package liquibase.change.core; import liquibase.change.AbstractChange; import liquibase.change.DatabaseChange; import liquibase.change.ChangeMetaData; import liquibase.change.DatabaseChangeProperty; import liquibase.configuration.GlobalConfiguration; import liquibase.configuration.LiquibaseConfiguration; import liquibase.database.Database; import liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException; import liquibase.exception.ValidationErrors; import liquibase.exception.Warnings; import liquibase.executor.Executor; import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService; import liquibase.executor.LoggingExecutor; import liquibase.logging.LogFactory; import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNode; import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNodeException; import liquibase.resource.ResourceAccessor; import liquibase.sql.Sql; import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.CommentStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.RuntimeStatement; import liquibase.util.StreamUtil; import liquibase.util.StringUtils; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Executes a given shell executable. */ @DatabaseChange(name = "executeCommand", description = "Executes a system command. Because this refactoring doesn't generate SQL like most, using LiquiBase commands such as migrateSQL may not work as expected. Therefore, if at all possible use refactorings that generate SQL.", priority = ChangeMetaData.PRIORITY_DEFAULT) public class ExecuteShellCommandChange extends AbstractChange { private String executable; private List<String> os; private List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); protected List<String> finalCommandArray; @Override public boolean generateStatementsVolatile(Database database) { return true; } @Override public boolean generateRollbackStatementsVolatile(Database database) { return true; } @DatabaseChangeProperty(description = "Name of the executable to run", exampleValue = "mysqldump", requiredForDatabase = "all") public String getExecutable() { return executable; } public void setExecutable(String executable) { this.executable = executable; } public void addArg(String arg) { this.args.add(arg); } public List<String> getArgs() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(args); } public void setOs(String os) { this.os = StringUtils.splitAndTrim(os, ","); } @DatabaseChangeProperty(description = "List of operating systems on which to execute the command (taken from the Java system property)", exampleValue = "Windows 7") public List<String> getOs() { return os; } @Override public ValidationErrors validate(Database database) { return new ValidationErrors(); } @Override public Warnings warn(Database database) { return new Warnings(); } @Override public SqlStatement[] generateStatements(final Database database) { boolean shouldRun = true; if (os != null && os.size() > 0) { String currentOS = System.getProperty(""); if (!os.contains(currentOS)) { shouldRun = false; LogFactory.getLogger().info("Not executing on os " + currentOS + " when " + os + " was specified"); } } // check if running under not-executed mode (logging output) boolean nonExecutedMode = false; Executor executor = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database); if (executor instanceof LoggingExecutor) { nonExecutedMode = true; } this.finalCommandArray = createFinalCommandArray(database); if (shouldRun && !nonExecutedMode) { return new SqlStatement[]{new RuntimeStatement() { @Override public Sql[] generate(Database database) { try { executeCommand(database); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Error executing command: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } return null; } }}; } if (nonExecutedMode) { try { return new SqlStatement[]{ new CommentStatement(getCommandString()) }; } finally { nonExecutedCleanup(); } } return new SqlStatement[0]; } protected void nonExecutedCleanup() { } protected List<String> createFinalCommandArray(Database database) { List<String> commandArray = new ArrayList<String>(); commandArray.add(getExecutable()); commandArray.addAll(getArgs()); return commandArray; } protected void executeCommand(Database database) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream errorStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ProcessBuilder pb = createProcessBuilder(database); Process p = pb.start(); int returnCode = 0; try { //output both stdout and stderr data from proc to stdout of this process StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(p.getErrorStream(), errorStream); StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(p.getInputStream(), inputStream); errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); returnCode = p.waitFor(); errorGobbler.finish(); outputGobbler.finish(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ; } LogFactory.getLogger().severe(errorStream.toString(LiquibaseConfiguration.getInstance().getConfiguration(GlobalConfiguration.class).getOutputEncoding())); LogFactory.getLogger().info(inputStream.toString(LiquibaseConfiguration.getInstance().getConfiguration(GlobalConfiguration.class).getOutputEncoding())); if (returnCode != 0) { throw new RuntimeException(getCommandString() + " returned an code of " + returnCode); } } protected ProcessBuilder createProcessBuilder(Database database) { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(finalCommandArray); pb.redirectErrorStream(true); return pb; } @Override public String getConfirmationMessage() { return "Shell command '" + getCommandString() + "' executed"; } protected String getCommandString() { return getExecutable() + " " + StringUtils.join(args, " "); } @Override public String getSerializedObjectNamespace() { return STANDARD_CHANGELOG_NAMESPACE; } @Override protected void customLoadLogic(ParsedNode parsedNode, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) throws ParsedNodeException { ParsedNode argsNode = parsedNode.getChild(null, "args"); if (argsNode == null) { argsNode = parsedNode; } for (ParsedNode arg : argsNode.getChildren(null, "arg")) { addArg(arg.getChildValue(null, "value", String.class)); } String passedValue = StringUtils.trimToNull(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "os", String.class)); if (passedValue == null) { this.os = new ArrayList<String>(); } else { List<String> os = StringUtils.splitAndTrim(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "os", String.class)), ","); if (os.size() == 1 && os.get(0).equals("")) { this.os = null; } else if (os.size() > 0) { this.os = os; } } } private class StreamGobbler extends Thread { private final OutputStream outputStream; private InputStream processStream; private StreamGobbler(InputStream processStream, ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) { this.processStream = processStream; this.outputStream = outputStream; } public void run() { try { BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(processStream); while (processStream != null) { if (bufferedInputStream.available() > 0) { StreamUtil.copy(bufferedInputStream, outputStream); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } public void finish() { InputStream processStream = this.processStream; this.processStream = null; try { StreamUtil.copy(processStream, outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "external process '" + getExecutable() + "' " + getArgs(); } }