// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.tools; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.GuiHelper; /** * Global shortcut class. * * Note: This class represents a single shortcut, contains the factory to obtain * shortcut objects from, manages shortcuts and shortcut collisions, and * finally manages loading and saving shortcuts to/from the preferences. * * Action authors: You only need the {@link #registerShortcut} factory. Ignore everything else. * * All: Use only public methods that are also marked to be used. The others are * public so the shortcut preferences can use them. * @since 1084 */ public final class Shortcut { /** the unique ID of the shortcut */ private final String shortText; /** a human readable description that will be shown in the preferences */ private String longText; /** the key, the caller requested */ private final int requestedKey; /** the group, the caller requested */ private final int requestedGroup; /** the key that actually is used */ private int assignedKey; /** the modifiers that are used */ private int assignedModifier; /** true if it got assigned what was requested. * (Note: modifiers will be ignored in favour of group when loading it from the preferences then.) */ private boolean assignedDefault; /** true if the user changed this shortcut */ private boolean assignedUser; /** true if the user cannot change this shortcut (Note: it also will not be saved into the preferences) */ private boolean automatic; /** true if the user requested this shortcut to be set to its default value * (will happen on next restart, as this shortcut will not be saved to the preferences) */ private boolean reset; // simple constructor private Shortcut(String shortText, String longText, int requestedKey, int requestedGroup, int assignedKey, int assignedModifier, boolean assignedDefault, boolean assignedUser) { this.shortText = shortText; this.longText = longText; this.requestedKey = requestedKey; this.requestedGroup = requestedGroup; this.assignedKey = assignedKey; this.assignedModifier = assignedModifier; this.assignedDefault = assignedDefault; this.assignedUser = assignedUser; this.automatic = false; this.reset = false; } public String getShortText() { return shortText; } public String getLongText() { return longText; } // a shortcut will be renamed when it is handed out again, because the original name may be a dummy private void setLongText(String longText) { this.longText = longText; } public int getAssignedKey() { return assignedKey; } public int getAssignedModifier() { return assignedModifier; } public boolean isAssignedDefault() { return assignedDefault; } public boolean isAssignedUser() { return assignedUser; } public boolean isAutomatic() { return automatic; } public boolean isChangeable() { return !automatic && !"core:none".equals(shortText); } private boolean isReset() { return reset; } /** * FOR PREF PANE ONLY */ public void setAutomatic() { automatic = true; } /** * FOR PREF PANE ONLY.<p> * Sets the modifiers that are used. * @param assignedModifier assigned modifier */ public void setAssignedModifier(int assignedModifier) { this.assignedModifier = assignedModifier; } /** * FOR PREF PANE ONLY.<p> * Sets the key that actually is used. * @param assignedKey assigned key */ public void setAssignedKey(int assignedKey) { this.assignedKey = assignedKey; } /** * FOR PREF PANE ONLY.<p> * Sets whether the user has changed this shortcut. * @param assignedUser {@code true} if the user has changed this shortcut */ public void setAssignedUser(boolean assignedUser) { this.reset = (this.assignedUser || reset) && !assignedUser; if (assignedUser) { assignedDefault = false; } else if (reset) { assignedKey = requestedKey; assignedModifier = findModifier(requestedGroup, null); } this.assignedUser = assignedUser; } /** * Use this to register the shortcut with Swing * @return the key stroke */ public KeyStroke getKeyStroke() { if (assignedModifier != -1) return KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(assignedKey, assignedModifier); return null; } // create a shortcut object from an string as saved in the preferences private Shortcut(String prefString) { List<String> s = new ArrayList<>(Main.pref.getCollection(prefString)); this.shortText = prefString.substring(15); this.longText = s.get(0); this.requestedKey = Integer.parseInt(s.get(1)); this.requestedGroup = Integer.parseInt(s.get(2)); this.assignedKey = Integer.parseInt(s.get(3)); this.assignedModifier = Integer.parseInt(s.get(4)); this.assignedDefault = Boolean.parseBoolean(s.get(5)); this.assignedUser = Boolean.parseBoolean(s.get(6)); } private void saveDefault() { Main.pref.getCollection("shortcut.entry."+shortText, Arrays.asList(new String[]{longText, String.valueOf(requestedKey), String.valueOf(requestedGroup), String.valueOf(requestedKey), String.valueOf(getGroupModifier(requestedGroup)), String.valueOf(true), String.valueOf(false)})); } // get a string that can be put into the preferences private boolean save() { if (isAutomatic() || isReset() || !isAssignedUser()) { return Main.pref.putCollection("shortcut.entry."+shortText, null); } else { return Main.pref.putCollection("shortcut.entry."+shortText, Arrays.asList(new String[]{longText, String.valueOf(requestedKey), String.valueOf(requestedGroup), String.valueOf(assignedKey), String.valueOf(assignedModifier), String.valueOf(assignedDefault), String.valueOf(assignedUser)})); } } private boolean isSame(int isKey, int isModifier) { // an unassigned shortcut is different from any other shortcut return isKey == assignedKey && isModifier == assignedModifier && assignedModifier != getGroupModifier(NONE); } public boolean isEvent(KeyEvent e) { KeyStroke ks = getKeyStroke(); return ks != null && ks.equals(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(e.getKeyCode(), e.getModifiers())); } /** * use this to set a menu's mnemonic * @param menu menu */ public void setMnemonic(JMenu menu) { if (assignedModifier == getGroupModifier(MNEMONIC) && getKeyStroke() != null && KeyEvent.getKeyText(assignedKey).length() == 1) { menu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.getKeyText(assignedKey).charAt(0)); //getKeyStroke().getKeyChar() seems not to work here } } /** * use this to set a buttons's mnemonic * @param button button */ public void setMnemonic(AbstractButton button) { if (assignedModifier == getGroupModifier(MNEMONIC) && getKeyStroke() != null && KeyEvent.getKeyText(assignedKey).length() == 1) { button.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.getKeyText(assignedKey).charAt(0)); //getKeyStroke().getKeyChar() seems not to work here } } /** * Sets the mnemonic key on a text component. * @param component component */ public void setFocusAccelerator(JTextComponent component) { if (assignedModifier == getGroupModifier(MNEMONIC) && getKeyStroke() != null && KeyEvent.getKeyText(assignedKey).length() == 1) { component.setFocusAccelerator(KeyEvent.getKeyText(assignedKey).charAt(0)); } } /** * use this to set a actions's accelerator * @param action action */ public void setAccelerator(AbstractAction action) { if (getKeyStroke() != null) { action.putValue(AbstractAction.ACCELERATOR_KEY, getKeyStroke()); } } /** * Returns a human readable text for the shortcut. * @return a human readable text for the shortcut */ public String getKeyText() { KeyStroke keyStroke = getKeyStroke(); if (keyStroke == null) return ""; String modifText = KeyEvent.getKeyModifiersText(keyStroke.getModifiers()); if ("".equals(modifText)) return KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyStroke.getKeyCode()); return modifText + '+' + KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyStroke.getKeyCode()); } @Override public String toString() { return getKeyText(); } /////////////////////////////// // everything's static below // /////////////////////////////// // here we store our shortcuts private static ShortcutCollection shortcuts = new ShortcutCollection(); private static class ShortcutCollection extends CopyOnWriteArrayList<Shortcut> { @Override public boolean add(Shortcut shortcut) { // expensive consistency check only in debug mode if (Main.isDebugEnabled() && stream().map(Shortcut::getShortText).anyMatch(shortcut.getShortText()::equals)) { Main.warn(new AssertionError(shortcut.getShortText() + " already added")); } return super.add(shortcut); } void replace(Shortcut newShortcut) { final Optional<Shortcut> existing = findShortcutByKeyOrShortText(-1, NONE, newShortcut.shortText); if (existing.isPresent()) { replaceAll(sc -> existing.get() == sc ? newShortcut : sc); } else { add(newShortcut); } } } // and here our modifier groups private static Map<Integer, Integer> groups = new HashMap<>(); // check if something collides with an existing shortcut /** * Returns the registered shortcut fot the key and modifier * @param requestedKey the requested key * @param modifier the modifier * @return an {@link Optional} registered shortcut, never {@code null} */ public static Optional<Shortcut> findShortcut(int requestedKey, int modifier) { return findShortcutByKeyOrShortText(requestedKey, modifier, null); } private static Optional<Shortcut> findShortcutByKeyOrShortText(int requestedKey, int modifier, String shortText) { final Predicate<Shortcut> sameKey = sc -> modifier != getGroupModifier(NONE) && sc.isSame(requestedKey, modifier); final Predicate<Shortcut> sameShortText = sc -> sc.getShortText().equals(shortText); return shortcuts.stream() .filter(sameKey.or(sameShortText)) .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(sc -> sameShortText.test(sc) ? 0 : 1)) .findAny(); } /** * Returns a list of all shortcuts. * @return a list of all shortcuts */ public static List<Shortcut> listAll() { return shortcuts.stream() .filter(c -> !"core:none".equals(c.shortText)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** None group: used with KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED if no shortcut is defined */ public static final int NONE = 5000; public static final int MNEMONIC = 5001; /** Reserved group: for system shortcuts only */ public static final int RESERVED = 5002; /** Direct group: no modifier */ public static final int DIRECT = 5003; /** Alt group */ public static final int ALT = 5004; /** Shift group */ public static final int SHIFT = 5005; /** Command group. Matches CTRL modifier on Windows/Linux but META modifier on OS X */ public static final int CTRL = 5006; /** Alt-Shift group */ public static final int ALT_SHIFT = 5007; /** Alt-Command group. Matches ALT-CTRL modifier on Windows/Linux but ALT-META modifier on OS X */ public static final int ALT_CTRL = 5008; /** Command-Shift group. Matches CTRL-SHIFT modifier on Windows/Linux but META-SHIFT modifier on OS X */ public static final int CTRL_SHIFT = 5009; /** Alt-Command-Shift group. Matches ALT-CTRL-SHIFT modifier on Windows/Linux but ALT-META-SHIFT modifier on OS X */ public static final int ALT_CTRL_SHIFT = 5010; /* for reassignment */ private static int[] mods = {ALT_CTRL, ALT_SHIFT, CTRL_SHIFT, ALT_CTRL_SHIFT}; private static int[] keys = {KeyEvent.VK_F1, KeyEvent.VK_F2, KeyEvent.VK_F3, KeyEvent.VK_F4, KeyEvent.VK_F5, KeyEvent.VK_F6, KeyEvent.VK_F7, KeyEvent.VK_F8, KeyEvent.VK_F9, KeyEvent.VK_F10, KeyEvent.VK_F11, KeyEvent.VK_F12}; // bootstrap private static boolean initdone; private static void doInit() { if (initdone) return; initdone = true; int commandDownMask = GuiHelper.getMenuShortcutKeyMaskEx(); groups.put(NONE, -1); groups.put(MNEMONIC, KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK); groups.put(DIRECT, 0); groups.put(ALT, KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK); groups.put(SHIFT, KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK); groups.put(CTRL, commandDownMask); groups.put(ALT_SHIFT, KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK | KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK); groups.put(ALT_CTRL, KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK | commandDownMask); groups.put(CTRL_SHIFT, commandDownMask | KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK); groups.put(ALT_CTRL_SHIFT, KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK | commandDownMask | KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK); // (1) System reserved shortcuts Main.platform.initSystemShortcuts(); // (2) User defined shortcuts Main.pref.getAllPrefixCollectionKeys("shortcut.entry.").stream() .map(Shortcut::new) .filter(sc -> !findShortcut(sc.getAssignedKey(), sc.getAssignedModifier()).isPresent()) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(sc -> sc.isAssignedUser() ? 1 : sc.isAssignedDefault() ? 2 : 3)) .forEachOrdered(shortcuts::replace); } private static int getGroupModifier(int group) { return Optional.ofNullable(groups.get(group)).orElse(-1); } private static int findModifier(int group, Integer modifier) { if (modifier == null) { modifier = getGroupModifier(group); if (modifier == null) { // garbage in, no shortcut out modifier = getGroupModifier(NONE); } } return modifier; } // shutdown handling public static boolean savePrefs() { return shortcuts.stream() .map(Shortcut::save) .reduce(Boolean.FALSE, Boolean::logicalOr); // has changed } /** * FOR PLATFORMHOOK USE ONLY. * <p> * This registers a system shortcut. See PlatformHook for details. * @param shortText an ID. re-use a {@code "system:*"} ID if possible, else use something unique. * @param longText this will be displayed in the shortcut preferences dialog. Better * use something the user will recognize... * @param key the key. Use a {@link KeyEvent KeyEvent.VK_*} constant here. * @param modifier the modifier. Use a {@link KeyEvent KeyEvent.*_MASK} constant here. * @return the system shortcut */ public static Shortcut registerSystemShortcut(String shortText, String longText, int key, int modifier) { final Optional<Shortcut> existing = findShortcutByKeyOrShortText(key, modifier, shortText); if (existing.isPresent() && shortText.equals(existing.get().getShortText())) { return existing.get(); } else if (existing.isPresent()) { // this always is a logic error in the hook Main.error("CONFLICT WITH SYSTEM KEY " + shortText + ": " + existing.get()); return null; } final Shortcut shortcut = new Shortcut(shortText, longText, key, RESERVED, key, modifier, true, false); shortcuts.add(shortcut); return shortcut; } /** * Register a shortcut. * * Here you get your shortcuts from. The parameters are: * * @param shortText an ID. re-use a {@code "system:*"} ID if possible, else use something unique. * {@code "menu:*"} is reserved for menu mnemonics, {@code "core:*"} is reserved for * actions that are part of JOSM's core. Use something like * {@code <pluginname>+":"+<actionname>}. * @param longText this will be displayed in the shortcut preferences dialog. Better * use something the user will recognize... * @param requestedKey the key you'd prefer. Use a {@link KeyEvent KeyEvent.VK_*} constant here. * @param requestedGroup the group this shortcut fits best. This will determine the * modifiers your shortcut will get assigned. Use the constants defined above. * @return the shortcut */ public static Shortcut registerShortcut(String shortText, String longText, int requestedKey, int requestedGroup) { return registerShortcut(shortText, longText, requestedKey, requestedGroup, null); } // and now the workhorse. same parameters as above, just one more private static Shortcut registerShortcut(String shortText, String longText, int requestedKey, int requestedGroup, Integer modifier) { doInit(); Integer defaultModifier = findModifier(requestedGroup, modifier); final Optional<Shortcut> existing = findShortcutByKeyOrShortText(requestedKey, defaultModifier, shortText); if (existing.isPresent() && shortText.equals(existing.get().getShortText())) { // a re-register? maybe a sc already read from the preferences? final Shortcut sc = existing.get(); sc.setLongText(longText); // or set by the platformHook, in this case the original longText doesn't match the real action sc.saveDefault(); return sc; } else if (existing.isPresent()) { final Shortcut conflict = existing.get(); if (Main.isPlatformOsx()) { // Try to reassign Meta to Ctrl int newmodifier = findNewOsxModifier(requestedGroup); if (!findShortcut(requestedKey, newmodifier).isPresent()) { Main.info("Reassigning OSX shortcut '" + shortText + "' from Meta to Ctrl because of conflict with " + conflict); return reassignShortcut(shortText, longText, requestedKey, conflict, requestedGroup, requestedKey, newmodifier); } } for (int m : mods) { for (int k : keys) { int newmodifier = getGroupModifier(m); if (!findShortcut(k, newmodifier).isPresent()) { Main.info("Reassigning shortcut '" + shortText + "' from " + modifier + " to " + newmodifier + " because of conflict with " + conflict); return reassignShortcut(shortText, longText, requestedKey, conflict, m, k, newmodifier); } } } } else { Shortcut newsc = new Shortcut(shortText, longText, requestedKey, requestedGroup, requestedKey, defaultModifier, true, false); newsc.saveDefault(); shortcuts.add(newsc); return newsc; } return null; } private static int findNewOsxModifier(int requestedGroup) { switch (requestedGroup) { case CTRL: return KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK; case ALT_CTRL: return KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK | KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK; case CTRL_SHIFT: return KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK | KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK; case ALT_CTRL_SHIFT: return KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK | KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK | KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK; default: return 0; } } private static Shortcut reassignShortcut(String shortText, String longText, int requestedKey, Shortcut conflict, int m, int k, int newmodifier) { Shortcut newsc = new Shortcut(shortText, longText, requestedKey, m, k, newmodifier, false, false); Main.info(tr("Silent shortcut conflict: ''{0}'' moved by ''{1}'' to ''{2}''.", shortText, conflict.getShortText(), newsc.getKeyText())); newsc.saveDefault(); shortcuts.add(newsc); return newsc; } /** * Replies the platform specific key stroke for the 'Copy' command, i.e. * 'Ctrl-C' on windows or 'Meta-C' on a Mac. null, if the platform specific * copy command isn't known. * * @return the platform specific key stroke for the 'Copy' command */ public static KeyStroke getCopyKeyStroke() { return getKeyStrokeForShortKey("system:copy"); } /** * Replies the platform specific key stroke for the 'Paste' command, i.e. * 'Ctrl-V' on windows or 'Meta-V' on a Mac. null, if the platform specific * paste command isn't known. * * @return the platform specific key stroke for the 'Paste' command */ public static KeyStroke getPasteKeyStroke() { return getKeyStrokeForShortKey("system:paste"); } /** * Replies the platform specific key stroke for the 'Cut' command, i.e. * 'Ctrl-X' on windows or 'Meta-X' on a Mac. null, if the platform specific * 'Cut' command isn't known. * * @return the platform specific key stroke for the 'Cut' command */ public static KeyStroke getCutKeyStroke() { return getKeyStrokeForShortKey("system:cut"); } private static KeyStroke getKeyStrokeForShortKey(String shortKey) { return shortcuts.stream() .filter(sc -> shortKey.equals(sc.getShortText())) .findAny() .map(Shortcut::getKeyStroke) .orElse(null); } }