package org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.jabref.logic.importer.Importer; import org.jabref.logic.importer.ParserResult; import org.jabref.logic.util.FileExtensions; import org.jabref.model.entry.AuthorList; import org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry; import org.jabref.model.entry.FieldName; /** * Imports a SilverPlatter exported file. This is a poor format to parse, * so it currently doesn't handle everything correctly. */ public class SilverPlatterImporter extends Importer { private static final Pattern START_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Record.*INSPEC.*"); @Override public String getName() { return "SilverPlatter"; } @Override public FileExtensions getExtensions() { return FileExtensions.SILVER_PLATTER; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Imports a SilverPlatter exported file."; } @Override public boolean isRecognizedFormat(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { // This format is very similar to Inspec, so we have a two-fold strategy: // If we see the flag signaling that it is an Inspec file, return false. // This flag should appear above the first entry and prevent us from // accepting the Inspec format. Then we look for the title entry. String str; while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (START_PATTERN.matcher(str).find()) { return false; // This is an Inspec file, so return false. } if ((str.length() >= 5) && "TI: ".equals(str.substring(0, 5))) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public ParserResult importDatabase(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { List<BibEntry> bibitems = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isChapter = false; String str; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (str.length() < 2) { sb.append("__::__").append(str); } else { sb.append("__NEWFIELD__").append(str); } } String[] entries = sb.toString().split("__::__"); String type = ""; Map<String, String> h = new HashMap<>(); for (String entry : entries) { if (entry.trim().length() < 6) { continue; } h.clear(); String[] fields = entry.split("__NEWFIELD__"); for (String field : fields) { if (field.length() < 6) { continue; } String f3 = field.substring(0, 2); String frest = field.substring(5); if ("TI".equals(f3)) { h.put(FieldName.TITLE, frest); } else if ("AU".equals(f3)) { if (frest.trim().endsWith("(ed)")) { String ed = frest.trim(); ed = ed.substring(0, ed.length() - 4); h.put(FieldName.EDITOR, AuthorList.fixAuthorLastNameFirst(ed.replace(",-", ", ").replace(";", " and "))); } else { h.put(FieldName.AUTHOR, AuthorList.fixAuthorLastNameFirst(frest.replace(",-", ", ").replace(";", " and "))); } } else if ("AB".equals(f3)) { h.put(FieldName.ABSTRACT, frest); } else if ("DE".equals(f3)) { String kw = frest.replace("-;", ",").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); h.put(FieldName.KEYWORDS, kw.substring(0, kw.length() - 1)); } else if ("SO".equals(f3)) { int m = frest.indexOf('.'); if (m >= 0) { String jr = frest.substring(0, m); h.put(FieldName.JOURNAL, jr.replace("-", " ")); frest = frest.substring(m); m = frest.indexOf(';'); if (m >= 5) { String yr = frest.substring(m - 5, m).trim(); h.put(FieldName.YEAR, yr); frest = frest.substring(m); m = frest.indexOf(':'); int issueIndex = frest.indexOf('('); int endIssueIndex = frest.indexOf(')'); if (m >= 0) { String pg = frest.substring(m + 1).trim(); h.put(FieldName.PAGES, pg); h.put(FieldName.VOLUME, frest.substring(1, issueIndex).trim()); h.put(FieldName.ISSUE, frest.substring(issueIndex + 1, endIssueIndex).trim()); } } } } else if ("PB".equals(f3)) { int m = frest.indexOf(':'); if (m >= 0) { String jr = frest.substring(0, m); h.put(FieldName.PUBLISHER, jr.replace("-", " ").trim()); frest = frest.substring(m); m = frest.indexOf(", "); if ((m + 2) < frest.length()) { String yr = frest.substring(m + 2).trim(); try { Integer.parseInt(yr); h.put(FieldName.YEAR, yr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // Let's assume that this wasn't a number, since it // couldn't be parsed as an integer. } } } } else if ("AF".equals(f3)) { h.put(FieldName.SCHOOL, frest.trim()); } else if ("DT".equals(f3)) { frest = frest.trim(); if ("Monograph".equals(frest)) { type = "book"; } else if (frest.startsWith("Dissertation")) { type = "phdthesis"; } else if (frest.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains(FieldName.JOURNAL)) { type = "article"; } else if ("Contribution".equals(frest) || "Chapter".equals(frest)) { type = "incollection"; // This entry type contains page numbers and booktitle in the // title field. isChapter = true; } else { type = frest.replace(" ", ""); } } } if (isChapter) { String titleO = h.get(FieldName.TITLE); if (titleO != null) { String title = titleO.trim(); int inPos = title.indexOf("\" in "); if (inPos > 1) { h.put(FieldName.TITLE, title.substring(0, inPos)); } } } BibEntry b = new BibEntry(type); // create one here b.setField(h); bibitems.add(b); } return new ParserResult(bibitems); } }