package eu.fbk.knowledgestore.server.http.jaxrs; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.StatusCodes; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.TypeHint; import org.openrdf.model.Literal; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.Operation; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.OperationException; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.Outcome; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.internal.jaxrs.Protocol; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.KSR; public abstract class Crud extends Resource { private static final long DEFAULT_RETRIEVE_LIMIT = 1000; private final URI recordType; Crud(final URI recordType) { this.recordType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(recordType); } final URI getRecordType() { return this.recordType; } @GET @Produces(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @TypeHint(Stream.class) @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 200, condition = "if the request is acceptable and the " + "query is being executed") }) public Response retrieve( @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_CONDITION) final List<XPath> conditions, @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_ID) final List<String> ids, @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_PROPERTY) final List<String> properties, @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_OFFSET) final Long offset, @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_LIMIT) final Long limit) throws OperationException { // Apply default limit, if not explicitly given final long actualLimit = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(limit, DEFAULT_RETRIEVE_LIMIT); // Prepare the retrieve operation, returning an error if parameters are wrong final Operation.Retrieve operation; try { operation = getSession().retrieve(getRecordType()) // .timeout(getTimeout()) // .conditions(emptyToNull(conditions)) // .ids(emptyToNull(parseURIs(ids))) // .properties(emptyToNull(parseURIs(properties))) // .offset(offset) // .limit(actualLimit); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new OperationException(newOutcome(Outcome.Status.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, ex.getMessage()), ex); } // Validate client preconditions, using default last modified and tag init(false, null, null, null); // Setup the resulting stream (materialized only for GET requests) Stream<Record> entity; if (getMethod().equals(HttpMethod.HEAD)) { entity = Stream.create(); } else { entity = operation.exec(); } entity.setProperty("types", ImmutableSet.of(getRecordType())); // Stream the results in the HTTP response return newResponseBuilder(Status.OK, closeOnCompletion(entity), Protocol.STREAM_OF_RECORDS) .build(); } @GET @Path(Protocol.SUBPATH_COUNT) @Produces(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @TypeHint(Stream.class) @StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 200, condition = "if the request is acceptable and the " + "requested count is being returned") }) public Response count( // @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_CONDITION) final List<XPath> conditions, // @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_ID) final List<String> ids) throws OperationException { // Prepare the count operation, returning an error if parameters are wrong final Operation.Count operation; try { operation = getSession() // .count(getRecordType()) // .timeout(getTimeout()) // .conditions(emptyToNull(conditions)) // .ids(emptyToNull(parseURIs(ids))); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new OperationException(newOutcome(Outcome.Status.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, ex.getMessage()), ex); } // Validate client preconditions, using default last modified and tag init(false, null, null, null); // Setup the resulting stream (materialized only for GET requests) Stream<Statement> entity; if (getMethod().equals(HttpMethod.HEAD)) { entity = Stream.create(); } else { final long count = operation.exec(); final ValueFactory factory = Data.getValueFactory(); final Literal literal = factory.createLiteral(count); final Statement statement = factory.createStatement(getInvocationID(), KSR.RESULT, literal); entity = Stream.create(statement); } // Return the result in the HTTP response return newResponseBuilder(Status.OK, closeOnCompletion(entity), Protocol.STREAM_OF_STATEMENTS).build(); } @POST @Path(Protocol.SUBPATH_CREATE) @Consumes(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @Produces(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @TypeHint(Stream.class) public Response create(final Stream<Record> records) throws OperationException { // Schedule closing of input entity closeOnCompletion(records); // Setup the Create operation, returning an error if parameters are wrong final Operation.Create operation; try { operation = getSession() // .create(getRecordType()) // .timeout(getTimeout()) // .records(records); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new OperationException(newOutcome(Outcome.Status.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, ex.getMessage()), ex); } // Validate client preconditions and handle probing init(true, null); // Setup record decoding records.setProperty("types", ImmutableList.of(getRecordType())); closeOnCompletion(records); // Perform the operation final List<Outcome> outcomes = Lists.newArrayList(); operation.exec(outcomes); // Setup the resulting stream final Stream<Outcome> entity = Stream.create(outcomes); entity.setProperty("types", ImmutableSet.of(KSR.INVOCATION)); // final Stream<Outcome> entity = new Stream<Outcome>() { // // @Override // protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super Outcome> handler) { // try { // operation.exec(handler); // } catch (final Throwable ex) { // propagateIfNotBulk(ex); // } // } // // }; // Stream the results in the HTTP response return newResponseBuilder(Status.OK, entity, Protocol.STREAM_OF_OUTCOMES).build(); } @POST @Path(Protocol.SUBPATH_MERGE) @Consumes(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @Produces(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @TypeHint(Stream.class) public Response merge( // @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_CRITERIA) final List<Criteria> criterias, // final Stream<Record> records) throws OperationException { // Schedule closing of input entity closeOnCompletion(records); // Setup the merge operation, returning an error if parameters are wrong final Operation.Merge operation; try { operation = getSession() // .merge(getRecordType()) // .timeout(getTimeout()) // .records(records) // .criteria(emptyToNull(criterias)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new OperationException(newOutcome(Outcome.Status.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, ex.getMessage()), ex); } // Validate client preconditions init(true, null); // Setup record decoding records.setProperty("types", ImmutableList.of(getRecordType())); closeOnCompletion(records); // Perform the operation final List<Outcome> outcomes = Lists.newArrayList(); operation.exec(outcomes); // Setup the resulting stream final Stream<Outcome> entity = Stream.create(outcomes); entity.setProperty("types", ImmutableSet.of(KSR.INVOCATION)); // final Stream<Outcome> entity = new Stream<Outcome>() { // // @Override // protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super Outcome> handler) { // try { // operation.exec(handler); // } catch (final Throwable ex) { // propagateIfNotBulk(ex); // } // } // // }; // Stream the results in the HTTP response return newResponseBuilder(Status.OK, entity, Protocol.STREAM_OF_OUTCOMES).build(); } @POST @Path(Protocol.SUBPATH_UPDATE) @Consumes(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @Produces(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @TypeHint(Stream.class) public Response update( // @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_CONDITION) final List<XPath> conditions, // @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_ID) final List<URI> ids, // @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_CRITERIA) final List<Criteria> criterias, // final Stream<Record> records) throws OperationException { // Schedule closing of input entity closeOnCompletion(records); // Setup the update operation (apart record), returning an error if parameters are wrong final Operation.Update operation; try { operation = getSession() // .update(getRecordType()) // .timeout(getTimeout()) // .conditions(emptyToNull(conditions)) // .ids(emptyToNull(ids)) // .criteria(emptyToNull(criterias)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new OperationException(newOutcome(Outcome.Status.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, ex.getMessage()), ex); } // Validate client preconditions and handle probing init(true, null); // Decode input record records.setProperty("types", ImmutableList.of(getRecordType())); final Record record = records.getUnique(); // Perform the operation final List<Outcome> outcomes = Lists.newArrayList(); operation.record(record).exec(outcomes); // Setup the resulting stream final Stream<Outcome> entity = Stream.create(outcomes); entity.setProperty("types", ImmutableSet.of(KSR.INVOCATION)); // final Stream<Outcome> entity = new Stream<Outcome>() { // // @Override // protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super Outcome> handler) { // try { // operation.record(record).exec(handler); // } catch (final Throwable ex) { // propagateIfNotBulk(ex); // } // } // // }; // Stream the results in the HTTP response return newResponseBuilder(Status.OK, entity, Protocol.STREAM_OF_OUTCOMES).build(); } @POST @Path(Protocol.SUBPATH_DELETE) @Produces(Protocol.MIME_TYPES_RDF) @TypeHint(Stream.class) public Response delete( // @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_CONDITION) final List<XPath> conditions, // @QueryParam(Protocol.PARAMETER_ID) final List<URI> ids) throws OperationException { // Setup the delete operation, returning an error if parameters are wrong final Operation.Delete operation; try { operation = getSession() // .delete(getRecordType()) // .timeout(getTimeout()) // .conditions(emptyToNull(conditions)) // .ids(emptyToNull(ids)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new OperationException(newOutcome(Outcome.Status.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, ex.getMessage()), ex); } // Validate client preconditions and handle probing init(true, null); // Perform the operation final List<Outcome> outcomes = Lists.newArrayList(); operation.exec(outcomes); // Setup the resulting stream final Stream<Outcome> entity = Stream.create(outcomes); entity.setProperty("types", ImmutableSet.of(KSR.INVOCATION)); // final Stream<Outcome> entity = new Stream<Outcome>() { // // @Override // protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super Outcome> handler) { // try { // operation.exec(handler); // } catch (final Throwable ex) { // propagateIfNotBulk(ex); // } // } // // }; // Stream the results in the HTTP response return newResponseBuilder(Status.OK, closeOnCompletion(entity), Protocol.STREAM_OF_OUTCOMES).build(); } private <T extends Iterable<?>> T emptyToNull(final T iterable) { return iterable == null || Iterables.isEmpty(iterable) ? null : iterable; } private List<URI> parseURIs(final Iterable<String> strings) { final List<URI> uris = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final String string : strings) { final int length = string.length(); boolean escape = false; boolean qname = false; int start = -1; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { final char ch = string.charAt(i); if (escape) { escape = false; } else if (start >= 0) { if (qname) { if (ch == ',' || ch == ';' || Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { uris.add((URI) Data.parseValue(string.substring(start, i), Data.getNamespaceMap())); start = -1; } } else { if (ch == '\\') { escape = true; } else if (ch == '>') { uris.add((URI) Data.parseValue(string.substring(start, i + 1), Data.getNamespaceMap())); start = -1; } } } else if (ch == '<') { start = i; qname = false; } else if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { start = i; qname = true; } } if (start >= 0) { if (qname) { uris.add((URI) Data.parseValue(string.substring(start), Data.getNamespaceMap())); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ID(s): " + string); } } } return uris; } }