package org.jabref.model.pdf; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation.PDAnnotation; public class FileAnnotation { private final static int ABBREVIATED_ANNOTATION_NAME_LENGTH = 45; private static final String DATE_TIME_STRING = "^D:\\d{14}$"; private static final String DATE_TIME_STRING_WITH_TIME_ZONE = "^D:\\d{14}\\+.+"; private static final String ANNOTATION_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyyMMddHHmmss"; private final String author; private final LocalDateTime timeModified; private final int page; private final String content; private final FileAnnotationType annotationType; private final Optional<FileAnnotation> linkedFileAnnotation; /** * A flexible constructor, mainly used as dummy if there is actually no annotation. * * @param author The authors of the annotation * @param timeModified The last time this annotation was modified * @param pageNumber The page of the pdf where the annotation occurs * @param content the actual content of the annotation * @param annotationType the type of the annotation */ public FileAnnotation(final String author, final LocalDateTime timeModified, final int pageNumber, final String content, final FileAnnotationType annotationType, final Optional<FileAnnotation> linkedFileAnnotation) { = author; this.timeModified = timeModified; = pageNumber; this.content = parseContent(content); this.annotationType = annotationType; this.linkedFileAnnotation = linkedFileAnnotation; } /** * Creating a normal FileAnnotation from a PDAnnotation. * * @param annotation The actual annotation that holds the information * @param pageNumber The page of the pdf where the annotation occurs */ public FileAnnotation(final PDAnnotation annotation, final int pageNumber) { this(annotation.getDictionary().getString(COSName.T), extractModifiedTime(annotation.getModifiedDate()), pageNumber, annotation.getContents(), FileAnnotationType.parse(annotation), Optional.empty()); } /** * For creating a FileAnnotation that has a connection to another FileAnnotation. Needed when creating a text * highlighted or underlined annotation with a sticky note. * * @param annotation The actual annotation that holds the information * @param pageNumber The page of the pdf where the annotation occurs * @param linkedFileAnnotation The corresponding note of a marked text area. */ public FileAnnotation(final PDAnnotation annotation, final int pageNumber, FileAnnotation linkedFileAnnotation) { this(annotation.getDictionary().getString(COSName.T), extractModifiedTime(annotation.getModifiedDate()), pageNumber, annotation.getContents(), FileAnnotationType.parse(annotation), Optional.of(linkedFileAnnotation)); } /** * Parses a String into a LocalDateTime. * * @param dateTimeString In this case of format yyyyMMddHHmmss. * @return a LocalDateTime parsed from the dateTimeString */ public static LocalDateTime extractModifiedTime(String dateTimeString) { if (dateTimeString == null) { return; } if (dateTimeString.matches(DATE_TIME_STRING_WITH_TIME_ZONE)) { dateTimeString = dateTimeString.substring(2, 16); } else if (dateTimeString.matches(DATE_TIME_STRING)) { dateTimeString = dateTimeString.substring(2); } return LocalDateTime.parse(dateTimeString, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(ANNOTATION_DATE_FORMAT)); } private String parseContent(final String content) { if (content == null) { return ""; } final String unreadableContent = "þÿ"; if (content.trim().equals(unreadableContent)) { return ""; } return content.trim(); } /** * Abbreviate annotation names when they are longer than {@code ABBREVIATED_ANNOTATION_NAME_LENGTH} chars * * @param annotationName annotation to be shortened * @return the abbreviated name */ private String abbreviateAnnotationName(final String annotationName) { if (annotationName.length() > ABBREVIATED_ANNOTATION_NAME_LENGTH) { return annotationName.subSequence(0, ABBREVIATED_ANNOTATION_NAME_LENGTH).toString() + "..."; } return annotationName; } @Override public String toString() { return abbreviateAnnotationName(content); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if ((other == null) || (getClass() != other.getClass())) { return false; } FileAnnotation that = (FileAnnotation) other; return Objects.equals(this.annotationType, that.annotationType) && Objects.equals(, && Objects.equals(this.content, that.content) && Objects.equals(, && Objects.equals(this.linkedFileAnnotation, that.linkedFileAnnotation) && Objects.equals(this.timeModified, that.timeModified); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(annotationType, author, content, page, linkedFileAnnotation, timeModified); } public String getAuthor() { return author; } public LocalDateTime getTimeModified() { return timeModified; } public int getPage() { return page; } public String getContent() { return content; } public FileAnnotationType getAnnotationType() { return annotationType; } public boolean hasLinkedAnnotation() { return this.linkedFileAnnotation.isPresent(); } /** * Before this getter is called the presence of the linked annotation must be checked via hasLinkedAnnotation()! * * @return the note attached to the annotation */ public FileAnnotation getLinkedFileAnnotation() { return linkedFileAnnotation.get(); } }