package org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.jabref.logic.importer.ParseException; import org.jabref.logic.importer.Parser; import org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry; import org.jabref.model.entry.FieldName; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class GvkParser implements Parser { private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(GvkParser.class); @Override public List<BibEntry> parseEntries(InputStream inputStream) throws ParseException { try { DocumentBuilder dbuild = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document content = dbuild.parse(inputStream); return this.parseEntries(content); } catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException | IOException exception) { throw new ParseException(exception); } } private List<BibEntry> parseEntries(Document content) { List<BibEntry> result = new LinkedList<>(); // used for creating test cases // XMLUtil.printDocument(content); // Namespace srwNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace("srw",""); // Schleife ueber allen Teilergebnissen //Element root = content.getDocumentElement(); Element root = (Element) content.getElementsByTagName("zs:searchRetrieveResponse").item(0); Element srwrecords = getChild("zs:records", root); if (srwrecords == null) { // no records found -> return empty list return result; } List<Element> records = getChildren("zs:record", srwrecords); for (Element record : records) { Element e = getChild("zs:recordData", record); if (e != null) { e = getChild("record", e); if (e != null) { result.add(parseEntry(e)); } } } return result; } private BibEntry parseEntry(Element e) { String author = null; String editor = null; String title = null; String publisher = null; String year = null; String address = null; String series = null; String edition = null; String isbn = null; String issn = null; String number = null; String pagetotal = null; String volume = null; String pages = null; String journal = null; String ppn = null; String booktitle = null; String url = null; String note = null; String quelle = ""; String mak = ""; String subtitle = ""; String entryType = "book"; // Default // Alle relevanten Informationen einsammeln List<Element> datafields = getChildren("datafield", e); for (Element datafield : datafields) { String tag = datafield.getAttribute("tag"); LOGGER.debug("tag: " + tag); // mak if ("002@".equals(tag)) { mak = getSubfield("0", datafield); if (mak == null) { mak = ""; } } //ppn if ("003@".equals(tag)) { ppn = getSubfield("0", datafield); } //author if ("028A".equals(tag)) { String vorname = getSubfield("d", datafield); String nachname = getSubfield("a", datafield); if (author == null) { author = ""; } else { author = author.concat(" and "); } author = author.concat(vorname + " " + nachname); } //author (weiterer) if ("028B".equals(tag)) { String vorname = getSubfield("d", datafield); String nachname = getSubfield("a", datafield); if (author == null) { author = ""; } else { author = author.concat(" and "); } author = author.concat(vorname + " " + nachname); } //editor if ("028C".equals(tag)) { String vorname = getSubfield("d", datafield); String nachname = getSubfield("a", datafield); if (editor == null) { editor = ""; } else { editor = editor.concat(" and "); } editor = editor.concat(vorname + " " + nachname); } //title and subtitle if ("021A".equals(tag)) { title = getSubfield("a", datafield); subtitle = getSubfield("d", datafield); } //publisher and address if ("033A".equals(tag)) { publisher = getSubfield("n", datafield); address = getSubfield("p", datafield); } //year if ("011@".equals(tag)) { year = getSubfield("a", datafield); } //year, volume, number, pages (year bei Zeitschriften (evtl. redundant mit 011@)) if ("031A".equals(tag)) { year = getSubfield("j", datafield); volume = getSubfield("e", datafield); number = getSubfield("a", datafield); pages = getSubfield("h", datafield); } // 036D seems to contain more information than the other fields // overwrite information using that field // 036D also contains information normally found in 036E if ("036D".equals(tag)) { // 021 might have been present if (title != null) { // convert old title (contained in "a" of 021A) to volume if (title.startsWith("@")) { // "@" indicates a number title = title.substring(1); } number = title; } //title and subtitle title = getSubfield("a", datafield); subtitle = getSubfield("d", datafield); volume = getSubfield("l", datafield); } //series and number if ("036E".equals(tag)) { series = getSubfield("a", datafield); number = getSubfield("l", datafield); String kor = getSubfield("b", datafield); if (kor != null) { series = series + " / " + kor; } } //note if ("037A".equals(tag)) { note = getSubfield("a", datafield); } //edition if ("032@".equals(tag)) { edition = getSubfield("a", datafield); } //isbn if ("004A".equals(tag)) { final String isbn10 = getSubfield("0", datafield); final String isbn13 = getSubfield("A", datafield); if (isbn10 != null) { isbn = isbn10; } if (isbn13 != null) { isbn = isbn13; } } // Hochschulschriftenvermerk // Bei einer Verlagsdissertation ist der Ort schon eingetragen if ("037C".equals(tag)) { if (address == null) { address = getSubfield("b", datafield); if (address != null) { address = removeSortCharacters(address); } } String st = getSubfield("a", datafield); if ((st != null) && st.contains("Diss")) { entryType = "phdthesis"; } } //journal oder booktitle /* Problematiken hier: Sowohl für Artikel in * Zeitschriften als für Beiträge in Büchern * wird 027D verwendet. Der Titel muß je nach * Fall booktitle oder journal zugeordnet * werden. Auch bei Zeitschriften werden hier * ggf. Verlag und Ort angegeben (sind dann * eigentlich überflüssig), während bei * Buchbeiträgen Verlag und Ort wichtig sind * (sonst in Kategorie 033A). */ if ("027D".equals(tag)) { journal = getSubfield("a", datafield); booktitle = getSubfield("a", datafield); address = getSubfield("p", datafield); publisher = getSubfield("n", datafield); } //pagetotal if ("034D".equals(tag)) { pagetotal = getSubfield("a", datafield); if (pagetotal != null) { // S, S. etc. entfernen pagetotal = pagetotal.replaceAll(" S\\.?$", ""); } } // Behandlung von Konferenzen if ("030F".equals(tag)) { address = getSubfield("k", datafield); if (!"proceedings".equals(entryType)) { subtitle = getSubfield("a", datafield); } entryType = "proceedings"; } // Wenn eine Verlagsdiss vorliegt if ("phdthesis".equals(entryType) && (isbn != null)) { entryType = "book"; } //Hilfskategorien zur Entscheidung @article //oder @incollection; hier könnte man auch die //ISBN herausparsen als Erleichterung für das //Auffinden der Quelle, die über die //SRU-Schnittstelle gelieferten Daten zur //Quelle unvollständig sind (z.B. nicht Serie //und Nummer angegeben werden) if ("039B".equals(tag)) { quelle = getSubfield("8", datafield); } if ("046R".equals(tag) && ((quelle == null) || quelle.isEmpty())) { quelle = getSubfield("a", datafield); } // URLs behandeln if ("009P".equals(tag) && ("03".equals(datafield.getAttribute("occurrence")) || "05".equals(datafield.getAttribute("occurrence"))) && (url == null)) { url = getSubfield("a", datafield); } } // Abfangen von Nulleintraegen if (quelle == null) { quelle = ""; } // Nichtsortierzeichen entfernen if (author != null) { author = removeSortCharacters(author); } if (editor != null) { editor = removeSortCharacters(editor); } if (title != null) { title = removeSortCharacters(title); } if (subtitle != null) { subtitle = removeSortCharacters(subtitle); } // Dokumenttyp bestimmen und Eintrag anlegen if (mak.startsWith("As")) { entryType = BibEntry.DEFAULT_TYPE; if (quelle.contains("ISBN")) { entryType = "incollection"; } if (quelle.contains("ZDB-ID")) { entryType = "article"; } } else if (mak.isEmpty()) { entryType = BibEntry.DEFAULT_TYPE; } else if (mak.startsWith("O")) { entryType = BibEntry.DEFAULT_TYPE; // FIXME: online only available in Biblatex //entryType = "online"; } /* * Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ZDB-ID * vorhanden ist, ist größer als ISBN bei * Buchbeiträgen. Daher bei As?-Sätzen am besten immer * dann @incollection annehmen, wenn weder ISBN noch * ZDB-ID vorhanden sind. */ BibEntry result = new BibEntry(entryType); // Zuordnung der Felder in Abhängigkeit vom Dokumenttyp if (author != null) { result.setField(FieldName.AUTHOR, author); } if (editor != null) { result.setField(FieldName.EDITOR, editor); } if (title != null) { result.setField(FieldName.TITLE, title); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(subtitle)) { // ensure that first letter is an upper case letter // there could be the edge case that the string is only one character long, therefore, this special treatment // this is Apache commons lang StringUtils.capitalize (, but we don't want to add an additional dependency ('org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4') StringBuilder newSubtitle = new StringBuilder( Character.toString(Character.toUpperCase(subtitle.charAt(0)))); if (subtitle.length() > 1) { newSubtitle.append(subtitle.substring(1)); } result.setField(FieldName.SUBTITLE, newSubtitle.toString()); } if (publisher != null) { result.setField(FieldName.PUBLISHER, publisher); } if (year != null) { result.setField(FieldName.YEAR, year); } if (address != null) { result.setField(FieldName.ADDRESS, address); } if (series != null) { result.setField(FieldName.SERIES, series); } if (edition != null) { result.setField(FieldName.EDITION, edition); } if (isbn != null) { result.setField(FieldName.ISBN, isbn); } if (issn != null) { result.setField(FieldName.ISSN, issn); } if (number != null) { result.setField(FieldName.NUMBER, number); } if (pagetotal != null) { result.setField(FieldName.PAGETOTAL, pagetotal); } if (pages != null) { result.setField(FieldName.PAGES, pages); } if (volume != null) { result.setField(FieldName.VOLUME, volume); } if (journal != null) { result.setField(FieldName.JOURNAL, journal); } if (ppn != null) { result.setField("ppn_GVK", ppn); } if (url != null) { result.setField(FieldName.URL, url); } if (note != null) { result.setField(FieldName.NOTE, note); } if ("article".equals(entryType) && (journal != null)) { result.setField(FieldName.JOURNAL, journal); } else if ("incollection".equals(entryType) && (booktitle != null)) { result.setField(FieldName.BOOKTITLE, booktitle); } return result; } private String getSubfield(String a, Element datafield) { List<Element> liste = getChildren("subfield", datafield); for (Element subfield : liste) { if (subfield.getAttribute("code").equals(a)) { return (subfield.getTextContent()); } } return null; } private Element getChild(String name, Element e) { NodeList children = e.getChildNodes(); int j = children.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { Node test = children.item(i); if (test.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element entry = (Element) test; if (entry.getTagName().equals(name)) { return entry; } } } return null; } private List<Element> getChildren(String name, Element e) { List<Element> result = new LinkedList<>(); NodeList children = e.getChildNodes(); int j = children.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { Node test = children.item(i); if (test.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element entry = (Element) test; if (entry.getTagName().equals(name)) { result.add(entry); } } } return result; } private String removeSortCharacters(String input) { return input.replaceAll("\\@", ""); } }