package liquibase.integration.ant; import liquibase.Contexts; import liquibase.LabelExpression; import liquibase.Liquibase; import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; /** * Ant task for rolling back a database. */ public class DatabaseRollbackTask extends AbstractChangeLogBasedTask { private Date rollbackDate; private String rollbackTag; private Integer rollbackCount; private String rollbackScript; @Override public void executeWithLiquibaseClassloader() throws BuildException { Writer writer = null; Liquibase liquibase = getLiquibase(); try { FileResource outputFile = getOutputFile(); if(rollbackCount != null) { if(outputFile != null) { writer = getOutputFileWriter(); liquibase.rollback(rollbackCount, rollbackScript, new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels(), writer); } else { liquibase.rollback(rollbackCount, rollbackScript, new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels()); } } else if(rollbackTag != null) { if(outputFile != null) { writer = getOutputFileWriter(); liquibase.rollback(rollbackTag, rollbackScript, new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels(), writer); } else { liquibase.rollback(rollbackTag, rollbackScript, new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels()); } } else if(rollbackDate != null) { if(outputFile != null) { writer = getOutputFileWriter(); liquibase.rollback(rollbackDate, rollbackScript, new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels(), writer); } else { liquibase.rollback(rollbackDate, rollbackScript, new Contexts(getContexts()), getLabels()); } } else { throw new BuildException("Unable to rollback database. No count, tag, or date set."); } } catch (LiquibaseException e) { throw new BuildException("Unable to rollback database. " + e.toString(), e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new BuildException("Unable to generate rollback SQL. Encoding [" + getOutputEncoding() + "] is not supported.", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Unable to generate rollback SQL. Error creating output writer.", e); } finally { FileUtils.close(writer); } } public Date getRollbackDate() { if (rollbackDate == null) { return null; } return new Date(rollbackDate.getTime()); } public void setRollbackDate(String rollbackDateStr) { if(rollbackTag != null || rollbackCount != null) { throw new BuildException("Unable to rollback database. A tag or count has already been set."); } try { this.rollbackDate = DateUtils.parseIso8601DateTimeOrDate(rollbackDateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new BuildException("Unable to parse rollback date/time string into a Date object. Please make sure the date or date/time is in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss).", e); } } public String getRollbackTag() { return rollbackTag; } public void setRollbackTag(String rollbackTag) { if(rollbackDate != null || rollbackCount != null) { throw new BuildException("Unable to rollback database. A date or count has already been set."); } this.rollbackTag = rollbackTag; } public Integer getRollbackCount() { return rollbackCount; } public void setRollbackCount(Integer rollbackCount) { if(rollbackDate != null || rollbackTag != null) { throw new BuildException("Unable to rollback database. A date or tag has already been set."); } this.rollbackCount = rollbackCount; } public String getRollbackScript() { return rollbackScript; } public void setRollbackScript(String rollbackScript) { this.rollbackScript = rollbackScript; } }