package eu.fbk.knowledgestore.filestore; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; /** * A {@code FileStore} implementation based on the Hadoop API. * <p> * An {@code HadoopFileStore} stores its files in an Hadoop {@link FileSystem}, under a certain, * configurable root path; the filesystem can be any of the filesystems supported by the Hadoop * API, including the local (raw) filesystem and the distributed HDFS filesystem. * </p> * <p> * Files are stored in a a two-level directory structure, where first level directories reflect * the MIME types of stored files, and second level directories are buckets of files whose name is * obtained by hashing the filename; buckets are used in order to equally split a large number of * files in several subdirectories, overcoming possible filesystem limitations in terms of maximum * number of files storable in a directory. * </p> */ public class HadoopFileStore implements FileStore { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HadoopFileStore.class); private static final String DEFAULT_PATH = "files"; private final FileSystem fileSystem; private final Path rootPath; /** * Creates a new {@code HadoopFileStore} storing files in the {@code FileSystem} and under the * {@code rootPath} specified. * * @param fileSystem * the file system, not null * @param path * the root path where to store files, possibly relative to the filesystem working * directory; if null, the default root path {@code files} will be used */ public HadoopFileStore(final FileSystem fileSystem, @Nullable final String path) { this.fileSystem = Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileSystem); this.rootPath = new Path(MoreObjects.firstNonNull(path, DEFAULT_PATH)) .makeQualified(this.fileSystem); // resolve wrt workdir"{} configured, path={}", getClass().getSimpleName(), this.rootPath); } @Override public void init() throws IOException { if (!this.fileSystem.exists(this.rootPath)) { this.fileSystem.mkdirs(this.rootPath); } } @Override public InputStream read(final String fileName) throws FileMissingException, IOException { final Path path = getFullPath(fileName); try { final InputStream stream =; if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Reading file " + getRelativePath(path)); } return stream; } catch (final IOException ex) { if (!this.fileSystem.exists(path)) { throw new FileMissingException(fileName, "Cannot read non-existing file"); } throw ex; } } @Override public OutputStream write(final String fileName) throws FileExistsException, IOException { final Path path = getFullPath(fileName); try { final OutputStream stream = this.fileSystem.create(path, false); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Creating file " + getRelativePath(path)); } return stream; } catch (final IOException ex) { if (this.fileSystem.exists(path)) { throw new FileExistsException(fileName, "Cannot overwrite file"); } throw ex; } } @Override public void delete(final String fileName) throws FileMissingException, IOException { final Path path = getFullPath(fileName); boolean deleted = false; try { deleted = this.fileSystem.delete(path, false); } finally { if (!deleted && !this.fileSystem.exists(path)) { throw new FileMissingException(fileName, "Cannot delete non-existing file."); } } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Deleted file " + getRelativePath(path)); } } @Override public Stream<String> list() throws IOException { return Stream.create(new HadoopIterator()); } @Override public void close() { // Nothing to do here. FileSystems are cached and closed by Hadoop at shutdown. } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } private Path getFullPath(final String fileName) { final String typeDirectory = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(Data.extensionToMimeType(fileName), "application/octet-stream").replace('/', '_'); final String bucketDirectory = Data.hash(fileName).substring(0, 2); return new Path(this.rootPath, typeDirectory + "/" + bucketDirectory + "/" + fileName); } private String getRelativePath(final Path path) { return path.toString().substring(this.rootPath.toString().length()); } private class HadoopIterator extends AbstractIterator<String> { private final FileStatus[] typeDirectories; private FileStatus[] bucketDirectories; private FileStatus[] files; private int typeIndex; private int bucketIndex; private int fileIndex; HadoopIterator() throws IOException { this.typeDirectories = HadoopFileStore.this.fileSystem .listStatus(HadoopFileStore.this.rootPath); this.bucketDirectories = new FileStatus[] {}; this.files = new FileStatus[] {}; } @Override protected String computeNext() { try { while (true) { if (this.fileIndex < this.files.length) { final FileStatus file = this.files[this.fileIndex++]; if (!file.isDir()) { return file.getPath().getName(); } } else if (this.bucketIndex < this.bucketDirectories.length) { final FileStatus bucketDirectory; bucketDirectory = this.bucketDirectories[this.bucketIndex++]; if (bucketDirectory.isDir()) { this.files = HadoopFileStore.this.fileSystem .listStatus(bucketDirectory.getPath()); this.fileIndex = 0; } } else if (this.typeIndex < this.typeDirectories.length) { final FileStatus typeDirectory; typeDirectory = this.typeDirectories[this.typeIndex++]; if (typeDirectory.isDir()) { this.bucketDirectories = HadoopFileStore.this.fileSystem .listStatus(typeDirectory.getPath()); this.bucketIndex = 0; } } else { return endOfData(); } } } catch (final Throwable ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } } }