package eu.fbk.knowledgestore.populator.naf; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.*; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.*; import org.apache.commons.compress.utils.IOUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class NAFRunner { void generate(){ try { if (nafPopulator.FInFile) { /* input is a file whose content is a list of NAF paths to be processed (one for line) */ FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(nafPopulator.INpath); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(in, "utf8"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); String line = ""; LinkedList<File> fileslist = new LinkedList<File>(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if(fileslist.size() >= nafPopulator.batchSize){ RunSystemOnList(fileslist, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); fileslist.clear(); } File e=new File(line); if(e.exists()) fileslist.addLast(e); else { System.err.println("Path not exist!" + e.getPath()); } } if(fileslist.size()>0){ RunSystemOnList(fileslist, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); fileslist.clear(); } in.close(); } else if (nafPopulator.ZInFile) { /* input is a zip archive containing NAF files to be processed */ String ZIP_OUTPUT_DIR = "/tmp/nafPopulatorZipOutDir"; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; LinkedList<File> fileslist = new LinkedList<File>(); boolean multipleFileFlag = (nafPopulator.batchSize > 1); // create output directory is not exists File zipDir = new File(ZIP_OUTPUT_DIR); if (!zipDir.exists()) { zipDir.mkdir(); } // get the zip file content ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(nafPopulator.INpath)); // iterate over zipped file list entry ZipEntry ze = zis.getNextEntry(); while (ze != null) { // if it is a directory, then skip it, else copy the file contents // if (ze.isDirectory()) { /* String zeName = ze.getName(); File extractedDir = new File(ZIP_OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + zeName); extractedDir.mkdirs(); System.out.println("ROL2: created new dir " + extractedDir.getAbsoluteFile()); */ } else { String zeName = ze.getName(); // just use the basename of the file File tmpFile = new File(ZIP_OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + zeName); String basename = tmpFile.getName(); File extractedFile = new File(ZIP_OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + basename); String extractedPath = extractedFile.getAbsolutePath(); // create all non existing directories // // new File(extractedFile.getParent()).mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(extractedFile); int len; while ((len = > 0) { fos.write(buffer, 0, len); } fos.close(); // System.out.println("ROL3: created new file " + extractedPath + " |" + zeName + "|"); if (multipleFileFlag) { // if needed invocate populator on the fileslist and delete the extracted files // if (fileslist.size() >= nafPopulator.batchSize) { RunSystemOnList(fileslist, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); fileslist.clear(); } // add the file to the fileslist // fileslist.addLast(extractedFile); } else { // invocate the populator of the extracted file // analyzePathAndRunSystem(extractedPath, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); } } // close entry and get a new one zis.closeEntry(); ze = zis.getNextEntry(); } // if needed invocate populator on the fileslist and delete the extracted files // if (multipleFileFlag && (fileslist.size() > 0)) { RunSystemOnList(fileslist, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); fileslist.clear(); } // close entry and zip zis.closeEntry(); zis.close(); } else if (nafPopulator.TInFile) { /* input is a compressed tar archive containing NAF files to be processed */ String TAR_OUTPUT_DIR = "/tmp/nafPopulatorTarOutDir"; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; LinkedList<File> fileslist = new LinkedList<File>(); boolean multipleFileFlag = (nafPopulator.batchSize > 1); // create output directory is not exists File tgzDir = new File(TAR_OUTPUT_DIR); if (!tgzDir.exists()) { tgzDir.mkdir(); } // get the tgz file content TarArchiveInputStream is = new TarArchiveInputStream(new GzipCompressorInputStream(new FileInputStream(nafPopulator.INpath))); // iterate over tgz file list entry TarArchiveEntry te = (TarArchiveEntry)is.getNextEntry(); while (te != null) { // if it is a directory, then skip it, else copy the file contents // if (te.isDirectory()) { /* String teName = te.getName(); File extractedDir = new File(TAR_OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + teName); extractedDir.mkdirs(); System.out.println("ROL2: created new dir " + extractedDir.getAbsoluteFile()); */ } else { String teName = te.getName(); // just use the basename of the file File tmpFile = new File(TAR_OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + teName); String basename = tmpFile.getName(); File extractedFile = new File(TAR_OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + basename); String extractedPath = extractedFile.getAbsolutePath(); // create all non existing directories // // new File(extractedFile.getParent()).mkdirs(); OutputStream outputFileStream = new FileOutputStream(extractedFile); IOUtils.copy(is, outputFileStream); outputFileStream.close(); // System.out.println("ROL2: created new file " + extractedPath + " |" + teName + "|"); if (multipleFileFlag) { // if needed invocate populator on the fileslist and delete the extracted files // if (fileslist.size() >= nafPopulator.batchSize) { RunSystemOnList(fileslist, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); fileslist.clear(); } // add the file to the fileslist // fileslist.addLast(extractedFile); } else { // invocate the populator of the extracted file // analyzePathAndRunSystem(extractedPath, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); } } // get a new entry te = (TarArchiveEntry)is.getNextEntry(); } // if needed invocate populator on the fileslist and delete the extracted files // if (multipleFileFlag && (fileslist.size() > 0)) { RunSystemOnList(fileslist, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); fileslist.clear(); } // close the tgz is.close(); } else { /* input is either a NAF file or a NAF directory */ analyzePathAndRunSystem(nafPopulator.INpath, nafPopulator.disabledItems, nafPopulator.recursion); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); nafPopulator.logger.error(nafPopulator.INpath + " Processing phase: file discarded!\n"); } nafPopulator.JobFinished=true; } private void RunSystemOnList(LinkedList<File> fileslist, String disabledItems, boolean rec) throws JAXBException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { Hashtable<String, KSPresentation> mentions = new Hashtable<String, KSPresentation>(); boolean submittedFlag = false; for(File filePath:fileslist){ if (filePath.exists() && filePath.isDirectory()) { File[] listOfFiles = filePath.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].exists() && listOfFiles[i].isFile()) { // System.err.println(i + ") working with: " + listOfFiles[i].getName()); // out.append("\n" + i + "=" + listOfFiles[i].getName() + "\n"); runClass(listOfFiles[i].getPath(), disabledItems,mentions); } else if (listOfFiles[i].exists() && listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) { analyzePathAndRunSystem(listOfFiles[i].getPath(), disabledItems, rec); } nafPopulator.out.flush(); //this is bug applied once it should be i%mod nafPopulator.batchSize==0 submittedFlag = checkAddOrSubmit(mentions); } if ((nafPopulator.batchSize == -1) && (! submittedFlag)) { addAndFreeMemory(mentions); } } else if (filePath.exists() && filePath.isFile()) { // out.append(filePath.getPath() + "\n"); runClass(filePath.getPath(), disabledItems,mentions); submittedFlag = checkAddOrSubmit(mentions); } } if(! submittedFlag){ addAndFreeMemory(mentions); } nafPopulator.out.flush(); if (nafPopulator.printToFile && (nafPopulator.mentionFile != null)) { nafPopulator.mentionFile.flush(); } } /* return true if mentions have been submitted on the queue */ boolean checkAddOrSubmit(Hashtable<String, KSPresentation> mentions) throws InterruptedException{ if (((mentions.size() % nafPopulator.batchSize) == 0) && (nafPopulator.batchSize != -1)) { addAndFreeMemory(mentions); return true; } else { return false; } } void addAndFreeMemory(Hashtable<String, KSPresentation> mentions) throws InterruptedException{ Producer.queue.put(mentions); // empty the heap memory mentions = new Hashtable<String, KSPresentation>(); System.gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } private void analyzePathAndRunSystem(String path, String disabledItems, boolean rec) throws JAXBException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { File filePath = new File(path); if (filePath.exists()) { if (filePath.exists() && filePath.isDirectory()) { // create report file in the same directory of the input file path. File[] listOfFiles = filePath.listFiles(); Hashtable<String, KSPresentation> mentions = new Hashtable<String, KSPresentation>(); for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].exists() && listOfFiles[i].isFile()) { // System.err.println(i + ") working with: " + listOfFiles[i].getName()); // out.append("\n" + i + "=" + listOfFiles[i].getName() + "\n"); runClass(listOfFiles[i].getPath(), disabledItems,mentions); } else if (listOfFiles[i].exists() && listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) { analyzePathAndRunSystem(listOfFiles[i].getPath(), disabledItems, rec); } //this is bug applied once it should be i%mod nafPopulator.batchSize==0 if (nafPopulator.batchSize != -1&&mentions.size() % nafPopulator.batchSize==0 ) { // submit the collected data to KS. /* if (!nafPopulator.printToFile) { submitCollectedData(); } else { appendCollectedDataToFile(); }*/ Producer.queue.put(mentions); // empty the heap memory mentions = new Hashtable<String, KSPresentation>(); System.gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } } if(mentions.size()>0){ Producer.queue.put(mentions); // empty the heap memory mentions = new Hashtable<String, KSPresentation>(); System.gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } //TODO if batchsize ==-1 so submit all once?! check it if (nafPopulator.batchSize == -1) { // submit the collected data to KS then it should finish as no other files /* if (!nafPopulator.printToFile) { submitCollectedData(); } else { appendCollectedDataToFile(); }*/ Producer.queue.put(mentions); // empty the heap memory mentions = new Hashtable<String, KSPresentation>(); System.gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } } else if (filePath.exists() && filePath.isFile()) { // out.append(filePath.getPath() + "\n"); Hashtable<String, KSPresentation> mentions = new Hashtable<String, KSPresentation>(); runClass(filePath.getPath(), disabledItems,mentions); /*if (!nafPopulator.printToFile) { submitCollectedData(); } else { appendCollectedDataToFile(); }*/ Producer.queue.put(mentions); // empty the heap memory mentions = new Hashtable<String, KSPresentation>(); System.gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } if (nafPopulator.printToFile && (nafPopulator.mentionFile != null)) { nafPopulator.mentionFile.flush(); } } else { System.err.println("Path not exist!" + filePath.getPath()); } } public void runClass(String path, String disabledItems, Hashtable<String, KSPresentation> mentions) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { System.out.println(path); // TODO String className = "eu.fbk.knowledgestore.populator.naf.processNAF"; Class clazz = Class.forName(className); Class[] parameters = new Class[] { String.class, Writer.class, String.class, boolean.class }; Method method = clazz.getMethod("init", parameters); Object obj = clazz.newInstance(); try { KSPresentation as = (KSPresentation) method.invoke(obj, path, nafPopulator.out, disabledItems, nafPopulator.store_partial_info); if (as != null) { mentions.put(path, as); } else { nafPopulator.out.append(path + " null is returned from processNAF procedure!"); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); nafPopulator.logger.error(path + " Processing phase: file discarded!\n"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); nafPopulator.logger.error(path + " Processing phase: file discarded!\n"); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); nafPopulator.logger.error(path + " Processing phase: file discarded!\n"); } } }