package liquibase.integration.ant; import liquibase.Contexts; import liquibase.Liquibase; import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException; import; import; public class DatabaseRollbackFutureTask extends AbstractChangeLogBasedTask { @Override public void executeWithLiquibaseClassloader() throws BuildException { Liquibase liquibase = getLiquibase(); try { liquibase.futureRollbackSQL(new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels(), getOutputFileWriter()); } catch (LiquibaseException e) { throw new BuildException("Unable to generate future rollback SQL. " + e.toString(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Unable to generate future rollback SQL. Error creating output writer.", e); } } @Override protected void validateParameters() { super.validateParameters(); if(getOutputFile() == null) { throw new BuildException("Output file is required."); } } }