package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder; import java.nio.charset.CoderResult; import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.KS; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.NFO; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.NIE; import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.IO; /** * A digital representation of a resource. * <p> * A {@code Representation} object provides access to the binary or character representation of a * resource, including associated (mutable) representation metadata ({@link #getMetadata()}) and * the resource ID ( {@link #getResourceID()}). * </p> * <p> * Representation data can be consumed either as a stream of bytes or as a stream of characters. * Conversion from one stream to another is performed if necessary using the charset encoded by * metadata attribute {@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}. * </p> * <p> * A representation encapsulates an open {@code InputStream} or {@code Reader} that provide access * to the representation data (see methods {@link #getInputStream()} and {@link #getReader()}), * hence it is a {@code Closeable} object that MUST be closed after use. In addition to these * methods, a number of {@code writeToXXX()} helper methods allow to consume the representation * data in different ways: * </p> * <ul> * <li>{@link #writeToByteArray()} returns a byte array with all the representation data;</li> * <li>{@link #writeToString()} returns a string with all the representation characater data.</li> * <li>{@link #writeTo(OutputStream)} writes all the binary representation data to a supplied * {@code OutputStream};</li> * <li>{@link #writeTo(Appendable)} writes the character representation data to a supplied * {@code Appendable};</li> * </ul> * <p> * Note that these methods exhaust the {@code InputStream} / {@code Reader} associated to the * representation. Moreover, in case some data has already been read, it will not be written by * those methods. * </p> * <p> * Representation objects are created via {@code create()} factory methods that take care of * acquiring both an {@code InputStream} / {@code Reader} over the data and the associated * metadata starting from a number of sources: * </p> * <ul> * <li>{@link #create(URI, InputStream)} builds a representation out of an {@code InputStream};</li> * <li>{@link #create(URI, Reader)} builds a representation out of a {@code Reader} ;</li> * <li>{@link #create(URI, byte[])} builds a representation out of a byte array, including * metadata about the representation length;</li> * <li>{@link #create(URI, CharSequence)} builds a representation out of a {@code CharSequence} * (e.g., a {@code String});</li> * <li>{@link #create(URI, File)} builds a representation out of a file, including metadata about * the file name, size, mime type (from the extension) and last modified time;</li> * <li>{@link #create(URI, URL)} builds a representation out of a resolvable URL, including * metadata about the file name, file size, mime type (from the extension), MD5 hash, last * modified time.</li> * </ul> * <p> * Representation objects are mutable but thread safe. Object equality is used for * {@code equals()} and {@code hashCode()}. * </p> */ public final class Representation implements Closeable { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Representation.class); private final Closeable data; // InputStream or Reader private final Record metadata; private Representation(final Closeable data) { = Preconditions.checkNotNull(data); this.metadata = Record.create(null, KS.REPRESENTATION); } private Charset getCharset() { final String mimeType = this.metadata.getUnique(NIE.MIME_TYPE, String.class); if (mimeType == null) { return Charsets.UTF_8; } try { return MediaType.parse(mimeType).charset().or(Charsets.UTF_8); } catch (final Throwable ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mime type in metadata: " + mimeType, ex); } } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { close(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } /** * Creates a representation based on the {@code InputStream} specified. Note that the supplied * {@code InputStream} is never closed by this class: it MUST be closed externally under the * responsibility of the caller. * * @param stream * the {@code InputStream}, not null * @return the created representation */ public static Representation create(final InputStream stream) { return new Representation(stream); } /** * Creates a representation based on the byte array specified. The length of the byte array * will be reflected in the returned representation metadata (property {@link NFO#FILE_SIZE}). * Note that the byte array should not be changed after calling this method, as modification * could be (partially) reflected in the returned representation. * * @param bytes * the byte array containing the binary data of the representation * @return the created representation */ public static Representation create(final byte[] bytes) { final Representation representation = new Representation(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); representation.metadata.set(NFO.FILE_SIZE, (long) bytes.length); return representation; } /** * Creates a representation based on the {@code File} specified. The file length, size, * creation time and MIME type will be reflected in the returned representation metadata * (respectively, properties {@link NFO#FILE_SIZE}, {@link NFO#FILE_NAME}, * {@link NFO#FILE_LAST_MODIFIED}, {@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}). Note that this method causes the * file to be opened for reading. * * @param file * the file containing the binary data of the representation * @param autoDecompress * automatically decompress the file, if compressed with gzip, bzip2, xz, 7z or lz4 * @return the created representation * @throws IllegalArgumentException * in case the file does not exist */ public static Representation create(final File file, final boolean autoDecompress) throws IllegalArgumentException { try { String name = file.getName(); final Representation representation; if (autoDecompress) { byte[] bytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(; representation = new Representation(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); if (name.endsWith(".gz") || name.endsWith(".xz") || name.endsWith(".7z")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3); } else if (name.endsWith(".bz2") || name.endsWith(".lz4")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4); } } else { representation = new Representation(IO.buffer(new FileInputStream(file))); } representation.metadata.set(NFO.FILE_SIZE, file.length()); representation.metadata.set(NFO.FILE_NAME, name); representation.metadata.set(NFO.FILE_LAST_MODIFIED, new Date(file.lastModified())); representation.metadata.set(NIE.MIME_TYPE, Data.extensionToMimeType(name)); return representation; } catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("IOException on file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } /** * Creates a representation based on the resolvable URL specified. This method has the effect * of acquiring a connection to the supplied URL, from which the representation stream and a * number of metadata attributes are extracted. These attributes include the last modified * timestamp ({@link NFO#FILE_LAST_MODIFIED}), the MIME type ({@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}), the file * size ({@link NFO#FILE_SIZE}), the file name ({@link NFO#FILE_NAME}) and the MD5 hash ( * {@link NFO#HAS_HASH}); all of these attributes are optional and are extracted only if * available. * * @param url * the URL that, resolved, will produced the binary data of the representation * @return the created representation * @throws IllegalArgumentException * in case acquiring a connection to the supplied URL fails */ public static Representation create(final URL url) throws IllegalArgumentException { // Acquire a connection and open an InputStream over its entity content. URLConnection connection; InputStream stream; try { connection = url.openConnection(); connection.connect(); stream = connection.getInputStream(); } catch (final IOException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot acquire a connection to URL " + url, ex); } // Wrap the stream in a Representation object. final Representation representation = new Representation(stream); try { // Extract last modified. final long lastModified = connection.getLastModified(); if (lastModified != 0) { representation.metadata.set(NFO.FILE_LAST_MODIFIED, new Date(lastModified)); } // Extract MIME type from "Content-Type". String mimeType = connection.getContentType(); if (mimeType == null) { mimeType = Data.extensionToMimeType(url.getFile()); } representation.metadata.set(NIE.MIME_TYPE, mimeType); // Extract length from "Content-Length"; final int length = connection.getContentLength(); if (length >= 0) { representation.metadata.set(NFO.FILE_SIZE, length); } // Extract the filename either from "Content-Disposition" header or from URL. String filename = null; final String disposition = connection.getHeaderField("Content-Disposition"); if (disposition != null && disposition.contains("filename")) { final int start = Math.max(disposition.indexOf('\"'), disposition.indexOf('\'')); if (start > 0) { final int end = Math.max(disposition.lastIndexOf('\"'), disposition.lastIndexOf('\'')); if (end > 0) { filename = disposition.substring(start + 1, end); } } } if (filename == null) { final String path = url.getPath(); final int index = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index >= 0) { filename = path.substring(index + 1); } } representation.metadata.set(NFO.FILE_NAME, filename); // Extract the MD5 hash from "Content-MD5". final String md5 = connection.getHeaderField("Content-MD5"); if (md5 != null) { final Record hash = Record.create(); hash.set(NFO.HASH_ALGORITHM, "MD5"); hash.set(NFO.HASH_VALUE, md5); representation.metadata.set(NFO.HAS_HASH, hash); } // Return the representation built. return representation; } catch (final Throwable ex) { // Ensure to close the connection if something goes wrong. try { connection.getInputStream().close(); } catch (final Throwable ex2) { // ignore } throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } /** * Creates a representation based on the {@code Reader} specified. Note that the supplied * {@code Reader} is never closed by this class: it MUST be closed externally under the * responsibility of the caller. Upon request (e.g., invocation of {@link #getInputStream()}), * character data produced by the {@code Reader} will be translated into byte data either * using the charset specified in the representation metadata (property {@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}) * or by using UTF-8. * * @param reader * the reader producing the character data of the representation * @return the created representation */ public static Representation create(final Reader reader) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(reader); return new Representation(reader); } /** * Creates a representation based on the {@code CharSequence} specified. Upon request (e.g., * invocation of {@link #getInputStream()}), character data produced by the {@code Reader} * will be translated into byte data either using the charset specified in the representation * metadata (property {@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}) or by using UTF-8. * * @param sequence * the {@code CharSequence} with the character data of the representation * @return the created representation */ public static Representation create(final CharSequence sequence) { try { return new Representation(CharSource.wrap(sequence).openStream()); } catch (final IOException ex) { throw new Error("Unexpected exception (!): " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } /** * Returns the metadata about this representation. * * @return the representation metadata, not null */ public Record getMetadata() { return this.metadata; } /** * Returns an {@code InputStream} over the binary data of this representation object. * Conversion from character to byte data, if required, is performed according to the charset * specified by the MIME type metadata property ({@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}). * * @return an {@code InputStream} over the binary content of this representation */ public InputStream getInputStream() { if ( instanceof InputStream) { return (InputStream); } else { final Reader reader = (Reader); return new ReaderInputStream(reader, getCharset()); } } /** * Returns a {@code Reader} over the character data of this representation object. Conversion * from byte to character data, if required, is performed according to the charset specified * by the MIME type metadata property ({@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}). * * @return a {@code Reader} providing access to the character data of the representation. */ public Reader getReader() { if ( instanceof Reader) { return (Reader); } else { final InputStream stream = (InputStream); return new InputStreamReader(stream, getCharset()); } } /** * Writes all the binary data of this representation to a {@code byte[]} object. Conversion * from character to byte data, if required, is performed according to the charset specified * by the MIME type metadata property ({@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}). If some data has been already * read via {@code getInputStream()} or {@code getReaer()}, it will not be returned in the * result. * * @return a byte array with the binary content of this representation * @throws IOException * in case access to binary data fails */ public byte[] writeToByteArray() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = getInputStream(); try { return ByteStreams.toByteArray(stream); } finally { stream.close(); } } /** * Writes all the character data of this representation to a {@code String} object. Conversion * from byte to character data, if required, is performed according to the charset specified * by the MIME type metadata property ({@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}). If some data has been already * read via {@code getInputStream()} or {@code getReaer()}, it will not be returned in the * result. * * @return a {@code String} containg the full character-based content of this representation * @throws IOException * in case access to binary data fails */ public String writeToString() throws IOException { final Reader reader = getReader(); try { return CharStreams.toString(reader); } finally { reader.close(); } } /** * Writes all the binary data of this representation to the {@code OutputStream} sink * specified. Conversion from character to byte data, if required, is performed according to * the charset specified by the MIME type metadata property ({@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}). If some * data has been already read via {@code getInputStream()} or {@code getReaer()}, it will not * be written to the supplied sink. * * @param sink * the sink where to write binary data to * @throws IOException * in case access to binary data fails */ public void writeTo(final OutputStream sink) throws IOException { final InputStream in = getInputStream(); try { ByteStreams.copy(in, sink); } finally { in.close(); } } /** * Writes all the character data of this representation to the {@code Appendable} sink * specified. Conversion from byte to character data, if required, is performed according to * the charset specified by the MIME type metadata property ({@link NIE#MIME_TYPE}). If some * data has been already read via {@code getInputStream()} or {@code getReaer()}, it will not * be written to the supplied sink. * * @param sink * the sink where to write character data to * @throws IOException * in case access to binary data fails */ public void writeTo(final Appendable sink) throws IOException { final Reader reader = getReader(); try { CharStreams.copy(reader, sink); } finally { reader.close(); } } @Override public void close() { try {; } catch (final Exception ex) { LOGGER.warn("Exception caught while closing representation", ex); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} The returned representation contains the associated resource ID. */ @Override public String toString() { final String file = this.metadata.getUnique(NFO.FILE_NAME, String.class, "unnamed file"); final String type = this.metadata.getUnique(NIE.MIME_TYPE, String.class, "unknown type"); final long size = this.metadata.getUnique(NFO.FILE_SIZE, Long.class, -1L); return file + ", " + type + ", " + (size >= 0 ? size + " bytes" : "unknown size"); } // Source: private class ReaderInputStream extends InputStream { private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; private final Reader reader; private final CharsetEncoder enc; private final CharBuffer encIn; private final ByteBuffer encOut; private CoderResult lastCoderResult; private boolean eof; ReaderInputStream(final Reader reader, final Charset charset) { this.reader = reader; this.enc = charset.newEncoder().onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); this.encIn = CharBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE); this.encIn.flip(); this.encOut = ByteBuffer.allocate(128); this.encOut.flip(); } private void fillBuffer() throws IOException { if (!this.eof && (this.lastCoderResult == null || this.lastCoderResult.isUnderflow())) { this.encIn.compact(); final int p = this.encIn.position(); final int c =, p, this.encIn.remaining()); if (c == -1) { this.eof = true; } else { this.encIn.position(p + c); } this.encIn.flip(); } this.encOut.compact(); this.lastCoderResult = this.enc.encode(this.encIn, this.encOut, this.eof); this.encOut.flip(); } @Override public int read(final byte[] b, final int offset, final int length) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(b); Preconditions.checkPositionIndex(offset, b.length); Preconditions.checkPositionIndex(offset + length, b.length); int read = 0; int o = offset; int l = length; while (l > 0) { if (this.encOut.hasRemaining()) { final int c = Math.min(this.encOut.remaining(), l); this.encOut.get(b, o, c); o += c; l -= c; read += c; } else { fillBuffer(); if (this.eof && !this.encOut.hasRemaining()) { break; } } } return read > 0 || !this.eof ? read : l == 0 ? 0 : -1; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { for (;;) { if (this.encOut.hasRemaining()) { return this.encOut.get() & 0xFF; } else { fillBuffer(); if (this.eof && !this.encOut.hasRemaining()) { return -1; } } } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { this.reader.close(); } } }