package; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration; import info.aduna.iteration.Iteration; import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.internal.Util; // Metadata can be made available by some Stream implementations or can be attached to a // Stream via /** * A stream of typed elements that can be consumed at most once. * <p> * A Stream returns a sequence of elements (e.g., the results of a retrieval API operation) one at * a time, after which it is no more usable, allowing manipulation and consumption of elements it * in a number of way. * </p> * <p> * A Stream can be created: * </p> * <ul> * <li>using one of the static {@code create()} factory methods starting from an * {@link #create(Object...) array}, an {@link #create(Iterable) Iterable}, an * {@link #create(Iterator) Iterator}, a Sesame {@link #create(Iteration) Iteration} or an * {@link #create(Enumeration) Enumeration} of elements;</li> * <li>concatenating zero or more Streams or Iterables, via {@link #concat(Iterable)} or * {@link #concat(Iterable...)};</li> * <li>subclassing the Stream class and overriding at least one of protected methods * {@link #doIterator()} and {@link #doToHandler(Handler)} (the default implementation of each of * them is based on the implementation of the other one).</li> * </ul> * <p> * While the first method supports the usual <i>external iteration</i> / pull-like pattern based * on {@code Iterator}s, the second supports an <i>internal iteration</i> / push-like pattern * where iterated elements are forwarded to an {@code Handler} and control of the iteration is * maintained by the {@code Stream}. Although implementing external iteration should be preferred * (as more flexible and immediately convertible to internal iteration), there are cases where * only internal iteration is feasible (e.g., because more simple to implement, or because the * ultimate source of the iterated elements is a third party library that supports only an * internal iteration / push like approach, such as Sesame parsers). In these cases, conversion * from internal iteration to external iteration is automatically performed by the {@code Stream} * using a background thread and an element queue. * </p> * <p> * Two main families of operations are offered: <i>intermediate operations</i> and <i>terminal * operations</i> (as in JDK 8 streams). * </p> * <p> * Intermediate operations</i> return new Stream wrappers that lazily manipulate elements of a * source Stream while they are traversed, or otherwise enrich the source Stream, and can be * chained in a fluent style. These operations are: * <ul> * <li>element filtering, via {@link #filter(Predicate) sequential} or * {@link #filter(Predicate, int) parallel} {@code filter()} methods;</li> * <li>element transformation, via {@link #transform(Function) sequential} or * {@link #transform(Function, int) parallel} {@code transform()} methods;</li> * <li>duplicate removal, via {@link #distinct()};</li> * <li>element slicing, via {@link #slice(long, long)};</li> * <li>element chunking, via {@link #chunk(int)};</li> * <li>iteration timeout, via {@link #timeout(long)}.</li> * </ul> * </p> * <p> * Terminal operations consume the elements of the stream. At most a terminal operation can be * invoked on a Stream, reflecting the fact that elements can be accessed only once. Before * invoking it, the Stream is {@link #isAvailable() available}; after invoking it, the Stream is * <i>consumed</i> and no other intermediate or terminal operation can be called on it. Terminal * operations are: * <ul> * <li>element counting, via {@link #count()};</li> * <li>external, pull-style iteration, via {@link #iterator()};</li> * <li>internal, push-style iteration, via {@link #toHandler(Handler)};</li> * <li>array construction, via {@link #toArray(Class)};</li> * <li>immutable List construction, via {@link #toList()};</li> * <li>immutable Set construction, via {@link #toSet()};</li> * <li>immutable sorted List construction, via {@link #toSortedList(Comparator)};</li> * <li>immutable SortedSet construction, via {@link #toSortedSet(Comparator)};</li> * <li>Map {@link #toMap(Function, Function, Map) population} or immutable Map * {@link #toMap(Function, Function) construction}, via {@code toMap()} methods;</li> * <li>Multimap {@link #toMultimap(Function, Function, Multimap) population} or immutable Multimap * {@link #toMultimap(Function, Function) construction}, via {@code toMultimap()} methods;</li> * <li>unique element extraction, via {@link #getUnique()} and {@link #getUnique(Object)};</li> * </ul> * </p> * <p> * Streams are thread safe. They implement the {@link Iterable} interface, hence can be used in * enhanced {@code for} loops, and the {@code Closeable} interface, as they may wrap underlying * resources (e.g., network connections) that need to be closed. Closing a Stream causes the call * of method {@link #doClose()}, which can be overridden by subclasses to perform additional * cleanup. Note that closing a Stream will cause any pending terminal operation to be interrupted * (on a best effort basis), resulting in an exception being thrown by that operation. Also, * completion of a terminal operation automatically causes the Stream to be closed (as it cannot * be used in any other way). * </p> * * @param <T> * the type of element returned by the Stream */ public abstract class Stream<T> implements Iterable<T>, Closeable { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Stream.class); private static final Object EOF = new Object(); final State state; /** * Constructor for use by non-delegating sub-classes. */ protected Stream() { this(new State()); } Stream(final State state) { this.state = state; state.closeObjects.add(this); } /** * Creates a new Stream for the supplied elements. Use this method without arguments to * produce an <i>empty</i> Stream, or with a single argument to produce a <i>singleton</i> * Stream. * * @param elements * the elements to be returned by the Stream, not null * @param <T> * the type of elements * @return a Stream over the supplied elements */ public static <T> Stream<T> create(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final T... elements) { if (elements.length == 0) { return new EmptyStream<T>(); } else if (elements.length == 1) { return new SingletonStream<T>(elements[0]); } else { return new IteratorStream<T>(Iterators.forArray(elements)); } } /** * Creates a new Stream over the elements of the supplied {@code Iterable}. If the supplied * {@code Iterable} is a {@code Stream}, it will be returned unchanged. If the supplied * {@code Iterable} implements {@code Closeable}, method {@link Closeable#close()} will be * called when the {@code Stream} is closed. * * @param iterable * an {@code Iterable} of non-null elements, possibly empty but not null * @param <T> * the type of element * @return a {@code Stream} over the elements in the {@code Iterable} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Stream<T> create(final Iterable<? extends T> iterable) { if (iterable instanceof Stream) { return (Stream<T>) iterable; } else if (iterable instanceof ImmutableCollection<?> && ((ImmutableCollection<? extends T>) iterable).isEmpty()) { return new EmptyStream<T>(); } else { return new IterableStream<T>(iterable); } } /** * Creates a new Stream over the elements returned by the supplied Iterator. * * @param iterator * an Iterator returning non-null elements * @param <T> * the type of elements * @return a Stream over the elements returned by the supplied Iterator */ public static <T> Stream<T> create(final Iterator<? extends T> iterator) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { return new IteratorStream<T>(iterator); } else { return new EmptyStream<T>(); } } /** * Creates a new Stream over the elements returned by the supplied Sesame Iteration. * * @param iteration * the Iteration * @param <T> * the type of elements * @return a Stream over the elements returned by the supplied Iteration */ public static <T> Stream<T> create(final Iteration<? extends T, ?> iteration) { return new IterationStream<T>(iteration); } /** * Creates a new Stream over the elements returned by the supplied Enumeration. * * @param enumeration * an Enumeration of non-null elements * @param <T> * the type of elements * @return a Stream over the elements returned by the supplied Enumeration */ public static <T> Stream<T> create(final Enumeration<? extends T> enumeration) { if (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { return new IteratorStream<T>(Iterators.forEnumeration(enumeration)); } else { return new EmptyStream<T>(); } } /** * Returns a Stream concatenating zero or more Iterables. If an input Iterable is a Stream, it * is closed as soon as exhausted or as iteration completes. * * @param iterables * an Iterable with the Iterables or Streams to concatenate * @param <T> * the type of elements * @return the resulting concatenated Stream */ public static <T> Stream<T> concat(final Iterable<? extends Iterable<? extends T>> iterables) { return new ConcatStream<Iterable<? extends T>, T>(create(iterables)); } /** * Returns a Stream concatenating zero or more Iterables. If an input Iterable is a Stream, it * is closed as soon as exhausted or as iteration completes. * * @param iterables * a vararg array with the Iterables or Streams to concatenate * @param <T> * the type of elements * @return the resulting concatenated Stream */ @SafeVarargs public static <T> Stream<T> concat(final Iterable<? extends T>... iterables) { return new ConcatStream<Iterable<? extends T>, T>(create(iterables)); } /** * Intermediate operation returning a Stream with only the elements of this Stream that * satisfy the specified predicate. If {@code parallelism > 1}, up to {@code parallelism} * evaluations of the predicate are simultaneously performed in background threads for greater * throughput. * * @param predicate * the predicate, never called with a null input * @param parallelism * the parallelism degree, i.e., the maximum number of predicate evaluations that * can be performed in parallel (if <= 1 no parallel evaluation will be performed) * @return a Stream over the elements satisfying the predicate */ public final Stream<T> filter(final Predicate<? super T> predicate, final int parallelism) { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); return new FilterStream<T>(this, parallelism, predicate); } } /** * Intermediate operation returning a Stream with the elements obtained from the ones of this * Stream by applying the specified transformation function. Method * {@link Function#apply(Object)} is called to transform each input element into an output * element. If {@code parallelism > 1}, up to {@code parallelism} evaluations of the function * are simultaneously performed in background threads for greater throughput. Note that the * function is never called with a null input; in case it returns a null output, it is ignored * and iteration moves to the next element (this feature can be used to combine filtering with * transformation). * * @param function * the function, not null * @param parallelism * the parallelism degree, i.e., the maximum number of function evaluations that * can be performed in parallel (if <= 1 no parallel evaluation will be performed) * @param <R> * the type of transformed elements * @return a Stream over the transformed elements */ public final <R> Stream<R> transform(final Function<? super T, ? extends R> function, final int parallelism) { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); return new TransformElementStream<T, R>(this, parallelism, function); } } /** * Intermediate operation returning a Stream with the elements obtained by applying the * supplied transformation functions to the {@code Iterator} and {@code Handler} returned / * accepted by this Stream. At least a function must be supplied. If both of them are * supplied, make sure that they perform the same transformation. * * @param iteratorFunction * the transformation function responsible to adapt the {@code Iterator} returned * by this Stream * @param handlerFunction * the transformation function responsible to adapt the {@code Handler} accepted by * this Stream * @param <R> * the type of transformed elements * @return a Stream over the transformed sequence of elements */ public final <R> Stream<R> transform( @Nullable final Function<Iterator<T>, Iterator<R>> iteratorFunction, @Nullable final Function<Handler<R>, Handler<T>> handlerFunction) { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); return new TransformSequenceStream<T, R>(this, iteratorFunction, handlerFunction); } } /** * Intermediate operation returning a Stream with the elements obtained by applying an * optional <i>navigation path</i> and conversion to a certain type to the elements of this * Stream. The path is a sequence of keys ({@code String}s, {@code URI}s, generic objects) * that are applied to {@code Record}, {@code BindingSet}, {@code Map} and {@code Multimap} * elements to extract child elements in a recursive fashion. Starting from an element * returned by this stream, the result of this navigation process is a list of (sub-)child * elements that are converted to the requested type (via {@link Data#convert(Object, Class)}) * and concatenated in the resulting stream; {@code Iterable}s, {@code Iterator}s and arrays * found during the navigation are exploded and their elements individually considered. The * {@code lenient} parameters controls whether conversion errors should be ignored or result * in an exception being thrown by the returned Stream. * * @param type * the class resulting elements should be converted to * @param lenient * true if conversion errors should be ignored * @param path * a vararg array of zero or more keys that recursively select the elements to * return * @param <R> * the type of resulting elements * @return a Stream over the elements obtained applying the navigation path and the conversion * specified */ public final <R> Stream<R> transform(final Class<R> type, final boolean lenient, final Object... path) { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); return concat(new TransformPathStream<T, R>(this, type, lenient, path)); } } /** * Intermediate operation returning a Stream with only the distinct elements of this Stream. * Duplicates are removed lazily during the iteration. Note that duplicate removal requires to * keep track of the elements seen, so an amount of memory proportional to the number of * elements in the Stream is required. * * @return a Stream over de-duplicated elements */ public final Stream<T> distinct() { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); return this instanceof DistinctStream<?> ? this : new DistinctStream<T>(this); } } /** * Intermediate operation returning a Stream with max {@code limit} elements with index * starting at {@code offset} taken from this Stream. After those elements are returned, the * wrapped Stream is automatically closed. * * @param offset * the offset where to start returning elements from, not negative * @param limit * the maximum number of elements to return (starting from offset), not negative * @return a Stream wrapping this Stream and limiting the number of returned elements */ public final Stream<T> slice(final long offset, final long limit) { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); return new SliceStream<T>(this, offset, limit); } } /** * Intermediate operation returning a Stream of elements chunks of the specified size obtained * from this Stream (the last chunk may be smaller). * * @param chunkSize * the chunk size, positive * @return a Stream wrapping this Stream and returning chunks of elements */ public final Stream<List<T>> chunk(final int chunkSize) { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); return new ChunkStream<T>(this, chunkSize); } } /** * Intermediate operation returning a Stream that returns the elements of this {@code Stream} * and tracks the number of elements returned so far. As tracking the number elements has a * small cost (due to {@code Iterator} and {@code Handler} wrapping, this feature must be * explicitly requested and is not offered as part of the default feature set of * {@code Stream}. * * @param counter * the variable where to hold the number of returned elements, possibly null * @param eof * the variable where to store whether end of sequence has been reached, possibly * null * @return a {@code Stream} tracking the number of returned elements */ public final Stream<T> track(@Nullable final AtomicLong counter, @Nullable final AtomicBoolean eof) { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); return new TrackStream<T>(this, counter, eof); } } /** * Terminal operation returning the number of elements in this Stream. Note that only few * elements are materialized at any time, so it is safe to use this method with arbitrarily * large Streams. * * @return the number of elements in this Stream */ public final long count() { final AtomicLong result = new AtomicLong(); toHandler(new Handler<T>() { private long count; @Override public void handle(final T element) { if (element != null) { ++this.count; } else { result.set(this.count); } } }); return result.get(); } /** * Terminal operation returning an Iterator over the elements of this Stream. {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final Iterator<T> iterator() { synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); this.state.available = false; final Iterator<T> iterator; try { iterator = new CheckedIterator<T>(doIterator(), this); } catch (final Throwable ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } this.state.activeIterator = iterator; return iterator; } } /** * Terminal operations that forwards all the elements of this Stream to the Handler specified. * No explicit mechanism is provided for interrupting the Iteration, although many Streams may * react to the standard {@link Thread#interrupt()} signal to stop iteration. * * @param handler * the Handler where to forward elements */ public final void toHandler(final Handler<? super T> handler) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(handler); synchronized (this.state) { checkState(); this.state.available = false; this.state.toHandlerThread = Thread.currentThread(); } try { try { doToHandler(handler); } catch (final Throwable ex) { Throwables.propagate(ex); } } finally { synchronized (this.state) { if (this.state.closed) { checkState(); // fail in case stream was closed while iteration was active } this.state.toHandlerThread = null; // to avoid interruption Thread.interrupted(); // clear interruption status close(); // if not closed, will close the stream now } } } /** * Terminal operation returning an array of the specified type with all the elements of this * Stream. Call this method only if there is enough memory to hold the resulting array. * * @param elementClass * the type of element to be stored in the array (necessary for the array creation) * @return the resulting array */ public final T[] toArray(final Class<T> elementClass) { return Iterables.toArray(toCollection(Lists.<T>newArrayListWithCapacity(256)), elementClass); } /** * Terminal operation returning an immutable List with all the elements of this Stream. Call * this method only if there is enough memory to hold the resulting List. * * @return the resulting immutable List */ public final List<T> toList() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(toCollection(Lists.<T>newArrayListWithCapacity(256))); } /** * Terminal operation returning an immutable Set with all the elements of this Stream. Call * this method only if there is enough memory to hold the resulting Set. Note that duplicate * elements are automatically removed from the resulting Set. * * @return the resulting immutable Set */ public final Set<T> toSet() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(toCollection(Lists.<T>newArrayListWithCapacity(256))); } /** * Terminal operation returning an immutable List with all the elements of this Stream, sorted * using the supplied Comparator. Use {@link Ordering#natural()} to sort Comparable elements * based on {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} order. Call this method only if there is * enough memory to hold the resulting List. * * @param comparator * the Comparator to sort elements, not null * @return the resulting immutable sorted list */ public final List<T> toSortedList(final Comparator<? super T> comparator) { return Ordering.from(comparator).immutableSortedCopy( toCollection(Lists.<T>newArrayListWithCapacity(256))); } /** * Terminal operation returning an immutable List with all the elements of this Stream, sorted * based on a sort key obtained by applying an optional <i>navigation path</i> and conversion * to a specified type. The path is a sequence of keys ({@code String}s, {@code URI}s, generic * objects) that are applied to {@code Record}, {@code BindingSet}, {@code Map} and * {@code Multimap} elements to extract child elements in a recursive fashion. Starting from * an element returned by this stream, the result of this navigation process is either null or * a {@code Comparable} key object that is converted to the requested type (via * {@link Data#convert(Object, Class)}) and used for comparing the element with other element. * The {@code lenient} parameters controls whether conversion errors should be ignored or * result in an exception being thrown. * * @param type * the class of the sort key * @param lenient * true if conversion errors should be ignored * @param path * a vararg array of zero or more keys that recursively select the sort key * @return the resulting immutable sorted list */ public final List<T> toSortedList(final Class<? extends Comparable<?>> type, final boolean lenient, final Object... path) { return Ordering.from(new PathComparator(type, lenient, path)).immutableSortedCopy( toCollection(Lists.<T>newArrayListWithCapacity(256))); } /** * Terminal operation returning an immutable SortedSet with all the elements of this Stream, * sorted using the supplied {@code Comparator}. Use {@link Ordering#natural()} to sort * Comparable elements based on {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} order. Call this method * only if there is enough memory to hold the resulting SortedSet. * * @param comparator * the {@code Comparator} to sort elements, not null * @return the resulting immutable SortedSet */ public final SortedSet<T> toSortedSet(final Comparator<? super T> comparator) { return ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(comparator, toCollection(Lists.<T>newArrayListWithCapacity(256))); } /** * Terminal operation storing all the elements of this Stream in the supplied Collection. Call * this method only if the target Collection can hold all the remaining elements. * * @param collection * the Collection where to store elements, not null * @param <C> * the type of Collection * @return the supplied Collection */ public final <C extends Collection<? super T>> C toCollection(final C collection) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(collection); toHandler(new Handler<T>() { @Override public void handle(final T element) { if (element != null) { collection.add(element); } } }); return collection; } /** * Terminal operation returning an immutable Map indexing the elements of this Stream as * {@code <key, value>} pairs computed using the supplied Functions. The supplied key and * value Functions are called for each element, producing the keys and values to store in the * Map. If a null key or value are produced, the element is discarded. If multiple values are * mapped to the same key, only the most recently computed one will be stored. Use * {@link Functions#identity()} in case no transformation is required to extract the key * and/or the value. * * @param keyFunction * the key function * @param valueFunction * the value function * @param <K> * the type of key * @param <V> * the type of value * @return an immutable Map with the computed {@code <key, value>} pairs */ public final <K, V> Map<K, V> toMap(final Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyFunction, final Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction) { return ImmutableMap .copyOf(toMap(keyFunction, valueFunction, Maps.<K, V>newLinkedHashMap())); } /** * Terminal operation storing the elements of this Stream in the supplied map as * {@code <key, value>} pairs computed using the supplied Functions. The supplied key and * value Functions are called for each element, producing the keys and values to store in the * Map. If a null key or value are produced, the element is discarded. If multiple values are * mapped to the same key, only the most recently computed one will be stored. Use * {@link Functions#identity()} in case no transformation is required to extract the key * and/or the value. * * @param keyFunction * the key function * @param valueFunction * the value function * @param map * the Map where to store the extracted {@code <key, value>} pairs * @param <K> * the type of key * @param <V> * the type of value * @param <M> * the type of Map * @return the supplied Map */ public final <K, V, M extends Map<K, V>> M toMap( final Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyFunction, final Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction, final M map) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(keyFunction); Preconditions.checkNotNull(valueFunction); Preconditions.checkNotNull(map); toHandler(new Handler<T>() { @Override public void handle(final T element) { if (element != null) { final K key = keyFunction.apply(element); final V value = valueFunction.apply(element); if (key != null && value != null) { map.put(key, value); } } } }); return map; } /** * Terminal operation returning an immutable ListMultimap indexing the elements of this Stream * as {@code <key, value>} pairs computed using the supplied Functions. The supplied key and * value Functions are called for each element, producing the keys and values to store. If a * null key or value are produced, the element is discarded. Use {@link Functions#identity()} * in case no transformation is required to extract the key and/or the value. * * @param keyFunction * the key function * @param valueFunction * the value function * @param <K> * the type of key * @param <V> * the type of value * @return an immutable ListMultimap */ public final <K, V> ListMultimap<K, V> toMultimap( final Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyFunction, final Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction) { return ImmutableListMultimap.copyOf(toMultimap(keyFunction, valueFunction, ArrayListMultimap.<K, V>create())); } /** * Terminal operation storing the elements of this Stream in the supplied Multimap as * {@code <key, value>} pairs computed using the supplied Functions. The supplied key and * value functions are called for each element, producing the keys and values to store. If a * null key or value are produced, the element is discarded. Use {@link Functions#identity()} * in case no transformation is required to extract the key and/or the value. * * @param keyFunction * the key function * @param valueFunction * the value function * @param multimap * the Multimap where to store the extracted {@code <key, value>} pairs * @param <K> * the type of key * @param <V> * the type of value * @param <M> * the type of Multimap * @return the supplied Multimap */ public final <K, V, M extends Multimap<K, V>> M toMultimap( final Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyFunction, final Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction, final M multimap) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(keyFunction); Preconditions.checkNotNull(valueFunction); Preconditions.checkNotNull(multimap); toHandler(new Handler<T>() { @Override public void handle(final T element) { if (element != null) { final K key = keyFunction.apply(element); final V value = valueFunction.apply(element); if (key != null && value != null) { multimap.put(key, value); } } } }); return multimap; } /** * Terminal operation returning the only element in this Stream, or the default value * specified if there are no elements, multiple elements or an Exception occurs. * * @param defaultValue * the default value to return if a unique value cannot be extracted * @return the only element in this Stream, or the default value in case that element does not * exist, there are multiple elements or an Exception occurs */ public final T getUnique(final T defaultValue) { try { final T result = getUnique(); if (result != null) { return result; } } catch (final Throwable ex) { // ignore } return defaultValue; } /** * Terminal operation returning the only element in this Stream, or <tt>null</tt> if there are * no elements. An exception is thrown in case there is more than one element in the Stream. * This method is designed for being used with Streams that are expected to return exactly one * element, for which it embeds the check on the number of elements. * * @return the only element in the Stream * @throws IllegalStateException * in case there are multiple elements in the Stream */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Nullable public final T getUnique() throws IllegalStateException { final AtomicReference<Object> holder = new AtomicReference<Object>(); toHandler(new Handler<T>() { @Override public void handle(final T element) { if (element != null) { if (holder.get() == null) { holder.set(element); } else { holder.set(EOF); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // attempt interupting iteration } } } }); final Object result = holder.get(); if (result != EOF) { return (T) result; } throw new IllegalStateException("Stream " + this + " returned more than one element"); } /** * Returns a metadata property about the stream. Note that {@code Stream} wrappers obtained * through intermediate operations don't have their own properties, but instead access the * metadata properties of the source {@code Stream}. * * @param name * the name of the property * @param type * the type of the property value (conversion will be attempted if available value * has a different type) * @param <V> * the type of value * @return the value of the property, or null if the property is undefined */ public final <V> V getProperty(final String name, final Class<V> type) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); try { Object value = null; synchronized (this.state) { if ( != null) { value =; } } return Data.convert(value, type); } catch (final Throwable ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } /** * Sets a metadata property about the stream. Note that {@code Stream} wrappers obtained * through intermediate operations don't have their own properties, but instead access the * metadata properties of the source {@code Stream}. * * @param name * the name of the property * @param value * the value of the property, null to clear it * @return this {@code Stream}, for call chaining */ public final Stream<T> setProperty(final String name, @Nullable final Object value) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); synchronized (this.state) { if ( != null) {, value); } else if (value != null) { = Maps.newHashMap();, value); } } return this; } /** * Gets a timeout possibly set on the {@code Stream} and represented by the absolute * milliseconds timestamp when the {@code Stream} will be closed. * * @return the milliseconds timestamp when this {@code Stream} will be closed, or null if no * timeout has been set */ public final Long getTimeout() { synchronized (this.state) { return this.state.timeoutFuture == null ? null : this.state.timeoutFuture .getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) + System.currentTimeMillis(); } } /** * Sets a timeout by supplying the absolute milliseconds timestamp when the {@code Stream} * will be forcedly closed. If the supplied value is null, any previously set timeout is * removed. In case the {@code Stream has already been closed}, or has just timed out due to a * previously set timeout, calling this method has no effect. * * @param timestamp * the milliseconds timestamp when the {@code Stream} will be closed * @return this {@code Stream}, for call chaining */ public final Stream<T> setTimeout(@Nullable final Long timestamp) { Preconditions.checkArgument(timestamp == null || timestamp > System.currentTimeMillis()); synchronized (this.state) { if (this.state.closed) { return this; // NOP, already closed } if (this.state.timeoutFuture != null) { if (!this.state.timeoutFuture.cancel(false)) { return this; // NOP, timeout already occurred } } if (timestamp != null) { this.state.timeoutFuture = Data.getExecutor().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { close(); } }, Math.max(0, timestamp - System.currentTimeMillis()), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } return this; } } /** * Checks whether this Stream is available, i.e., intermediate and terminal operations can be * called. Invoking a terminal operation or closing the Stream will make it non-available. * * @return true, if the Stream is available */ public final boolean isAvailable() { synchronized (this.state) { return this.state.available; } } /** * Checks whether this Stream has been closed. Note that a Stream is automatically closed when * consumption of its elements by a terminal operation completes. * * @return true, if the Stream has been closed */ public final boolean isClosed() { synchronized (this.state) { return this.state.closed; } } /** * Register zero or more objects for activation when this {@code Stream} will be closed. Each * supplied object can be a {@code Closeable}, in which case method {@link Closeable#close()} * will be called, a {@code Runnable}, in which case method {@link Runnable#run()} will be * called, or a {@code Callable}, in which casle method {@link Callable#call()} will be * called; any other type of object will be rejected resulting in an exception. In case the * {@code Stream} has already been closed, activation of supplied objects will be done * immediately. * * @param objects * the objects to activate when the {@code Stream} will be closed * @return this {@code Stream}, for call chaining. */ public final Stream<T> onClose(final Object... objects) { synchronized (this.state) { for (final Object object : objects) { if (!(object instanceof Closeable) && !(object instanceof Runnable) && !(object instanceof Callable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal object: " + object); } else if (this.state.closed) { closeAction(object); } else { boolean alreadyContained = false; for (final Object o : this.state.closeObjects) { if (o == object) { alreadyContained = true; break; } } if (!alreadyContained) { this.state.closeObjects.add(object); } } } } return this; } /** * Closes this {@code Stream} and releases any resource associated to it. The operation causes * any {@code Stream} wrapping or wrapped by this {@code Stream} to be closed. If element * iteration through a terminal operation is in progress, it is interrupted resulting in an * exception being thrown. If this {@code Stream} has already been closed, then calling this * method has no effect. */ @Override public final void close() { synchronized (this.state) { if (this.state.closed) { return; } if (this.state.activeIterator instanceof Closeable) { Util.closeQuietly(this.state.activeIterator); } if (this.state.toHandlerThread != null) { this.state.toHandlerThread.interrupt(); } for (final Object object : this.state.closeObjects) { closeAction(object); } this.state.activeIterator = null; this.state.toHandlerThread = null; this.state.available = false; this.state.closed = true; } } /** * Returns a string representation of this Stream. The resulting string depends on the actual * Stream class. For wrapper Streams, it shows the wrapper parameters and the wrapping * hierarchy. * * @return a string representation of this Stream */ @Override public final String toString() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); toStringHelper(builder); return builder.toString(); } void toStringHelper(final StringBuilder builder) { String name = getClass().getSimpleName(); if (name == null) { final Method method = getClass().getEnclosingMethod(); if (method != null) { name = method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName() + "-Stream"; } else { name = "anon-Stream"; } } builder.append(name); final String args = doToString(); if (args != null) { builder.append("<").append(args).append(">"); } } final void checkState() { synchronized (this.state) { if (this.state.closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Stream already closed: " + this); } else if (!this.state.available) { throw new IllegalStateException("Stream already being iterated: " + this); } } } final void closeAction(final Object object) { try { if (object instanceof Stream<?>) { ((Stream<?>) object).doClose(); } else if (object instanceof Closeable) { ((Closeable) object).close(); } else if (object instanceof Runnable) { ((Runnable) object).run(); } else if (object instanceof Callable<?>) { ((Callable<?>) object).call(); } } catch (final Throwable ex) { LOGGER.error("Error performing close action on " + object, ex); } } /** * Implementation method responsible of producing an Iterator over the elements of the Stream. * This method is called by {@link #iterator()} with the guarantee that it is called at most * once and with the Stream in the <i>available</i> state. If the returned Iterator implements * the {@link Closeable} interface, it will be automatically closed when the Stream is closed. * * @return an Iterator over the elements of the Stream * @throws Throwable * in case of failure */ protected Iterator<T> doIterator() throws Throwable { final ToHandlerIterator<T> iterator = new ToHandlerIterator<T>(this); iterator.submit(); return iterator; } /** * Implementation methods responsible of forwarding all the elements of the Stream to the * Handler specified. This method is called by {@link #toHandler(Handler)} to perform internal * iteration, with the guarantee that it is called at most once and with the Stream in the * <i>available</i> state. As a best practice, the method should intercept * {@link Thread#interrupt()} requests and stop iteration, if possible; also remember to call * {@link Handler#handle(Object)} with a null argument after the last element is reached, in * order to signal the end of the sequence. * * @param handler * the {@code Handler} where to forward elements * @throws Throwable * in case of failure */ protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super T> handler) throws Throwable { final Iterator<T> iterator = doIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return; } handler.handle(; } handler.handle(null); } /** * Implementation method supporting the generation of a string representation of this Stream. * The method should return any parameter / state characterizing this {@code Stream}, which is * then included within angular brackets in the String denoting the {@code Stream} structure. * * @return an optional string with the arguments / state characterizing this {@code Stream}, * possibly null */ @Nullable protected String doToString() { return null; } /** * Implementation method responsible of closing optional resources associated to this Stream. * The default implementation does nothing. * * @throws Throwable * in case of failure */ protected void doClose() throws Throwable { } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { close(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } private static final class State { @Nullable List<Object> closeObjects = Lists.newArrayList(); @Nullable ScheduledFuture<?> timeoutFuture; @Nullable Map<String, Object> properties; @Nullable Iterator<?> activeIterator; @Nullable Thread toHandlerThread; boolean available = true; boolean closed = false; } private abstract static class AbstractIterator<T> extends UnmodifiableIterator<T> implements Closeable { @Nullable private T next; @Override public final boolean hasNext() { if ( == null) { = advance(); } return != null; } @Override public final T next() { if ( == null) { final T result = advance(); if (result != null) { return result; } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } else { final T result =; = null; return result; } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { } protected abstract T advance(); } private static final class CheckedIterator<T> extends UnmodifiableIterator<T> { private final Iterator<T> iterator; private final Stream<T> stream; private final State state; private boolean exhausted; CheckedIterator(final Iterator<T> iterator, final Stream<T> stream) { this.iterator = iterator; = stream; this.state = stream.state; this.exhausted = false; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { boolean result = false; if (!this.exhausted) { checkState(); try { result = this.iterator.hasNext(); } finally { if (!result) {; this.exhausted = true; } } } return result; } @Override public T next() { checkState(); try { return; } catch (final Throwable ex) {; throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } private void checkState() { boolean closed; synchronized (this.state) { closed = this.state.closed; } Preconditions.checkState(!closed, "Stream has been closed"); } } private static final class ToHandlerIterator<T> extends AbstractIterator<T> implements Handler<T>, Runnable { private final Stream<T> stream; private final BlockingQueue<Object> queue; private Future<?> future; ToHandlerIterator(final Stream<T> stream) { = stream; this.queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Object>(1024); this.future = null; } public void submit() { this.future = Data.getExecutor().submit(this); } @Override public void run() { try {; } catch (final Throwable ex) { putUninterruptibly(ex); putUninterruptibly(EOF); } } @Override public void handle(final T element) { try { this.queue.put(element == null ? EOF : element); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { putUninterruptibly(ex); putUninterruptibly(EOF); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // restore interruption status } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected T advance() { try { final Object element = this.queue.take(); if (element == EOF) { return null; } else if (element instanceof Throwable) { throw Throwables.propagate((Throwable) element); } else { return (T) element; } } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // restore interruption status throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while waiting for next element", ex); } } @Override public void close() { if (this.future != null) { this.future.cancel(true); } } private void putUninterruptibly(final Object element) { while (true) { try { this.queue.put(element); return; } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { // ignore } } } } // STREAM IMPLEMENTATIONS private static final class EmptyStream<T> extends Stream<T> { @Override protected Iterator<T> doIterator() { return Collections.emptyIterator(); } @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super T> handler) throws Throwable { handler.handle(null); } } private static final class SingletonStream<T> extends Stream<T> { private T element; SingletonStream(final T element) { this.element = Preconditions.checkNotNull(element); } @Override protected Iterator<T> doIterator() { return Iterators.singletonIterator(this.element); } @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super T> handler) throws Throwable { handler.handle(this.element); handler.handle(null); } @Override protected void doClose() throws Throwable { this.element = null; } } private static final class IterableStream<T> extends Stream<T> { private Iterable<? extends T> iterable; IterableStream(final Iterable<? extends T> iterable) { this.iterable = Preconditions.checkNotNull(iterable); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected Iterator<T> doIterator() throws Throwable { return ((Iterable<T>) this.iterable).iterator(); } @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super T> handler) throws Throwable { for (final T element : this.iterable) { handler.handle(element); } handler.handle(null); } @Override protected void doClose() throws Throwable { if (this.iterable instanceof Closeable) { ((Closeable) this.iterable).close(); } this.iterable = null; } } private static final class IteratorStream<T> extends Stream<T> { private Iterator<? extends T> iterator; IteratorStream(final Iterator<? extends T> iterator) { this.iterator = Preconditions.checkNotNull(iterator); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected Iterator<T> doIterator() { return (Iterator<T>) this.iterator; } @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super T> handler) throws Throwable { while (this.iterator.hasNext()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return; } final T element =; handler.handle(element); } handler.handle(null); } @Override protected void doClose() throws Throwable { if (this.iterator instanceof Closeable) { ((Closeable) this.iterator).close(); } this.iterator = null; } } private static final class IterationStream<T> extends Stream<T> { private Iteration<? extends T, ?> iteration; IterationStream(final Iteration<? extends T, ?> iteration) { this.iteration = Preconditions.checkNotNull(iteration); } @Override protected Iterator<T> doIterator() { return new AbstractIterator<T>() { @Override protected T advance() { try { if (IterationStream.this.iteration.hasNext()) { return; } else { return null; } } catch (final Throwable ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } }; } @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super T> handler) throws Throwable { while (this.iteration.hasNext()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return; } final T element =; handler.handle(element); } handler.handle(null); } @Override protected void doClose() throws Throwable { if (this.iteration instanceof CloseableIteration<?, ?>) { ((CloseableIteration<? extends T, ?>) this.iteration).close(); } this.iteration = null; } } private abstract static class DelegatingStream<I, O> extends Stream<O> { final Stream<I> delegate; DelegatingStream(final Stream<I> delegate) { super(delegate.state); this.delegate = delegate; } @Override void toStringHelper(final StringBuilder builder) { super.toStringHelper(builder); builder.append(" ("); this.delegate.toStringHelper(builder); builder.append(")"); } } private static final class ConcatStream<I extends Iterable<? extends O>, O> extends DelegatingStream<I, O> { ConcatStream(final Stream<I> delegate) { super(delegate); } @Override protected Iterator<O> doIterator() throws Throwable { final Iterator<I> streamIterator = this.delegate.doIterator(); final Iterator<O> elementIterator = new AbstractIterator<O>() { private Stream<? extends O> stream; private Iterator<? extends O> iterator; @Override protected O advance() { while (this.iterator == null || !this.iterator.hasNext()) { if ( != null) {; } if (!streamIterator.hasNext()) { return null; } = create(; this.iterator =; } return; } @Override public void close() { if ( != null) {; } } }; onClose(elementIterator); return elementIterator; } @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super O> handler) throws Throwable { this.delegate.doToHandler(new Handler<I>() { @Override public void handle(final I iterable) throws Throwable { if (iterable == null) { handler.handle(null); } else { final AtomicBoolean eof = new AtomicBoolean(false); create(iterable).toHandler(new Handler<O>() { @Override public void handle(final O element) throws Throwable { if (element != null) { handler.handle(element); } else { eof.set(true); } } }); if (!eof.get()) { // halt streamStream.toHandler if interrupted Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } }); } } private abstract static class ProcessingStream<I, O> extends DelegatingStream<I, O> { final int parallelism; ProcessingStream(final Stream<I> delegate, final int parallelism) { super(delegate); this.parallelism = parallelism; } @Override protected final Iterator<O> doIterator() throws Throwable { if (this.parallelism <= 1) { return doIteratorSequential(); } else { return doIteratorParallel(); } } private Iterator<O> doIteratorSequential() throws Throwable { final Iterator<I> iterator = this.delegate.doIterator(); return new AbstractIterator<O>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected O advance() { while (iterator.hasNext()) { final I element =; final Object transformed = process(element); if (transformed == EOF) { return null; } else if (transformed != null) { return (O) transformed; } } return null; } }; } private Iterator<O> doIteratorParallel() throws Throwable { final Iterator<I> iterator = this.delegate.doIterator(); final List<Future<Object>> queue = Lists.newLinkedList(); final Iterator<O> result = new AbstractIterator<O>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected O advance() { while (true) { while (queue.size() < ProcessingStream.this.parallelism && iterator.hasNext()) { offer(queue,; } if (queue.isEmpty()) { return null; } final Object output = take(queue); if (output == EOF) { return null; } else if (output != null) { return (O) output; } } } @Override public void close() { for (final Future<Object> future : queue) { try { future.cancel(true); } catch (final Exception ex) { // ignore } } } }; onClose(result); return result; } @Override protected final void doToHandler(final Handler<? super O> handler) throws Throwable { if (this.parallelism <= 1) { doToHandlerSequential(handler); } else { doToHandlerParallel(handler); } } private void doToHandlerSequential(final Handler<? super O> handler) throws Throwable { this.delegate.doToHandler(new Handler<I>() { private boolean done = false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void handle(final I element) throws Throwable { if (!this.done) { if (element == null) { handler.handle(null); this.done = true; } else { final Object transformed = process(element); if (transformed == EOF) { handler.handle(null); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); this.done = true; } else if (transformed != null) { handler.handle((O) transformed); } } } } }); } private void doToHandlerParallel(final Handler<? super O> handler) throws Throwable { final List<Future<Object>> queue = Lists.newLinkedList(); try { this.delegate.doToHandler(new Handler<I>() { private boolean done = false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void handle(final I element) throws Throwable { if (!this.done) { if (element == null) { while (!this.done && !queue.isEmpty()) { final Object output = take(queue); if (output == EOF) { break; } else if (output != null) { handler.handle((O) output); } } handler.handle(null); this.done = true; } else { if (queue.size() == ProcessingStream.this.parallelism) { final Object output = take(queue); if (output == EOF) { handler.handle(null); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); this.done = true; } else if (output != null) { handler.handle((O) output); } } if (!this.done) { offer(queue, element); } } } } }); } finally { for (final Future<Object> future : queue) { try { future.cancel(true); } catch (final Exception ex) { // ignore } } } } private Object take(final List<Future<Object>> queue) { return Futures.get(queue.remove(0), RuntimeException.class); } private void offer(final List<Future<Object>> queue, final I element) { queue.add(Data.getExecutor().submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() { return process(element); } })); } protected abstract Object process(I element); } private static final class FilterStream<T> extends ProcessingStream<T, T> { private final Predicate<? super T> predicate; FilterStream(final Stream<T> delegate, final int parallelism, final Predicate<? super T> predicate) { super(delegate, parallelism); this.predicate = Preconditions.checkNotNull(predicate); } @Override protected Object process(final T element) { return this.predicate.apply(element) ? element : null; } @Override protected String doToString() { return this.predicate + ", " + this.parallelism; } } private static final class TransformElementStream<I, O> extends ProcessingStream<I, O> { private final Function<? super I, ? extends O> function; TransformElementStream(final Stream<I> delegate, final int parallelism, final Function<? super I, ? extends O> function) { super(delegate, parallelism); this.function = Preconditions.checkNotNull(function); } @Override protected Object process(final I element) { return this.function.apply(element); } @Override protected String doToString() { return this.function + ", " + this.parallelism; } } private static final class TransformSequenceStream<I, O> extends DelegatingStream<I, O> { private final Function<Iterator<I>, Iterator<O>> iteratorFunction; private final Function<Handler<O>, Handler<I>> handlerFunction; TransformSequenceStream(final Stream<I> delegate, @Nullable final Function<Iterator<I>, Iterator<O>> iteratorFunction, @Nullable final Function<Handler<O>, Handler<I>> handlerFunction) { super(delegate); Preconditions.checkArgument(iteratorFunction != null || handlerFunction != null, "At least one function must be supplied"); this.iteratorFunction = iteratorFunction; this.handlerFunction = handlerFunction; } @Override protected Iterator<O> doIterator() throws Throwable { if (this.iteratorFunction != null) { return this.iteratorFunction.apply(this.delegate.doIterator()); } else { return super.doIterator(); // delegates to doToHandler } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super O> handler) throws Throwable { if (this.handlerFunction != null) { this.delegate.doToHandler(this.handlerFunction.apply((Handler<O>) handler)); } else { super.doToHandler(handler); // delegates to doIterator } } @Override protected String doToString() { return this.iteratorFunction == null ? this.handlerFunction.toString() : this.handlerFunction == null ? this.iteratorFunction.toString() : this.iteratorFunction.toString() + ", " + this.handlerFunction.toString(); } } private static final class TransformPathStream<I, O> extends ProcessingStream<I, List<O>> { private final Class<O> type; private final boolean lenient; private final Object[] path; TransformPathStream(final Stream<I> delegate, final Class<O> type, final boolean lenient, final Object[] path) { super(delegate, 0); this.type = Preconditions.checkNotNull(type); this.lenient = lenient; this.path = Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); } @Override protected Object process(final I element) { final List<O> elements = Lists.newArrayList(); path(element, 0, elements); return elements; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private void path(final Object object, final int index, final List<O> result) { if (object == null) { return; } else if (object instanceof Iterable && !(object instanceof BindingSet)) { for (final Object element : (Iterable) object) { path(element, index, result); } } else if (object instanceof Iterator) { final Iterator<?> iterator = (Iterator<?>) object; while (iterator.hasNext()) { path(, index, result); } } else if (object.getClass().isArray()) { final int length = Array.getLength(object); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { path(Array.get(object, i), index, result); } } else if (index == this.path.length) { final O element = this.lenient ? Data.convert(object, this.type, null) : // Data.convert(object, this.type); if (element != null) { result.add(element); } } else { final Object key = this.path[index]; if (object instanceof Record) { if (key instanceof URI) { path(((Record) object).get((URI) key), index + 1, result); } } else if (object instanceof BindingSet) { if (key instanceof String) { path(((BindingSet) object).getValue((String) key), index + 1, result); } } else if (object instanceof Map) { path(((Map<Object, Object>) object).get(key), index + 1, result); } else if (object instanceof Multimap) { path(((Multimap<Object, Object>) object).get(this.path), index + 1, result); } } } } private static final class DistinctStream<T> extends ProcessingStream<T, T> { private final Set<T> seen; DistinctStream(final Stream<T> delegate) { super(delegate, 0); // pure sequential processing this.seen = Sets.newHashSet(); } @Override protected Object process(final T element) { return this.seen.add(element) ? element : null; // could be improved } } private static final class SliceStream<T> extends ProcessingStream<T, T> { private final long startIndex; private final long endIndex; private long index; SliceStream(final Stream<T> delegate, final long offset, final long limit) { super(delegate, 0); // no parallel evaluation Preconditions.checkArgument(offset >= 0, "Negative offset: {}", limit); Preconditions.checkArgument(limit >= 0, "Negative limit: {}", limit); this.startIndex = offset; this.endIndex = offset + limit; this.index = 0; } @Override protected Object process(final T element) { Object result = null; if (this.index >= this.endIndex) { result = EOF; } else if (this.index >= this.startIndex) { result = element; } ++this.index; return result; } } private static final class ChunkStream<T> extends DelegatingStream<T, List<T>> { private final int chunkSize; ChunkStream(final Stream<T> delegate, final int chunkSize) { super(delegate); Preconditions.checkArgument(chunkSize > 0, "Invalid chunk size: %d", chunkSize); this.chunkSize = chunkSize; } @Override protected Iterator<List<T>> doIterator() throws Throwable { final Iterator<T> iterator = this.delegate.doIterator(); return new AbstractIterator<List<T>>() { private final Object[] chunk = new Object[ChunkStream.this.chunkSize]; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected List<T> advance() { int index = 0; for (; index < ChunkStream.this.chunkSize && iterator.hasNext(); ++index) { this.chunk[index] =; } if (index == 0) { return null; } else if (index == ChunkStream.this.chunkSize) { return (List<T>) ImmutableList.copyOf(this.chunk); } else { return (List<T>) ImmutableList.copyOf(Arrays.asList(this.chunk).subList(0, index)); } } }; } @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super List<T>> handler) throws Throwable { this.delegate.doToHandler(new Handler<T>() { private final List<T> chunk = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public void handle(final T element) throws Throwable { if (element == null) { if (!this.chunk.isEmpty()) { handler.handle(ImmutableList.copyOf(this.chunk)); } handler.handle(null); } else { this.chunk.add(element); if (this.chunk.size() == ChunkStream.this.chunkSize) { handler.handle(ImmutableList.copyOf(this.chunk)); this.chunk.clear(); } } } }); } @Override protected String doToString() { return Integer.toString(this.chunkSize); } } private static final class TrackStream<T> extends DelegatingStream<T, T> { private final AtomicLong counter; private final AtomicBoolean eof; public TrackStream(final Stream<T> delegate, @Nullable final AtomicLong counter, @Nullable final AtomicBoolean eof) { super(delegate); this.counter = counter != null ? counter : new AtomicLong(); this.eof = eof != null ? eof : new AtomicBoolean(); this.counter.set(0L); this.eof.set(false); } @Override protected Iterator<T> doIterator() throws Throwable { final Iterator<T> iterator = this.delegate.doIterator(); return new UnmodifiableIterator<T>() { private long count = 0L; @Override public boolean hasNext() { final boolean result = iterator.hasNext(); TrackStream.this.eof.set(result); return result; } @Override public T next() { final T next =; TrackStream.this.counter.set(++this.count); return next; } }; } @Override protected void doToHandler(final Handler<? super T> handler) throws Throwable { this.delegate.doToHandler(new Handler<T>() { private long count = 0L; @Override public void handle(final T element) throws Throwable { if (element != null) { TrackStream.this.counter.set(++this.count); handler.handle(element); } else { TrackStream.this.eof.set(true); handler.handle(null); } } }); } } private static final class PathComparator implements Comparator<Object> { private final Class<? extends Comparable<?>> type; private final Object[] path; private final boolean lenient; PathComparator(final Class<? extends Comparable<?>> type, final boolean lenient, final Object... path) { this.type = Preconditions.checkNotNull(type); this.lenient = lenient; this.path = path.clone(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Override public int compare(final Object first, final Object second) { final Comparable firstKey = path(first, 0); final Comparable secondKey = path(second, 0); if (firstKey == null) { return secondKey == null ? 0 : 1; } else { return secondKey == null ? -1 : firstKey.compareTo(secondKey); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) private Comparable<?> path(final Object object, final int index) { if (object == null) { return null; } else if (object instanceof Iterable && !(object instanceof BindingSet)) { final Iterator<?> iterator = ((Iterable<?>) object).iterator(); return iterator.hasNext() ? path(, index) : null; } else if (object instanceof Iterator) { final Iterator<?> iterator = (Iterator<?>) object; return iterator.hasNext() ? path(, index) : null; } else if (object.getClass().isArray()) { final int length = Array.getLength(object); return length > 0 ? path(Array.get(object, 0), index) : null; } else if (index == this.path.length) { return this.lenient ? Data.convert(object, this.type, null) : // Data.convert(object, this.type); } else { final Object key = this.path[index]; if (object instanceof Record) { return key instanceof URI ? path(((Record) object).get((URI) key), index + 1) : null; } else if (object instanceof BindingSet) { return key instanceof String ? path( ((BindingSet) object).getValue((String) key), index + 1) : null; } else if (object instanceof Map) { return path(((Map<Object, Object>) object).get(key), index + 1); } else if (object instanceof Multimap) { return path(((Multimap<Object, Object>) object).get(this.path), index + 1); } return null; } } } }