; /** * The target change log file to output to. If this is null then the output will be to the screen. * * @parameter expression="${liquibase.outputChangeLogFile}" */ protected String outputChangeLogFile; /** * Objects to be excluded from the changelog. Example filters: "table_name", "table:main_.*", "column:*._lock, table:primary.*". * * @parameter expression="${liquibase.diffExcludeObjects}" */ protected String diffExcludeObjects; /** * Objects to be included in the changelog. Example filters: "table_name", "table:main_.*", "column:*._lock, table:primary.*". * * @parameter expression="${liquibase.diffIncludeObjects}" */ protected String diffIncludeObjects; @Override protected void performLiquibaseTask(Liquibase liquibase) throws LiquibaseException { ClassLoader cl = null; try { cl = getClassLoaderIncludingProjectClasspath(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(cl); } catch (MojoExecutionException e) { throw new LiquibaseException("Could not create the class loader, " + e, e); } Database database = liquibase.getDatabase(); getLog().info("Generating Change Log from database " + database.toString()); try { DiffOutputControl diffOutputControl = new DiffOutputControl(outputDefaultCatalog, outputDefaultSchema, true, null); if (diffExcludeObjects != null && diffIncludeObjects != null) { throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Cannot specify both excludeObjects and includeObjects"); } if (diffExcludeObjects != null) { diffOutputControl.setObjectChangeFilter(new StandardObjectChangeFilter(StandardObjectChangeFilter.FilterType.EXCLUDE, diffExcludeObjects)); } if (diffIncludeObjects != null) { diffOutputControl.setObjectChangeFilter(new StandardObjectChangeFilter(StandardObjectChangeFilter.FilterType.INCLUDE, diffIncludeObjects)); } CommandLineUtils.doGenerateChangeLog(outputChangeLogFile, database, defaultCatalogName, defaultSchemaName, StringUtils.trimToNull(diffTypes), StringUtils.trimToNull(changeSetAuthor), StringUtils.trimToNull(changeSetContext), StringUtils.trimToNull(dataDir), diffOutputControl); getLog().info("Output written to Change Log file, " + outputChangeLogFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LiquibaseException(e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new LiquibaseException(e); } } @Override protected void printSettings(String indent) { super.printSettings(indent); getLog().info(indent + "defaultSchemaName: " + defaultSchemaName); getLog().info(indent + "diffTypes: " + diffTypes); getLog().info(indent + "dataDir: " + dataDir); } }