package org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.disk.jdbc; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.AuxiliaryCacheAttributes; import org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.disk.AbstractDiskCache; import org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.disk.jdbc.dsfactory.DataSourceFactory; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.CacheConstants; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.behavior.ICacheElement; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.behavior.ICompositeCacheManager; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.behavior.IElementSerializer; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.logging.behavior.ICacheEvent; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.logging.behavior.ICacheEventLogger; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.stats.StatElement; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.stats.behavior.IStatElement; import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.stats.behavior.IStats; import org.apache.commons.jcs.utils.serialization.StandardSerializer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This is the jdbc disk cache plugin. * <p> * It expects a table created by the following script. The table name is configurable. * <p> * * <pre> * drop TABLE JCS_STORE; * CREATE TABLE JCS_STORE * ( * CACHE_KEY VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, * REGION VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, * ELEMENT BLOB, * CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP, * UPDATE_TIME_SECONDS BIGINT, * MAX_LIFE_SECONDS BIGINT, * SYSTEM_EXPIRE_TIME_SECONDS BIGINT, * IS_ETERNAL CHAR(1), * PRIMARY KEY (CACHE_KEY, REGION) * ); * </pre> * <p> * The cleanup thread will delete non eternal items where (now - create time) > max life seconds * * 1000 * <p> * To speed up the deletion the SYSTEM_EXPIRE_TIME_SECONDS is used instead. It is recommended that * an index be created on this column is you will have over a million records. * <p> * @author Aaron Smuts */ public class JDBCDiskCache<K, V> extends AbstractDiskCache<K, V> { /** The local logger. */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( JDBCDiskCache.class ); /** custom serialization */ private IElementSerializer elementSerializer = new StandardSerializer(); /** configuration */ private JDBCDiskCacheAttributes jdbcDiskCacheAttributes; /** # of times update was called */ private AtomicInteger updateCount = new AtomicInteger(0); /** # of times get was called */ private AtomicInteger getCount = new AtomicInteger(0); /** # of times getMatching was called */ private AtomicInteger getMatchingCount = new AtomicInteger(0); /** if count % interval == 0 then log */ private static final int LOG_INTERVAL = 100; /** db connection pool */ private DataSourceFactory dsFactory = null; /** tracks optimization */ private TableState tableState; /** * Constructs a JDBC Disk Cache for the provided cache attributes. The table state object is * used to mark deletions. * <p> * @param cattr the configuration object for this cache * @param dsFactory the DataSourceFactory for this cache * @param tableState an object to track table operations * @param compositeCacheManager the global cache manager */ public JDBCDiskCache( JDBCDiskCacheAttributes cattr, DataSourceFactory dsFactory, TableState tableState, ICompositeCacheManager compositeCacheManager ) { super( cattr ); setTableState( tableState ); setJdbcDiskCacheAttributes( cattr ); if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) { "jdbcDiskCacheAttributes = " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes() ); } // This initializes the pool access. this.dsFactory = dsFactory; // Initialization finished successfully, so set alive to true. setAlive(true); } /** * Inserts or updates. By default it will try to insert. If the item exists we will get an * error. It will then update. This behavior is configurable. The cache can be configured to * check before inserting. * <p> * @param ce */ @Override protected void processUpdate( ICacheElement<K, V> ce ) { updateCount.incrementAndGet(); if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "updating, ce = " + ce ); } Connection con; try { con = getDataSource().getConnection(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem getting connection.", e ); return; } try { if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "Putting [" + ce.getKey() + "] on disk." ); } byte[] element; try { element = getElementSerializer().serialize( ce ); } catch ( IOException e ) { log.error( "Could not serialize element", e ); return; } insertOrUpdate( ce, con, element ); } finally { try { con.close(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem closing connection.", e ); } } if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) { if ( updateCount.get() % LOG_INTERVAL == 0 ) { // TODO make a log stats method "Update Count [" + updateCount + "]" ); } } } /** * If test before insert it true, we check to see if the element exists. If the element exists * we will update. Otherwise, we try inserting. If this fails because the item exists, we will * update. * <p> * @param ce * @param con * @param element */ private void insertOrUpdate( ICacheElement<K, V> ce, Connection con, byte[] element ) { boolean exists = false; // First do a query to determine if the element already exists if ( this.getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().isTestBeforeInsert() ) { exists = doesElementExist( ce, con ); } // If it doesn't exist, insert it, otherwise update if ( !exists ) { exists = insertRow( ce, con, element ); } // update if it exists. if ( exists ) { updateRow( ce, con, element ); } } /** * This inserts a new row in the database. * <p> * @param ce * @param con * @param element * @return true if the insertion fails because the record exists. */ private boolean insertRow( ICacheElement<K, V> ce, Connection con, byte[] element ) { boolean exists = false; PreparedStatement psInsert = null; try { String sqlI = "insert into " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " (CACHE_KEY, REGION, ELEMENT, MAX_LIFE_SECONDS, IS_ETERNAL, CREATE_TIME, UPDATE_TIME_SECONDS, SYSTEM_EXPIRE_TIME_SECONDS) " + " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; psInsert = con.prepareStatement( sqlI ); psInsert.setString( 1, (String) ce.getKey() ); psInsert.setString( 2, this.getCacheName() ); psInsert.setBytes( 3, element ); psInsert.setLong( 4, ce.getElementAttributes().getMaxLife() ); if ( ce.getElementAttributes().getIsEternal() ) { psInsert.setString( 5, "T" ); } else { psInsert.setString( 5, "F" ); } Timestamp createTime = new Timestamp( ce.getElementAttributes().getCreateTime() ); psInsert.setTimestamp( 6, createTime ); long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; psInsert.setLong( 7, now ); long expireTime = now + ce.getElementAttributes().getMaxLife(); psInsert.setLong( 8, expireTime ); psInsert.execute(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { if ("23000".equals(e.getSQLState())) { exists = true; } else { log.error( "Could not insert element", e ); } // see if it exists, if we didn't already if ( !exists && !this.getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().isTestBeforeInsert() ) { exists = doesElementExist( ce, con ); } } finally { if (psInsert != null) { try { psInsert.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error( "Problem closing statement.", e ); } } } return exists; } /** * This updates a row in the database. * <p> * @param ce * @param con * @param element */ private void updateRow( ICacheElement<K, V> ce, Connection con, byte[] element ) { String sqlU = null; PreparedStatement psUpdate = null; try { sqlU = "update " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " set ELEMENT = ?, CREATE_TIME = ?, UPDATE_TIME_SECONDS = ?, " + " SYSTEM_EXPIRE_TIME_SECONDS = ? " + " where CACHE_KEY = ? and REGION = ?"; psUpdate = con.prepareStatement( sqlU ); psUpdate.setBytes( 1, element ); Timestamp createTime = new Timestamp( ce.getElementAttributes().getCreateTime() ); psUpdate.setTimestamp( 2, createTime ); long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; psUpdate.setLong( 3, now ); long expireTime = now + ce.getElementAttributes().getMaxLife(); psUpdate.setLong( 4, expireTime ); psUpdate.setString( 5, (String) ce.getKey() ); psUpdate.setString( 6, this.getCacheName() ); psUpdate.execute(); if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "ran update " + sqlU ); } } catch ( SQLException e2 ) { log.error( "e2 sql [" + sqlU + "] Exception: ", e2 ); } finally { if (psUpdate != null) { try { psUpdate.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error( "Problem closing statement.", e ); } } } } /** * Does an element exist for this key? * <p> * @param ce the cache element * @param con a database connection * @return boolean */ protected boolean doesElementExist( ICacheElement<K, V> ce, Connection con ) { boolean exists = false; PreparedStatement psSelect = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { // don't select the element, since we want this to be fast. String sqlS = "select CACHE_KEY from " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where REGION = ? and CACHE_KEY = ?"; psSelect = con.prepareStatement( sqlS ); psSelect.setString( 1, this.getCacheName() ); psSelect.setString( 2, (String) ce.getKey() ); rs = psSelect.executeQuery(); if ( ) { exists = true; } if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "[" + ce.getKey() + "] existing status is " + exists ); } } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem looking for item before insert.", e ); } finally { try { if ( rs != null ) { rs.close(); } } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem closing result set.", e ); } try { if ( psSelect != null ) { psSelect.close(); } } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem closing statement.", e ); } } return exists; } /** * Queries the database for the value. If it gets a result, the value is deserialized. * <p> * @param key * @return ICacheElement * @see org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.disk.AbstractDiskCache#get(Object) */ @Override protected ICacheElement<K, V> processGet( K key ) { getCount.incrementAndGet(); if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "Getting [" + key + "] from disk" ); } if ( !isAlive() ) { return null; } ICacheElement<K, V> obj = null; byte[] data = null; try { // region, key String selectString = "select ELEMENT from " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where REGION = ? and CACHE_KEY = ?"; Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement psSelect = null; try { psSelect = con.prepareStatement( selectString ); psSelect.setString( 1, this.getCacheName() ); psSelect.setString( 2, key.toString() ); ResultSet rs = psSelect.executeQuery(); try { if ( ) { data = rs.getBytes( 1 ); } if ( data != null ) { try { // USE THE SERIALIZER obj = getElementSerializer().deSerialize( data, null ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { log.error( "Problem getting item for key [" + key + "]", ioe ); } catch ( Exception e ) { log.error( "Problem getting item for key [" + key + "]", e ); } } } finally { if ( rs != null ) { rs.close(); } } } finally { if ( psSelect != null ) { psSelect.close(); } } } finally { if ( con != null ) { con.close(); } } } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { log.error( "Caught a SQL exception trying to get the item for key [" + key + "]", sqle ); } if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) { if ( getCount.get() % LOG_INTERVAL == 0 ) { // TODO make a log stats method "Get Count [" + getCount + "]" ); } } return obj; } /** * This will run a like query. It will try to construct a usable query but different * implementations will be needed to adjust the syntax. * <p> * @param pattern * @return key,value map */ @Override protected Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> processGetMatching( String pattern ) { getMatchingCount.incrementAndGet(); if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "Getting [" + pattern + "] from disk" ); } if ( !isAlive() ) { return null; } Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> results = new HashMap<K, ICacheElement<K, V>>(); try { // region, key String selectString = "select CACHE_KEY, ELEMENT from " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where REGION = ? and CACHE_KEY like ?"; Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement psSelect = null; try { psSelect = con.prepareStatement( selectString ); psSelect.setString( 1, this.getCacheName() ); psSelect.setString( 2, constructLikeParameterFromPattern( pattern ) ); ResultSet rs = psSelect.executeQuery(); try { while ( ) { String key = rs.getString( 1 ); byte[] data = rs.getBytes( 2 ); if ( data != null ) { try { // USE THE SERIALIZER ICacheElement<K, V> value = getElementSerializer().deSerialize( data, null ); results.put( (K) key, value ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { log.error( "Problem getting items for pattern [" + pattern + "]", ioe ); } catch ( Exception e ) { log.error( "Problem getting items for pattern [" + pattern + "]", e ); } } } } finally { if ( rs != null ) { rs.close(); } } } finally { if ( psSelect != null ) { psSelect.close(); } } } finally { if ( con != null ) { con.close(); } } } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { log.error( "Caught a SQL exception trying to get items for pattern [" + pattern + "]", sqle ); } if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) { if ( getMatchingCount.get() % LOG_INTERVAL == 0 ) { // TODO make a log stats method "Get Matching Count [" + getMatchingCount + "]" ); } } return results; } /** * @param pattern * @return String to use in the like query. */ public String constructLikeParameterFromPattern( String pattern ) { String likePattern = pattern.replaceAll( "\\.\\+", "%" ); likePattern = likePattern.replaceAll( "\\.", "_" ); if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug( "pattern = [" + likePattern + "]" ); } return likePattern; } /** * Returns true if the removal was successful; or false if there is nothing to remove. Current * implementation always results in a disk orphan. * <p> * @param key * @return boolean */ @Override protected boolean processRemove( K key ) { // remove single item. String sql = "delete from " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where REGION = ? and CACHE_KEY = ?"; try { boolean partial = false; if ( key instanceof String && key.toString().endsWith( CacheConstants.NAME_COMPONENT_DELIMITER ) ) { // remove all keys of the same name group. sql = "delete from " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where REGION = ? and CACHE_KEY like ?"; partial = true; } Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement psSelect = null; try { psSelect = con.prepareStatement( sql ); psSelect.setString( 1, this.getCacheName() ); if ( partial ) { psSelect.setString( 2, key.toString() + "%" ); } else { psSelect.setString( 2, key.toString() ); } psSelect.executeUpdate(); setAlive(true); } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem creating statement. sql [" + sql + "]", e ); setAlive(false); } finally { try { if ( psSelect != null ) { psSelect.close(); } con.close(); } catch ( SQLException e1 ) { log.error( "Problem closing statement.", e1 ); } } } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem updating cache.", e ); reset(); } return false; } /** * This should remove all elements. The auxiliary can be configured to forbid this behavior. If * remove all is not allowed, the method balks. */ @Override protected void processRemoveAll() { // it should never get here from the abstract disk cache. if ( this.jdbcDiskCacheAttributes.isAllowRemoveAll() ) { try { String sql = "delete from " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where REGION = ?"; Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement psDelete = null; try { psDelete = con.prepareStatement( sql ); psDelete.setString( 1, this.getCacheName() ); setAlive(true); psDelete.executeUpdate(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem creating statement.", e ); setAlive(false); } finally { try { if ( psDelete != null ) { psDelete.close(); } con.close(); } catch ( SQLException e1 ) { log.error( "Problem closing statement.", e1 ); } } } catch ( Exception e ) { log.error( "Problem removing all.", e ); reset(); } } else { if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ) { "RemoveAll was requested but the request was not fulfilled: allowRemoveAll is set to false." ); } } } /** * Removed the expired. (now - create time) > max life seconds * 1000 * <p> * @return the number deleted */ protected int deleteExpired() { int deleted = 0; try { getTableState().setState( TableState.DELETE_RUNNING ); long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; // This is to slow when we push over a million records // String sql = "delete from " + // getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where REGION = '" // + this.getCacheName() + "' and IS_ETERNAL = 'F' and (" + now // + " - UPDATE_TIME_SECONDS) > MAX_LIFE_SECONDS"; String sql = "delete from " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where IS_ETERNAL = ? and REGION = ? and ? > SYSTEM_EXPIRE_TIME_SECONDS"; Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement psDelete = null; try { psDelete = con.prepareStatement( sql ); psDelete.setString( 1, "F" ); psDelete.setString( 2, this.getCacheName() ); psDelete.setLong( 3, now ); setAlive(true); deleted = psDelete.executeUpdate(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem creating statement.", e ); setAlive(false); } finally { try { if ( psDelete != null ) { psDelete.close(); } con.close(); } catch ( SQLException e1 ) { log.error( "Problem closing statement.", e1 ); } } logApplicationEvent( getAuxiliaryCacheAttributes().getName(), "deleteExpired", "Deleted expired elements. URL: " + getDiskLocation() ); } catch ( Exception e ) { logError( getAuxiliaryCacheAttributes().getName(), "deleteExpired", e.getMessage() + " URL: " + getDiskLocation() ); log.error( "Problem removing expired elements from the table.", e ); reset(); } finally { getTableState().setState( TableState.FREE ); } return deleted; } /** * Typically this is used to handle errors by last resort, force content update, or removeall */ public void reset() { // nothing } /** Shuts down the pool */ @Override public void processDispose() { ICacheEvent<K> cacheEvent = createICacheEvent( getCacheName(), (K)"none", ICacheEventLogger.DISPOSE_EVENT ); try { try { dsFactory.close(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem shutting down.", e ); } } finally { logICacheEvent( cacheEvent ); } } /** * Returns the current cache size. Just does a count(*) for the region. * <p> * @return The size value */ @Override public int getSize() { int size = 0; // region, key String selectString = "select count(*) from " + getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName() + " where REGION = ?"; Connection con; try { con = getDataSource().getConnection(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem getting connection.", e ); return size; } try { PreparedStatement psSelect = null; try { psSelect = con.prepareStatement( selectString ); psSelect.setString( 1, this.getCacheName() ); ResultSet rs = null; rs = psSelect.executeQuery(); try { if ( ) { size = rs.getInt( 1 ); } } finally { if ( rs != null ) { rs.close(); } } } finally { if ( psSelect != null ) { psSelect.close(); } } } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem getting size.", e ); } finally { try { con.close(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { log.error( "Problem closing connection.", e ); } } return size; } /** * Return the keys in this cache. * <p> * @see org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.disk.AbstractDiskCache#getKeySet() */ @Override public Set<K> getKeySet() throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Groups not implemented." ); // return null; } /** * @param elementSerializer The elementSerializer to set. */ @Override public void setElementSerializer( IElementSerializer elementSerializer ) { this.elementSerializer = elementSerializer; } /** * @return Returns the elementSerializer. */ @Override public IElementSerializer getElementSerializer() { return elementSerializer; } /** * @param jdbcDiskCacheAttributes The jdbcDiskCacheAttributes to set. */ protected void setJdbcDiskCacheAttributes( JDBCDiskCacheAttributes jdbcDiskCacheAttributes ) { this.jdbcDiskCacheAttributes = jdbcDiskCacheAttributes; } /** * @return Returns the jdbcDiskCacheAttributes. */ protected JDBCDiskCacheAttributes getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes() { return jdbcDiskCacheAttributes; } /** * @return Returns the AuxiliaryCacheAttributes. */ @Override public AuxiliaryCacheAttributes getAuxiliaryCacheAttributes() { return this.getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes(); } /** * Extends the parent stats. * <p> * @return IStats */ @Override public IStats getStatistics() { IStats stats = super.getStatistics(); stats.setTypeName( "JDBC/Abstract Disk Cache" ); List<IStatElement<?>> elems = stats.getStatElements(); elems.add(new StatElement<AtomicInteger>( "Update Count", updateCount ) ); elems.add(new StatElement<AtomicInteger>( "Get Count", getCount ) ); elems.add(new StatElement<AtomicInteger>( "Get Matching Count", getMatchingCount ) ); elems.add(new StatElement<String>( "DB URL", getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getUrl()) ); stats.setStatElements( elems ); return stats; } /** * Returns the name of the table. * <p> * @return the table name or UNDEFINED */ protected String getTableName() { String name = "UNDEFINED"; if ( this.getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes() != null ) { name = this.getJdbcDiskCacheAttributes().getTableName(); } return name; } /** * @param tableState The tableState to set. */ public void setTableState( TableState tableState ) { this.tableState = tableState; } /** * @return Returns the tableState. */ public TableState getTableState() { return tableState; } /** * This is used by the event logging. * <p> * @return the location of the disk, either path or ip. */ @Override protected String getDiskLocation() { return this.jdbcDiskCacheAttributes.getUrl(); } /** * Public so managers can access it. * @return the dsFactory * @throws SQLException if getting a data source fails */ public DataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException { return dsFactory.getDataSource(); } /** * For debugging. * <p> * @return this.getStats(); */ @Override public String toString() { return this.getStats(); } }