package liquibase.changelog; import liquibase.ContextExpression; import liquibase.Contexts; import liquibase.LabelExpression; import liquibase.RuntimeEnvironment; import liquibase.changelog.filter.ContextChangeSetFilter; import liquibase.changelog.filter.DbmsChangeSetFilter; import liquibase.changelog.filter.LabelChangeSetFilter; import liquibase.changelog.visitor.ValidatingVisitor; import liquibase.database.Database; import liquibase.database.ObjectQuotingStrategy; import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException; import liquibase.exception.SetupException; import liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException; import liquibase.exception.UnknownChangelogFormatException; import liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException; import liquibase.logging.LogFactory; import liquibase.logging.Logger; import liquibase.parser.ChangeLogParser; import liquibase.parser.ChangeLogParserFactory; import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNode; import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNodeException; import liquibase.precondition.Conditional; import liquibase.precondition.core.PreconditionContainer; import liquibase.resource.ResourceAccessor; import liquibase.util.StreamUtil; import liquibase.util.StringUtils; import liquibase.util.file.FilenameUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Encapsulates the information stored in the change log XML file. */ public class DatabaseChangeLog implements Comparable<DatabaseChangeLog>, Conditional { private static final ThreadLocal<DatabaseChangeLog> ROOT_CHANGE_LOG = new ThreadLocal<DatabaseChangeLog>(); private static final ThreadLocal<DatabaseChangeLog> PARENT_CHANGE_LOG = new ThreadLocal<DatabaseChangeLog>(); private PreconditionContainer preconditionContainer = new PreconditionContainer(); private String physicalFilePath; private String logicalFilePath; private ObjectQuotingStrategy objectQuotingStrategy; private List<ChangeSet> changeSets = new ArrayList<ChangeSet>(); private ChangeLogParameters changeLogParameters; private RuntimeEnvironment runtimeEnvironment; private boolean ignoreClasspathPrefix = false; private DatabaseChangeLog rootChangeLog = ROOT_CHANGE_LOG.get(); private DatabaseChangeLog parentChangeLog = PARENT_CHANGE_LOG.get(); private ContextExpression contexts; private ContextExpression includeContexts; public DatabaseChangeLog() { } public DatabaseChangeLog getRootChangeLog() { return rootChangeLog != null ? rootChangeLog : this; } public DatabaseChangeLog getParentChangeLog() { return parentChangeLog; } public DatabaseChangeLog(String physicalFilePath) { this.physicalFilePath = physicalFilePath; } public RuntimeEnvironment getRuntimeEnvironment() { return runtimeEnvironment; } public void setRuntimeEnvironment(RuntimeEnvironment runtimeEnvironment) { this.runtimeEnvironment = runtimeEnvironment; } @Override public PreconditionContainer getPreconditions() { return preconditionContainer; } @Override public void setPreconditions(PreconditionContainer precond) { if (precond == null) { this.preconditionContainer = new PreconditionContainer(); } else { preconditionContainer = precond; } } public ChangeLogParameters getChangeLogParameters() { return changeLogParameters; } public void setChangeLogParameters(ChangeLogParameters changeLogParameters) { this.changeLogParameters = changeLogParameters; } public String getPhysicalFilePath() { return physicalFilePath; } public void setPhysicalFilePath(String physicalFilePath) { this.physicalFilePath = physicalFilePath; } public String getLogicalFilePath() { String returnPath = logicalFilePath; if (logicalFilePath == null) { returnPath = physicalFilePath; } return returnPath.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); } public void setLogicalFilePath(String logicalFilePath) { this.logicalFilePath = logicalFilePath; } public String getFilePath() { if (logicalFilePath == null) { return physicalFilePath; } else { return logicalFilePath; } } public ObjectQuotingStrategy getObjectQuotingStrategy() { return objectQuotingStrategy; } public void setObjectQuotingStrategy(ObjectQuotingStrategy objectQuotingStrategy) { this.objectQuotingStrategy = objectQuotingStrategy; } public ContextExpression getContexts() { return contexts; } public void setContexts(ContextExpression contexts) { this.contexts = contexts; } public ContextExpression getIncludeContexts() { return includeContexts; } public void setIncludeContexts(ContextExpression includeContexts) { this.includeContexts = includeContexts; } @Override public String toString() { return getFilePath(); } @Override public int compareTo(DatabaseChangeLog o) { return getFilePath().compareTo(o.getFilePath()); } public ChangeSet getChangeSet(String path, String author, String id) { for (ChangeSet changeSet : changeSets) { if (normalizePath(changeSet.getFilePath()).equalsIgnoreCase(normalizePath(path)) && changeSet.getAuthor().equalsIgnoreCase(author) && changeSet.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(id) && (changeSet.getDbmsSet() == null || changeLogParameters == null || changeLogParameters.getValue("database.typeName", this) == null || changeSet.getDbmsSet().isEmpty() || changeSet.getDbmsSet().contains(changeLogParameters.getValue("database.typeName", this).toString()))) { return changeSet; } } return null; } public List<ChangeSet> getChangeSets() { return changeSets; } public void addChangeSet(ChangeSet changeSet) { if (changeSet.getRunOrder() == null) { ListIterator<ChangeSet> it = this.changeSets.listIterator(this.changeSets.size()); boolean added = false; while (it.hasPrevious() && !added) { if (!"last".equals(it.previous().getRunOrder())) {; it.add(changeSet); added = true; } } if (!added) { it.add(changeSet); } } else if (changeSet.getRunOrder().equals("first")) { ListIterator<ChangeSet> it = this.changeSets.listIterator(); boolean added = false; while (it.hasNext() && !added) { if (!"first".equals( { it.previous(); it.add(changeSet); added = true; } } if (!added) { this.changeSets.add(changeSet); } } else if (changeSet.getRunOrder().equals("last")) { this.changeSets.add(changeSet); } else { throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Unknown runOrder: "+changeSet.getRunOrder()); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; DatabaseChangeLog that = (DatabaseChangeLog) o; return getFilePath().equals(that.getFilePath()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getFilePath().hashCode(); } public void validate(Database database, String... contexts) throws LiquibaseException { this.validate(database, new Contexts(contexts), new LabelExpression()); } /** * @deprecated Use LabelExpression version */ public void validate(Database database, Contexts contexts) throws LiquibaseException { this.validate(database, contexts, new LabelExpression()); } public void validate(Database database, Contexts contexts, LabelExpression labelExpression) throws LiquibaseException { ChangeLogIterator logIterator = new ChangeLogIterator(this, new DbmsChangeSetFilter(database), new ContextChangeSetFilter(contexts), new LabelChangeSetFilter(labelExpression)); ValidatingVisitor validatingVisitor = new ValidatingVisitor(database.getRanChangeSetList()); validatingVisitor.validate(database, this);, new RuntimeEnvironment(database, contexts, labelExpression)); for (String message : validatingVisitor.getWarnings().getMessages()) { LogFactory.getLogger().warning(message); } if (!validatingVisitor.validationPassed()) { throw new ValidationFailedException(validatingVisitor); } } public ChangeSet getChangeSet(RanChangeSet ranChangeSet) { return getChangeSet(ranChangeSet.getChangeLog(), ranChangeSet.getAuthor(), ranChangeSet.getId()); } public void load(ParsedNode parsedNode, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) throws ParsedNodeException, SetupException { setLogicalFilePath(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "logicalFilePath", String.class)); setContexts(new ContextExpression(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "context", String.class))); String objectQuotingStrategy = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "objectQuotingStrategy", String.class); if (objectQuotingStrategy != null) { setObjectQuotingStrategy(ObjectQuotingStrategy.valueOf(objectQuotingStrategy)); } for (ParsedNode childNode : parsedNode.getChildren()) { handleChildNode(childNode, resourceAccessor); } } protected void expandExpressions(ParsedNode parsedNode) { if (changeLogParameters == null) { return; } try { Object value = parsedNode.getValue(); if (value != null && value instanceof String) { parsedNode.setValue(changeLogParameters.expandExpressions(parsedNode.getValue(String.class), this)); } List<ParsedNode> children = parsedNode.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (ParsedNode child : children) { expandExpressions(child); } } } catch (ParsedNodeException e) { throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e); } } protected void handleChildNode(ParsedNode node, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) throws ParsedNodeException, SetupException { expandExpressions(node); String nodeName = node.getName(); if (nodeName.equals("changeSet")) { this.addChangeSet(createChangeSet(node, resourceAccessor)); } else if (nodeName.equals("include")) { String path = node.getChildValue(null, "file", String.class); if (path == null) { throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("No 'file' attribute on 'include'"); } path = path.replace('\\', '/'); ContextExpression includeContexts = new ContextExpression(node.getChildValue(null, "context", String.class)); try { include(path, node.getChildValue(null, "relativeToChangelogFile", false), resourceAccessor, includeContexts); } catch (LiquibaseException e) { throw new SetupException(e); } } else if (nodeName.equals("includeAll")) { String path = node.getChildValue(null, "path", String.class); String resourceFilterDef = node.getChildValue(null, "filter", String.class); if (resourceFilterDef == null) { resourceFilterDef = node.getChildValue(null, "resourceFilter", String.class); } IncludeAllFilter resourceFilter = null; if (resourceFilterDef != null) { try { resourceFilter = (IncludeAllFilter) Class.forName(resourceFilterDef).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SetupException(e); } } String resourceComparatorDef = node.getChildValue(null, "resourceComparator", String.class); Comparator<?> resourceComparator = null; if (resourceComparatorDef != null) { try { resourceComparator = (Comparator<?>) Class.forName(resourceComparatorDef).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { //take default comparator LogFactory.getInstance().getLog().info("no resourceComparator defined - taking default implementation"); resourceComparator=getStandardChangeLogComparator(); } } ContextExpression includeContexts = new ContextExpression(node.getChildValue(null, "context", String.class)); includeAll(path, node.getChildValue(null, "relativeToChangelogFile", false), resourceFilter, node.getChildValue(null, "errorIfMissingOrEmpty", true), getStandardChangeLogComparator(), resourceAccessor, includeContexts); } else if (nodeName.equals("preConditions")) { this.preconditionContainer = new PreconditionContainer(); try { this.preconditionContainer.load(node, resourceAccessor); } catch (ParsedNodeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (nodeName.equals("property")) { try { String context = node.getChildValue(null, "context", String.class); String dbms = node.getChildValue(null, "dbms", String.class); String labels = node.getChildValue(null, "labels", String.class); Boolean global = node.getChildValue(null, "global", Boolean.class); if (global == null) { // okay behave like liquibase < 3.4 and set global == true global = true; } String file = node.getChildValue(null, "file", String.class); if (file == null) { // direct referenced property, no file String name = node.getChildValue(null, "name", String.class); String value = node.getChildValue(null, "value", String.class); this.changeLogParameters.set(name, value, context, labels, dbms, global, this); } else { // read properties from the file Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream propertiesStream = StreamUtil.singleInputStream(file, resourceAccessor); if (propertiesStream == null) { LogFactory.getInstance().getLog().info("Could not open properties file " + file); } else { props.load(propertiesStream); for (Map.Entry entry : props.entrySet()) { this.changeLogParameters.set(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString(), context, labels, dbms, global, this); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParsedNodeException(e); } } } public void includeAll(String pathName, boolean isRelativeToChangelogFile, IncludeAllFilter resourceFilter, boolean errorIfMissingOrEmpty, Comparator<String> resourceComparator, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor, ContextExpression includeContexts) throws SetupException { try { if (pathName == null) { throw new SetupException("No path attribute for includeAll"); } pathName = pathName.replace('\\', '/'); if (!(pathName.endsWith("/"))) { pathName = pathName + '/'; } Logger log = LogFactory.getInstance().getLog(); log.debug("includeAll for " + pathName); log.debug("Using file opener for includeAll: " + resourceAccessor.toString()); String relativeTo = null; if (isRelativeToChangelogFile) { relativeTo = this.getPhysicalFilePath(); } Set<String> unsortedResources = null; try { unsortedResources = resourceAccessor.list(relativeTo, pathName, true, false, true); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (errorIfMissingOrEmpty){ throw e; } } SortedSet<String> resources = new TreeSet<String>(resourceComparator); if (unsortedResources != null) { for (String resourcePath : unsortedResources) { if (resourceFilter == null || resourceFilter.include(resourcePath)) { resources.add(resourcePath); } } } if (resources.size() == 0 && errorIfMissingOrEmpty) { throw new SetupException("Could not find directory or directory was empty for includeAll '" + pathName + "'"); } for (String path : resources) { include(path, false, resourceAccessor, includeContexts); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SetupException(e); } } public boolean include(String fileName, boolean isRelativePath, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor, ContextExpression includeContexts) throws LiquibaseException { if (fileName.equalsIgnoreCase(".svn") || fileName.equalsIgnoreCase("cvs")) { return false; } String relativeBaseFileName = this.getPhysicalFilePath(); if (isRelativePath) { // workaround for FilenameUtils.normalize() returning null for relative paths like ../conf/liquibase.xml String tempFile = FilenameUtils.concat(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(relativeBaseFileName), fileName); if (tempFile != null && new File(tempFile).exists() == true) { fileName = tempFile; } else { fileName = FilenameUtils.getFullPath(relativeBaseFileName) + fileName; } } DatabaseChangeLog changeLog; try { DatabaseChangeLog rootChangeLog = ROOT_CHANGE_LOG.get(); if (rootChangeLog == null) { ROOT_CHANGE_LOG.set(this); } DatabaseChangeLog parentChangeLog = PARENT_CHANGE_LOG.get(); PARENT_CHANGE_LOG.set(this); try { ChangeLogParser parser = ChangeLogParserFactory.getInstance().getParser(fileName, resourceAccessor); changeLog = parser.parse(fileName, changeLogParameters, resourceAccessor); changeLog.setIncludeContexts(includeContexts); } finally { if (rootChangeLog == null) { ROOT_CHANGE_LOG.remove(); } if (parentChangeLog == null) { PARENT_CHANGE_LOG.remove(); } else { PARENT_CHANGE_LOG.set(parentChangeLog); } } } catch (UnknownChangelogFormatException e) { if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(fileName).matches("\\.\\w+$")) { LogFactory.getInstance().getLog().warning("included file " + relativeBaseFileName + "/" + fileName + " is not a recognized file type"); } return false; } PreconditionContainer preconditions = changeLog.getPreconditions(); if (preconditions != null) { if (null == this.getPreconditions()) { this.setPreconditions(new PreconditionContainer()); } this.getPreconditions().addNestedPrecondition(preconditions); } for (ChangeSet changeSet : changeLog.getChangeSets()) { addChangeSet(changeSet); } return true; } protected ChangeSet createChangeSet(ParsedNode node, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) throws ParsedNodeException, SetupException { ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet(this); changeSet.setChangeLogParameters(this.getChangeLogParameters()); changeSet.load(node, resourceAccessor); return changeSet; } protected Comparator<String> getStandardChangeLogComparator() { return new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { //by ignoring WEB-INF/classes in path all changelog Files independent //whehther they are in a WAR or in a JAR are order following the same rule return o1.replace("WEB-INF/classes/", "").compareTo(o2.replace("WEB-INF/classes/", "")); } }; } public void setIgnoreClasspathPrefix(boolean ignoreClasspathPrefix) { this.ignoreClasspathPrefix = ignoreClasspathPrefix; } public boolean ignoreClasspathPrefix() { return ignoreClasspathPrefix; } protected String normalizePath(String filePath) { if (ignoreClasspathPrefix) { return filePath.replaceFirst("^classpath:", ""); } return filePath; } public void clearCheckSums() { for (ChangeSet changeSet : getChangeSets()) { changeSet.clearCheckSum(); } } }