// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.conflict.tags; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Preferences.pref; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Tag; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.TagCollection; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Pair; /** * Collection of utility methods for tag conflict resolution * */ public final class TagConflictResolutionUtil { /** The OSM key 'source' */ private static final String KEY_SOURCE = "source"; /** The group identifier for French Cadastre choices */ private static final String GRP_FR_CADASTRE = "FR:cadastre"; /** The group identifier for Canadian CANVEC choices */ private static final String GRP_CA_CANVEC = "CA:canvec"; /** * Default preferences for the list of AutomaticCombine tag conflict resolvers. */ private static final Collection<AutomaticCombine> defaultAutomaticTagConflictCombines = Arrays.asList( new AutomaticCombine("tiger:tlid", "US TIGER tlid", false, ":", "Integer"), new AutomaticCombine("tiger:(?!tlid$).*", "US TIGER not tlid", true, ":", "String") ); /** * Default preferences for the list of AutomaticChoice tag conflict resolvers. */ private static final Collection<AutomaticChoice> defaultAutomaticTagConflictChoices = Arrays.asList( /* "source" "FR:cadastre" - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:WikiProject_France/Cadastre * List of choices for the "source" tag of data exported from the French cadastre, * which ends by the exported year generating many conflicts. * The generated score begins with the year number to select the most recent one. */ new AutomaticChoice(KEY_SOURCE, GRP_FR_CADASTRE, "FR cadastre source, manual value", true, "cadastre", "0"), new AutomaticChoice(KEY_SOURCE, GRP_FR_CADASTRE, "FR cadastre source, initial format", true, "extraction vectorielle v1 cadastre-dgi-fr source : Direction G[eé]n[eé]rale des Imp[oô]ts" + " - Cadas\\. Mise [aà] jour : (2[0-9]{3})", "$1 1"), new AutomaticChoice(KEY_SOURCE, GRP_FR_CADASTRE, "FR cadastre source, last format", true, "(?:cadastre-dgi-fr source : )?Direction G[eé]n[eé]rale des (?:Imp[oô]ts|Finances Publiques)" + " - Cadas(?:tre)?(?:\\.| ;) [Mm]ise [aà] jour : (2[0-9]{3})", "$1 2"), /* "source" "CA:canvec" - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/CanVec * List of choices for the "source" tag of data exported from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) */ new AutomaticChoice(KEY_SOURCE, GRP_CA_CANVEC, "CA canvec source, initial value", true, "CanVec_Import_2009", "00"), new AutomaticChoice(KEY_SOURCE, GRP_CA_CANVEC, "CA canvec source, 4.0/6.0 value", true, "CanVec ([1-9]).0 - NRCan", "0$1"), new AutomaticChoice(KEY_SOURCE, GRP_CA_CANVEC, "CA canvec source, 7.0/8.0 value", true, "NRCan-CanVec-([1-9]).0", "0$1"), new AutomaticChoice(KEY_SOURCE, GRP_CA_CANVEC, "CA canvec source, 10.0/12.0 value", true, "NRCan-CanVec-(1[012]).0", "$1") ); private static volatile Collection<AutomaticTagConflictResolver> automaticTagConflictResolvers; private TagConflictResolutionUtil() { // no constructor, just static utility methods } /** * Normalizes the tags in the tag collection <code>tc</code> before resolving tag conflicts. * * Removes irrelevant tags like "created_by". * * For tags which are not present on at least one of the merged nodes, the empty value "" * is added to the list of values for this tag, but only if there are at least two * primitives with tags, and at least one tagged primitive do not have this tag. * * @param tc the tag collection * @param merged the collection of merged primitives */ public static void normalizeTagCollectionBeforeEditing(TagCollection tc, Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> merged) { // remove irrelevant tags // for (String key : OsmPrimitive.getDiscardableKeys()) { tc.removeByKey(key); } Collection<OsmPrimitive> taggedPrimitives = new ArrayList<>(); for (OsmPrimitive p: merged) { if (p.isTagged()) { taggedPrimitives.add(p); } } if (taggedPrimitives.size() <= 1) return; for (String key: tc.getKeys()) { // make sure the empty value is in the tag set if a tag is not present // on all merged nodes // for (OsmPrimitive p: taggedPrimitives) { if (p.get(key) == null) { tc.add(new Tag(key, "")); // add a tag with key and empty value } } } } /** * Completes tags in the tag collection <code>tc</code> with the empty value * for each tag. If the empty value is present the tag conflict resolution dialog * will offer an option for removing the tag and not only options for selecting * one of the current values of the tag. * * @param tc the tag collection */ public static void completeTagCollectionForEditing(TagCollection tc) { for (String key: tc.getKeys()) { // make sure the empty value is in the tag set such that we can delete the tag // in the conflict dialog if necessary // tc.add(new Tag(key, "")); } } /** * Automatically resolve some tag conflicts. * The list of automatic resolution is taken from the preferences. * @param tc the tag collection * @since 11606 */ public static void applyAutomaticTagConflictResolution(TagCollection tc) { applyAutomaticTagConflictResolution(tc, getAutomaticTagConflictResolvers()); } /** * Get the AutomaticTagConflictResolvers configured in the Preferences or the default ones. * @return the configured AutomaticTagConflictResolvers. * @since 11606 */ public static Collection<AutomaticTagConflictResolver> getAutomaticTagConflictResolvers() { if (automaticTagConflictResolvers == null) { Collection<AutomaticCombine> automaticTagConflictCombines = Main.pref.getListOfStructs( "automatic-tag-conflict-resolution.combine", defaultAutomaticTagConflictCombines, AutomaticCombine.class); Collection<AutomaticChoiceGroup> automaticTagConflictChoiceGroups = AutomaticChoiceGroup.groupChoices(Main.pref.getListOfStructs( "automatic-tag-conflict-resolution.choice", defaultAutomaticTagConflictChoices, AutomaticChoice.class)); // Use a tmp variable to fully construct the collection before setting // the volatile variable automaticTagConflictResolvers. ArrayList<AutomaticTagConflictResolver> tmp = new ArrayList<>(); tmp.addAll(automaticTagConflictCombines); tmp.addAll(automaticTagConflictChoiceGroups); automaticTagConflictResolvers = tmp; } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(automaticTagConflictResolvers); } /** * An automatic tag conflict resolver interface. * @since 11606 */ interface AutomaticTagConflictResolver { /** * Check if this resolution apply to the given Tag key. * @param key The Tag key to match. * @return true if this automatic resolution apply to the given Tag key. */ boolean matchesKey(String key); /** * Try to resolve a conflict between a set of values for a Tag * @param values the set of conflicting values for the Tag. * @return the resolved value or null if resolution was not possible. */ String resolve(Set<String> values); } /** * Automatically resolve some given conflicts using the given resolvers. * @param tc the tag collection. * @param resolvers the list of automatic tag conflict resolvers to apply. * @since 11606 */ public static void applyAutomaticTagConflictResolution(TagCollection tc, Collection<AutomaticTagConflictResolver> resolvers) { for (String key: tc.getKeysWithMultipleValues()) { for (AutomaticTagConflictResolver resolver : resolvers) { try { if (resolver.matchesKey(key)) { String result = resolver.resolve(tc.getValues(key)); if (result != null) { tc.setUniqueForKey(key, result); break; } } } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { // Can happen if a particular resolver has an invalid regular expression pattern // but it should not stop the other automatic tag conflict resolution. Main.error(e); } } } } /** * Preference for automatic tag-conflict resolver by combining the tag values using a separator. * @since 11606 */ public static class AutomaticCombine implements AutomaticTagConflictResolver { /** The Tag key to match */ @pref public String key; /** A free description */ @pref public String description = ""; /** If regular expression must be used to match the Tag key or the value. */ @pref public boolean isRegex; /** The separator to use to combine the values. */ @pref public String separator = ";"; /** If the combined values must be sorted. * Possible values: * <ul> * <li> Integer - Sort using Integer natural order.</li> * <li> String - Sort using String natural order.</li> * <li> * - No ordering.</li> * </ul> */ @pref public String sort; /** Default constructor. */ public AutomaticCombine() { // needed for instantiation from Preferences } /** Instantiate an automatic tag-conflict resolver which combining the values using a separator. * @param key The Tag key to match. * @param description A free description. * @param isRegex If regular expression must be used to match the Tag key or the value. * @param separator The separator to use to combine the values. * @param sort If the combined values must be sorted. */ public AutomaticCombine(String key, String description, boolean isRegex, String separator, String sort) { this.key = key; this.description = description; this.isRegex = isRegex; this.separator = separator; this.sort = sort; } @Override public boolean matchesKey(String k) { if (isRegex) { return Pattern.matches(this.key, k); } else { return this.key.equals(k); } } Set<String> instantiateSortedSet() { if ("String".equals(sort)) { return new TreeSet<>(); } else if ("Integer".equals(sort)) { return new TreeSet<>((String v1, String v2) -> Long.valueOf(v1).compareTo(Long.valueOf(v2))); } else { return new LinkedHashSet<>(); } } @Override public String resolve(Set<String> values) { Set<String> results = instantiateSortedSet(); for (String value: values) { for (String part: value.split(Pattern.quote(separator))) { results.add(part); } } return String.join(separator, results); } @Override public String toString() { return AutomaticCombine.class.getSimpleName() + "(key='" + key + "', description='" + description + "', isRegex=" + isRegex + ", separator='" + separator + "', sort='" + sort + "')"; } } /** * Preference for a particular choice from a group for automatic tag conflict resolution. * {@code AutomaticChoice}s are grouped into {@link AutomaticChoiceGroup}. * @since 11606 */ public static class AutomaticChoice { /** The Tag key to match. */ @pref public String key; /** The name of the {link AutomaticChoice group} this choice belongs to. */ @pref public String group; /** A free description. */ @pref public String description = ""; /** If regular expression must be used to match the Tag key or the value. */ @pref public boolean isRegex; /** The Tag value to match. */ @pref public String value; /** * The score to give to this choice in order to choose the best value * Natural String ordering is used to identify the best score. */ @pref public String score; /** Default constructor. */ public AutomaticChoice() { // needed for instantiation from Preferences } /** * Instantiate a particular choice from a group for automatic tag conflict resolution. * @param key The Tag key to match. * @param group The name of the {link AutomaticChoice group} this choice belongs to. * @param description A free description. * @param isRegex If regular expression must be used to match the Tag key or the value. * @param value The Tag value to match. * @param score The score to give to this choice in order to choose the best value. */ public AutomaticChoice(String key, String group, String description, boolean isRegex, String value, String score) { this.key = key; this.group = group; this.description = description; this.isRegex = isRegex; this.value = value; this.score = score; } /** * Check if this choice match the given Tag value. * @param v the Tag value to match. * @return true if this choice correspond to the given tag value. */ public boolean matchesValue(String v) { if (isRegex) { return Pattern.matches(this.value, v); } else { return this.value.equals(v); } } /** * Return the score associated to this choice for the given Tag value. * For the result to be valid the given tag value must {@link #matchesValue(String) match} this choice. * @param v the Tag value of which to get the score. * @return the score associated to the given Tag value. * @throws PatternSyntaxException if the regular expression syntax is invalid */ public String computeScoreFromValue(String v) { if (isRegex) { return v.replaceAll("^" + this.value + "$", this.score); } else { return this.score; } } @Override public String toString() { return AutomaticChoice.class.getSimpleName() + "(key='" + key + "', group='" + group + "', description='" + description + "', isRegex=" + isRegex + ", value='" + value + "', score='" + score + "')"; } } /** * Preference for an automatic tag conflict resolver which choose from * a group of possible {@link AutomaticChoice choice} values. * @since 11606 */ public static class AutomaticChoiceGroup implements AutomaticTagConflictResolver { /** The Tag key to match. */ @pref public String key; /** The name of the group. */ final String group; /** If regular expression must be used to match the Tag key. */ @pref public boolean isRegex; /** The list of choice to choose from. */ final List<AutomaticChoice> choices; /** Instantiate an automatic tag conflict resolver which choose from * a given list of {@link AutomaticChoice choice} values. * * @param key The Tag key to match. * @param group The name of the group. * @param isRegex If regular expression must be used to match the Tag key. * @param choices The list of choice to choose from. */ public AutomaticChoiceGroup(String key, String group, boolean isRegex, List<AutomaticChoice> choices) { this.key = key; this.group = group; this.isRegex = isRegex; this.choices = choices; } /** * Group a given list of {@link AutomaticChoice} by the Tag key and the choice group name. * @param choices the list of {@link AutomaticChoice choices} to group. * @return the resulting list of group. */ public static Collection<AutomaticChoiceGroup> groupChoices(Collection<AutomaticChoice> choices) { HashMap<Pair<String, String>, AutomaticChoiceGroup> results = new HashMap<>(); for (AutomaticChoice choice: choices) { Pair<String, String> id = new Pair<>(choice.key, choice.group); AutomaticChoiceGroup group = results.get(id); if (group == null) { boolean isRegex = choice.isRegex && !Pattern.quote(choice.key).equals(choice.key); group = new AutomaticChoiceGroup(choice.key, choice.group, isRegex, new ArrayList<>()); results.put(id, group); } group.choices.add(choice); } return results.values(); } @Override public boolean matchesKey(String k) { if (isRegex) { return Pattern.matches(this.key, k); } else { return this.key.equals(k); } } @Override public String resolve(Set<String> values) { String bestScore = ""; String bestValue = ""; for (String value : values) { String score = null; for (AutomaticChoice choice : choices) { if (choice.matchesValue(value)) { score = choice.computeScoreFromValue(value); } } if (score == null) { // This value is not matched in this group // so we can not choose from this group for this key. return null; } if (score.compareTo(bestScore) >= 0) { bestScore = score; bestValue = value; } } return bestValue; } @Override public String toString() { Collection<String> stringChoices = choices.stream().map(AutomaticChoice::toString).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); return AutomaticChoiceGroup.class.getSimpleName() + "(key='" + key + "', group='" + group + "', isRegex=" + isRegex + ", choices=(\n " + String.join(",\n ", stringChoices) + "))"; } } }