package eu.fbk.knowledgestore.datastore; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.runtime.DataCorruptedException; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.triplestore.SelectQuery; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.triplestore.TripleStore; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.triplestore.TripleTransaction; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.KS; public final class TripleDataStore implements DataStore { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TripleDataStore.class); private final TripleStore tripleStore; private boolean initialized; private boolean closed; public TripleDataStore(final TripleStore tripleStore) { this.tripleStore = Preconditions.checkNotNull(tripleStore); this.initialized = false; this.closed = false;"{} configured, triplestore={}", this, this.tripleStore); } @Override public synchronized void init() throws IOException, IllegalStateException { Preconditions.checkState(!this.initialized && !this.closed); this.initialized = true;"{} initialized", this); } @Override public synchronized DataTransaction begin(final boolean readOnly) throws DataCorruptedException, IOException, IllegalStateException { Preconditions.checkState(this.initialized && !this.closed); return new TripleDataTransaction(this.tripleStore.begin(readOnly)); } @Override public synchronized void close() { if (this.closed) { return; } this.closed = true; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName(); } private static final class TripleDataTransaction implements DataTransaction { private final TripleTransaction transaction; TripleDataTransaction(final TripleTransaction transaction) { this.transaction = transaction; } private Stream<Record> query(final String spoPattern, final URI type, @Nullable final Set<? extends URI> properties, @Nullable final XPath condition) throws IOException { // Compose the query final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (KS.RESOURCE.equals(type)) { builder.append("SELECT ?s ?p ?o ?p1 ?o1 ?p2 ?o2 {\n" // + " ?s ?p ?o .\n" // + " OPTIONAL {\n ?o ?p1 ?o1\n" // + " FILTER (?p = <>)\n" // + " OPTIONAL {\n" // + " ?o1 ?p2 ?o2\n" // + " FILTER (?p1 = <>)\n" // + " }\n" // + " }\n "); } else { builder.append("SELECT ?s ?p ?o {\n" // + " ?s ?p ?o .\n"); } builder.append(" ?s a ").append(Data.toString(type, null)).append(" .\n"); builder.append(spoPattern); builder.append("\n}"); final String query = builder.toString(); // Issue the query final Stream<BindingSet> bindingStream = Stream.create(this.transaction.query( SelectQuery.from(query), null, null)); // Convert from bindings to statements final Stream<Statement> stmtStream; if (KS.RESOURCE.equals(type)) { stmtStream = bindingStream.transform(null, new Function<Handler<Statement>, Handler<BindingSet>>() { @Override public Handler<BindingSet> apply(final Handler<Statement> handler) { return new Handler<BindingSet>() { private final Set<Statement> set = Sets.newHashSet(); private Resource subject = null; @Override public void handle(final BindingSet bindings) throws Throwable { if (bindings == null) { handler.handle(null); return; } final Resource s = (Resource) bindings.getValue("s"); final URI p = (URI) bindings.getValue("p"); final Value o = bindings.getValue("o"); final URI p1 = (URI) bindings.getValue("p1"); final Value o1 = bindings.getValue("o1"); final URI p2 = (URI) bindings.getValue("p2"); final Value o2 = bindings.getValue("o2"); final ValueFactory vf = Data.getValueFactory(); if (!s.equals(this.subject)) { this.set.clear(); this.subject = s; } emit(handler, vf.createStatement(s, p, o)); if (o1 != null) { emit(handler, vf.createStatement((URI) o, p1, o1)); if (o2 != null) { emit(handler, vf.createStatement((URI) o1, p2, o2)); } } } private void emit(final Handler<Statement> handler, final Statement statement) throws Throwable { if (this.set.add(statement)) { handler.handle(statement); } } }; } }); } else { stmtStream = bindingStream.transform(new Function<BindingSet, Statement>() { @Override public Statement apply(final BindingSet bindings) { final Resource s = (Resource) bindings.getValue("s"); final URI p = (URI) bindings.getValue("p"); final Value o = bindings.getValue("o"); return Data.getValueFactory().createStatement(s, p, o); } }, 1); } // Convert from statements to records Stream<Record> recordStream = Record.decode(stmtStream, ImmutableList.of(type), true); // Apply condition, if specified if (condition != null) { recordStream = recordStream.filter(condition.asPredicate(), 1); } // Apply projection, if specified if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) { final URI[] props = properties.toArray(new URI[properties.size()]); recordStream = recordStream.transform(new Function<Record, Record>() { @Override public Record apply(final Record record) { record.retain(props); return null; } }, 1); } return recordStream; } @Override public Stream<Record> lookup(final URI type, final Set<? extends URI> ids, final Set<? extends URI> properties) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { return Stream.concat(Stream.create(ids).chunk(64) .transform(new Function<List<? extends URI>, Stream<Record>>() { @Override public Stream<Record> apply(final List<? extends URI> input) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(" VALUES ?s {"); for (final URI id : input) { builder.append(" <").append(id.toString()).append(">"); } builder.append(" }"); try { return query(builder.toString(), type, properties, null); } catch (final IOException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } }, 1)); } @Override public Stream<Record> retrieve(final URI type, final XPath condition, final Set<? extends URI> properties) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { return query(" ?s a <" + type.toString() + "> .", type, properties, condition); } @Override public long count(final URI type, final XPath condition) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { return query(" ?s a <" + type.toString() + "> .", type, null, condition).count(); } @Override public Stream<Record> match(final Map<URI, XPath> conditions, final Map<URI, Set<URI>> ids, final Map<URI, Set<URI>> properties) throws IOException, IllegalStateException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void store(final URI type, final Record record) throws IOException, IllegalStateException { // Delete existing data for the record URI delete(type, record.getID()); // Add statements final List<Statement> statements = Record.encode(Stream.create(record), ImmutableList.of(type)).toList(); this.transaction.add(statements); } @Override public void delete(final URI type, final URI id) throws IOException, IllegalStateException { // Obtain the statements to delete throuh a lookup final List<Statement> statements = Record.encode( lookup(type, ImmutableSet.of(id), null), ImmutableList.of(type)).toList(); // Perform the deletion this.transaction.remove(statements); } @Override public void end(final boolean commit) throws DataCorruptedException, IOException, IllegalStateException { this.transaction.end(commit); } } }