package liquibase.precondition.core; import liquibase.exception.*; import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNode; import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNodeException; import liquibase.precondition.ErrorPrecondition; import liquibase.precondition.FailedPrecondition; import liquibase.resource.ResourceAccessor; import liquibase.util.StringUtils; import liquibase.util.StreamUtil; import liquibase.database.Database; import liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogChild; import liquibase.changelog.DatabaseChangeLog; import liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet; import liquibase.executor.Executor; import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService; import liquibase.logging.LogFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class PreconditionContainer extends AndPrecondition implements ChangeLogChild { public enum FailOption { HALT("HALT"), CONTINUE("CONTINUE"), MARK_RAN("MARK_RAN"), WARN("WARN"); String key; FailOption(String key) { this.key = key; } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } public enum ErrorOption { HALT("HALT"), CONTINUE("CONTINUE"), MARK_RAN("MARK_RAN"), WARN("WARN"); String key; ErrorOption(String key) { this.key = key; } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } public enum OnSqlOutputOption { IGNORE("IGNORE"), TEST("TEST"), FAIL("FAIL"); String key; OnSqlOutputOption(String key) { this.key = key; } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } private FailOption onFail = FailOption.HALT; private ErrorOption onError = ErrorOption.HALT; private OnSqlOutputOption onSqlOutput = OnSqlOutputOption.IGNORE; private String onFailMessage; private String onErrorMessage; public FailOption getOnFail() { return onFail; } public void setOnFail(String onFail) { if (onFail == null) { this.onFail = FailOption.HALT; } else { for (FailOption option : FailOption.values()) { if (option.key.equalsIgnoreCase(onFail)) { this.onFail = option; return; } } List<String> possibleOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FailOption option : FailOption.values()) { possibleOptions.add(option.key); } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown onFail attribute value '"+onFail+"'. Possible values: " + StringUtils.join(possibleOptions, ", ")); } } public ErrorOption getOnError() { return onError; } public void setOnError(String onError) { if (onError == null) { this.onError = ErrorOption.HALT; } else { for (ErrorOption option : ErrorOption.values()) { if (option.key.equalsIgnoreCase(onError)) { this.onError = option; return; } } List<String> possibleOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ErrorOption option : ErrorOption.values()) { possibleOptions.add(option.key); } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown onError attribute value '"+onError+"'. Possible values: " + StringUtils.join(possibleOptions, ", ")); } } public OnSqlOutputOption getOnSqlOutput() { return onSqlOutput; } public void setOnSqlOutput(String onSqlOutput) { if (onSqlOutput == null) { setOnSqlOutput((OnSqlOutputOption)null); return; } for (OnSqlOutputOption option : OnSqlOutputOption.values()) { if (option.key.equalsIgnoreCase(onSqlOutput)) { setOnSqlOutput(option); return; } } List<String> possibleOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); for (OnSqlOutputOption option : OnSqlOutputOption.values()) { possibleOptions.add(option.key); } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown onSqlOutput attribute value '" + onSqlOutput + "'. Possible values: " + StringUtils.join(possibleOptions, ", ")); } public void setOnSqlOutput(OnSqlOutputOption onSqlOutput) { if (onSqlOutput == null) { this.onSqlOutput = OnSqlOutputOption.IGNORE; } else { this.onSqlOutput = onSqlOutput; } } public String getOnFailMessage() { return onFailMessage; } public void setOnFailMessage(String onFailMessage) { this.onFailMessage = onFailMessage; } public String getOnErrorMessage() { return onErrorMessage; } public void setOnErrorMessage(String onErrorMessage) { this.onErrorMessage = onErrorMessage; } @Override public void check(Database database, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, ChangeSet changeSet) throws PreconditionFailedException, PreconditionErrorException { String ranOn = String.valueOf(changeLog); if (changeSet != null) { ranOn = String.valueOf(changeSet); } Executor executor = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database); try { // Three cases for preConditions onUpdateSQL: // 1. TEST: preConditions should be run, as in regular update mode // 2. FAIL: the preConditions should fail if there are any // 3. IGNORE: act as if preConditions don't exist boolean testPrecondition = false; if (executor.updatesDatabase()) { testPrecondition = true; } else { if (this.getOnSqlOutput().equals(PreconditionContainer.OnSqlOutputOption.TEST)) { testPrecondition = true; } else if (this.getOnSqlOutput().equals(PreconditionContainer.OnSqlOutputOption.FAIL)) { throw new PreconditionFailedException("Unexpected precondition in updateSQL mode with onUpdateSQL value: "+this.getOnSqlOutput(), changeLog, this); } else if (this.getOnSqlOutput().equals(PreconditionContainer.OnSqlOutputOption.IGNORE)) { testPrecondition = false; } } if (testPrecondition) { super.check(database, changeLog, changeSet); } } catch (PreconditionFailedException e) { StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); message.append(" ").append(e.getFailedPreconditions().size()).append(" preconditions failed").append(StreamUtil.getLineSeparator()); for (FailedPrecondition invalid : e.getFailedPreconditions()) { message.append(" ").append(invalid.toString()); message.append(StreamUtil.getLineSeparator()); } if (getOnFailMessage() != null) { message = new StringBuffer(getOnFailMessage()); } if (this.getOnFail().equals(PreconditionContainer.FailOption.WARN)) { LogFactory.getLogger().info("Executing: " + ranOn + " despite precondition failure due to onFail='WARN':\n " + message); } else { if (getOnFailMessage() == null) { throw e; } else { throw new PreconditionFailedException(getOnFailMessage(), changeLog, this); } } } catch (PreconditionErrorException e) { StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); message.append(" ").append(e.getErrorPreconditions().size()).append(" preconditions failed").append(StreamUtil.getLineSeparator()); for (ErrorPrecondition invalid : e.getErrorPreconditions()) { message.append(" ").append(invalid.toString()); message.append(StreamUtil.getLineSeparator()); } if (this.getOnError().equals(PreconditionContainer.ErrorOption.CONTINUE)) { LogFactory.getLogger().info("Continuing past: " + toString() + " despite precondition error:\n " + message); throw e; } else if (this.getOnError().equals(PreconditionContainer.ErrorOption.WARN)) { LogFactory.getLogger().warning("Continuing past: " + toString() + " despite precondition error:\n " + message); } else { if (getOnErrorMessage() == null) { throw e; } else { throw new PreconditionErrorException(getOnErrorMessage(), e.getErrorPreconditions()); } } } } @Override public String getSerializedObjectNamespace() { return STANDARD_CHANGELOG_NAMESPACE; } @Override public void load(ParsedNode parsedNode, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) throws ParsedNodeException { this.setOnError(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "onError", String.class)); this.setOnErrorMessage(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "onErrorMessage", String.class)); this.setOnFail(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "onFail", String.class)); this.setOnFailMessage(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "onFailMessage", String.class)); super.load(parsedNode, resourceAccessor); } @Override public String getName() { return "preConditions"; } }