package org.jabref.cli; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException; import org.jabref.Globals; import org.jabref.JabRefException; import org.jabref.gui.externalfiles.AutoSetLinks; import org.jabref.gui.importer.fetcher.EntryFetcher; import org.jabref.gui.importer.fetcher.EntryFetchers; import org.jabref.logic.bibtexkeypattern.BibtexKeyPatternUtil; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.BibDatabaseWriter; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.BibtexDatabaseWriter; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.ExportFormat; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.ExportFormats; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.FileSaveSession; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.IExportFormat; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.SaveException; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.SavePreferences; import org.jabref.logic.exporter.SaveSession; import org.jabref.logic.importer.ImportException; import org.jabref.logic.importer.ImportFormatReader; import org.jabref.logic.importer.OpenDatabase; import org.jabref.logic.importer.OutputPrinter; import org.jabref.logic.importer.ParserResult; import org.jabref.logic.l10n.Localization; import org.jabref.logic.layout.LayoutFormatterPreferences; import org.jabref.logic.logging.JabRefLogger; import; import; import; import org.jabref.logic.util.OS; import org.jabref.model.Defaults; import org.jabref.model.EntryTypes; import org.jabref.model.database.BibDatabase; import org.jabref.model.database.BibDatabaseContext; import org.jabref.model.database.BibDatabaseMode; import org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry; import org.jabref.model.metadata.MetaData; import org.jabref.model.strings.StringUtil; import org.jabref.preferences.SearchPreferences; import org.jabref.shared.prefs.SharedDatabasePreferences; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class ArgumentProcessor { private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(ArgumentProcessor.class); private final JabRefCLI cli; private final List<ParserResult> parserResults; private final Mode startupMode; private boolean noGUINeeded; public ArgumentProcessor(String[] args, Mode startupMode) { cli = new JabRefCLI(args); this.startupMode = startupMode; parserResults = processArguments(); } /** * Will open a file (like importFile), but will also request JabRef to focus on this database * * @param argument See importFile. * @return ParserResult with setToOpenTab(true) */ private static Optional<ParserResult> importToOpenBase(String argument) { Optional<ParserResult> result = importFile(argument); result.ifPresent(ParserResult::setToOpenTab); return result; } private static Optional<ParserResult> importFile(String argument) { String[] data = argument.split(","); String address = data[0]; Path file; if (address.startsWith("http://") || address.startsWith("https://") || address.startsWith("ftp://")) { // Download web resource to temporary file try { file = new URLDownload(address).toTemporaryFile(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Problem downloading from %1", address) + e.getLocalizedMessage()); return Optional.empty(); } } else { if (OS.WINDOWS) { file = Paths.get(address); } else { file = Paths.get(address.replace("~", System.getProperty("user.home"))); } } String importFormat; if (data.length > 1) { importFormat = data[1]; } else { importFormat = "*"; } Optional<ParserResult> importResult = importFile(file, importFormat); importResult.ifPresent(result -> { OutputPrinter printer = new SystemOutputPrinter(); if (result.hasWarnings()) { printer.showMessage(result.getErrorMessage()); } }); return importResult; } private static Optional<ParserResult> importFile(Path file, String importFormat) { try { if (!"*".equals(importFormat)) { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Importing") + ": " + file); ParserResult result = Globals.IMPORT_FORMAT_READER.importFromFile(importFormat, file); return Optional.of(result); } else { // * means "guess the format": System.out.println(Localization.lang("Importing in unknown format") + ": " + file); ImportFormatReader.UnknownFormatImport importResult = Globals.IMPORT_FORMAT_READER.importUnknownFormat(file); System.out.println(Localization.lang("Format used") + ": " + importResult.format); return Optional.of(importResult.parserResult); } } catch (ImportException ex) { System.err .println(Localization.lang("Error opening file") + " '" + file + "': " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); return Optional.empty(); } } public List<ParserResult> getParserResults() { return parserResults; } public boolean hasParserResults() { return !parserResults.isEmpty(); } private List<ParserResult> processArguments() { if (!cli.isBlank() && cli.isDebugLogging()) { JabRefLogger.setDebug(); } if ((startupMode == Mode.INITIAL_START) && cli.isShowVersion()) { cli.displayVersion(); } if ((startupMode == Mode.INITIAL_START) && cli.isHelp()) { cli.printUsage(); noGUINeeded = true; return Collections.emptyList(); } // Check if we should reset all preferences to default values: if (cli.isPreferencesReset()) { resetPreferences(cli.getPreferencesReset()); } // Check if we should import preferences from a file: if (cli.isPreferencesImport()) { importPreferences(); } // List to put imported/loaded database(s) in. List<ParserResult> loaded = importAndOpenFiles(); if (!cli.isBlank() && cli.isFetcherEngine()) { fetch(cli.getFetcherEngine()).ifPresent(loaded::add); } if (cli.isExportMatches()) { if (!loaded.isEmpty()) { if (!exportMatches(loaded)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } } else { System.err.println(Localization.lang("The output option depends on a valid input option.")); } } if (cli.isGenerateBibtexKeys()) { regenerateBibtexKeys(loaded); } if (cli.isAutomaticallySetFileLinks()) { automaticallySetFileLinks(loaded); } if (cli.isFileExport()) { if (!loaded.isEmpty()) { exportFile(loaded, cli.getFileExport().split(",")); } else { System.err.println(Localization.lang("The output option depends on a valid import option.")); } } LOGGER.debug("Finished export"); if (cli.isPreferencesExport()) { try { Globals.prefs.exportPreferences(cli.getPreferencesExport()); } catch (JabRefException ex) { LOGGER.error("Cannot export preferences", ex); } } if (!cli.isBlank() && cli.isAuxImport()) { doAuxImport(loaded); } return loaded; } private boolean exportMatches(List<ParserResult> loaded) { String[] data = cli.getExportMatches().split(","); String searchTerm = data[0].replace("\\$", " "); //enables blanks within the search term: //$ stands for a blank ParserResult pr = loaded.get(loaded.size() - 1); BibDatabaseContext databaseContext = pr.getDatabaseContext(); BibDatabase dataBase = pr.getDatabase(); SearchPreferences searchPreferences = new SearchPreferences(Globals.prefs); SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(searchTerm, searchPreferences.isCaseSensitive(), searchPreferences.isRegularExpression()); List<BibEntry> matches = new DatabaseSearcher(query, dataBase).getMatches(); //export matches if (!matches.isEmpty()) { String formatName; //read in the export format, take default format if no format entered switch (data.length) { case 3: formatName = data[2]; break; case 2: //default ExportFormat: HTML table (with Abstract & BibTeX) formatName = "tablerefsabsbib"; break; default: System.err.println(Localization.lang("Output file missing").concat(". \n \t ") .concat(Localization.lang("Usage")).concat(": ") + JabRefCLI.getExportMatchesSyntax()); noGUINeeded = true; return false; } //export new database IExportFormat format = ExportFormats.getExportFormat(formatName); if (format == null) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Unknown export format") + ": " + formatName); } else { // We have an ExportFormat instance: try { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Exporting") + ": " + data[1]); format.performExport(databaseContext, data[1], databaseContext.getMetaData().getEncoding().orElse(Globals.prefs.getDefaultEncoding()), matches); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Could not export file") + " '" + data[1] + "': " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); } } } else { System.err.println(Localization.lang("No search matches.")); } return true; } private void doAuxImport(List<ParserResult> loaded) { boolean usageMsg; if (!loaded.isEmpty()) { usageMsg = generateAux(loaded, cli.getAuxImport().split(",")); } else { usageMsg = true; } if (usageMsg) { System.out.println(Localization.lang("no base-BibTeX-file specified") + "!"); System.out.println(Localization.lang("usage") + " :"); System.out.println("jabref --aux infile[.aux],outfile[.bib] base-BibTeX-file"); } } private List<ParserResult> importAndOpenFiles() { List<ParserResult> loaded = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> toImport = new ArrayList<>(); if (!cli.isBlank() && (!cli.getLeftOver().isEmpty())) { for (String aLeftOver : cli.getLeftOver()) { // Leftover arguments that have a "bib" extension are interpreted as // BIB files to open. Other files, and files that could not be opened // as bib, we try to import instead. boolean bibExtension = aLeftOver.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith("bib"); ParserResult pr = new ParserResult(); if (bibExtension) { pr = OpenDatabase.loadDatabase(aLeftOver, Globals.prefs.getImportFormatPreferences()); } if (!bibExtension || (pr.isEmpty())) { // We will try to import this file. Normally we // will import it into a new tab, but if this import has // been initiated by another instance through the remote // listener, we will instead import it into the current library. // This will enable easy integration with web browsers that can // open a reference file in JabRef. if (startupMode == Mode.INITIAL_START) { toImport.add(aLeftOver); } else { loaded.add(importToOpenBase(aLeftOver).orElse(new ParserResult())); } } else { loaded.add(pr); } } } if (!cli.isBlank() && cli.isFileImport()) { toImport.add(cli.getFileImport()); } for (String filenameString : toImport) { importFile(filenameString).ifPresent(loaded::add); } if (!cli.isBlank() && cli.isImportToOpenBase()) { importToOpenBase(cli.getImportToOpenBase()).ifPresent(loaded::add); } return loaded; } private boolean generateAux(List<ParserResult> loaded, String[] data) { if (data.length == 2) { ParserResult pr = loaded.get(0); AuxCommandLine acl = new AuxCommandLine(data[0], pr.getDatabase()); BibDatabase newBase = acl.perform(); boolean notSavedMsg = false; // write an output, if something could be resolved if ((newBase != null) && newBase.hasEntries()) { String subName = StringUtil.getCorrectFileName(data[1], "bib"); try { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Saving") + ": " + subName); SavePreferences prefs = SavePreferences.loadForSaveFromPreferences(Globals.prefs); BibDatabaseWriter<SaveSession> databaseWriter = new BibtexDatabaseWriter<>(FileSaveSession::new); Defaults defaults = new Defaults(Globals.prefs.getDefaultBibDatabaseMode()); SaveSession session = databaseWriter.saveDatabase(new BibDatabaseContext(newBase, defaults), prefs); // Show just a warning message if encoding did not work for all characters: if (!session.getWriter().couldEncodeAll()) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Warning") + ": " + Localization.lang( "The chosen encoding '%0' could not encode the following characters:", session.getEncoding().displayName()) + " " + session.getWriter().getProblemCharacters()); } session.commit(subName); } catch (SaveException ex) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Could not save file.") + "\n" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } notSavedMsg = true; } if (!notSavedMsg) { System.out.println(Localization.lang("no library generated")); } return false; } else { return true; } } private void exportFile(List<ParserResult> loaded, String[] data) { if (data.length == 1) { // This signals that the latest import should be stored in BibTeX // format to the given file. if (!loaded.isEmpty()) { ParserResult pr = loaded.get(loaded.size() - 1); if (!pr.isInvalid()) { try { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Saving") + ": " + data[0]); SavePreferences prefs = SavePreferences.loadForSaveFromPreferences(Globals.prefs); Defaults defaults = new Defaults(Globals.prefs.getDefaultBibDatabaseMode()); BibDatabaseWriter<SaveSession> databaseWriter = new BibtexDatabaseWriter<>( FileSaveSession::new); SaveSession session = databaseWriter.saveDatabase( new BibDatabaseContext(pr.getDatabase(), pr.getMetaData(), defaults), prefs); // Show just a warning message if encoding did not work for all characters: if (!session.getWriter().couldEncodeAll()) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Warning") + ": " + Localization.lang( "The chosen encoding '%0' could not encode the following characters:", session.getEncoding().displayName()) + " " + session.getWriter().getProblemCharacters()); } session.commit(data[0]); } catch (SaveException ex) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Could not save file.") + "\n" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } else { System.err.println(Localization.lang("The output option depends on a valid import option.")); } } else if (data.length == 2) { // This signals that the latest import should be stored in the given // format to the given file. ParserResult pr = loaded.get(loaded.size() - 1); // Set the global variable for this database's file directory before exporting, // so formatters can resolve linked files correctly. // (This is an ugly hack!) File theFile = pr.getFile().get(); if (!theFile.isAbsolute()) { theFile = theFile.getAbsoluteFile(); } BibDatabaseContext databaseContext = pr.getDatabaseContext(); databaseContext.setDatabaseFile(theFile); Globals.prefs.fileDirForDatabase = databaseContext .getFileDirectories(Globals.prefs.getFileDirectoryPreferences()); System.out.println(Localization.lang("Exporting") + ": " + data[0]); IExportFormat format = ExportFormats.getExportFormat(data[1]); if (format == null) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Unknown export format") + ": " + data[1]); } else { // We have an ExportFormat instance: try { format.performExport(pr.getDatabaseContext(), data[0], pr.getDatabaseContext().getMetaData().getEncoding() .orElse(Globals.prefs.getDefaultEncoding()), pr.getDatabaseContext().getDatabase().getEntries()); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Could not export file") + " '" + data[0] + "': " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); } } } } private void importPreferences() { try { Globals.prefs.importPreferences(cli.getPreferencesImport()); EntryTypes.loadCustomEntryTypes(Globals.prefs.loadCustomEntryTypes(BibDatabaseMode.BIBTEX), Globals.prefs.loadCustomEntryTypes(BibDatabaseMode.BIBLATEX)); Map<String, ExportFormat> customFormats = Globals.prefs.customExports.getCustomExportFormats(Globals.prefs, Globals.journalAbbreviationLoader); LayoutFormatterPreferences layoutPreferences = Globals.prefs .getLayoutFormatterPreferences(Globals.journalAbbreviationLoader); SavePreferences savePreferences = SavePreferences.loadForExportFromPreferences(Globals.prefs); ExportFormats.initAllExports(customFormats, layoutPreferences, savePreferences); } catch (JabRefException ex) { LOGGER.error("Cannot import preferences", ex); } } private void resetPreferences(String value) { if ("all".equals(value.trim())) { try { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Setting all preferences to default values.")); Globals.prefs.clear(); new SharedDatabasePreferences().clear(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { System.err.println(Localization.lang("Unable to clear preferences.")); LOGGER.error("Unable to clear preferences", e); } } else { String[] keys = value.split(","); for (String key : keys) { if (Globals.prefs.hasKey(key.trim())) { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Resetting preference key '%0'", key.trim())); Globals.prefs.clear(key.trim()); } else { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Unknown preference key '%0'", key.trim())); } } } } private void automaticallySetFileLinks(List<ParserResult> loaded) { for (ParserResult parserResult : loaded) { BibDatabase database = parserResult.getDatabase();"Automatically setting file links")); AutoSetLinks.autoSetLinks(database.getEntries(), parserResult.getDatabaseContext()); } } private void regenerateBibtexKeys(List<ParserResult> loaded) { for (ParserResult parserResult : loaded) { BibDatabase database = parserResult.getDatabase(); MetaData metaData = parserResult.getMetaData(); if (metaData != null) {"Regenerating BibTeX keys according to metadata")); for (BibEntry entry : database.getEntries()) { // try to make a new label BibtexKeyPatternUtil.makeAndSetLabel( metaData.getCiteKeyPattern(Globals.prefs.getBibtexKeyPatternPreferences().getKeyPattern()), database, entry, Globals.prefs.getBibtexKeyPatternPreferences()); } } else {"No meta data present in BIB_file. Cannot regenerate BibTeX keys")); } } } /** * Run an entry fetcher from the command line. * <p> * Note that this only works headlessly if the EntryFetcher does not show any GUI. * * @param fetchCommand A string containing both the fetcher to use (id of EntryFetcherExtension minus Fetcher) and * the search query, separated by a : * @return A parser result containing the entries fetched or null if an error occurred. */ private Optional<ParserResult> fetch(String fetchCommand) { if ((fetchCommand == null) || !fetchCommand.contains(":") || (fetchCommand.split(":").length != 2)) { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Expected syntax for --fetch='<name of fetcher>:<query>'")); System.out.println(Localization.lang("The following fetchers are available:")); return Optional.empty(); } String[] split = fetchCommand.split(":"); String engine = split[0]; EntryFetchers fetchers = new EntryFetchers(Globals.journalAbbreviationLoader); EntryFetcher fetcher = null; for (EntryFetcher e : fetchers.getEntryFetchers()) { if (engine.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getClass().getSimpleName().replace("Fetcher", ""))) { fetcher = e; } } if (fetcher == null) { System.out.println(Localization.lang("Could not find fetcher '%0'", engine)); System.out.println(Localization.lang("The following fetchers are available:")); for (EntryFetcher e : fetchers.getEntryFetchers()) { System.out.println( " " + e.getClass().getSimpleName().replace("Fetcher", "").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } return Optional.empty(); } String query = split[1]; System.out.println(Localization.lang("Running query '%0' with fetcher '%1'.", query, engine) + " " + Localization.lang("Please wait...")); Collection<BibEntry> result = new ImportInspectionCommandLine().query(query, fetcher); if (result.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( Localization.lang("Query '%0' with fetcher '%1' did not return any results.", query, engine)); return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(new ParserResult(result)); } public boolean isBlank() { return cli.isBlank(); } public boolean shouldShutDown() { return cli.isDisableGui() || cli.isShowVersion() || noGUINeeded; } public enum Mode { INITIAL_START, REMOTE_START } }