// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.markerlayer; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.File; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.search.SearchCompiler.Match; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Preferences.PreferenceChangeEvent; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.CachedLatLon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.gpx.Extensions; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.gpx.GpxConstants; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.gpx.GpxLink; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.gpx.WayPoint; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.preferences.CachedProperty; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.preferences.IntegerProperty; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.template_engine.ParseError; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.template_engine.TemplateEngineDataProvider; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.template_engine.TemplateEntry; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.template_engine.TemplateParser; /** * Basic marker class. Requires a position, and supports * a custom icon and a name. * * This class is also used to create appropriate Marker-type objects * when waypoints are imported. * * It hosts a public list object, named makers, containing implementations of * the MarkerMaker interface. Whenever a Marker needs to be created, each * object in makers is called with the waypoint parameters (Lat/Lon and tag * data), and the first one to return a Marker object wins. * * By default, one the list contains one default "Maker" implementation that * will create AudioMarkers for .wav files, ImageMarkers for .png/.jpg/.jpeg * files, and WebMarkers for everything else. (The creation of a WebMarker will * fail if there's no valid URL in the <link> tag, so it might still make sense * to add Makers for such waypoints at the end of the list.) * * The default implementation only looks at the value of the <link> tag inside * the <wpt> tag of the GPX file. * * <h2>HowTo implement a new Marker</h2> * <ul> * <li> Subclass Marker or ButtonMarker and override <code>containsPoint</code> * if you like to respond to user clicks</li> * <li> Override paint, if you want a custom marker look (not "a label and a symbol")</li> * <li> Implement MarkerCreator to return a new instance of your marker class</li> * <li> In you plugin constructor, add an instance of your MarkerCreator * implementation either on top or bottom of Marker.markerProducers. * Add at top, if your marker should overwrite an current marker or at bottom * if you only add a new marker style.</li> * </ul> * * @author Frederik Ramm */ public class Marker implements TemplateEngineDataProvider { public static final class TemplateEntryProperty extends CachedProperty<TemplateEntry> { // This class is a bit complicated because it supports both global and per layer settings. I've added per layer settings because // GPXSettingsPanel had possibility to set waypoint label but then I've realized that markers use different layer then gpx data // so per layer settings is useless. Anyway it's possible to specify marker layer pattern in Einstein preferences and maybe somebody // will make gui for it so I'm keeping it here private static final Map<String, TemplateEntryProperty> CACHE = new HashMap<>(); // Legacy code - convert label from int to template engine expression private static final IntegerProperty PROP_LABEL = new IntegerProperty("draw.rawgps.layer.wpt", 0); private static String getDefaultLabelPattern() { switch (PROP_LABEL.get()) { case 1: return LABEL_PATTERN_NAME; case 2: return LABEL_PATTERN_DESC; case 0: case 3: return LABEL_PATTERN_AUTO; default: return ""; } } public static TemplateEntryProperty forMarker(String layerName) { String key = "draw.rawgps.layer.wpt.pattern"; if (layerName != null) { key += '.' + layerName; } TemplateEntryProperty result = CACHE.get(key); if (result == null) { String defaultValue = layerName == null ? getDefaultLabelPattern() : ""; TemplateEntryProperty parent = layerName == null ? null : forMarker(null); result = new TemplateEntryProperty(key, defaultValue, parent); CACHE.put(key, result); } return result; } public static TemplateEntryProperty forAudioMarker(String layerName) { String key = "draw.rawgps.layer.audiowpt.pattern"; if (layerName != null) { key += '.' + layerName; } TemplateEntryProperty result = CACHE.get(key); if (result == null) { String defaultValue = layerName == null ? "?{ '{name}' | '{desc}' | '{" + Marker.MARKER_FORMATTED_OFFSET + "}' }" : ""; TemplateEntryProperty parent = layerName == null ? null : forAudioMarker(null); result = new TemplateEntryProperty(key, defaultValue, parent); CACHE.put(key, result); } return result; } private final TemplateEntryProperty parent; private TemplateEntryProperty(String key, String defaultValue, TemplateEntryProperty parent) { super(key, defaultValue); this.parent = parent; updateValue(); // Needs to be called because parent wasn't know in super constructor } @Override protected TemplateEntry fromString(String s) { try { return new TemplateParser(s).parse(); } catch (ParseError e) { Main.debug(e); Main.warn("Unable to parse template engine pattern ''{0}'' for property {1}. Using default (''{2}'') instead", s, getKey(), super.getDefaultValueAsString()); return getDefaultValue(); } } @Override public String getDefaultValueAsString() { if (parent == null) return super.getDefaultValueAsString(); else return parent.getAsString(); } @Override public void preferenceChanged(PreferenceChangeEvent e) { if (e.getKey().equals(key) || (parent != null && e.getKey().equals(parent.getKey()))) { updateValue(); } } } /** * Plugins can add their Marker creation stuff at the bottom or top of this list * (depending on whether they want to override default behaviour or just add new stuff). */ private static final List<MarkerProducers> markerProducers = new LinkedList<>(); // Add one Marker specifying the default behaviour. static { Marker.markerProducers.add((wpt, relativePath, parentLayer, time, offset) -> { String uri = null; // cheapest way to check whether "link" object exists and is a non-empty collection of GpxLink objects... Collection<GpxLink> links = wpt.<GpxLink>getCollection(GpxConstants.META_LINKS); if (links != null) { for (GpxLink oneLink : links) { uri = oneLink.uri; break; } } URL url = uriToUrl(uri, relativePath); String urlStr = url == null ? "" : url.toString(); String symbolName = Optional.ofNullable(wpt.getString("symbol")).orElseGet(() -> wpt.getString(GpxConstants.PT_SYM)); // text marker is returned in every case, see #10208 final Marker marker = new Marker(wpt.getCoor(), wpt, symbolName, parentLayer, time, offset); if (url == null) { return Collections.singleton(marker); } else if (urlStr.endsWith(".wav")) { final AudioMarker audioMarker = new AudioMarker(wpt.getCoor(), wpt, url, parentLayer, time, offset); Extensions exts = (Extensions) wpt.get(GpxConstants.META_EXTENSIONS); if (exts != null && exts.containsKey("offset")) { try { audioMarker.syncOffset = Double.parseDouble(exts.get("sync-offset")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Main.warn(nfe); } } return Arrays.asList(marker, audioMarker); } else if (urlStr.endsWith(".png") || urlStr.endsWith(".jpg") || urlStr.endsWith(".jpeg") || urlStr.endsWith(".gif")) { return Arrays.asList(marker, new ImageMarker(wpt.getCoor(), url, parentLayer, time, offset)); } else { return Arrays.asList(marker, new WebMarker(wpt.getCoor(), url, parentLayer, time, offset)); } }); } /** * Add a new marker producers at the end of the JOSM list. * @param mp a new marker producers * @since 11850 */ public static void appendMarkerProducer(MarkerProducers mp) { markerProducers.add(mp); } /** * Add a new marker producers at the beginning of the JOSM list. * @param mp a new marker producers * @since 11850 */ public static void prependMarkerProducer(MarkerProducers mp) { markerProducers.add(0, mp); } private static URL uriToUrl(String uri, File relativePath) { URL url = null; if (uri != null) { try { url = new URL(uri); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // Try a relative file:// url, if the link is not in an URL-compatible form if (relativePath != null) { url = Utils.fileToURL(new File(relativePath.getParentFile(), uri)); } } } return url; } /** * Returns an object of class Marker or one of its subclasses * created from the parameters given. * * @param wpt waypoint data for marker * @param relativePath An path to use for constructing relative URLs or * <code>null</code> for no relative URLs * @param parentLayer the <code>MarkerLayer</code> that will contain the created <code>Marker</code> * @param time time of the marker in seconds since epoch * @param offset double in seconds as the time offset of this marker from * the GPX file from which it was derived (if any). * @return a new Marker object */ public static Collection<Marker> createMarkers(WayPoint wpt, File relativePath, MarkerLayer parentLayer, double time, double offset) { for (MarkerProducers maker : Marker.markerProducers) { final Collection<Marker> markers = maker.createMarkers(wpt, relativePath, parentLayer, time, offset); if (markers != null) return markers; } return null; } public static final String MARKER_OFFSET = "waypointOffset"; public static final String MARKER_FORMATTED_OFFSET = "formattedWaypointOffset"; public static final String LABEL_PATTERN_AUTO = "?{ '{name} ({desc})' | '{name} ({cmt})' | '{name}' | '{desc}' | '{cmt}' }"; public static final String LABEL_PATTERN_NAME = "{name}"; public static final String LABEL_PATTERN_DESC = "{desc}"; private final DateFormat timeFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); private final TemplateEngineDataProvider dataProvider; private final String text; protected final ImageIcon symbol; private BufferedImage redSymbol; public final MarkerLayer parentLayer; /** Absolute time of marker in seconds since epoch */ public double time; /** Time offset in seconds from the gpx point from which it was derived, may be adjusted later to sync with other data, so not final */ public double offset; private String cachedText; private int textVersion = -1; private CachedLatLon coor; private boolean erroneous; public Marker(LatLon ll, TemplateEngineDataProvider dataProvider, String iconName, MarkerLayer parentLayer, double time, double offset) { this(ll, dataProvider, null, iconName, parentLayer, time, offset); } public Marker(LatLon ll, String text, String iconName, MarkerLayer parentLayer, double time, double offset) { this(ll, null, text, iconName, parentLayer, time, offset); } private Marker(LatLon ll, TemplateEngineDataProvider dataProvider, String text, String iconName, MarkerLayer parentLayer, double time, double offset) { timeFormatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); setCoor(ll); this.offset = offset; this.time = time; /* tell icon checking that we expect these names to exist */ // /* ICON(markers/) */"Bridge" // /* ICON(markers/) */"Crossing" this.symbol = iconName != null ? ImageProvider.getIfAvailable("markers", iconName) : null; this.parentLayer = parentLayer; this.dataProvider = dataProvider; this.text = text; } /** * Convert Marker to WayPoint so it can be exported to a GPX file. * * Override in subclasses to add all necessary attributes. * * @return the corresponding WayPoint with all relevant attributes */ public WayPoint convertToWayPoint() { WayPoint wpt = new WayPoint(getCoor()); wpt.put("time", timeFormatter.format(new Date(Math.round(time * 1000)))); if (text != null) { wpt.addExtension("text", text); } else if (dataProvider != null) { for (String key : dataProvider.getTemplateKeys()) { Object value = dataProvider.getTemplateValue(key, false); if (value != null && GpxConstants.WPT_KEYS.contains(key)) { wpt.put(key, value); } } } return wpt; } /** * Sets the marker's coordinates. * @param coor The marker's coordinates (lat/lon) */ public final void setCoor(LatLon coor) { this.coor = new CachedLatLon(coor); } /** * Returns the marker's coordinates. * @return The marker's coordinates (lat/lon) */ public final LatLon getCoor() { return coor; } /** * Sets the marker's projected coordinates. * @param eastNorth The marker's projected coordinates (easting/northing) */ public final void setEastNorth(EastNorth eastNorth) { this.coor = new CachedLatLon(eastNorth); } /** * Returns the marker's projected coordinates. * @return The marker's projected coordinates (easting/northing) */ public final EastNorth getEastNorth() { return coor.getEastNorth(); } /** * Checks whether the marker display area contains the given point. * Markers not interested in mouse clicks may always return false. * * @param p The point to check * @return <code>true</code> if the marker "hotspot" contains the point. */ public boolean containsPoint(Point p) { return false; } /** * Called when the mouse is clicked in the marker's hotspot. Never * called for markers which always return false from containsPoint. * * @param ev A dummy ActionEvent */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { // Do nothing } /** * Paints the marker. * @param g graphics context * @param mv map view * @param mousePressed true if the left mouse button is pressed * @param showTextOrIcon true if text and icon shall be drawn */ public void paint(Graphics g, MapView mv, boolean mousePressed, boolean showTextOrIcon) { Point screen = mv.getPoint(getEastNorth()); if (symbol != null && showTextOrIcon) { paintIcon(mv, g, screen.x-symbol.getIconWidth()/2, screen.y-symbol.getIconHeight()/2); } else { g.drawLine(screen.x-2, screen.y-2, screen.x+2, screen.y+2); g.drawLine(screen.x+2, screen.y-2, screen.x-2, screen.y+2); } String labelText = getText(); if ((labelText != null) && showTextOrIcon) { g.drawString(labelText, screen.x+4, screen.y+2); } } protected void paintIcon(MapView mv, Graphics g, int x, int y) { if (!erroneous) { symbol.paintIcon(mv, g, x, y); } else { if (redSymbol == null) { int width = symbol.getIconWidth(); int height = symbol.getIconHeight(); redSymbol = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D gbi = redSymbol.createGraphics(); gbi.drawImage(symbol.getImage(), 0, 0, null); gbi.setColor(Color.RED); gbi.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_ATOP, 0.666f)); gbi.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); gbi.dispose(); } g.drawImage(redSymbol, x, y, mv); } } protected TemplateEntryProperty getTextTemplate() { return TemplateEntryProperty.forMarker(parentLayer.getName()); } /** * Returns the Text which should be displayed, depending on chosen preference * @return Text of the label */ public String getText() { if (text != null) return text; else { TemplateEntryProperty property = getTextTemplate(); if (property.getUpdateCount() != textVersion) { TemplateEntry templateEntry = property.get(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); templateEntry.appendText(sb, this); cachedText = sb.toString(); textVersion = property.getUpdateCount(); } return cachedText; } } @Override public Collection<String> getTemplateKeys() { Collection<String> result; if (dataProvider != null) { result = dataProvider.getTemplateKeys(); } else { result = new ArrayList<>(); } result.add(MARKER_FORMATTED_OFFSET); result.add(MARKER_OFFSET); return result; } private String formatOffset() { int wholeSeconds = (int) (offset + 0.5); if (wholeSeconds < 60) return Integer.toString(wholeSeconds); else if (wholeSeconds < 3600) return String.format("%d:%02d", wholeSeconds / 60, wholeSeconds % 60); else return String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", wholeSeconds / 3600, (wholeSeconds % 3600)/60, wholeSeconds % 60); } @Override public Object getTemplateValue(String name, boolean special) { if (MARKER_FORMATTED_OFFSET.equals(name)) return formatOffset(); else if (MARKER_OFFSET.equals(name)) return offset; else if (dataProvider != null) return dataProvider.getTemplateValue(name, special); else return null; } @Override public boolean evaluateCondition(Match condition) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Determines if this marker is erroneous. * @return {@code true} if this markers has any kind of error, {@code false} otherwise * @since 6299 */ public final boolean isErroneous() { return erroneous; } /** * Sets this marker erroneous or not. * @param erroneous {@code true} if this markers has any kind of error, {@code false} otherwise * @since 6299 */ public final void setErroneous(boolean erroneous) { this.erroneous = erroneous; if (!erroneous) { redSymbol = null; } } }