package org.jabref.logic.layout; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import org.jabref.logic.formatter.bibtexfields.HtmlToLatexFormatter; import org.jabref.logic.formatter.bibtexfields.UnicodeToLatexFormatter; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorAbbreviator; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorAndToSemicolonReplacer; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorAndsCommaReplacer; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorAndsReplacer; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorFirstAbbrLastCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorFirstAbbrLastOxfordCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorFirstFirst; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorFirstFirstCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorFirstLastCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorFirstLastOxfordCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorLF_FF; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorLF_FFAbbr; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorLastFirst; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorLastFirstAbbrCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorLastFirstAbbrOxfordCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorLastFirstAbbreviator; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorLastFirstCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorLastFirstOxfordCommas; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorNatBib; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.AuthorOrgSci; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.Authors; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.CompositeFormat; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.CreateBibORDFAuthors; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.CreateDocBookAuthors; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.CurrentDate; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.DOICheck; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.DOIStrip; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.DateFormatter; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.Default; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.EntryTypeFormatter; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.FileLink; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.FirstPage; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.FormatPagesForHTML; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.FormatPagesForXML; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.GetOpenOfficeType; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.HTMLChars; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.HTMLParagraphs; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.IfPlural; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.Iso690FormatDate; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.Iso690NamesAuthors; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.JournalAbbreviator; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.LastPage; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.LatexToUnicodeFormatter; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.NameFormatter; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.NoSpaceBetweenAbbreviations; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.NotFoundFormatter; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.Number; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.Ordinal; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RTFChars; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RemoveBrackets; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RemoveBracketsAddComma; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RemoveLatexCommandsFormatter; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RemoveTilde; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RemoveWhitespace; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.Replace; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RisAuthors; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RisKeywords; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.RisMonth; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.ToLowerCase; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.ToUpperCase; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.WrapContent; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.WrapFileLinks; import org.jabref.logic.layout.format.XMLChars; import org.jabref.logic.openoffice.OOPreFormatter; import org.jabref.model.database.BibDatabase; import org.jabref.model.database.BibDatabaseContext; import org.jabref.model.entry.BibEntry; import org.jabref.model.strings.StringUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; class LayoutEntry { private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(LayoutEntry.class); private List<LayoutFormatter> option; // Formatter to be run after other formatters: private LayoutFormatter postFormatter; private String text; private List<LayoutEntry> layoutEntries; private final int type; private final List<String> invalidFormatter = new ArrayList<>(); private final LayoutFormatterPreferences prefs; public LayoutEntry(StringInt si, LayoutFormatterPreferences prefs) { this.prefs = prefs; type = si.i; switch (type) { case LayoutHelper.IS_LAYOUT_TEXT: text = si.s; break; case LayoutHelper.IS_SIMPLE_FIELD: text = si.s.trim(); break; case LayoutHelper.IS_OPTION_FIELD: doOptionField(si.s); break; case LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_START: case LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_END: default: break; } } public LayoutEntry(List<StringInt> parsedEntries, int layoutType, LayoutFormatterPreferences prefs) { this.prefs = prefs; List<LayoutEntry> tmpEntries = new ArrayList<>(); String blockStart = parsedEntries.get(0).s; String blockEnd = parsedEntries.get(parsedEntries.size() - 1).s; if (!blockStart.equals(blockEnd)) { LOGGER.warn("Field start and end entry must be equal."); } type = layoutType; text = blockEnd; List<StringInt> blockEntries = null; for (StringInt parsedEntry : parsedEntries.subList(1, parsedEntries.size() - 1)) { switch (parsedEntry.i) { case LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_START: case LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_START: blockEntries = new ArrayList<>(); blockStart = parsedEntry.s; break; case LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_END: case LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_END: if (blockStart.equals(parsedEntry.s)) { blockEntries.add(parsedEntry); int groupType = parsedEntry.i == LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_END ? LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_START : LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_START; LayoutEntry le = new LayoutEntry(blockEntries, groupType, prefs); tmpEntries.add(le); blockEntries = null; } else { LOGGER.warn("Nested field entries are not implemented!"); } break; case LayoutHelper.IS_LAYOUT_TEXT: case LayoutHelper.IS_SIMPLE_FIELD: case LayoutHelper.IS_OPTION_FIELD: default: // Do nothing break; } if (blockEntries == null) { tmpEntries.add(new LayoutEntry(parsedEntry, prefs)); } else { blockEntries.add(parsedEntry); } } layoutEntries = new ArrayList<>(tmpEntries); for (LayoutEntry layoutEntry : layoutEntries) { invalidFormatter.addAll(layoutEntry.getInvalidFormatters()); } } public void setPostFormatter(LayoutFormatter formatter) { this.postFormatter = formatter; } public String doLayout(BibEntry bibtex, BibDatabase database) { switch (type) { case LayoutHelper.IS_LAYOUT_TEXT: return text; case LayoutHelper.IS_SIMPLE_FIELD: String value = bibtex.getResolvedFieldOrAlias(text, database).orElse(""); // If a post formatter has been set, call it: if (postFormatter != null) { value = postFormatter.format(value); } return value; case LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_START: case LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_START: return handleFieldOrGroupStart(bibtex, database); case LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_END: case LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_END: return ""; case LayoutHelper.IS_OPTION_FIELD: return handleOptionField(bibtex, database); case LayoutHelper.IS_ENCODING_NAME: // Printing the encoding name is not supported in entry layouts, only // in begin/end layouts. This prevents breakage if some users depend // on a field called "encoding". We simply return this field instead: return bibtex.getResolvedFieldOrAlias("encoding", database).orElse(null); default: return ""; } } private String handleOptionField(BibEntry bibtex, BibDatabase database) { String fieldEntry; if (BibEntry.TYPE_HEADER.equals(text)) { fieldEntry = bibtex.getType(); } else if (BibEntry.OBSOLETE_TYPE_HEADER.equals(text)) { LOGGER.warn("'" + BibEntry.OBSOLETE_TYPE_HEADER + "' is an obsolete name for the entry type. Please update your layout to use '" + BibEntry.TYPE_HEADER + "' instead."); fieldEntry = bibtex.getType(); } else { // changed section begin - arudert // resolve field (recognized by leading backslash) or text fieldEntry = text.startsWith("\\") ? bibtex .getResolvedFieldOrAlias(text.substring(1), database) .orElse("") : BibDatabase.getText(text, database); // changed section end - arudert } if (option != null) { for (LayoutFormatter anOption : option) { fieldEntry = anOption.format(fieldEntry); } } // If a post formatter has been set, call it: if (postFormatter != null) { fieldEntry = postFormatter.format(fieldEntry); } return fieldEntry; } private String handleFieldOrGroupStart(BibEntry bibtex, BibDatabase database) { Optional<String> field; if (type == LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_START) { field = bibtex.getResolvedFieldOrAlias(text, database); } else if (text.matches(".*(;|(\\&+)).*")) { // split the strings along &, && or ; for AND formatter String[] parts = text.split("\\s*(;|(\\&+))\\s*"); field = Optional.empty(); for (String part : parts) { field = bibtex.getResolvedFieldOrAlias(part, database); if (!field.isPresent()) { break; } } } else { // split the strings along |, || for OR formatter String[] parts = text.split("\\s*(\\|+)\\s*"); field = Optional.empty(); for (String part : parts) { field = bibtex.getResolvedFieldOrAlias(part, database); if (field.isPresent()) { break; } } } if ((!field.isPresent()) || ((type == LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_START) && field.get().equalsIgnoreCase(LayoutHelper.getCurrentGroup()))) { return null; } else { if (type == LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_START) { LayoutHelper.setCurrentGroup(field.get()); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); String fieldText; boolean previousSkipped = false; for (int i = 0; i < layoutEntries.size(); i++) { fieldText = layoutEntries.get(i).doLayout(bibtex, database); if (fieldText == null) { if ((i + 1) < layoutEntries.size()) { if (layoutEntries.get(i + 1).doLayout(bibtex, database).trim().isEmpty()) { i++; previousSkipped = true; continue; } } } else { // if previous was skipped --> remove leading line // breaks if (previousSkipped) { int eol = 0; while ((eol < fieldText.length()) && ((fieldText.charAt(eol) == '\n') || (fieldText.charAt(eol) == '\r'))) { eol++; } if (eol < fieldText.length()) { sb.append(fieldText.substring(eol)); } } else { sb.append(fieldText); } } previousSkipped = false; } return sb.toString(); } } /** * Do layout for general formatters (no bibtex-entry fields). * * @param databaseContext * Bibtex Database * @return */ public String doLayout(BibDatabaseContext databaseContext, Charset encoding) { switch (type) { case LayoutHelper.IS_LAYOUT_TEXT: return text; case LayoutHelper.IS_SIMPLE_FIELD: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bibtex entry fields not allowed in begin or end layout"); case LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_START: case LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_START: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("field and group starts not allowed in begin or end layout"); case LayoutHelper.IS_FIELD_END: case LayoutHelper.IS_GROUP_END: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("field and group ends not allowed in begin or end layout"); case LayoutHelper.IS_OPTION_FIELD: String field = BibDatabase.getText(text, databaseContext.getDatabase()); if (option != null) { for (LayoutFormatter anOption : option) { field = anOption.format(field); } } // If a post formatter has been set, call it: if (postFormatter != null) { field = postFormatter.format(field); } return field; case LayoutHelper.IS_ENCODING_NAME: return encoding.displayName(); case LayoutHelper.IS_FILENAME: return databaseContext.getDatabaseFile().map(File::getName).orElse(""); case LayoutHelper.IS_FILEPATH: return databaseContext.getDatabaseFile().map(File::getPath).orElse(""); default: break; } return ""; } private void doOptionField(String s) { List<String> v = StringUtil.tokenizeToList(s, "\n"); if (v.size() == 1) { text = v.get(0); } else { text = v.get(0).trim(); option = getOptionalLayout(v.get(1)); // See if there was an undefined formatter: for (LayoutFormatter anOption : option) { if (anOption instanceof NotFoundFormatter) { String notFound = ((NotFoundFormatter) anOption).getNotFound(); invalidFormatter.add(notFound); } } } } private LayoutFormatter getLayoutFormatterByName(String name) throws Exception { switch (name) { case "HTMLToLatexFormatter": // For backward compatibility case "HtmlToLatex": return new HtmlToLatexFormatter(); case "UnicodeToLatexFormatter": // For backward compatibility case "UnicodeToLatex": return new UnicodeToLatexFormatter(); case "OOPreFormatter": return new OOPreFormatter(); case "AuthorAbbreviator": return new AuthorAbbreviator(); case "AuthorAndToSemicolonReplacer": return new AuthorAndToSemicolonReplacer(); case "AuthorAndsCommaReplacer": return new AuthorAndsCommaReplacer(); case "AuthorAndsReplacer": return new AuthorAndsReplacer(); case "AuthorFirstAbbrLastCommas": return new AuthorFirstAbbrLastCommas(); case "AuthorFirstAbbrLastOxfordCommas": return new AuthorFirstAbbrLastOxfordCommas(); case "AuthorFirstFirst": return new AuthorFirstFirst(); case "AuthorFirstFirstCommas": return new AuthorFirstFirstCommas(); case "AuthorFirstLastCommas": return new AuthorFirstLastCommas(); case "AuthorFirstLastOxfordCommas": return new AuthorFirstLastOxfordCommas(); case "AuthorLastFirst": return new AuthorLastFirst(); case "AuthorLastFirstAbbrCommas": return new AuthorLastFirstAbbrCommas(); case "AuthorLastFirstAbbreviator": return new AuthorLastFirstAbbreviator(); case "AuthorLastFirstAbbrOxfordCommas": return new AuthorLastFirstAbbrOxfordCommas(); case "AuthorLastFirstCommas": return new AuthorLastFirstCommas(); case "AuthorLastFirstOxfordCommas": return new AuthorLastFirstOxfordCommas(); case "AuthorLF_FF": return new AuthorLF_FF(); case "AuthorLF_FFAbbr": return new AuthorLF_FFAbbr(); case "AuthorNatBib": return new AuthorNatBib(); case "AuthorOrgSci": return new AuthorOrgSci(); case "CompositeFormat": return new CompositeFormat(); case "CreateBibORDFAuthors": return new CreateBibORDFAuthors(); case "CreateDocBookAuthors": return new CreateDocBookAuthors(); case "CurrentDate": return new CurrentDate(); case "DateFormatter": return new DateFormatter(); case "DOICheck": return new DOICheck(); case "DOIStrip": return new DOIStrip(); case "EntryTypeFormatter": return new EntryTypeFormatter(); case "FirstPage": return new FirstPage(); case "FormatPagesForHTML": return new FormatPagesForHTML(); case "FormatPagesForXML": return new FormatPagesForXML(); case "GetOpenOfficeType": return new GetOpenOfficeType(); case "HTMLChars": return new HTMLChars(); case "HTMLParagraphs": return new HTMLParagraphs(); case "Iso690FormatDate": return new Iso690FormatDate(); case "Iso690NamesAuthors": return new Iso690NamesAuthors(); case "JournalAbbreviator": return new JournalAbbreviator(prefs.getJournalAbbreviationLoader(), prefs.getJournalAbbreviationPreferences()); case "LastPage": return new LastPage(); case "FormatChars": // For backward compatibility case "LatexToUnicode": return new LatexToUnicodeFormatter(); case "NameFormatter": return new NameFormatter(); case "NoSpaceBetweenAbbreviations": return new NoSpaceBetweenAbbreviations(); case "Ordinal": return new Ordinal(); case "RemoveBrackets": return new RemoveBrackets(); case "RemoveBracketsAddComma": return new RemoveBracketsAddComma(); case "RemoveLatexCommands": return new RemoveLatexCommandsFormatter(); case "RemoveTilde": return new RemoveTilde(); case "RemoveWhitespace": return new RemoveWhitespace(); case "RisKeywords": return new RisKeywords(); case "RisMonth": return new RisMonth(); case "RTFChars": return new RTFChars(); case "ToLowerCase": return new ToLowerCase(); case "ToUpperCase": return new ToUpperCase(); case "XMLChars": return new XMLChars(); case "Default": return new Default(); case "FileLink": return new FileLink(prefs.getFileLinkPreferences()); case "Number": return new Number(); case "RisAuthors": return new RisAuthors(); case "Authors": return new Authors(); case "IfPlural": return new IfPlural(); case "Replace": return new Replace(); case "WrapContent": return new WrapContent(); case "WrapFileLinks": return new WrapFileLinks(prefs.getFileLinkPreferences()); default: return new NotFoundFormatter(name); } } /** * Return an array of LayoutFormatters found in the given formatterName * string (in order of appearance). * */ private List<LayoutFormatter> getOptionalLayout(String formatterName) { List<List<String>> formatterStrings = parseMethodsCalls(formatterName); List<LayoutFormatter> results = new ArrayList<>(formatterStrings.size()); Map<String, String> userNameFormatter = NameFormatter.getNameFormatters(prefs.getNameFormatterPreferences()); for (List<String> strings : formatterStrings) { String nameFormatterName = strings.get(0).trim(); // Check if this is a name formatter defined by this export filter: Optional<String> contents = prefs.getCustomExportNameFormatter(nameFormatterName); if (contents.isPresent()) { NameFormatter nf = new NameFormatter(); nf.setParameter(contents.get()); results.add(nf); continue; } // Try to load from formatters in formatter folder try { LayoutFormatter f = getLayoutFormatterByName(nameFormatterName); // If this formatter accepts an argument, check if we have one, and // set it if so: if ((f instanceof ParamLayoutFormatter) && (strings.size() >= 2)) { ((ParamLayoutFormatter) f).setArgument(strings.get(1)); } results.add(f); continue; } catch (Exception ex) {"Problem with formatter", ex); } // Then check whether this is a user defined formatter String formatterParameter = userNameFormatter.get(nameFormatterName); if (formatterParameter != null) { NameFormatter nf = new NameFormatter(); nf.setParameter(formatterParameter); results.add(nf); continue; } results.add(new NotFoundFormatter(nameFormatterName)); } return results; } public List<String> getInvalidFormatters() { return invalidFormatter; } public static List<List<String>> parseMethodsCalls(String calls) { List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); char[] c = calls.toCharArray(); int i = 0; while (i < c.length) { int start = i; if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c[i])) { i++; while ((i < c.length) && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c[i]) || (c[i] == '.'))) { i++; } if ((i < c.length) && (c[i] == '(')) { String method = calls.substring(start, i); // Skip the brace i++; int bracelevel = 0; if (i < c.length) { if (c[i] == '"') { // Parameter is in format "xxx" // Skip " i++; int startParam = i; i++; boolean escaped = false; while (((i + 1) < c.length) && !(!escaped && (c[i] == '"') && (c[i + 1] == ')') && (bracelevel == 0))) { if (c[i] == '\\') { escaped = !escaped; } else if (c[i] == '(') { bracelevel++; } else if (c[i] == ')') { bracelevel--; } else { escaped = false; } i++; } String param = calls.substring(startParam, i); result.add(Arrays.asList(method, param)); } else { // Parameter is in format xxx int startParam = i; while ((i < c.length) && (!((c[i] == ')') && (bracelevel == 0)))) { if (c[i] == '(') { bracelevel++; } else if (c[i] == ')') { bracelevel--; } i++; } String param = calls.substring(startParam, i); result.add(Arrays.asList(method, param)); } } else { // Incorrectly terminated open brace result.add(Collections.singletonList(method)); } } else { String method = calls.substring(start, i); result.add(Collections.singletonList(method)); } } i++; } return result; } }